
Mathematics MCQs

Option A: Rs. 14,000

Option B: Rs. 12,000

Option C: Rs. 30,000

Option D: Rs. 40,000

Correct Answer: Rs. 12,000

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Option A: Rs.500

Option B: Rs.750

Option C: Rs.1250

Option D: Rs.1500

Correct Answer: Rs.1500

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Option A: 300

Option B: 400

Option C: 350

Option D: 500

Correct Answer: 400

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Option A: 1/12

Option B: 1/8

Option C: 1/6

Option D: 1/4

Correct Answer: 1/12

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Option A: 80%

Option B: 90%

Option C: 10%

Option D: 50%

Correct Answer: 90%

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Option A: 27 2/23 %

Option B: 33 1/3 %

Option C: 30%

Option D: 19%

Correct Answer: 33 1/3 %

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Option A: 7500

Option B: 5000

Option C: 6000

Option D: 3500

Correct Answer: 7500

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Option A: It increases by 8%

Option B: It decreases by 8%

Option C: No change in revenue

Option D: It increases by 10%

Correct Answer: It decreases by 8%

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Option A: 900

Option B: 950

Option C: 1000

Option D: 975

Correct Answer: 1000

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Option A: A

Option B: B

Option C: C

Option D: All Alike

Correct Answer: C

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Option A: 80%

Option B: 85%

Option C: 96%

Option D: 125%

Correct Answer: 96%

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A. 46%
B. 61%
C. 54%
D. 70%

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Option A: 30%

Option B: 25 1/13 %

Option C: 23 1/13 %

Option D: 22 1/13 %

Correct Answer: 23 1/13 %

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Option A: 16%

Option B: 16 1/3 %

Option C: 20%

Option D: 16 3/5 %

Correct Answer: 20%

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Option A: 11%

Option B: 10%

Option C: 11 1/9 %

Option D: 9 1/11 %

Correct Answer: 11 1/9 %

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Option A: 32256

Option B: 24000

Option C: 24936

Option D: 25640

Correct Answer: 24000

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Option A: 150

Option B: 140

Option C: 130

Option D: 110

Correct Answer: 150

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Option A: 150

Option B: 140

Option C: 130

Option D: 160

Correct Answer: 160

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Option A: 300

Option B: 200

Option C: 400

Option D: 500

Correct Answer: 300

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Option A: 0.03375

Option B: 0.3375

Option C: 3.375

Option D: 33.75

Correct Answer: 0.03375

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Option A: 600

Option B: 700

Option C: 800

Option D: 900

Correct Answer: 800

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Option A: 4

Option B: 6

Option C: 9

Option D: 12

Correct Answer: 12

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Option A: 18

Option B: 13

Option C: 15

Option D: 20

Correct Answer: 18

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Option A: 1400

Option B: 1300

Option C: 1200

Option D: 1100

Correct Answer: 1200

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Option A: 16%

Option B: 16 1/3 %

Option C: 16 2/3 %

Option D: 16 3/5 %

Correct Answer: 16 2/3 %

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Option A: 25%

Option B: 50%

Option C: 75%

Option D: 33%

Correct Answer: 75%

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Option A: 19

Option B: 20

Option C: 21

Option D: 22

Correct Answer: 21

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A. 8:15:30
B. 5:18:28
C. 4:5:6
D. 2:3:5

P1:P2:P3 = (2*4):(3*5):(5*6)
= 8 : 15 : 30

Correct Answer: A. 8:15:30

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A. 160
B. 200
C. 250
D. 240

Let the number of 50p, 1 rupee and 2 rupee coins be 2x,5x and 8x. 0.5*(2x)+5x+2*8x = 352 22x=352 x=16 Total no. of coins
= 2x+5x+8x
= 15x = 240

Correct Answer: D. 240

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A. 2
B. 3
C. 5
D. 6

Then, Y=6, Z=8 XY=kZ 4*6=k*8 8k=24 k=3
Y=12, Z=8

Correct Answer: A. 2

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A. 9
B. 15
C. 25
D. 50

5:x::x:45 x²=45*5 = 225 x=15

Correct Answer: B. 15

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A. 2:3:5
B. 8:12:15
C. 2:8:5
D. 2:7:5

