
Amalgams MCQs

Option A: Continuing alloying between silver-tin alloy and mercury during the life of restoration

Option B: Deformation of set amalgam during function

Option C: Process whereby alloy is wetted by murcury

Option D: Spread of amalgam during packing

Correct Answer: Deformation of set amalgam during function

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Option A: Compressive stress

Option B: Impact stress

Option C: Shear stress

Option D: Tensile stress

Correct Answer: Compressive stress

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Option A: 80 Mpa

Option B: 140 Mpa

Option C: 260 Mpa

Option D: 510 Mpa

Correct Answer: 80 Mpa

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Option A: 9-20% copper

Option B: 13-20% copper

Option C: 9-30% copper

Option D: 13-30% copper

Correct Answer: 9-20% copper

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Option A: Increase in tarnish and corrosion resistance

Option B: Increase the marginal strength

Option C: Decrease the tarnish and corrosion resistance

Option D: Increased compressive strength

Correct Answer: Increase in tarnish and corrosion resistance

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Option A: Using spherical particles

Option B: Lathe cut alloy

Option C: Altering Hg-Alloy ratio

Option D: Trituration time

Correct Answer: Trituration time

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Option A: Less than 0.02%

Option B: Less than 0.1%

Option C: Less than 0.01%

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Less than 0.01%

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Option A: Have less marginal breakdown

Option B: Are workable at lower Hg-alloy ratio

Option C: Have a higher ratio of tensile to compressive strength

Option D: Have less resistance to tarnish and corrosion

Correct Answer: Have less marginal breakdown

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Option A: Silver

Option B: Tin

Option C: Zinc

Option D: Copper

Correct Answer: Silver

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Option A: Dissolve the alloy in mercury

Option B: Coat the alloy particle with mercury

Option C: Remove excess mercury from the amalgam

Option D: Dissolve Hg in alloy

Correct Answer: Coat the alloy particle with mercury

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Option A: 38-42%

Option B: 48-52%

Option C: 58-62%

Option D: 68-72%

Correct Answer: 48-52%

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Option A: 30-35%

Option B: 26-28%

Option C: 13-32%

Option D: 22-30%

Correct Answer: 26-28%

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Option A: Zinc and water

Option B: Water

Option C: Hydrogen

Option D: Nascent oxygen

Correct Answer: Hydrogen

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Option A: More compressive strength but less tensile strength

Option B: More compressive strength and tensile strength

Option C: Less compressive strength but more tensile strength

Option D: Less compressive strength and tensile strength

Correct Answer: More compressive strength and tensile strength

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Option A: Copper

Option B: Zinc

Option C: Silver

Option D: Tin

Correct Answer: Tin

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Option A: Higher the strength

Option B: Lower the creep value

Option C: More matrix matrial formed

Option D: More gamma 1 phase formed

Correct Answer: More matrix matrial formed

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Option A: The resultant alloy is greater

Option B: The resultant alloy is lesser

Option C: The resultant alloy varies according to the content of Ag of Cu

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: The resultant alloy is lesser

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Option A: 35 pounds

Option B: 3 pounds

Option C: 15 lb

Option D: 25 lb

Correct Answer: 3 pounds

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Option A: Low tensile and compressive strength

Option B: Low Hg: Alloy ratio

Option C: High tensile strength

Option D: Low creep

Correct Answer: Low tensile and compressive strength

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Option A: A metallic powder composed of silver, tin, copper and zinc

Option B: An alloy of two or more metals one of which is mercury

Option C: An alloy of two or more metals that have been dissolved in each other in the molten state

Option D: A metallic substances in powder or tablet from that is mixed with mercury

Correct Answer: An alloy of two or more metals one of which is mercury

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Option A: Cu

Option B: Zn

Option C: Pd

Option D: Ag

Correct Answer: Zn

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Option A: Ag

Option B: Zn

Option C: Cu

Option D: Hg

Correct Answer: Cu

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Option A: Requires least amount of mercury

Option B: Achieves high compressive strength at 1 hr.

