
Oral Anatomy MCQs

Option A: Mesial surface

Option B: Palatal surface

Option C: Buccal surface

Option D: Mesial half of the palatal surface

Correct Answer: Mesial half of the palatal surface

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Option A: Maxillary central incisor

Option B: Mandibular central incisor

Option C: Mandibular lateral incisor

Option D: Mandibular second premolar

Correct Answer: Mandibular central incisor

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Option A: Mandibular first premolar

Option B: Mandibular second premolar

Option C: Maxillary first premolar

Option D: Maxillary second premolar

Correct Answer: Mandibular second premolar

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Option A: More

Option B: Less

Option C: Same

Option D: Different on different teeth

Correct Answer: More

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Option A: Maxillary central incisor

Option B: Mandibular lateral incisor

Option C: Maxillary lateral incisor

Option D: Mandibular central incisor

Correct Answer: Mandibular central incisor

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Option A: Maxillary first premolar

Option B: Mandibular first premolar

Option C: Maxillary second premolar

Option D: Mandibular second premolar

Correct Answer: Mandibular first premolar

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Option A: Maxillary 1st premolar

Option B: Mandibular 2nd premolar

Option C: Maxillary canine

Option D: Mandibular canine

Correct Answer: Mandibular canine

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Option A: Maxillary permanent first molar

Option B: Mandibular permanent first molar

Option C: Mandibular permanent second molar

Option D: Mandibular decidous second molar

Correct Answer: Mandibular permanent second molar

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Option A: Maxillary 1st premolar

Option B: Maxillary 2ndpremolar

Option C: Mandibular 1st premolar

Option D: Mandibular 2nd premolar

Correct Answer: Mandibular 1st premolar

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Option A: Mandibular third molar

Option B: Mandibular second premolar

Option C: Maxillary second molar

Option D: Maxillary first premolar

Correct Answer: Maxillary first premolar

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Option A: Maxillary lateral incisor

Option B: Mandibular lateral incisor

Option C: Maxillary canine

Option D: Mandibular canine

Correct Answer: Maxillary lateral incisor

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Option A: Maxillary 1st premolar

Option B: Maxillary 2nd premolar

Option C: Maxillary 1st molar

Option D: Mandibular 1stmolar

Correct Answer: Maxillary 1st molar

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Option A: Mesial and distal

Option B: Facial and lingual

Option C: Mesiobuccal and distobuccal

Option D: Mesiolingual and distolingual

Correct Answer: Facial and lingual

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Option A: Mesiobuccal

Option B: Distobuccal

Option C: Mesio lingual

Option D: Distal

Correct Answer: Mesiobuccal

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Option A: Maxillary lateral incisor

Option B: Maxillary first premolar

Option C: Maxillary first molar

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Maxillary lateral incisor

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Option A: Oval

Option B: Trapezoidal

Option C: Triangular

Option D: Rhomboidal

Correct Answer: Rhomboidal

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Option A: Synonym

Option B: Antonym

Option C: Misnomer

Option D: Laevonomer

Correct Answer: Misnomer

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Option A: 2 mm less distally than mesially

Option B: 1 mm less distally than mesially

Option C: 2 mm less lingually than buccally

Option D: 1 mm less lingually than buccally

Correct Answer: 1 mm less distally than mesially

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Option A: Haplodont

Option B: Heterodont

Option C: Acrodont

Option D: Thecodont

Correct Answer: Haplodont

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Option A: Apex of the root

Option B: Tip of the cusp

Option C: Centre of the crown

Option D: Centre of the tooth

Correct Answer: Tip of the cusp

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Option A: Facial embrasure

Option B: Lingual embrasure

Option C: Cervical embrasure

Option D: Occlusal embrasure

Correct Answer: Cervical embrasure

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Option A: In the middle third of the lingual

Option B: Nearest the occlusal third of the lingual

Option C: In the cervical third of the buccal

Option D: Both A and C

Correct Answer: Both A and C

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Option A: Maxillary first molar

