
Time & Distance MCQs

Option A: 3.6 sec

Option B: 18 sec

Option C: 36 sec

Option D: 72 sec

Correct Answer: 36 sec

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Option A: 36

Option B: 45

Option C: 48

Option D: 49

Correct Answer: 48

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Option A: 120

Option B: 260

Option C: 240

Option D: 220

Correct Answer: 240

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Option A: 80 Sec

Option B: 89 Sec

Option C: 90 Sec

Option D: 95 Sec

Correct Answer: 89 Sec

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A. 3 km
B. 4 km
C. 5 km
D. 6 km

Correct Answer: D. 6 km

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A. 121 km
B. 242 km
C. 224 km
D. 112 km

Correct Answer: C. 224 km

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A. 10 km
B. 8 km
C. 12 km
D. 9 km

Let the distance covered by walking be x km
the distance covered by running be (20-x) km Time for walking + time for running = 3.5 hours (x/4)+[(20-x)/10]=3.5 Solving,
5x+40-2x = 70

Correct Answer: A. 10 km

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A. 133.33 kmph
B. 1.33 kmph
C. 4 kmph
D. 8 kmph

He crosses 0.4 km in 3/60th of an hour. Speed = 0.4/(1/20) = 8 kmph

Correct Answer: D. 8 kmph

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A. 17:13
B. 17:30
C. 13:30
D. None of these

Correct Answer: A. 17:13

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A. 6s
B. 2.08s
C. 7.5s
D. 8s

60 km/hr = 60 * 5/18 = 16.67 m/s
Speed = distance/time; v = d/t
16.67 = 125/t
t = 7.5s

Correct Answer: C. 7.5s

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A. 1 hr 42 min
B. 1 hr
C. 2 hr
D. 1 hr 12 min

New speed = 6/7 of usual speed
Speed and time are inversely proportional.
Hence new time = 7/6 of usual time
Hence, 7/6 of usual time – usual time = 12 minutes
=> 1/6 of usual time = 12 minutes
=> usual time = 12 x 6 = 72 minutes
= 1 hour 12 minutes

Correct Answer: D. 1 hr 12 min

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A. 12
B. 11
C. 10
D. 9

speed of the bus excluding stoppages = 54 kmph
speed of the bus including stoppages = 45 kmph
Loss in speed when including stoppages = 54 – 45 = 9kmph
=> In 1 hour, bus covers 9 km less due to stoppages
Hence, time that the bus stop per hour = time taken to cover 9 km

=distance/speed=9/54 hour=1/6 hour = 60/6 min=10 min

Correct Answer: C. 10

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A. 39 seconds
B. 40 seconds
C. 39.38 seconds
D. 39.5 seconds

The first pole is crossed at the zeroth second. The timer starts after the car crosses the first pole. Let the distance between each pole be x m. To reach the 16th pole, the distance travelled by the car is 15x. The speed of the car is 15x/30 = x/2 m/s To reach the 21st pole, it has to travel a distance of 20x. Time taken
= 20x÷(x/2)
= 40 seconds

Correct Answer: B. 40 seconds

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A. 3 hours 20 minutes
B. 3 hours 15 minutes
C. 3 hours 30 minutes
D. 3 hours

Let his usual speed be x kmph, the distance to his office be y km and his usual travel time be t hrs. y = xt = (5/6)x * (t+(40/60)) Solving the equation,
t = 3.33 hrs = 3 hrs 20 minutes

Correct Answer: A. 3 hours 20 minutes

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A. 12 km
B. 14 km
C. 16 km
D. 18 km

Correct Answer: C. 16 km

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A. 8.2
B. 4.2
C. 6.1
D. 7.2

Correct Answer: D. 7.2

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A. 20 minutes
B. 30 minutes
C. 40 minutes
D. 50 minutes

Let his
usual speed be x kmph
usual travel time be t hours
distance to office be d km d=xt d=(0.8x)*[t+(10/60)] xt=0.8xt+(2x/15) Solving,
t=40 minutes

