
Calcification And Eruption Of Teeth MCQs

Option A: 12 CDE6

Option B: 12C456

Option C: 123DE6

Option D: 123456

Correct Answer: 12 CDE6

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Option A: One year

Option B: Two years

Option C: Three years

Option D: Four years

Correct Answer: Three years

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Option A: 2 years

Option B: 4 years

Option C: 6 years

Option D: 8 years

Correct Answer: 8 years

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Option A: 3 years

Option B: 1 years

Option C: 2 years

Option D: 1 month

Correct Answer: 1 years

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Option A: 8 months

Option B: 18 months

Option C: 8 years

Option D: 16 years

Correct Answer: 8 years

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Option A: Premolars, incisors and 1st molars

Option B: Canine and 2nd molars

Option C: Canines, premolars and2nd molars

Option D: Incisors and 1st molars

Correct Answer: C. Canines, premolars and2nd molars

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Option A: 3-4 months

Option B: 4-5 months

Option C: 5-6 months

Option D: 6-7 months

Correct Answer: 4-5 months

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Option A: 20 months

Option B: 18 months

Option C: 24 months

Option D: 28 months

Correct Answer: 28 months

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Option A: 20

Option B: 22

Option C: 24

Option D: 30

Correct Answer: 24

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Option A: 6 EDC21/ 6EDC21

Option B: 6EDCBA/ 6EDC21

Option C: EDC21/EDC21

Option D: 76EDC21/ 7EDC21

Correct Answer: 6 EDC21/ 6EDC21

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Option A: 4 months in utere

Option B: Birth

Option C: 4 months after birth

Option D: One year after birth

Correct Answer: 4 months in utere

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Option A: 1-6-2-3-5-4-7-8

Option B: 6-1-2-4-5-3-7-8

Option C: 6-1-2-3-4-5-7-8

Option D: 6-1-2-4-3-5-7-8

Correct Answer: 6-1-2-3-4-5-7-8

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Option A: It is too early to make final predication

Option B: The teeth may develop later

Option C: Primary second molar extracted to allow mesial drifting of permanent first molar

Option D: The child may never develop premolars

Correct Answer: The teeth may develop later

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Option A: 1-6-2-3-4-7-5-8

Option B: 2-3-1-6-7-5-4-8

Option C: 6-1-2-4-3-5-7-8

Option D: 6-1-2-3-4-5-7-8

Correct Answer: 6-1-2-4-3-5-7-8

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Option A: Before lateral incisor

Option B: Before first molar

Option C: After first molar

Option D: After second molar

Correct Answer: After first molar

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Option A: 2 years

Option B: 4 years

Option C: 6 years

Option D: 8 years

Correct Answer: 4 years

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Option A: 8-9 years

Option B: 6-7 years

Option C: 10-11 years

Option D: 8-9 months

Correct Answer: 8-9 years

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Option A: Call and do radiographic survey

Option B: Tell her that it is normal at this age

Option C: Child has retarded growth

Option D: Systemic problem

Correct Answer: Tell her that it is normal at this age

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Option A: 6 months of intra utrerine life

Option B: At birth

Option C: Before decidous incisors

Option D: About 1 year after birth

Correct Answer: At birth

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Option A: 6 months in utero

Option B: 6 months after birth

Option C: 9 months in utero

Option D: 9 months after birth

Correct Answer: 9 months after birth

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Option A: 6th month I.U

Option B: 1st year of life

Option C: 2nd year of life

Option D: 8th year of life

Correct Answer: 8th year of life

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Option A: 11 weeks in utero

Option B: 14 weeks in utero

Option C: 16 weeks in utero

Option D: 6 weeks in utero

Correct Answer: 11 weeks in utero

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Option A: Maxillary central incisor

Option B: Mandibular lateral incisor

Option C: Maxillary lateral incisor

Option D: Maxillary canine

Correct Answer: Maxillary canine

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Option A: 14 to 17 weeks in utero

Option B: 9 to 12 weeks in utero

Option C: 6- to 9 weeks in utero

Option D: 17 to 20 weeks in utero

Correct Answer: 14 to 17 weeks in utero

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Option A: Calcification of primary teeth is almost complete at time of birth