If A:B = m1:n1 ; B:C = m2:n2
Then, A:B:C = (m1*m2):(n1*m2):(n1*n2)
Therefore, X:Y:Z = (2*4):(3*4):(3*5)
= 8:12:15

Correct Answer: B. 8:12:15

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A. 15
B. 10
C. 8
D. 5

a:b = 3:5 5a = 3b (a+2):(b+2) = 2:3 3(a+2) = 2(b+2) 3a+6 = 2b+4 3*(3b/5) = 2b-2 9b = 10b-10 b =10

Correct Answer: B. 10

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A. 1200 m²
B. 1500 m²
C. 12000 m²
D. 15000 m²

Actual length
= 30*500 cm Actual breadth
= 20*500 cm Actual area
= 30*20*500*500 = 15000 m²

Correct Answer: D. 15000 m²

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A. 54 cm
B. 27 cm
C. 12 cm
D. 15 cm

Let the length and breadth be 5x cm and 4x cm.
x²=9,x=3 Length = 15cm Breadth = 12cm Perimeter
= 2(l+b)
= 2*27
= 54 cm

Correct Answer: A. 54 cm

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A. 16 : 2 : 3
B. 8 : 3 : 6
C. 16 : 2 : 9
D. 6 : 9 : 1

Let the profit of X be P1, that of Y be P2 and of Z be P3.
P1:P2:P3 = 20000*12 : 7500*4 : 15000*9 = 240 : 30 : 135 = 80 : 10 : 45
= 16 : 2 : 9

Correct Answer: C. 16 : 2 : 9

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A. 1/3
B. 7/9
C. 5/12
D. None of these

M/P = M/N * N/O * O/P = ¾ * 5/7 * 7/9 = 5/ 12

Correct Answer: C. 5/12

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A. 45 cm
B. 40 cm
C. 36 cm
D. 27 cm

Let the three sides be 4x,3x and 2x. 4x+3x+2x = 81 9x = 81 x = 9 Length of the largest side
= 4x = 36 cm

Correct Answer: C. 36 cm

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A. 96
B. 68
C. 72
D. 108

Let the number of boys and girls in the class be 11x and 13x. 4 boys and 8 girls join the class. Strength of the class
= 11x+13x+4+8
= 24x+12 (11x+4):(13x+8) = 4:5 5*(11x+4)=4*(13x+8) 55x+20=52x+32 3x=12 x=4 24x+12=108

Correct Answer: D. 108

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A. 48
B. 42
C. 60
D. 70

7x+8x=90 15x=90 x=6 Number of boys=7x=42

Correct Answer: B. 42

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A. 120
B. 80
C. 192
D. 48

If A invests amount C1 for T1 time and his share of profit is P1, and B invests amount C2 for T2 time and his share of profit is P2, then, C1 * T1 / C2 * T2 = P1/P2
If P is the Nasir’s share of profit, then Changaz gets (240 – P)
Therefore, 6000 * 12 / 3000 * 6 = (240 – P) / P = 72/ 18 = 4
4P = (240 – P)
5P = 240
P = 48

Correct Answer: D. 48

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A. 5:4
B. 5:2
C. 2:5
D. 4:5

(x/100)*200 = (y/100)*250 y/x = 20/25 = 4/5 y:x=4:5

Correct Answer: D. 4:5

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A. 66
B. 48
C. 24
D. 8

Let the number of 1 rupee, 2 rupee and 5 rupee coins be 3x, 5x and 4x. (1*3x)+(2*5x)+(5*4x)=264 3x+10x+20x=264 33x=264 x=8 No. of 1 rupee coins
= 3x = 24

Correct Answer: C. 24

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A. Rs.1200,Rs.800
B. Rs.800,Rs.1200
C. Rs.1500,Rs.500
D. Rs.1100, Rs.900

3x+2x=2000 5x=2000 x=400 3x=1200 2x=800

Correct Answer: A. Rs.1200,Rs.800

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A. 30, 19
B. 21, 37
C. 15, 34
D. 15, 27

Let the two numbers be 5x and 9x.
(5x-5)/(9x-5) = 5:11
(5x-5)*11 = (9x-5)*5
55x – 55 = 45x – 25
10x = 30
x = 3
Therefore, the numbers are 15 and 27.

