
Dental Materials MCQs

Option A: More water

Option B: Less water

Option C: no water

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: More water

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Option A: Class II stone

Option B: Densite

Option C: Class I stone or hydrocal

Option D: Model or lab plaster

Correct Answer: Class I stone or hydrocal

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Option A: Alpha – hemihydrates

Option B: Beta – hemihydrates

Option C: Calcium sulphate dihydrate

Option D: Orthorhombic anhydrate

Correct Answer: A. Alpha – hemihydrates

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Option A: Tensile strength

Option B: Wet strength

Option C: Green strength

Option D: compressive strength

Correct Answer: compressive strength

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Option A: To regulate the setting expansion

Option B: Regulate setting time

Option C: Acts as retarder

Option D: None

Correct Answer: Regulate setting time

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Option A: Slower the hygroscopic expansion

Option B: Greater the hygroscopic expansion

Option C: Normal setting expansion

Option D: No setting expansion

Correct Answer: Greater the hygroscopic expansion

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Option A: 1

Option B: 4

Option C: 12

Option D: 25

Correct Answer: 25

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Option A: Modify setting time

Option B: Modify setting expansion

Option C: Modify strength

Option D: Decrease the porosity

Correct Answer: Modify setting time

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Option A: H2O interferes with hygroscopic expansion

Option B: H2O inhibits polymerization of dental resin

Option C: H2O interferes with Crystallization of dihydrate

Option D: Gypsum is slightly soluble in water and the surface of the cast will be eroded

Correct Answer: Gypsum is slightly soluble in water and the surface of the cast will be eroded

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Option A: They are more regular in shape and dense

Option B: They are more regular in shape and highly porous

Option C: They are more irregular in shape and porous

Option D: They are more dense and prismatic in shape

Correct Answer: They are more irregular in shape and porous

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Option A: Altering P / L Ratio

Option B: Altering temperature of mixing water

Option C: Speed and length of hand spatulation

Option D: Addition of accelerators and retarders

Correct Answer: Addition of accelerators and retarders

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Option A: Stone

Option B: Plaster

Option C: Investment

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Sodium fluoride

Option B: Potassium fluoride

Option C: Potassium sulfate

Option D: Aluminium sulfate

Correct Answer: Potassium sulfate

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Option A: Investment

Option B: Hydrocolloids

Option C: Amalgam

Option D: Silicate

Correct Answer: Investment

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Option A: Setting time

Option B: Setting expansion

Option C: Hardness of the set product

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Setting time

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Option A: Calcium sulphate hemihydrate

Option B: Calcium phosphate

Option C: Calcium anhydrate

Option D: Calcium sulphate dihydrate

Correct Answer: Calcium sulphate hemihydrate

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Option A: Impression of single tooth

Option B: Impression of whole teeth

Option C: Replica of single tooth

Option D: Replica of whole teeth

Correct Answer: Replica of single tooth

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Option A: Plastic bowl

Option B: Rubber bowl

Option C: Glass bowl

Option D: Metal bowl

Correct Answer: Rubber bowl

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Option A: 18.6ml

Option B: 22.2ml

Option C: 30.4ml

Option D: 45.3ml

Correct Answer: 18.6ml

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Option A: Dry strength

Option B: Compressive strength

Option C: Strength of dental stone due to green colour

Option D: The wet strength

Correct Answer: The wet strength

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Option A: 0.28 and 0.6

Option B: 0.6 and 0.28

Option C: 0.6 and 3.2

Option D: 0.28 and 0.98

Correct Answer: 0.28 and 0.6

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Option A: CaO

Option B: CaCO3

Option C: (CaSO4)2-½H2O

Option D: CaSO4-2H2O

Correct Answer: (CaSO4)2-½H2O

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Option A: Gold added with palladium

Option B: Gold added with calcium

Option C: Gold with much of chromium

Option D: Gold with silver

Correct Answer: Gold added with palladium

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Option A: 24 K

Option B: 22 K

Option C: 18 K

Option D: 10 K

Correct Answer: 18 K

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Option A: Composite

Option B: Silver

Option C: Gold

Option D: Amalgam

Correct Answer: Gold

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Option A: Atomic attraction and welding