Option B: Calcification of all primary teeth and few permanent teeth complete at birth

Option C: Calcification of all permanent teeth complete at birth

Option D: Calcification of primary teeth starts around birth

Correct Answer: Calcification of primary teeth is almost complete at time of birth

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Option A: Seventh and eight years

Option B: Seventh and ninth years

Option C: Seventh and tenth years

Option D: Seventh and Twelfth years

Correct Answer: Seventh and Twelfth years

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Option A: Maxillary incisors

Option B: Maxillary canines

Option C: Mandibular incisors

Option D: Mandibular canines

Correct Answer: B & D

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Option A: 8-9 years

Option B: 10-12 years

Option C: 6-7 years

Option D: 17-25 years

Correct Answer: 8-9 years

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Option A: After completion of root

Option B: When apical third root is still to be formed

Option C: When half of the root is still to be formed

Option D: when root formation starts

Correct Answer: When half of the root is still to be formed

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Option A: 7-8 years

Option B: 8-9 years

Option C: 9-10 years

Option D: 10 – 11 years

Correct Answer: 9-10 years

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Option A: 3-4 months

Option B: 10-12 months

Option C: 2-3 years

Option D: 3-4 years

Correct Answer: 3-4 months

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Option A: After D

Option B: Before B

Option C: After B

Option D: After E

Correct Answer: After D

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Option A: Mandibular central incisor

Option B: Mandibular first molar

Option C: Maxillary central incisor

Option D: Maxillary second molar

Correct Answer: Mandibular central incisor

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Option A: First molar

Option B: Central incisors

Option C: Canines

Option D: Premolars

Correct Answer: Canines

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Option A: Superior and facial

Option B: Inferior and facial

Option C: Superior and lingual

Option D: Inferior and lingual

Correct Answer: Inferior and lingual

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Option A: 1-1½

Option B: 2-3

Option C: 3-4

Option D: 4-5

Correct Answer: 2-3

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Option A: 6 years

Option B: 8 years

Option C: 12 years

Option D: 17 years

Correct Answer: 17 years

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Option A: Only molars

Option B: All teeth except third molars

Option C: 1,2,4,5,6,7 in all quadrants

Option D: 1,2,6 in all quadrants

Correct Answer: 1,2,6 in all quadrants

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Option A: Six months IU

Option B: At birth

Option C: 1 years after birth

Option D: 3 years age

Correct Answer: At birth

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Option A: Take less time

Option B: Take more time

Option C: Same time

Option D: Is complete when tooth erupts in oral cavity

Correct Answer: Take less time

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Option A: Primary incisors & first molar

Option B: Primary canines & second molars

Option C: Permanent canines

Option D: Permanent 3rd molar

Correct Answer: Primary incisors & first molar

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Option A: 8½ years

Option B: 11½ years

Option C: 4½ years

Option D: 13½ years

Correct Answer: 8½ years

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Option A: Herbivorous

Option B: Omnivorous

Option C: Carnivorous

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Omnivorous

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Option A: 3-6 years

Option B: 7-10 years

Option C: 11-14 years

Option D: 15- 18 years

Correct Answer: 7-10 years

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Option A: Mandibular central incisor

Option B: Mandibular first molar

Option C: Maxillary central incisor

Option D: Maxillary first molar

Correct Answer: Mandibular first molar

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Option A: Central incisors, first molars, lateral incisors, second molars, canines

Option B: Central incisors, lateral incisors, canines, second molars, first molars

Option C: Central incisors, lateral incisors, first molars canines, second molars

Option D: Central incisors, lateral incisors, first molars second molars, canines

Correct Answer: Central incisors, lateral incisors, first molars canines, second molars

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Option A: Third month of intrauterine life

Option B: In the sixth month of intrauterine life

Option C: At birth

Option D: In the third month of extra uterine life

Correct Answer: At birth

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Option A: Maxillary second molar

Option B: Mandibular second molar

Option C: Maxillary canine

Option D: Mandibular canine

Correct Answer: Maxillary canine

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