Correct Answer: D. 15, 27

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A. 8.96
B. 8
C. 4.5
D. 6.2

3.5/5/6 = 5.6/x ; x = 5.6 * 5.6 / 3.5 = 8.96

Correct Answer: A. 8.96

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A. 360
B. 380
C. 375
D. 400

Flour and sugar have to mixed in the ratio 4:5 4:5::300:x 4x=1500 x=375 375 grams of sugar should be mixed.

Correct Answer: C. 375

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A. 32:35
B. 67:56
C. 5:14
D. 5:7

X:Z=(X:Y)*(Y:Z) =(5:8)*(4:7) = (5/8)*(4/7) = 5/14

Correct Answer: C. 5:14

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A. 3:1
B. 4:1
C. 3:4
D. 4:3

Let the total quantity of mixture be 1. If quantity of 1st type is x then quantity of the 2nd type will be (1-x)
Therefore, 13x + 19(1-x) = 14.2
13x -19x + 19 = 14.2
4.8 = 6x
x = 0.8 ; (1-x) = 0.2
Therefore, the ratio is 0.8 : 0.2 = 4:1

Correct Answer: B. 4:1

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A. Rs.100
B. Rs.700
C. Rs.1600
D. Rs.2000

Let the amount be divided into 7x,4x,3x and 2x.
7x-2x = 500 5x=500 x = 100

Total amount = 7x+4x+3x+2x = 16x = Rs.1600

Correct Answer: C. Rs.1600

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A. 1:4
B. 3:4
C. 1:3
D. 2:3

x = z+(20/100)z = 1.2z y = 1.8z x:y = 1.2z:1.8z = 12:18 = 2:3

Correct Answer: D. 2:3

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A. 18
B. 15
C. 12
D. 5

2x/25 = 6/(x/3) 2x/25 = 18/x 2x*x = 18*25 x² = 9*25 x=3*5 x=15

Correct Answer: B. 15

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A. 1:2
B. 3:5
C. 1:3
D. 3:4

72 should be divisible by addition of the above ratio.
Using trial and error method
For (a): – 1+2 = 3, 72 is divisible by 3
For (b): – 3+5 = 8, 72 is divisible by 8
For (a): – 1+3 = 4, 72 is divisible by 4
For (a): – 3+4 = 7, 72 is not divisible by 7
Therefore, the answer is option (d)

Correct Answer: D. 3:4

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A. 2:3
B. 3:2
C. 3:4
D. 4:3

x+y = 750 y-x = 150 Solving,
y = 450
x = 300 x:y = 300:450 = 2:3

Correct Answer: A. 2:3

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A. 3:2
B. 1:2
C. 1:5
D. 2:1

p = q+(50/100)q = 1.5q p:q = 1.5q:q = 1.5:1 = 3:2

Correct Answer: A. 3:2

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A. 8
B. 6
C. 12
D. 18

Let the numbers be 3x,5x and 6x. (3x)²+(5x)²+(6x)²=280 9x²+25x²+36x²=280 70x²=280 x²=4 x=2 The greatest number is 6x=12.