Correct Answer: C. 40 minutes

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A. 38
B. 40
C. 44
D. 48

Let the speed of the faster train be x miles per hour and
the distance travelled by it when it meets the slower train be y miles. Time taken by the faster train to cover y miles
= Time taken by the slower train to cover (287-y) miles
= 3.5 hours (y/x) = (287-y)/(x-6) = 3.5 Solving, x = 44 miles/hr

Correct Answer: C. 44

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A. 2:5
B. 5:3
C. 3:5
D. 1:2

X ———— Y ———— Z
If ‘d’ is the distance between X and Y, then ‘d’ is the distance between Y and Z.
Now the total time for the batsman to row from X to Z is 4 hours. Therefore, time to row from X to Y is 2 hours.
Also the time for the boats man to row from X to Y and back is 10 hours. Hence, time required to row from Y to X is 8 hours.
If, a: speed of boats man in still water
b: speed of the river
d/(a + b) = 2; d/(a – b) = 8
2*(a + b) = 8*(a – b)
a + b = 4a – 4b
3a = 5b
a:b = 5:3

Correct Answer: B. 5:3

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A. 22 km/hr
B. 33 km/hr
C. 66 km/hr
D. 44 km/hr

The relative speed of A and B is 6 km/hr = 1.67 m/s
As the car passes A after 10s, the distance between A and B after 10s (i.e. at 11th second) is the distance covered by car in 1 second.
Therefore, at t = 11, d = 1.67 * 11
d = 18.33 m
v = d/t = 18.33/1 = 18.33m/s
v = 66 km/hr

Correct Answer: C. 66 km/hr

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A. 70.24 km/hr
B. 74. 24 km/hr
C. 71.11 km/hr
D. 72.21 km/hr

Correct Answer: C. 71.11 km/hr

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A. 11 hrs
B. 8 hrs 45 min
C. 7 hrs 45 min
D. 9 hts 20 min

Given that time taken for riding both ways will be 2 hours lesser than
the time needed for waking one way and riding back
From this, we can understand that
time needed for riding one way = time needed for waking one way – 2 hours
Given that time taken in walking one way and riding back = 5 hours 45 min
Hence The time he would take to walk both ways = 5 hours 45 min + 2 hours = 7 hours 45 min

Correct Answer: C. 7 hrs 45 min

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A. 14.4 minutes
B. 20 minutes
C. 28.8 minutes
D. 32 minutes

(2/3)*24=16 miles Time taken to cover the first 16 miles
= (16/40) hours
= 24 minutes Time taken to cover the next 8 miles
= (8/60) hours
= 8 minutes Time taken for the entire journey
= 32 minutes

Correct Answer: D. 32 minutes

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A. 4.5 kmph
B. 4.8 kmph
C. 5 kmph
D. 5.1 kmph

Time taken for the forward journey
= 2/6 = (1/3) hrs Time taken for the return journey
= 2/4 = (1/2) hrs Total time = 5/6 hrs Average speed = 4/(5/6) = 24/5 = 4.8kmph

Correct Answer: B. 4.8 kmph

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A. 1.8 km/hr
B. 3 km/hr
C. 3.6 km/hr
D. 4 km/hr

Let x be the speed of the river.
Ds = (6 + x) km/hr; Us = (6 – x) km/hr
If t hours is the time to row downstream then 4t hours is the time to row upstream.
(6 + x)*t = (6 – x)*4t
6 + x = 24 – 4x
x = 3.6 km/hr

Correct Answer: C. 3.6 km/hr

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A. 0.60 minutes
B. 0.36 minutes
C. 0.78 minutes
D. 0.42 minutes

Total distance = addition of length of the two trains = 140 + 120 = 260 metres
As the two trains are travelling in the same direction, their relative speed is:
v = | v1 – v2 | = | 40 – 60 | = 20 km/hr = 20*1000/60 = 1000/3 metres/min
t = 260/ 1000*3
t = 0.78 minutes

Correct Answer: C. 0.78 minutes

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A. 2:5
B. 4:3
C. 1:2
D. 1:1

Rayan’s speed = 1000/300 = 3.33 m/s
Hence Ratio  =  1:1

Correct Answer: D. 1:1

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A. 6:8
B. 3:7
C. 5:4
D. 4:3

If the ratio of the speeds of two objects is a:b, then the time taken by them to cover the same distance is
b:a Hence, the answer is 4:3

