
Oral Anatomy MCQs

Option A: Rectangular

Option B: Triangular

Option C: Kidney shaped

Option D: Oval

Correct Answer: Kidney shaped

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Option A: Lateral pterygoid

Option B: Temporalis

Option C: Masseter

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Temporalis

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Option A: Straightward

Option B: Down wards forwards and lateral

Option C: Down wards forwards and medial

Option D: Down wards Back wards and medial

Correct Answer: Down wards forwards and lateral

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Option A: Medial pterygoid

Option B: Lateral pterygoid

Option C: Massetor

Option D: Temporalis

Correct Answer: Lateral pterygoid

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Option A: Tooth contact side

Option B: Balancing side

Option C: Working side

Option D: Non- working side

Correct Answer: Working side

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Option A: Temporalis

Option B: Massetor

Option C: Lateral pterygoid

Option D: Medial pterygoid

Correct Answer: Lateral pterygoid

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Option A: Digastric

Option B: Massetor

Option C: Medial pterygoid

Option D: Temporalis

Correct Answer: Digastric

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Option A: Lingual to the maxillary central incisors

Option B: Buccal to the mandibular central incisors

Option C: Lingual to the maxillary canines

Option D: Lingual to the mandibular first molar

Correct Answer: Buccal to the mandibular central incisors

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Option A: Medial pterygoid

Option B: Masseter

Option C: Superior constrictor of pharynx

Option D: Lateral pterygoid

Correct Answer: Lateral pterygoid

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Option A: Lateral pterygoid

Option B: Medial pterygoid

Option C: Temporalis – anterior fibers

Option D: Temporalis- posterior fibers

Correct Answer: Lateral pterygoid

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Option A: Anterior

Option B: Intermediate

Option C: Posterior

Option D: retrodiscal

Correct Answer: Intermediate

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Option A: Lateral aspect of TMJ

Option B: Posterior aspect of TMJ

Option C: Mandibular condyle

Option D: Coronioid process

Correct Answer: Lateral aspect of TMJ

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Option A: Eruption of teeth

Option B: Normal process of growth

Option C: Lengthening of the condyle

Option D: Overall growth of the bodies of the maxilla and the mandible

Correct Answer: Eruption of teeth

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Option A: Contralateral lateral pterygoid muscle

Option B: Both lateral and medial pterygoid muscle

Option C: Epsilateral lateal pterygoid muscle

Option D: Bilateral contraction of lateral pterygoid muscle

Correct Answer: Both lateral and medial pterygoid muscle

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Option A: Digastric

Option B: Lateral pterygoid

Option C: Geniohyoid

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Right lateral pterygoid

Option B: Left lateral pterygoid

Option C: Right medial pterygoid

Option D: Left medial pterygoid

Correct Answer: Right lateral pterygoid

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Option A: Sigmoid notch

Option B: Articular disc

Option C: Capsular ligament

Option D: Joint cavities

Correct Answer: Sigmoid notch

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Option A: Frontal bone

Option B: Maxillary bone

Option C: Nasal bone

Option D: Temporal bone

Correct Answer: Nasal bone

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Option A: Thickest posteriorly

Option B: Narrow in the centre

Option C: Strengthened by lateral pterygoid

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Only hinge ( rotation )

Option B: Only translation

Option C: Hinge followed by translation

Option D: Translation followed by hinge

Correct Answer: Hinge followed by translation

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Option A: Upper central incisors

Option B: Lower central incisors

Option C: Upper canines

Option D: Lower canines

Correct Answer: Lower central incisors

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Option A: Lower head of lateral pterygoid muscle

Option B: Sphenomandibular ligament

Option C: Superficial head of medial pterygoid muscle

Option D: Upper head of lateral pterygoid muscle

Correct Answer: Upper head of lateral pterygoid muscle

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Option A: Lateral pterygoid

Option B: Medial pterygoid

Option C: Temporalies- anterior fibers

Option D: Temporalis – posterior fibers

Correct Answer: Lateral pterygoid

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Option A: Ball and socket joint

Option B: Hinge and axis joint

Option C: Synovial joint

Option D: Diartmodal joint

Correct Answer: Diartmodal joint

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Option A: Mesiolingual and mesiofacial

