
Specific Relief Act 1877 MCQs

Option A: Perpetual injunction is granted

Option B: Temporary injunction is granted

Option C: Mandatory injunction is granted

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: Perpetual injunction is granted

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Option A: Merits of the suit

Option B: Discretion of the Court

Option C: Demand of the party

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: Merits of the suit

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Option A: For a specified time

Option B: For a time until further order is passed by the court

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: Both A and B

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Option A: Temporary injunction

Option B: Perpetual Injunction

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: Both A and B

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Option A: Preventive Relief

Option B: Statutory Relief

Option C: None of the above

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: Preventive Relief

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Option A: Civil Court

Option B: Session Court

Option C: High Court

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: High Court

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Option A: Declaratory Order

Option B: Peremptory Order

Option C: Injunctive order

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: Peremptory Order

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Option A: Any Court

Option B: High Court

Option C: Supreme Court

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: High Court

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Option A: The Constitution

Option B: The Specific Relief Act, 1877

Option C: The Code of Civil Procedure

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: The Code of Civil Procedure

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Option A: Appointment of local commission

Option B: Appointment of Court Officer

Option C: Appointment of Receiver

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: Appointment of Receiver

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Option A: A may sue for a declaration that they are not entitled to right so claimed

Option B: The villagers may sue for declaration their right of way

Option C: Any stranger person can sue for declaration

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: A may sue for a declaration that they are not entitled to right so claimed

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Option A: Section 40, the Specific Relief Act

Option B: Section 41, the Specific Relief Act

Option C: Section 42, the Specific Relief Act

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: Section 42, the Specific Relief Act

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Option A: A may obtain the cancellation of the policy

Option B: B may obtain the cancellation of the policy

Option C: None of the above may obtain the cancellation of the policy

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: B may obtain the cancellation of the policy

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Option A: Rectification of the instrument

Option B: Recession of contract

Option C: Cancellation of instrument

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: Rectification of the instrument

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Option A: Principles of contracts

Option B: Principles of litigation

Option C: Principles of rectification

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: Principles of rectification

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Option A: May compels A’s heirs or other representative in the interest to perform the contract specifically

Option B: Can not compels A’s heirs or other representatives in interest to perform the contract specifically

Option C: May claim against State.

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: A. May compels A’s heirs or other representative in the interest to perform the contract specifically

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Option A: Which can be specifically enforced without any variation

Option B: Which can not be specifically enforced except with a variation

Option C: None of the above

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: Which can not be specifically enforced except with a variation

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Option A: A cannot enforce specific performance of this contract

Option B: A can enforce specific performance of this contract

Option C: Both (a) and (b)

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: A cannot enforce specific performance of this contract

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Option A: The persons who may obtain specific performance of a contract

Option B: The contracts which may specifically be enforced

Option C: The persons against whom specific performance can not be granted

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: The persons who may obtain specific performance of a contract

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Option A: Written agreements

Option B: Oral agreement

Option C: Both (a) and (b)

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: Both (a) and (b)

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Option A: Section 12 to 20

Option B: Section 12 to 30

Option C: Section 12 to 25

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: Section 12 to 25

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Option A: The Specific Relief Act, 1877

Option B: The Code of Civil Procedure

Option C: The Contract Act, 1872

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: The Code of Civil Procedure

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Option A: Constitutional

Option B: Civil

Option C: Penal

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: Penal

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Option A: Injured person

Option B: Respondents

Option C: None of the above

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: Injured person

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Option A: 5

Option B: 7

Option C: 10

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: 5

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Option A: Enforceable by law

Option B: Not enforceable by law

Option C: Both (a) and (b)

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: Not enforceable by law

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Option A: Duty

Option B: Legal duty

Option C: Obligation

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: Obligation

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Option A: 1

Option B: 2

Option C: None of the above

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: None of the above

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Option A: 1st March 1877

Option B: 1st April 1877

Option C: 1st May 1877

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: 1st May 1877

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Option A: Injunction is granted

Option B: Injunction is refused

Option C: None of the above

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: Injunction is refused

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Option A: Section 53, of the Specific relief Act

Option B: Section 54, of the Specific relief Act

Option C: Section 55, of the Specific relief Act

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: Section 55, of the Specific relief Act

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Option A: Temporary injunctions

Option B: Perpetual injunctions

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: Perpetual injunctions

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Option A: Specific Relief Act

Option B: Code of Civil Procedure

Option C: Transfer of Property Act

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: Code of Civil Procedure

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Option A: At early stage of the suit

Option B: At any stage of the case

Option C: At the end of a case

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: At any stage of the case

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Option A: Discretionary power of the Court

Option B: Fundamental Power of the Court

Option C: Statutory power of the Court

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: Discretionary power of the Court

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Option A: Writ of Habeas Corpus

Option B: Writ of Certiorari

Option C: Writ of Mandamus

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: Writ of Mandamus

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Option A: 47

Option B: 48

Option C: 49

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: 49

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Option A: Orders to public servants for the performance of certain specific acts

Option B: Orders to any private person for the performance of specific acts

Option C: Orders to Both A and B

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: Orders to public servants for the performance of certain specific acts

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Option A: Discretionary power in nature

Option B: Constitutional power in nature

Option C: Statutory power in nature

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: Discretionary power in nature

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Option A: Where he has any other relief

Option B: Where he is weaker

Option C: Where he is malafide in this intentions

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: Where he has any other relief

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Option A: Righ of the plaintiff to any thing

Option B: Right of the defendant to any thing

Option C: Both of above

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: Both of above

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Option A: Cancel it in part and allow it to stand for the residue

Option B: Cancel it in whole

Option C: Can not cancel its any part

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: Cancel it in part and allow it to stand for the residue

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Option A: Cancellation of instruments

Option B: Registration of instrument

Option C: Correctness of instruments

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: Cancellation of instruments

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Option A: B has a right to rescind the contract

Option B: B can not rescind the contract

Option C: A has right to rescind the contract

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: B has a right to rescind the contract

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Option A: Section 27

Option B: Section 31

Option C: Section 34

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: Section 27

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Option A: Section 27, the Specific Relief Act,

Option B: Section 28, the Specific Relief Act,

Option C: Section 30, the Specific Relief Act,

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: Section 28, the Specific Relief Act,

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Option A: File a suit aginst A for specific performance of contract

Option B: Not make any litigation against B

Option C: Make criminal case against A

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: File a suit aginst A for specific performance of contract

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Option A: Who may obtain decree under the Specific Relief Act

Option B: Who are bars to the relief under the Specific Relief Act

Option C: None of the above

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: Who are bars to the relief under the Specific Relief Act

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Option A: Statutory powers

Option B: Discretionary power

Option C: None of the above

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: Discretionary power

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Option A: Sue B for the goods

Option B: Sue Z for the goods

Option C: Sue both B and Z for the goods

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: Sue B for the goods

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Option A: 8

Option B: 9

Option C: 10

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: 9

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Option A: 7 B. 8

Option B: 9

Option C: All of the above

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: Non of These

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Option A: 5

Option B: 6

Option C: 7

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: 5

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Option A: Affidavit

Option B: Power of attorney

Option C: Instrument

Option D: Settlement

Correct Answer: Settlement

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Option A: Penal

Option B: Specific

Option C: Fiscal

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: Specific

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Option A: 55

Option B: 57

Option C: 59

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: 57

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Option A: 7th February, 1877

Option B: 7th March, 1877

Option C: 7th April, 1877

Option D: Non of These

Correct Answer: 7th February, 1877

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