Option C: Has tensile strength both at 15 minutes and 7 days is comparable to high copper, unicompositional alloys

Option D: Has lower cree value

Correct Answer: Has tensile strength both at 15 minutes and 7 days is comparable to high copper, unicompositional alloys

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Option A: Low copper amalgam alloy

Option B: Admix alloy

Option C: Single composition alloys

Option D: Creep value of all the above mentioned alloys is same

Correct Answer: Low copper amalgam alloy

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Option A: hours

Option B: 4 hours

Option C: 8 hours

Option D: 16 hours

Correct Answer: hours

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Option A: hours

Option B: 4 hours

Option C: 8 hours

Option D: 16 hours

Correct Answer: hours

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Option A: Complexes with hemoglobinto form methemoglobin

Option B: Inhibits hemoglobin synthesis, producing anemia

Option C: Inhibits anaerobic glycolysis

Option D: Binds to sulfhydryl groups

Correct Answer: Binds to sulfhydryl groups

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Option A: 45-55%

Option B: 55-65%

Option C: 65-85%

Option D: More than 85%

Correct Answer: 65-85%

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Option A: Amalgam alloy

Option B: Trituration time

Option C: Speed of amalgamator

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Under trituration or over trituration of amalgam

Option B: Decreases with condensation pressure

Option C: Increase with condensation pressure

Option D: Cannot be predictable

Correct Answer: Increase with condensation pressure

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Option A: It increases compresssive and tensile strengths

Option B: Decreased compressive, increased strength

Option C: Decreased compressive, decrease tensile strength

Option D: Increased compressive, increased tensile strength

Correct Answer: It increases compresssive and tensile strengths

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Option A: Low compressive strength

Option B: High marginal breakdown

Option C: Less marginal #

Option D: High creep

Correct Answer: Less marginal #

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Option A: 6.6 a (ppm k-1)

Option B: 11.4 a (ppm k-1)

Option C: 14.0 a (ppm k-1)

Option D: 25.0 a (ppm k-1)

Correct Answer: 25.0 a (ppm k-1)

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Option A: Improper amalgam filling

Option B: Pulp exposure

Option C: Galvanism

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Galvanism

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Option A: Compressive strength

Option B: Tensile strength

Option C: Corrosion

Option D: Creep

Correct Answer: Compressive strength

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Option A: Lungs

Option B: Gastro-intestinal Track

Option C: Skin

Option D: Kidneys

Correct Answer: Kidneys

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Option A: From smooth atomized particles

Option B: From irregular and spherical particles

Option C: From lathe cut particles

Option D: From traditional alloy particles

Correct Answer: From irregular and spherical particles

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Option A: Remove oxides from powder particle surface

Option B: Keep the amount of gamma-1 or gamma-2 matrix crystals to maximum

Option C: Pulverize pelletes into particles to aid in attack by mercury

Option D: Achieve a workable mass of amalgam in minimum time

Correct Answer: Keep the amount of gamma-1 or gamma-2 matrix crystals to maximum

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Option A: Silver

Option B: Tin

Option C: Mercury

Option D: Zinc

Correct Answer: Mercury

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Option A: Requires least amount of mercury

Option B: Achieves lowest compressive strength at 1 hr.

Option C: Has tensile strength both at 15 min & 7 days comparable to high copper unicompositional alloy

Option D: Has low creep

Correct Answer: Achieves lowest compressive strength at 1 hr.

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Option A: Dry Mix

Option B: Shiny Mix

Option C: Short Mixing Time

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Shiny Mix

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Option A: 40 Gpa and 60 – 100 Mpa

Option B: 21 Gpa and 27 – 55 Mpa

Option C: 350 Gpa and 10 – 120 Mpa

Option D: 360 Gpa and 125 – 130 Mpa

Correct Answer: B. 21 Gpa and 27 – 55 Mpa

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Option A: Electrochemical Corrosion

Option B: Chemical Corrosion

Option C: Penetrating Corrosion

Option D: Corrosion does not occur at all

Correct Answer: Penetrating Corrosion

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Option A: Maximum matrix and minimum alloy phase

Option B: Minimum matrix and maximum alloy phase

Option C: Maximum matrix phase

Option D: Minimum alloy phase

Correct Answer: Minimum matrix and maximum alloy phase

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Option A: 5 minutes

Option B: 6 minutes

Option C: 3 minutes

Option D: 15 minutes

Correct Answer: 3 minutes

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Option A: y1

Option B: y2

Option C: B1

Option D: y

Correct Answer: y1

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Option A: High strength

Option B: Sets quickly

Option C: Needs no squeezing of excess mercury

Option D: Greater plasticity and adapts well to cavity walls

Correct Answer: Greater plasticity and adapts well to cavity walls

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Option A: Accelerated corrosion