Option B: Mesiofacial and distolingual

Option C: Distofacial and mesiolingual

Option D: Distofacial and mesiofacial

Correct Answer: Distofacial and mesiolingual

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Option A: 1st premolar

Option B: 3rd molar

Option C: Lateral incisors

Option D: Canine

Correct Answer: 1st premolar

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Option A: 7 years

Option B: 8 years

Option C: 9 years

Option D: 10 years

Correct Answer: 10 years

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Option A: Crown length

Option B: Mesiodistal crown width

Option C: Faciolingual crown width

Option D: Root length

Correct Answer: Root length

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Option A: Maxillary posteriors

Option B: Mandibular posteriors

Option C: Maxillary anteriors

Option D: Mandibular anteriors

Correct Answer: Mandibular posteriors

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Option A: Maxillary 1st premolar

Option B: Maxillary 1st molar

Option C: Mandibular 2nd molar

Option D: Mandibular 1st molar

Correct Answer: Maxillary 1st premolar

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Option A: 8-9 years

Option B: 6-7 years

Option C: 10-11 years

Option D: 8-9 months

Correct Answer: 8-9 years

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Option A: 1 facial and 2 lingual

Option B: 1 lingual and 2 facial

Option C: 1 mesial and 2 buccal

Option D: 1 mesial and 1 distal

Correct Answer: 1 lingual and 2 facial

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Option A: 26 mm

Option B: 33 mm

Option C: 21 mm

Option D: 18 mm

Correct Answer: 26 mm

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Option A: Mandibular lateral incisor

Option B: Mandibular canine

Option C: Mandibular central incisor

Option D: Maxillary central incisor

Correct Answer: Mandibular central incisor

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Option A: Equal is length to the mesial bifurcation of the maxillary first molar

Option B: Equal is length to the buccal bifurcation of the maxillary first molar

Option C: equal in length to the crown

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Equal is length to the mesial bifurcation of the maxillary first molar

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Option A: Central incisor

Option B: First premolar

Option C: Third molar

Option D: Second molar

Correct Answer: Third molar

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Option A: Maxillary molar has 2 major fossa, 2 minor fossa, 4 triangular ridges,1 oblique ridge and 5 grooves

Option B: Mandibular molar has 1 major fossa, 2 minor fossa, 5 triangular ridges and 4 grooves

Option C: Rhomboidal shape in maxillary molars and hexagonal shape in Mandibular molars

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Maxillary roots are inclined distally where as Mandibular roots are inclined mesially

Option B: Maxillary molars are buccally inclined and Mandibular molars are inclined lingually

Option C: Buccal cusps of lower and lingual cusps of upper are the functional cusp

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: 3

Option B: 4

Option C: 5

Option D: 6

Correct Answer: 5

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Option A: Central fossa and mesial fossa

Option B: Central and distal fossa

Option C: Mesial and distal tringular fossa

Option D: Distal fossa and distal tringaular fossa

Correct Answer: Central and distal fossa

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Option A: Maxillary 1st molar

Option B: Maxillary 2ndmolar

Option C: Mandibular 1st molar

Option D: Mandibular 2nd molar

Correct Answer: Maxillary 1st molar

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Option A: Maxillary first

Option B: Maxillary second

Option C: Mandibular second

Option D: Mandibular first

Correct Answer: Mandibular second

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Option A: Line connecting mesial with distal is longest

Option B: Line connecting mesial with lingual is longest

Option C: Line connecting distal with lingual is longest

Option D: Angle at the mesio facial canal is obtuse

Correct Answer: Line connecting mesial with lingual is longest

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Option A: Buccal

Option B: Mesial

Option C: Distal

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Mesial

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Option A: DB

Option B: DL

Option C: MB

Option D: ML

Correct Answer: DL

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Option A: ML

Option B: MB

Option C: DB

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Oval

Option B: Elliptical

Option C: Square

Option D: Tetrahedral

Correct Answer: Square

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Option A: Maxillary 2nd premolar