Correct Answer: C. 12

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A. 9:19
B. 19:9
C. 15:28
D. 28:15

Let A1 be the area of flat and A2 be that of the commercial space
Total cost = area * rate
Therefore, cost of flat = A1*4500 ; cost of commercial space = A2*9500
Both the above costs are same
A1*4500 = A2*9500
A1:A2 = 9500:4500 = 19:9

Correct Answer: B. 19:9

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A. 44
B. 55
C. 66
D. 77

Let the numbers be a, b and c. a+b+c = 172 a:b = 8:11 b:c = 5:7 11a = 8b a = 8b/11 7b = 5c c = 7b/5 (8b/11)+b+(7b/5) = 172 40b+55b+77b = 172*55 172b = 172*55 b=55

Correct Answer: B. 55

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A. Rs.18000
B. Rs.13000
C. Rs.15000
D. Rs.10000

4S+5D+3C=130000 3C=2D 3D=2S S=3D/2 [4*(3D/2)]+5D+2D = 130000 6D+5D+2D = 130000 13D = 130000 D = Rs.10000 S=3D/2 = Rs.15000

Correct Answer: C. Rs.15000

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A. 4
B. 6
C. 3
D. 2

Let the numbers be 2x and 3x. (2x)³+(3x)³=280 8x³+27x³=280 35x³=280 x³=8 x=2 The numbers are 4 and 6.

Correct Answer: A. 4

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A. 38
B. 35
C. 10
D. 28

Let z = 4y-1
When x = 14, y = 2, z = (4*2) – 1 = 7
Now, x varies directly as z = 4y-1
When y = 5, z = (4*5) – 1 = 19
x 14 7
y – 19
Therefore, x = (14*19)/7 = 38

Correct Answer: A. 38

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A. 6:10
B. 13:20
C. 3:4
D. 35:33

Let the number of seats be 5x and 8x. New ratio
= (1.3*5x):(1.25*8x)
= 6.5x:10x
= 13:20

Correct Answer: B. 13:20

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A. 2:5
B. 4:5
C. 6:5
D. 8:5

A:C=(A:B)*(B:C) =(2/3)*(3/4)= 1/2 C:D=(C:A)*(A:D) =(2)*(4/5) = 8:5

Correct Answer: D. 8:5

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A. 63
B. 31
C. 21
D. 27

3:7::9:x 3x=7*9=63 x=21

Correct Answer: C. 21

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A. 2 : 5
B. 3 : 7
C. 5 : 3
D. 7 : 3

Correct Answer: C. 5 : 3

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A. 2 : 3 : 4
B. 6 : 7 : 8
C. 6 : 8 : 9
D. None of these

5:7:8 = 50:70:80
50*140/100=70 ; 70*150/100=105 ; 80*175/100=140
70: 105: 140 or
14: 21: 28 or
2: 3: 4

Correct Answer: A. 2 : 3 : 4

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A. 50
B. 100
C. 150
D. 200

Correct Answer: C. 150

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A. 27
B. 33
C. 49
D. 55

Correct Answer: C. 49

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A. 2 : 5
B. 3 : 5
C. 4 : 5
D. 6 : 7

Let the third number be x.
Then, first number = 120% of x = 120x/100 = 6x/5 second numbet = 150% of x = 150x/100 = 3x/2 Ratio of first two numbers = 6x/5 : 3x/2 =12x : 15x = 4 : 5.

Correct Answer: C. 4 : 5

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A. Rs. 500
B. Rs. 1500
C. Rs. 2000
D. None of these

Correct Answer: C. Rs. 2000

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A. 8 : 9
B. 17 : 18
C. 21 : 22
D. Cannot be determined

Originally, let the number of boys and girls in the college be 7x and 8x respectively. Their increased number is (120% of 7x) and (110% of 8x), i . e . ( 120/100 X 7x ) and ( 110/100 X 8x ) i . e . 42x/5 and 44x/5 Required ratio = 42x/5 : 44x/5 = 21 : 22

Correct Answer: C. 21 : 22

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A. 20
B. 30
C. 48
D. 58

Let the three parts be A, B, C Then,
A : B = 2 : 3 and B : C = 5 : 8 (5 X 3/5 ) : (8 X 3/5 ) = 3 : 24/5
A:B:C= 2 : 3 : 24/5 10:15:24
B = (98 X 15/49 ) = 30.