Option B: Fracture of the restoration

Option C: Merginal damage

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Reduces contraction

Option B: Increases the strength of lathe cut alloy but reduces the strength of spherical alloy amalgam

Option C: Decreases creep

Option D: Gives al dull and crumbly amalgam

Correct Answer: Increases the strength of lathe cut alloy but reduces the strength of spherical alloy amalgam

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Option A: Direct contact with the mercury

Option B: Inhalation of mercury vapours

Option C: Ingestion of mercury

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Inhalation of mercury vapours

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Option A: mg / m3

Option B: 0.05 mg / m3

Option C: mg / m3

Option D: mg / m3

Correct Answer: mg / m3

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Option A: Sulphides of silver

Option B: Oxides of tin

Option C: Chlorides of tin

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Sulphides of silver

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Option A: Silver / Mercury phase

Option B: Silver / Tin phase

Option C: Tin / Mercury phase

Option D: Zinc / Mercury phase

Correct Answer: Silver / Tin phase

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Option A: 6%

Option B: 12-30%

Option C: 29%

Option D: 19%

Correct Answer: 6%

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Option A: Lathe cut

Option B: Spherical

Option C: Admixed

Option D: Single composition

Correct Answer: Single composition

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Option A: Silicate

Option B: Amalgam

Option C: Composite

Option D: Gold

Correct Answer: Amalgam

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Option A: 24 hours

Option B: 1-2 days

Option C: 3-5 days

Option D: 7 days

Correct Answer: 3-5 days

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Option A: 10-12%

Option B: 0-6%

Option C: 13-30%

Option D: 20-30%

Correct Answer: 13-30%

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Option A: One to two minutes

Option B: Three to four minutes

Option C: Five to six minutes

Option D: Seven to eight minutes

Correct Answer: Three to four minutes

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Option A: Better handling property

Option B: Dimensional Stability

Option C: Resistance to creep

Option D: Toxicity to pulp and dentin

Correct Answer: Better handling property

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Option A: Tarnish

Option B: Tarnish and corrosion

Option C: Wet corrosion

Option D: Dry corrosion

Correct Answer: Tarnish

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Option A: Marginal breakdown

Option B: Shrinkage

Option C: Delayed expansion

Option D: increased stresses

Correct Answer: Delayed expansion

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Option A: Gamma 1

Option B: Gamma 2

Option C: Gamma 1 and 2

Option D: No phase is eliminated

Correct Answer: Gamma 2

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Option A: Mulling

Option B: Carving

Option C: Condensation

Option D: Trituration

Correct Answer: Condensation

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Option A: Less condensing force is required

Option B: More condensing force is required

Option C: Both require same condensing force

Option D: Manipulation is easy

Correct Answer: Less condensing force is required

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Option A: Ingestion while removing old amalgam

Option B: Skin contact

Option C: Mercury vapour

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Cause fracture of the filling

Option B: Tarnish and corrosion

Option C: Increase the strength

Option D: Decrease condensation pressure

Correct Answer: Cause fracture of the filling

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Option A: It has increased tensile and compressive strength

Option B: It has poor tarnish and corrosion resistance

Option C: It’s edge strength is greater

Option D: Mercury content in the final restoration is less

Correct Answer: It has poor tarnish and corrosion resistance

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Option A: Require more mercury

Option B: Require heavy compection forces

Option C: Have longer setting times

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: None of the above

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Option A: Gamma 1

Option B: Gamma 2

Option C: Epsilon 1

Option D: Gamma 3

Correct Answer: Gamma 2

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Option A: 65% silver, 32% tin and 3% copper

Option B: 49% silver, 32% tin and 19% cooper

Option C: 65% silver, 29% tin and 5-6% copper

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: 65% silver, 29% tin and 5-6% copper

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Option A: At the margin of the restoration

Option B: In the centre of the restoration

Option C: In the deepest part of the restoration

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: At the margin of the restoration

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Option A: Lysing amalgam alloy

Option B: Mixing of amalgam alloy and mercury

Option C: Removal of excess of mercury

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Mixing of amalgam alloy and mercury

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