Option B: Annealing

Option C: Wedging

Option D: Adaptation

Correct Answer: Atomic attraction and welding

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Option A: 10 um

Option B: 15 um

Option C: 30 um

Option D: 0.1 um

Correct Answer: 15 um

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Option A: Cohesive gold

Option B: Non cohesive gold

Option C: Class I casting gold

Option D: Class IV casting gold

Correct Answer: Cohesive gold

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Option A: Gold and Platinum

Option B: Cobalt and Chromium

Option C: Gold and Calcium

Option D: Tin and chromium

Correct Answer: Gold and Calcium

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Option A: 18

Option B: 20

Option C: 22

Option D: 24

Correct Answer: 24

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Option A: Crystalline

Option B: Granular gold

Option C: Mat gold

Option D: Sponge gold

Correct Answer: Granular gold

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Option A: High firing temperature

Option B: Disintegration of opaque layer

Option C: Presence of copper

Option D: Formation of excess oxides

Correct Answer: Presence of copper

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Option A: Made by a combination of chemical precipitation and atomization

Option B: Made by electrolytic precipitation

Option C: Made by beating pure gold at high temperatures

Option D: Made by milling pure gold ingots

Correct Answer: Made by a combination of chemical precipitation and atomization

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Option A: Properly condensed mat gold has no voids

Option B: Whatever may be the type voids are inherent

Option C: Voids can be avoided with manual condensation

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Whatever may be the type voids are inherent

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Option A: Perpendicular to the walls

Option B: Parallel to long axis of crown

Option C: 45° to the wall

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: 45° to the wall

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Option A: Using contaminated gold foil

Option B: Poor finished preparation

Option C: Improper stepping of condenser point

Option D: Using small condenser point

Correct Answer: Improper stepping of condenser point

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Option A: Electra alloy

Option B: Mat gold

Option C: Spherical gold

Option D: Gold foll

Correct Answer: Mat gold

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Option A: Transformation toughening

Option B: Dispersion of crystalline phase

Option C: Inducing residual compressive strength

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Inducing residual compressive strength

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Option A: Boric oxide

Option B: In vacuum

Option C: For long period

Option D: Under pressure

Correct Answer: In vacuum

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Option A: High temperature during glazing

Option B: Low temperature during glazing

Option C: Improper condensation

Option D: High firing temperature

Correct Answer: High temperature during glazing

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Option A: Rate of arriving at firing temperature

Option B: Uniformity of particle size

Option C: Shape and size of particle

Option D: Type of investment used

Correct Answer: Shape and size of particle

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Option A: In open air

Option B: Under air compression

Option C: When several layer are fired simultaneously

Option D: Under minimum pressure

Correct Answer: Under air compression

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Option A: Thoroughness of condensation

Option B: Rapidity of firing

Option C: High firing temperature

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Thoroughness of condensation

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Option A: Feldspar

Option B: Kaolin

Option C: Quartz

Option D: Clay

Correct Answer: Feldspar

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Option A: Highly polished porcelain

Option B: Highly polished acrylic

Option C: Highly glazed porcelain

Option D: Highly polished metal

Correct Answer: Highly glazed porcelain

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Option A: Rubber

Option B: Plastic

Option C: Organic substances

Option D: Glass

Correct Answer: Glass

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Option A: Colour matching

Option B: Transparency

Option C: Opacity

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Colour matching

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Option A: Same as porcelain

Option B: More than porcelain

Option C: Less than porcelain

Option D: More than or equal to porcelain but not less

Correct Answer: More than or equal to porcelain but not less

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Option A: Cold stage bisque

Option B: Low bisque

Option C: Medium bisque

Option D: High bisque

Correct Answer: Cold stage bisque

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Option A: High Bisque stage

Option B: Low Bisque stage

Option C: Medium Bisque stage

Option D: Fusion stage

Correct Answer: Medium Bisque stage

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Option A: Sand

Option B: Silicon arbide

Option C: Diamond

Option D: Aluminum oxide

Correct Answer: Diamond

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Option A: Chemically cure resin