Correct Answer: B. 30

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A. 26
B. 35
C. 53
D. Cannot be determined

Correct Answer: B. 35

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A. 18
B. 24
C. 42
D. 81

Correct Answer: B. 24

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A. 14
B. 20
C. 26
D. 28

Let the number be x. Then, 15x – x = 196
14x = 196 x = 14.

Correct Answer: A. 14

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A. 20
B. 30
C. 40
D. None of these

Correct Answer: A. 20

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A. 6
B. 12
C. 18
D. None of these

Let the numbers be 3x, 4x and 6x.
Then, 3x x 4x x 6x = 1944 72x3 = 1944
x3 = 27 ,=> x = 3
∴ Largest number = 6x = 18,

Correct Answer: C. 18

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A. 15
B. 26
C. 28
D. 13

Let the number be x.
Then, x + x2 = 182 x2 + x – 182 = 0
(x + 14) (x – 13) = 0 x = 13.

Correct Answer: D. 13

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A. 104
B. 114
C. 315
D. 325

Let the numbers be x and y. Then, x + y = 25 and x – y = 13.
4xy = (x + y)2 – (x – y)2 = (25)2 – (13)2 = 625- 169 = 456
=> xy = 114.

Correct Answer: B. 114

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A. 9
B. 12
C. 15
D. 18

Let the numbers be x and y.
Then, x + y = 33     …(i)
and x – y = 15     …(ii)
Solving (i) and (ii), we get : x = 24, y = 9.
∴ Smaller number = 9.

Correct Answer: A. 9

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A. 3 km
B. 4 km
C. 5 km
D. 6 km

Correct Answer: D. 6 km

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A. 121 km
B. 242 km
C. 224 km
D. 112 km

Correct Answer: C. 224 km

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A. 10 km
B. 8 km
C. 12 km
D. 9 km

Let the distance covered by walking be x km
the distance covered by running be (20-x) km Time for walking + time for running = 3.5 hours (x/4)+[(20-x)/10]=3.5 Solving,
5x+40-2x = 70

Correct Answer: A. 10 km

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A. 133.33 kmph
B. 1.33 kmph
C. 4 kmph
D. 8 kmph

He crosses 0.4 km in 3/60th of an hour. Speed = 0.4/(1/20) = 8 kmph

Correct Answer: D. 8 kmph

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A. 17:13
B. 17:30
C. 13:30
D. None of these

Correct Answer: A. 17:13

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A. 6s
B. 2.08s
C. 7.5s
D. 8s

60 km/hr = 60 * 5/18 = 16.67 m/s
Speed = distance/time; v = d/t
16.67 = 125/t
t = 7.5s

Correct Answer: C. 7.5s

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A. 1 hr 42 min
B. 1 hr
C. 2 hr
D. 1 hr 12 min

New speed = 6/7 of usual speed
Speed and time are inversely proportional.
Hence new time = 7/6 of usual time
Hence, 7/6 of usual time – usual time = 12 minutes
=> 1/6 of usual time = 12 minutes
=> usual time = 12 x 6 = 72 minutes
= 1 hour 12 minutes

Correct Answer: D. 1 hr 12 min

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A. 12
B. 11
C. 10
D. 9

speed of the bus excluding stoppages = 54 kmph
speed of the bus including stoppages = 45 kmph
Loss in speed when including stoppages = 54 – 45 = 9kmph
=> In 1 hour, bus covers 9 km less due to stoppages
Hence, time that the bus stop per hour = time taken to cover 9 km

=distance/speed=9/54 hour=1/6 hour = 60/6 min=10 min

Correct Answer: C. 10

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A. 39 seconds
B. 40 seconds
C. 39.38 seconds
D. 39.5 seconds

The first pole is crossed at the zeroth second. The timer starts after the car crosses the first pole. Let the distance between each pole be x m. To reach the 16th pole, the distance travelled by the car is 15x. The speed of the car is 15x/30 = x/2 m/s To reach the 21st pole, it has to travel a distance of 20x. Time taken
= 20x÷(x/2)
= 40 seconds