Option B: Maxillary 1st premolar

Option C: Mandibular canine

Option D: Maxillary canine

Correct Answer: Maxillary 1st premolar

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Option A: 3

Option B: 4

Option C: 5

Option D: 6

Correct Answer: 5

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Option A: Mamelons

Option B: Tubercles

Option C: Enamel pits

Option D: Cingulum

Correct Answer: Mamelons

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Option A: 4

Option B: 3

Option C: 5

Option D: 6

Correct Answer: 5

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Option A: Permanent incisor

Option B: First premolar

Option C: Permanent canine

Option D: Decidous incisor

Correct Answer: Permanent canine

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Option A: Maxillary canine

Option B: Mandibular canine

Option C: Mandibular first molar

Option D: Maxillary first molar

Correct Answer: Maxillary first molar

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Option A: The buccal and lingual cusps are more prominent

Option B: The lingual cusp is sharper and longer

Option C: The lingual surface rounded and less developed

Option D: The buccal surface is rounded and less developed

Correct Answer: The lingual surface rounded and less developed

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Option A: Mandibular second molars

Option B: Mandibular first premolars

Option C: Maxillary first molars

Option D: Maxillary canines

Correct Answer: Mandibular first premolars

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Option A: Flattened root

Option B: More pronounced lingual fossa

Option C: Thinner incisal ridge

Option D: Sharper proximal incisal angles

Correct Answer: More pronounced lingual fossa

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Option A: 6

Option B: 12

Option C: 24

Option D: 32

Correct Answer: 12

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Option A: The root curves to mesial in the apical 1/3rd

Option B: The distal half of canine shows more convexity than the mesical half

Option C: Facially the cusp tip is placed distal to Bisecting line

Option D: Lingually the cervical line slopes mesially

Correct Answer: The distal half of canine shows more convexity than the mesical half

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Option A: 2

Option B: 3

Option C: 4

Option D: 5

Correct Answer: 3

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Option A: Maxillary central incisor

Option B: Maxillary lateral incisor

Option C: Mandibular central incisor

Option D: Mandibular 1st premolar

Correct Answer: Maxillary lateral incisor

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Option A: Distal

Option B: Mesial

Option C: Facial

Option D: Palatal

Correct Answer: Distal

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Option A: Mesio- buccal

Option B: Disto – buccal

Option C: Lingual

Option D: All are of equal length

Correct Answer: B. Disto – buccal

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Option A: Height of the lingual cusp

Option B: Mesial inclination of the lingual cusp

Option C: Flattened area beneath the contact on the distal surface

Option D: Greater length of the mesial cusp ridge on the lingual cusp ( AIPG- 98)

Correct Answer: Mesial inclination of the lingual cusp

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Option A: Facial

Option B: Lingual

Option C: Distal

Option D: Mesial

Correct Answer: Facial

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Option A: Maxillary first

Option B: Maxillary second

Option C: Mandibular first

Option D: Mandibular second

Correct Answer: Mandibular first

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Option A: Maxillary first molar only

Option B: Mandibular first molar only

Option C: Maxillary and mandibular first molar

Option D: Maxillary and Mandibular second molar

Correct Answer: Maxillary and mandibular first molar

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Option A: Maxillary 1stpremolar

Option B: Mandibular 2ndpremolar

Option C: Mandibular 1st premolar

Option D: Maxillary 1st molar

Correct Answer: Maxillary 1st molar

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Option A: Maxillary 1stpremolar

Option B: Mandibular 2ndpremolar

Option C: Mandibular 1st premolar

Option D: Maxillary 1st molar

Correct Answer: Maxillary 1st molar

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Option A: Central incisor

Option B: Lateral incisor

Option C: Canine

Option D: Second premolar (AIPG – 97, Man-95)

Correct Answer: Canine

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Option A: The lingual root of a maxillary first molar

Option B: The lingual root of a maxillary second molar

Option C: The root of a mandibular canine

Option D: The root of a maxillary canine

Correct Answer: The root of a maxillary canine

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Option A: Oval

Option B: Trapezoidal

Option C: Triangular

Option D: Rhomboidal

Correct Answer: Rhomboidal

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Option A: Two

Option B: Four

Option C: Six

Option D: Eight

Correct Answer: Six

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Option A: Maxillary lateral incisor & mandibular canine

Option B: Maxillary 2nd premolar & maxillary 1st molar

Option C: Maxillary 2nd premolar & mandibular canine

Option D: Maxillary 1st molar & mandibular 2nd premolar

Correct Answer: Maxillary 2nd premolar & mandibular canine

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Option A: 6:10

Option B: 8:10

Option C: 6:8

Option D: 7:10

Correct Answer: 8:10

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Option A: Smoothen the jagged margins and apply fluoride varnish

