
Occlusion MCQs

Option A: The tooth with one wall pocket

Option B: Tooth with three walled pocket

Option C: periodontal ligament

Option D: Dehiscence

Correct Answer: periodontal ligament

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Option A: Esthetics

Option B: Centric stability

Option C: Chewing efficiency

Option D: Soft tissue protection

Correct Answer: Soft tissue protection

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Option A: Embrasure of 37 & 38

Option B: Embrasure of 36 & 37

Option C: Mesial pit of 37

Option D: Immediately incisal to cingulam

Correct Answer: Embrasure of 37 & 38

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Option A: Buccal side

Option B: Distal side

Option C: Mesial side

Option D: Lingual side

Correct Answer: Mesial side

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Option A: Fossa and rdges

Option B: Grooves and embrasures

Option C: Lingual cusps of mandibular teeth

Option D: Occlusal pits and fissures of mandibular teeth

Correct Answer: Grooves and embrasures

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Option A: Buccals slopes of buccal cusps of maxillary posterior teeth

Option B: Buccal slopes of lingual cusps of maxillary posterior teeth

Option C: Lingual slopes of lingual cusps of mandibular posterior teeth

Option D: All slopes of lingual cusps of mandibular posterior teeth

Correct Answer: Buccal slopes of lingual cusps of maxillary posterior teeth

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Option A: Horizontal overlap

Option B: Vertical overlap

Option C: Transverse plane discrepancy

Option D: All the above

Correct Answer: Horizontal overlap

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Option A: 10 – 14 years

Option B: 15 -25 years

Option C: Above 30 years

Option D: Edentulous patients

Correct Answer: Above 30 years

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Option A: Cusp – to – cusp contact

Option B: Edge- to – edge contact

Option C: Marginal contact

Option D: Surface – to- surface contact

Correct Answer: D. Surface – to- surface contact

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Option A: Stamp cusps

Option B: Centric holding cusps

Option C: Supporting cusps

Option D: Non- supporting cusps

Correct Answer: Non- supporting cusps

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Option A: Wilson curve

Option B: Mansoon curve

Option C: Curve of spee

Option D: Caternary curve

Correct Answer: Wilson curve

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Option A: Cusp to cusp contact

Option B: Edge to edge contact

Option C: Marginal contact

Option D: Surface to surface contact

Correct Answer: Surface to surface contact

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Option A: Centric occlusion

Option B: Rest position

Option C: Protrusive contacts

Option D: Laterotrusive contacts

Correct Answer: Centric occlusion

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Option A: Within the incisor thirds

Option B: At the junction of middle and cervical thirds

Option C: At the linguo cervical ridges

Option D: Immediately incisal to cingulam

Correct Answer: Within the incisor thirds

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Option A: Maxillary permanent first molar

Option B: Maxillary permanent second molar

Option C: Maxillary primary first molar

Option D: Maxillary primary second molar

Correct Answer: Maxillary permanent first molar

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Option A: Distal fossa of mandibular 2ndpremolar

Option B: Mesial fossa of mandibular 1st molar

Option C: Distal marginal ridge of mandibular 2ndmolar

Option D: Distal marginal ridge of mandibular 1st premolar

Correct Answer: Distal fossa of mandibular 2ndpremolar

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Option A: Facial embrasure of canine and premolar

Option B: incisal embrasure of canine and premolar

Option C: Distal ridge of the cusp of mandibular canine

Option D: Mesial ridge on the facial cusp of mandibular first premolar

Correct Answer: Facial embrasure of canine and premolar

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Option A: Extruded

Option B: Intruded

Option C: Protruded

Option D: Retruded

Correct Answer: Extruded

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Option A: Distobuccal groove

Option B: Mesial surface

Option C: Mesiobuccal surface

Option D: Transverse groove

Correct Answer: Mesiobuccal surface

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Option A: Lateral incisors

Option B: Permanent canines

Option C: Permanent central incisors

Option D: Third molars

Correct Answer: Third molars

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