
Dental Materials MCQs

Option A: Dentin

Option B: Enamel

Option C: Amalgam

Option D: Composite Resin

Correct Answer: Enamel

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Option A: Surface energy of the adherent

Option B: Surface texture of the adherent

Option C: Surface tension of the adherent

Option D: Nature of the adherent that is crystalline or amorphous

Correct Answer: Surface energy of the adherent

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Option A: Gold inlay

Option B: Acrylic resin

Option C: Silicate cement

Option D: Gold foil

Correct Answer: Silicate cement

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Option A: Proportional limit

Option B: Modulus of elasticity

Option C: Ultimate tensile strength

Option D: Flow

Correct Answer: Modulus of elasticity

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Option A: Grain elongation

Option B: Anealing

Option C: Cold working

Option D: Work hardening

Correct Answer: Grain elongation

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Option A: Solid directly to gas

Option B: Gas to liquid and then to soild

Option C: Gas directly to liquid

Option D: Solid to liquid and then to gas

Correct Answer: Solid directly to gas

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Option A: Rigidity or stiffness of the material

Option B: Ability to be stretched with permanent deformation

Option C: Ductility of a material

Option D: Malleability of the metal

Correct Answer: Rigidity or stiffness of the material

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Option A: 90°

Option B:

Option C: 0 – 90°

Option D: >90°

Correct Answer:

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Option A: Tensile strength

Option B: Elongation

Option C: Modulus of elasticity

Option D: Modulus of resilience

Correct Answer: Tensile strength

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Option A: KNH

Option B: VHN

Option C: RHN

Option D: BHN

Correct Answer: KNH

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Option A: The elastic limit

Option B: The proportional limit

Option C: The yield strength

Option D: Modulus of elasticity

Correct Answer: The proportional limit

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Option A: The stress at the proportional limit

Option B: The strain at the proportional limit

Option C: The stress/strain ratio within the proportional limit

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: The stress/strain ratio within the proportional limit

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Option A: An applied load or force

Option B: A deformation resulting from an applied load

Option C: An external force opposing an applied load

Option D: An internal force opposing an applied load

Correct Answer: A deformation resulting from an applied load

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Option A: High adherend wetting

Option B: High contact angle

Option C: Low contact angle

Option D: High flow

Correct Answer: High contact angle

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Option A: Spherical indenter

Option B: Steel ball indentation

Option C: Rhomboid shaped indenter

Option D: 136-degree diamond pyramid

Correct Answer: 136-degree diamond pyramid

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Option A: Solid solution

Option B: Eutectic alloy

Option C: Peritectic allowy

Option D: Ternary alloy

Correct Answer: Solid solution

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Option A: Ductility

Option B: Brittleness

Option C: Malleability

Option D: Resilient

Correct Answer: Brittleness

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Option A: Elastic Behaviour

Option B: Plastic Behaviour

Option C: Viscoelastic Behaviour

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Viscoelastic Behaviour

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Option A: 90

Option B: 343

Option C: 67

Option D: 450

Correct Answer: 90

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Option A: 1063° centigrade

Option B: 960° Centigrade

Option C: 850° Centrigrade

Option D: 1123° Centrigrade

Correct Answer: 960° Centigrade

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Option A: Graphite

Option B: Carbon

Option C: Acrylic

Option D: Porcelain

Correct Answer: Graphite

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Option A: Removal of smear layer

Option B: Exposure of collagen fibers

Option C: Opening of dentinal tubules

Option D: Increases surface energy

Correct Answer: Increases surface energy

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Option A: 50 – 60 KHN

Option B: 25 – 35 KHN

Option C: 15 – 20 KHN

Option D: 40 – 48 KHN

Correct Answer: B. 25 – 35 KHN

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Option A: Toughness

Option B: Brittleness

Option C: Young’s modulus

Option D: Proportional limit

Correct Answer: Toughness

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Option A: Pure gold

Option B: Amalgam

Option C: Prcelain

Option D: Composite

Correct Answer: Prcelain

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Option A: Fracture of the wire