Correct Answer: B. 40 seconds

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A. 3 hours 20 minutes
B. 3 hours 15 minutes
C. 3 hours 30 minutes
D. 3 hours

Let his usual speed be x kmph, the distance to his office be y km and his usual travel time be t hrs. y = xt = (5/6)x * (t+(40/60)) Solving the equation,
t = 3.33 hrs = 3 hrs 20 minutes

Correct Answer: A. 3 hours 20 minutes

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A. 12 km
B. 14 km
C. 16 km
D. 18 km

Correct Answer: C. 16 km

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A. 8.2
B. 4.2
C. 6.1
D. 7.2

Correct Answer: D. 7.2

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A. 20 minutes
B. 30 minutes
C. 40 minutes
D. 50 minutes

Let his
usual speed be x kmph
usual travel time be t hours
distance to office be d km d=xt d=(0.8x)*[t+(10/60)] xt=0.8xt+(2x/15) Solving,
t=40 minutes

Correct Answer: C. 40 minutes

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A. 38
B. 40
C. 44
D. 48

Let the speed of the faster train be x miles per hour and
the distance travelled by it when it meets the slower train be y miles. Time taken by the faster train to cover y miles
= Time taken by the slower train to cover (287-y) miles
= 3.5 hours (y/x) = (287-y)/(x-6) = 3.5 Solving, x = 44 miles/hr

Correct Answer: C. 44

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A. 2:5
B. 5:3
C. 3:5
D. 1:2

X ———— Y ———— Z
If ‘d’ is the distance between X and Y, then ‘d’ is the distance between Y and Z.
Now the total time for the batsman to row from X to Z is 4 hours. Therefore, time to row from X to Y is 2 hours.
Also the time for the boats man to row from X to Y and back is 10 hours. Hence, time required to row from Y to X is 8 hours.
If, a: speed of boats man in still water
b: speed of the river
d/(a + b) = 2; d/(a – b) = 8
2*(a + b) = 8*(a – b)
a + b = 4a – 4b
3a = 5b
a:b = 5:3

Correct Answer: B. 5:3

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A. 22 km/hr
B. 33 km/hr
C. 66 km/hr
D. 44 km/hr

The relative speed of A and B is 6 km/hr = 1.67 m/s
As the car passes A after 10s, the distance between A and B after 10s (i.e. at 11th second) is the distance covered by car in 1 second.
Therefore, at t = 11, d = 1.67 * 11
d = 18.33 m
v = d/t = 18.33/1 = 18.33m/s
v = 66 km/hr

Correct Answer: C. 66 km/hr

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A. 70.24 km/hr
B. 74. 24 km/hr
C. 71.11 km/hr
D. 72.21 km/hr

Correct Answer: C. 71.11 km/hr

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A. 11 hrs
B. 8 hrs 45 min
C. 7 hrs 45 min
D. 9 hts 20 min

Given that time taken for riding both ways will be 2 hours lesser than
the time needed for waking one way and riding back
From this, we can understand that
time needed for riding one way = time needed for waking one way – 2 hours
Given that time taken in walking one way and riding back = 5 hours 45 min
Hence The time he would take to walk both ways = 5 hours 45 min + 2 hours = 7 hours 45 min

Correct Answer: C. 7 hrs 45 min

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A. 14.4 minutes
B. 20 minutes
C. 28.8 minutes
D. 32 minutes

(2/3)*24=16 miles Time taken to cover the first 16 miles
= (16/40) hours
= 24 minutes Time taken to cover the next 8 miles
= (8/60) hours
= 8 minutes Time taken for the entire journey
= 32 minutes

Correct Answer: D. 32 minutes

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A. 4.5 kmph
B. 4.8 kmph
C. 5 kmph
D. 5.1 kmph

Time taken for the forward journey
= 2/6 = (1/3) hrs Time taken for the return journey
= 2/4 = (1/2) hrs Total time = 5/6 hrs Average speed = 4/(5/6) = 24/5 = 4.8kmph

Correct Answer: B. 4.8 kmph

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