Option B: Heat curve resin

Option C: Light cure resin

Option D: Vinyl resin

Correct Answer: Chemically cure resin

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Option A: dispersed porcelain

Option B: Glazed porcelain

Option C: aluminium porcelain

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: aluminium porcelain

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Option A: High fusion expansion

Option B: High fusion temperature

Option C: Linear coefficient of thermal expansion less than that of metal

Option D: Linear coefficient of thermal expansion more than that of metal

Correct Answer: Linear coefficient of thermal expansion less than that of metal

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Option A: 51 to 54 degree F

Option B: 51 to 54 degree C

Option C: 70 to 75 degree F

Option D: 70 to 75 degree C

Correct Answer: 51 to 54 degree C

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Option A: Emery

Option B: Garnet

Option C: Pumice

Option D: Rouge

Correct Answer: Rouge

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Option A: Methyl and ethyl mercury

Option B: Mercury vapour

Option C: Inorganic mercury forms

Option D: Mercury sulphide

Correct Answer: Methyl and ethyl mercury

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Option A: Heat pressing

Option B: Machining

Option C: Sintering

Option D: Slip casting

Correct Answer: Sintering

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Option A: high fusion expansion

Option B: high fusion temperature

Option C: linear coefficient of thermal expansion less than but close to that of metal

Option D: Linear coefficient of thermal expansion greater than, but close to that of the metal

Correct Answer: linear coefficient of thermal expansion less than but close to that of metal

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Option A: Blinding

Option B: Buffing

Option C: Dressing

Option D: Truing

Correct Answer: Blinding

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Option A: QTH

Option B: PAC

Option C: LED

Option D: Argon lasers

Correct Answer: Argon lasers

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Option A: 1056

Option B: 1560

Option C: 1668

Option D: 1886

Correct Answer: 1668

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Option A: Ionic copper

Option B: Copper cyanide

Option C: Silver cyanide

Option D: Acidic copper sulphate

Correct Answer: Acidic copper sulphate

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Option A: Vaporization of silver from the walls of contaminated furnaces

Option B: Surface diffusion of silver from the marginal metal

Option C: More rapid silver diffusion in sodium containing glass

Option D: Silver ionization by porcelains with high oxygen potential

Correct Answer: Vaporization of silver from the walls of contaminated furnaces

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Option A: High ductility

Option B: High hardness

Option C: Low esthetic value

Option D: Susceptibility to brittle fracture

Correct Answer: Susceptibility to brittle fracture

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Option A: Exchange of aluminium and sodium ions

Option B: Exchange of aluminium and potassium ions

Option C: Exchange of sodium and potassium ions

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Exchange of sodium and potassium ions

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Option A: DeChemant

Option B: Ash

Option C: Plateau

Option D: McClean

Correct Answer: DeChemant

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Option A: Carbide bur

Option B: Diamond bur

Option C: Stainless steel bur

Option D: Diamond but for porcelain and carbide bur for metal

Correct Answer: Diamond but for porcelain and carbide bur for metal

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Option A: Strengthener

Option B: Binder

Option C: Pigment

Option D: Crack minimzer

Correct Answer: Strengthener

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Option A: A large time period at a lower temperature is preferred

Option B: A long firing period at a very high temperature is preferred

Option C: A short firing period at a very low temperature is preferred

Option D: none of these

Correct Answer: A long firing period at a very high temperature is preferred

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Option A: Metallic bind

Option B: Transparency

Option C: Chemical bond

Option D: B and C

Correct Answer: B and C

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Option A: Two coloured restorations

Option B: Heat pressed ceramics

Option C: Castabel ceramic

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Castabel ceramic

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Option A: Is Feldspathic glass

Option B: Contains opacifier like zirconium and titanium oxide

Option C: Not used to mask the colour of the cement used in placing of restoration

Option D: Used to produce the characteristic translucence, which is an inherent aspect of the incisal edge in natural teeth