Option B: permanent deformation

Option C: Spring back

Option D: Increase in stiffness

Correct Answer: Spring back

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Option A: Viscoelastic

Option B: Pseudoplastic

Option C: Plastic

Option D: Newtonian

Correct Answer: Newtonian

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Option A: Brinnel

Option B: Knoop

Option C: Shore-A

Option D: Rockwell

Correct Answer: Knoop

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Option A: Creep

Option B: Resillience

Option C: Elastic limit

Option D: Ultimate strength

Correct Answer: Creep

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Option A: Continued change of the material under a given load

Option B: The consistency of material when mixing

Option C: The homogencity of gypsum products

Option D: Dimensional change of the material during settings

Correct Answer: Continued change of the material under a given load

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Option A: Compressive strength

Option B: Tensile strength

Option C: Young’s modulus

Option D: Modulus of elasticity

Correct Answer: Compressive strength

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Option A: Resilience

Option B: Elastic limit / Elastic strain

Option C: Hardness

Option D: Fatigue resistance

Correct Answer: Elastic limit / Elastic strain

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Option A: Vickers’s hardness number

Option B: Knoop hardness number

Option C: Brinell hardness number

Option D: Rockwell hardness number

Correct Answer: Brinell hardness number

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Option A: Hardness

Option B: Yield strength

Option C: Modulus of elasticity

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Hardness

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Option A: Stress before rupture

Option B: Stress after rupture

Option C: Longitudinal compressive strength

Option D: Horizontal compressive strength

Correct Answer: Stress before rupture

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Option A: Brittleness

Option B: Resilience

Option C: Tensile strength

Option D: Toughness

Correct Answer: Resilience

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Option A: Proportional limit

Option B: Tensile strength

Option C: Ultimate strength

Option D: Yield strength

Correct Answer: Yield strength

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Option A: Area of the test specimen upon which the weight rests

Option B: Elasticity of the test specimen in strain

Option C: Length of the test specimen beneath the force

Option D: Strain of the test specimen per unit length

Correct Answer: Area of the test specimen upon which the weight rests

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Option A: The maximum stress in a structure

Option B: The minimum force required to cause a structure to break

Option C: The maximum stress that can be induced without permanent deformation

Option D: The maximum elongation under tension that can be measured before failure

Correct Answer: The maximum stress that can be induced without permanent deformation

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Option A: An applied load or force

Option B: A deformation resulting from an applied load

Option C: An external force opposing an applied load

Option D: An internal force opposing an applied load

Correct Answer: An internal force opposing an applied load

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Option A: Casts

Option B: Models

Option C: Investment

Option D: Dies

Correct Answer: Investment

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Option A: Using asbestos linear

Option B: Placing the sprue at least one quarter inch away form the end of casting ring

Option C: Preventing rapid heating the investment in burnout oven

Option D: Using a short and wide sprue

Correct Answer: Placing the sprue at least one quarter inch away form the end of casting ring

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Option A: Reducing flame

Option B: Oxidizing flame

Option C: Green flame

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Reducing flame

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Option A: Warm HCI

Option B: Cold HF

Option C: Cold H2SO4

Option D: Sand blasting with aluminium oxide

Correct Answer: Sand blasting with aluminium oxide

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Option A: a titanium

Option B: B titanium

Option C: Chrome-cobalt-nickel

Option D: Nickel-titanium

Correct Answer: Nickel-titanium

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Option A: Produce a smoother casting

Option B: Decrease setting expansion

Option C: Increase setting expansion

Option D: Increase thermal expansion

Correct Answer: Decrease setting expansion

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Option A: Tempering

Option B: Work hardening

Option C: Age hardening

Option D: Precipitation hardening

Correct Answer: Work hardening

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Option A: Is accomplished by soaking the casting in baking soda