Correct Answer: D. 4:3

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A. 400
B. 320
C. 240
D. 300

With a full tank, it can travel
360*4/3 = 480 km With 2/3 full tank, it can travel
480*2/3 = 320 km

Correct Answer: B. 320

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A. 20 km
B. 40 km
C. 30 km
D. 10 km

x = 7 km/hr ; y = 3 km/hr
Ds = 10 km/hr ; Us = 4 km/hr
Distance (d) is same. Therefore, if time taken for downstream is t hours, the time for upstream is (t + 6) hours.
10*t = 4*(t + 6)
6t = 24 ; t = 4 hours
d = 10*4 = 40 km

Correct Answer: B. 40 km

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A. 36
B. 24
C. 30
D. 18

Let t be his usual time to reach his office and v be his usual speed.
v = d/t ……….(d is the distance Afnan travels while going to his office)
vt = d
At v1 = 4v/5 ; t1 = t + 6
4v/5 = d/(t + 6)
4v/5* (t + 6) = d
4v/5* (t + 6) = vt
On solving we get,
t = 24 minutes

Correct Answer: B. 24

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A. 17 hr
B. 14 hr
C. 12 hr
D. 19 hr

Relative speed = 5.5 – 5 = .5 kmph (because they walk in the same direction)
distance = 8.5 km

time = distance/speed=8.5/.5=17 hr

Correct Answer: A. 17 hr

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A. 30 kmph
B. 27 kmph
C. 25 kmph
D. 20 kmph

Distance = 24*50/60 = 20 km New Speed = 20/(40/60)) = 30 kmph

Correct Answer: A. 30 kmph

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A. 9
B. 10
C. 12
D. 20

Due to stoppages, the bus travels only 45 kms in an hour (9 kms less). To cover a distance of 9 km at a speed of 54 kmph, time taken
= 9/54 = 1/6 hrs = 10 mins.

Correct Answer: B. 10

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A. (7 , 3) km/hr
B. (6 , 4) km/hr
C. (10 , 4) km/hr
D. None of these

If x: speed of boats man in still water
y: speed of the river
Downstream speed (Ds) = x + y
Upstream speed (Us) = x – y
x = (Ds + Us) / 2
y = (Ds – Us) / 2
In the above problem Ds = 10 ; Us = 4
x = (10 + 4) / 2 = 14/2 = 7 km/hr
y = (10 – 4)/2 = 6/2 = 3 km/hr

Correct Answer: A. (7 , 3) km/hr

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A. 2.5 km
B. 7.2 km
C. 7 km
D. 3.6 km

Average speed of Taimoor = (2*2*3)/(2 + 3) = 2.4 km/hr
If d is he distance between the school and Taimoor’s home, then total distance walked by Taimoor = 2d, and the total time taken is 3 hours
2.4 = 2d/3
7.2 = 2d
d = 3.6 km

Correct Answer: D. 3.6 km

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A. 80 kmph
B. 102 kmph
C. 120 kmph
D. 140 kmph

Correct Answer: C. 120 kmph

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A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8

Relative speed = Speed of A + Speed of B (∴ they walk in opposite directions)
= 2 + 3 = 5 rounds per hour
=> They cross each other 5 times in 1 hour and 2 times in 1/2 hour
Time duration from 8 am to 9.30 am = 1.5 hour
Hence they cross each other 7 times before 9.30 am

Correct Answer: C. 7

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A. 5 kmph
B. 4 kmph
C. 4.5 kmph
D. 3 kmph

If he travels at 6 kmph,
time taken to reach = 12/6 = 2 hours But he takes 3 hours.
Speed = 12/3 = 4 kmph

Correct Answer: B. 4 kmph

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A. 50 km
B. 45 km
C. 40 km
D. 30 km

Correct Answer: B. 45 km

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A. 3000m
B. 7500m
C. 3750m
D. 7000m