Correct Answer: Contains opacifier like zirconium and titanium oxide

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Option A: Alumina

Option B: Silica

Option C: Kaolin

Option D: Boric oxide

Correct Answer: Boric oxide

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Option A: Silica

Option B: Feldspar

Option C: Calcium carbonate

Option D: Amorphous material

Correct Answer: Amorphous material

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Option A: Cerestore

Option B: Decor MGC

Option C: Infusium

Option D: Leucite

Correct Answer: Decor MGC

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Option A: Translucency

Option B: Refractive optics

Option C: Metamerism

Option D: Opacification

Correct Answer: Metamerism

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Option A: Rubber matrix

Option B: Glass

Option C: Plastic

Option D: Resin matrix

Correct Answer: Glass

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Option A: Shape and size of particle

Option B: Uniform distribution of particle size

Option C: Number of particles

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Shape and size of particle

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Option A: Boric oxide

Option B: Copper oxide

Option C: Silica

Option D: Titanium oxide

Correct Answer: Titanium oxide

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Option A: Have a higher coefficient of thermal expansion than acrylic teeth:

Option B: Have a lower abrasion resistance than enamel

Option C: Should be used where the inter dental clearance is small

Option D: Have a higher abrasion resistance than gold

Correct Answer: Have a higher abrasion resistance than gold

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Option A: Alumino silicate powder and phosphoric acid

Option B: Aluminosillicate powder and polyacrylate

Option C: Zinc oxide powder and phosphoric acid

Option D: Zinc oxide powder and polyacrylate liquid

Correct Answer: Aluminosillicate powder and polyacrylate

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Option A: 15 microns

Option B: 25 microns

Option C: 50 microns

Option D: 100 microns

Correct Answer: 25 microns

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Option A: Polyacrylic acid is liquid

Option B: Chemical bond to tooth structure

Option C: Chelation

Option D: Substitution o eugenol by EBA to increase strength of cement

Correct Answer: Chelation

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Option A: Zinc acetate

Option B: Barium sulphate

Option C: Zinc sulphate

Option D: Barium chloride

Correct Answer: Zinc acetate

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Option A: 3-4

Option B: 4-5

Option C: 6-7

Option D: 7-8

Correct Answer: 6-7

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Option A: Zinc phosphate

Option B: Silicate

Option C: Glass ionomer

Option D: Polycarboxylate

Correct Answer: Silicate

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Option A: 5

Option B: 7

Option C: 8

Option D: 1.7

Correct Answer: 7

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Option A: Glycerin-water solution

Option B: Cement liquid

Option C: Alcohol

Option D: Only water

Correct Answer: Glycerin-water solution

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Option A: Increased in the ratio of powder to liquid

Option B: Diluting the liquid with water

Option C: Increase the addition of powder to liquid

Option D: Decrease the addition of powder to liquid

Correct Answer: Decrease the addition of powder to liquid

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Option A: 20-40μ

Option B: 10-20μ

Option C: 60-80μ

Option D: 1-2μ

Correct Answer: 20-40μ

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Option A: Good compressive strength

Option B: Film thickness

Option C: Lack of irritation

Option D: Low solubility

Correct Answer: Film thickness

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Option A: GIC

Option B: Copper cement

Option C: Zinc phosphate cement

Option D: Zinc oxide eugenol cement

Correct Answer: Zinc oxide eugenol cement

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Option A: Zinc oxide

Option B: Phosphoric acid

Option C: Zinc

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Zinc oxide

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Option A: Temporary restoration

Option B: Leuting

Option C: Permanent restoration

Option D: Die material

Correct Answer: Leuting

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Option A: mm

Option B: 1.5 mm

Option C: mm

Option D: 2.5 mm

Correct Answer: mm

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Option A: Liquid powder ratio

Option B: Temperature of mixing stab

Option C: Speed of mixing

Option D: Addition of few drops of water

Correct Answer: Liquid powder ratio

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Option A: Is irritating

Option B: Encourages pulpal fibrosis

Option C: Is sedating

Option D: Has no effect

Correct Answer: Is sedating

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Option A: Zinc phosphate

Option B: Zinc oxide eugenol

Option C: Gutta-percha

Option D: Resin

Correct Answer: Zinc oxide eugenol

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Option A: Silicate cement

Option B: Zinc phosphate

Option C: Polycarboxylate

Option D: GIC

Correct Answer: Silicate cement

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