Option B: Causes porosity in gold

Option C: Removes surface oxides from gold castings

Option D: Remove investment from gold casting

Correct Answer: Removes surface oxides from gold castings

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Option A: Shape memory

Option B: Hyper rigidity

Option C: Corrosion resistance

Option D: Weldable properties

Correct Answer: Shape memory

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Option A: Martensite

Option B: Ferrite

Option C: Austenite

Option D: Pearlite

Correct Answer: Austenite

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Option A: Carbon content

Option B: Silica content

Option C: Gypsum

Option D: Copper

Correct Answer: Gypsum

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Option A: Low fusing ceramic and high fusing alloys

Option B: Matching of coefficients of thermal expansion of ceramics and alloy

Option C: Bonding between ceramic and alloy

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Inlay wax type-II

Option B: Boxing wax

Option C: Modelling wax

Option D: Casting wax

Correct Answer: Casting wax

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Option A: 0.4%

Option B: 1.4%

Option C: 2.4%

Option D: 3.4%

Correct Answer: 1.4%

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Option A: Increases its toughness

Option B: Increases hardness

Option C: Increase ductility

Option D: decreases its toughness

Correct Answer: Increase ductility

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Option A: Wrought alloy

Option B: Palladium alloys

Option C: Cobalt-chrome alloys

Option D: Partial denture casting gold in hardened condition

Correct Answer: Cobalt-chrome alloys

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Option A: Molybdenum

Option B: Germanium

Option C: Titanium

Option D: Chromium

Correct Answer: Titanium

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Option A: Alpha form

Option B: Beta form

Option C: Gamma form

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Gamma form

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Option A: Oxidizing zone

Option B: Reducing zone

Option C: Combustion zone

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Oxidizing zone

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Option A: Thin sprue

Option B: No reservoir

Option C: Investment heated strongly

Option D: Inadequate air discharge

Correct Answer: Thin sprue

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Option A: Decreasing the sprue length

Option B: Decreasing the sprue thickness

Option C: Increasing the melting temperature

Option D: Increasing the mould temperature

Correct Answer: Decreasing the sprue thickness

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Option A: Type 1

Option B: Type 2

Option C: Type 3

Option D: Type 4

Correct Answer: Type 1

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Option A: Carats

Option B: Percentage

Option C: Fineness

Option D: Gram

Correct Answer: Fineness

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Option A: Improve bonding

Option B: Decrease porosity

Option C: They react with the porcelain opaque layer, which masks the metal

Option D: Improves the thermal expansion between the metal and porcelain

Correct Answer: Improve bonding

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Option A: Gypsum bonded

Option B: Phosphate bonded

Option C: Silica bonded

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Phosphate bonded

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Option A: Is applied to the walls of the investment to produce hygroscopic expansion

Option B: Increase the strength and the setting expansion of the phosphate-bonded investment

Option C: Acts as a retarder in the silica bonded investments

Option D: Acts as a refractory in the Silica bonded investments

Correct Answer: Increase the strength and the setting expansion of the phosphate-bonded investment

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Option A: Carding wax

Option B: Inlay wax

Option C: Utility wax

Option D: Sticky wax

Correct Answer: Carding wax

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Option A: Austenite to martensite

Option B: Martensite to austenite

Option C: Ferrite to austenite

Option D: Austenite to ferrite

Correct Answer: Austenite to martensite

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Option A: Thermal expansion

Option B: Hygroscopic expansion

Option C: Wax expansion

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: 55

Option B: 65

Option C: 75

Option D: 85

Correct Answer: 75

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Option A: Annealing

Option B: Degassing

Option C: Pickling

Option D: Conditioning

Correct Answer: Pickling

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Option A: Stainless steel wire

Option B: NITTINOL wire

Option C: TMA wire

Option D: Aluminium

Correct Answer: NITTINOL wire

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Option A: Hydrochloric acid

Option B: Nitric acid

Option C: Sulphuric acid

Option D: Phosphoric acid

Correct Answer: Hydrochloric acid

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Option A: Chromium carbide

Option B: Carbon carbide

Option C: Iron carbide

Option D: Nickel carbide

Correct Answer: Chromium carbide

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Option A: Recovery stage

Option B: Recrystallisation stage

Option C: Grain growth stage

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Recrystallisation stage

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Option A: Unfilled acrylic plastics