Option B: Build up other teeth to large size

Option C: Extraction of big teeth

Option D: Assure him and send him back

Correct Answer: Assure him and send him back

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Option A: Birth to 8 years

Option B: Birth to 12 years

Option C: Birth to 6 years

Option D: 6 years to 12 years

Correct Answer: Birth to 8 years

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Option A: 1½ 2 years

Option B: 2½ – 3 years

Option C: 3-4 years

Option D: 3-5 years

Correct Answer: B. 2½ – 3 years

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Option A: Maxillary 1st premolar

Option B: Maxillary 2nd premolar

Option C: Mandibular 1st molar

Option D: Mandibular 2nd premolar

Correct Answer: Maxillary 1st premolar

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Option A: 6

Option B: 8

Option C: 4

Option D: 10

Correct Answer: 4

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Option A: Second dentition

Option B: Two same sets of dentition

Option C: Two separate sets of dentition

Option D: More than two sets of dentition

Correct Answer: Two separate sets of dentition

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Option A: Mandibular canine

Option B: Maxillary second premolar

Option C: Mandibular first premolar

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Mandibular first premolar

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Option A: Number of roots

Option B: Depth of central fossae

Option C: Comparative size of the cusp of carabelli

Option D: Relative position of the distolingual grooves

Correct Answer: Relative position of the distolingual grooves

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Option A: Maxillary central incisor

Option B: Maxillary second premolar

Option C: Mandibular lateral incisor

Option D: Mandibular central incisor

Correct Answer: Maxillary central incisor

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Option A: Cusps

Option B: Roots

Option C: Lingual grooves

Option D: Marginal ridges

Correct Answer: Cusps

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Option A: Mesiobuccal roots of maxillary first molar

Option B: Distal root of mandibular first molar

Option C: Both of the above

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Both of the above

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Option A: Trapezoidal

Option B: Rhomboidal

Option C: Quadrilateral

Option D: Square

Correct Answer: Trapezoidal

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Option A: Cusp of carabelli

Option B: Distolingual cusp of molars

Option C: Lingual cusp of second premolar

Option D: Cingulam of canine

Correct Answer: Cingulam of canine

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Option A: Distrobuccal, distolingual and Mesiolingual

Option B: Distolingual, Mesiobuccal, and Linguo buccal

Option C: Mesiobuccal, Distobuccal and Mesiolingual

Option D: Mesiolingual, Mesiobuccal and distolingual

Correct Answer: Mesiobuccal, Distobuccal and Mesiolingual

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Option A: Mesiofacial

Option B: Distofacial

Option C: Mesiolingual

Option D: Distolingual

Correct Answer: Mesiofacial

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Option A: Rhomboidal

Option B: Trapezoidal

Option C: Elliptical

Option D: Wedge- shaped

Correct Answer: Wedge- shaped

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Option A: 1 lobe

Option B: 3 lobes

Option C: 4 lobes

Option D: 5 lobes

Correct Answer: 4 lobes

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Option A: Dumbell

Option B: Kidney shape

Option C: Elliptical

Option D: Oval

Correct Answer: Kidney shape

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Option A: DB and ML

Option B: MB and DL

Option C: MB and DB

Option D: ML and DL

Correct Answer: MB and DL

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Option A: Maxillary third molar

Option B: Mandibular third molar

Option C: Maxillary second premolar

Option D: Mandibular second premolar

Correct Answer: Maxillary third molar

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Option A: Maxillary canine

Option B: Maxillary 1st premolar

Option C: Mandibular 1st premolar

Option D: Maxillary 2nd premolar

Correct Answer: Maxillary 1st premolar

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Option A: Canines

Option B: First premolars

Option C: First molars

Option D: Second molars

Correct Answer: First molars

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Option A: DL and DB

Option B: ML and MB

Option C: ML and DB

Option D: DL and MB

Correct Answer: ML and DB

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Option A: Buccally

Option B: Lingually

Option C: Occlusal

Option D: Proximally

Correct Answer: Buccally

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Option A: 32,42

Option B: 31,41

Option C: 34,44

Option D: 13,23

Correct Answer: 34,44

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Option A: Canine

Option B: Decidous first molar

Option C: Permanent first molar

Option D: Third molar

Correct Answer: Permanent first molar

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