Average speed for Raj is: v = (2*9*10)/(9+10) = 180/19 km/hr = 50/19 m/s
Average speed for Rohit = 12 km/hr = 10/3 m/s
Now, v = d/t
As d is same, v*t = constant.
Let, t be the time taken by Rohit in seconds. Hence, time taken by Raj is (t +600)s
50/19 * (t + 600) = 10/3 * t
150*(t + 600) = 190t
t = 2250s
Let d be the distance between the house and the office
2d = 2250 * 10/3
2d = 7500 m
d = 3750m

Correct Answer: C. 3750m

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A. 660 km/hr
B. 680 km/hr
C. 700 km/hr
D. 720 km/hr

Distance = Speed x Time = 240 x 5 km
New time =5/3 hr

Hence, new speed = Distance/Time =240*5/5/3

=240×3=720 km/hr

Correct Answer: D. 720 km/hr

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A. 36
B. 52
C. 41
D. 40

Correct Answer: D. 40

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A. 216 km
B. 240 km
C. 228 km
D. 200 km

Correct Answer: A. 216 km

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A. 120 km
B. 100 km
C. 80 km
D. 75 km

Let the speed of the bike be x kmph. Then the speed of the car will be 3x/2 kmph. Time taken by the bike
t1 = 100/x Time taken by the bike
t2 = 100/(3x/2) t1 – t2 = 25/60 (100/x) – (100/(3x/2)) = 5/12 Solving the equation, x = 80 kmph

Correct Answer: C. 80 km

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A. 85 miles
B. 70 miles
C. 50 miles
D. 120 miles

Correct Answer: A. 85 miles

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A. 47.5
B. 50
C. 45
D. 40

Correct Answer: D. 40

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A. 11.2 kmph
B. 10 kmph
C. 10.2 kmph
D. 10.8 kmph

Correct Answer: D. 10.8 kmph

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A. 30 km/hr
B. 35 km/hr
C. 25 km/hr
D. 40 km/hr

Correct Answer: B. 35 km/hr

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A. 66 km
B. 55 km
C. 50 km
D. 60 km

Correct Answer: D. 60 km

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A. 300 km
B. 290 km
C. 250 km
D. 240 km

Total distance = (120*2) + (100*(1/2)) = 290 km

Correct Answer: B. 290 km

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A. 8 kmph
B. 11 kmph
C. 12 kmph
D. 14 kmph

Correct Answer: C. 12 kmph

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A. 30 km
B. 40 km
C. 70 km
D. 80 km

Correct Answer: C. 70 km

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A. 5 km
B. 5.5 km
C. 6 km
D. 6.5 km

Average speed = ( 2 X 3 X 2/3 + 2 ) km/ hr = 12/5 km/ hr. Distance travelled = ( 12/5 X 5 )km = 12 km. So Distance between house and school = ( 12/2 )km = 6 km.

Correct Answer: C. 6 km

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A. 6 hrs 21 min
B. 6 hrs 24 min
C. 6 hrs 27 min
D. 6 hrs 30 min

Time taken to cover 600 km = ( 600/100 ) hrs = 6 hrs. Number of stoppages = ( 600/75 – 1 ) = 7 Total time of stoppage = (3 x 7) min = 21 min. Hence, total time taken = 6 hrs 21 min.

Correct Answer: A. 6 hrs 21 min

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A. 7.42 a.m.
B. 7.48 a.m.
C. 8.10 a.m.
D. 8.30 a.m.

Correct Answer: A. 7.42 a.m.

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A. 220 km
B. 224 km
C. 230 km
D. 234 km

Correct Answer: B. 224 km

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A. 45 metres
B. 55 metres
C. 450 metres
D. Cannot be determined

Correct Answer: C. 450 metres

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A. 10 min
B. 11 min 20 sec
C. 13 min
D. 13 min 20 sec

Speed = (10 X 60/12 ) km/hr = 50 km/hr. New speed = (50 – 5) km / hr = 45 km /hr. So Time taken = ( 10/45 ) hr = ( 2/9X 60 )min 131/3 min = 13 min 20 sec.

Correct Answer: D. 13 min 20 sec

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Option A: 2.5

Option B: 2.0

Option C: 1.75

Option D: 1.5

Correct Answer: 1.5

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