Option B: Gold alloys

Option C: Porcelains

Option D: Zinc phosphate cements

Correct Answer: Gold alloys

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Option A: Platinium

Option B: Palladium

Option C: Titanium

Option D: Gold

Correct Answer: Titanium

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Option A: Paraffin wax

Option B: Inlay wax

Option C: Microcrystalline wax

Option D: Montan wax

Correct Answer: Montan wax

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Option A: Silver fluorides

Option B: Silver cyanide

Option C: Silver bromide

Option D: Silver iodide

Correct Answer: Silver cyanide

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Option A: Attached impurities on undersurface of casting

Option B: Hot spot

Option C: No rapid cooling

Option D: Inadequate melting temperature

Correct Answer: Hot spot

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Option A: Improper casting pressure

Option B: Improper heating of the investment

Option C: Improper angulation of sprue

Option D: Improper wetting of the wax pattern by the investment

Correct Answer: Improper wetting of the wax pattern by the investment

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Option A: Facilitate venting of the mold

Option B: Retard the heating of the investment

Option C: Permit expansion of the world

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Permit expansion of the world

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Option A: Surface hardness

Option B: Strength

Option C: Proportion limit

Option D: Corrosion resistance

Correct Answer: Corrosion resistance

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Option A: Increasing the mould metal temperature difference

Option B: Increasing the flow of molten metal

Option C: Flaring the point of the sprue attachment

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Flaring the point of the sprue attachment

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Option A: Carbon

Option B: Molybdenum

Option C: Chromium

Option D: Nickel

Correct Answer: Carbon

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Option A: Silica

Option B: Quartz

Option C: Cristobolite

Option D: Calcium sulphate monohydrate

Correct Answer: Calcium sulphate monohydrate

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Option A: Unreliable spring back

Option B: low spring back

Option C: Minimal spring back

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: None of the above

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Option A: Low weight

Option B: Low cost

Option C: Low strength

Option D: Low melting point

Correct Answer: Low weight

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Option A: Paraffin

Option B: Carnauba

Option C: Gum dammar

Option D: Canadelila

Correct Answer: Gum dammar

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Option A: Fibrous

Option B: Homogeneous

Option C: Inhomogenous

Option D: amorphous

Correct Answer: Inhomogenous

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Option A: Constitutional superconductivity

Option B: Constitutional supercooling

Option C: Constitutional supergriting

Option D: Constitutional supergraining

Correct Answer: Constitutional supercooling

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Option A: Increased hardness

Option B: Increased ductility

Option C: Better biocompatibility

Option D: Increased density

Correct Answer: Increased hardness

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Option A: Type III and Type IV gold

Option B: Type V and type VI gold

Option C: Type VII and type VIII gold

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Type III and Type IV gold

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Option A: Age hardening heat treatment

Option B: Annealing heat treatment

Option C: Homogenization heat treatment

Option D: Solution heat treatment

Correct Answer: Annealing heat treatment

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Option A: Back pressure porosity

Option B: Localized shrinkage porosity

Option C: Pin hole porosity

Option D: Micro porosity

Correct Answer: Localized shrinkage porosity

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Option A: 2.3%

Option B: 1.56%

Option C: 1.37%

Option D: 3%

Correct Answer: 2.3%

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Option A: Type I – Soft

Option B: Type II – Hard

Option C: Type III – Hard

Option D: Type IV – Extra Hard

Correct Answer: D. Type IV – Extra Hard

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Option A: Chromium

Option B: Indium

Option C: Irridium

Option D: Palladium

Correct Answer: Irridium

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Option A: Strengtherner

Option B: Hardener

Option C: Whitens the alloy

Option D: Scavenger

Correct Answer: Strengtherner

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Option A: Recovery recrystallization grain growth

Option B: Recrystallization recovery, grain growth

Option C: Grain Growth Recrystallization recovery

Option D: Melting point, grain growth, Recrystallization

Correct Answer: Recovery recrystallization grain growth

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