Option B: Mandibular second premolar

Option C: Mandibular first molar

Option D: Maxillary second premolar

Correct Answer: Maxillary first molar

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Option A: Distribution of occlusal stresses

Option B: Protection of periodontium

Option C: Stabilization of dental arches

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: 5,6,7,8

Option B: 4,5,6,7

Option C: 3,4,5,6

Option D:

Correct Answer: 5,6,7,8

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Option A: Mesial contacts of maxillary lateral and canine

Option B: Distal contacts of maxillary centrals and laterals

Option C: Distal contacts of maxillary laterals and canine

Option D: Mesial contacts of maxillary first and second premolar

Correct Answer: Distal contacts of maxillary laterals and canine

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Option A: Cusps

Option B: Root forms

Option C: Embrasures

Option D: Periodontal fibers

Correct Answer: Embrasures

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Option A: Middle third

Option B: Junction of the incisal and middle thirds

Option C: Junction of the middle and cedrvical thirds

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Junction of the middle and cedrvical thirds

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Option A: Lower than mesial contact area

Option B: Little cervical to junction of occlusal and middle third of crown

Option C: Higher than mesial contact area

Option D: A and B

Correct Answer: A and B

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Option A: Middle 3rd of proximal surface with lingual embrasure greater than the facial embrasure

Option B: Occlusal 3rd of proximal surface with the lingual embrasure greater than facial embrasure

Option C: Occlusal 3rd of proximal surface with facial embrasure greater than lingual embrasure

Option D: Middle 3rd with facial embrasure greater than the lingual embrasure

Correct Answer: Middle 3rd of proximal surface with lingual embrasure greater than the facial embrasure

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Option A: Mandibular first premolar

Option B: Mandibular lateral incisor

Option C: Maxillary central incisor

Option D: Maxillary lateral incisor

Correct Answer: Maxillary lateral incisor

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Option A: Maxillary central incisors

Option B: Maxillary central and lateral incisor

Option C: Maxillary canine and first premolar

Option D: Maxillary lateral incisor and canine

Correct Answer: Maxillary canine and first premolar

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Option A: Labial and lingual

Option B: Lingual and Occlusal

Option C: Incisal and Occlusal

Option D: Labial and Occlusal

Correct Answer: Labial and lingual

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Option A: Form of the teeth involved

Option B: Size of the teeth involved

Option C: Eruption sequence involved

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Form of the teeth involved

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Option A: 20 to 55 pounds

Option B: 30 to 75 pounds

Option C: 50 to 75 pounds

Option D: 90 to 200 pounds

Correct Answer: 90 to 200 pounds

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Option A: 20°

Option B: 28°

Option C: 33°

Option D: 38°

Correct Answer: 28°

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Option A: Due to caries

Option B: Due to death of odontoblastic layer

Option C: It remains after caries is removed

Option D: Because of odontoblastic migration from cell rich zone

Correct Answer: Due to death of odontoblastic layer

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Option A: Premolars

Option B: 1st and 2ndmolar

Option C: 1st premolar and cane

Option D: First molar and 2nd premolar

Correct Answer: First molar and 2nd premolar

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Option A: 1 – 1.5 mm

Option B: 2 mm

Option C: 2 – 2.3 mm

Option D: 3 mm

Correct Answer: A. 1 – 1.5 mm

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Option A: Maxillary anterior

Option B: Mandibular canine

Option C: Mandibular anteriors

Option D: Maxillary canine

Correct Answer: Mandibular anteriors

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Option A: Mandibular centrals

Option B: Mandibular laterals

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Both A and B

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Option A: Middle of the middle third with buccal embrasure wider than lingual

Option B: Middle of the middle third with lingual embrasure wider than buccal

Option C: Litter cervical to the junction of occlusal and middle third of the crown with wide occlusal embrasure

Option D: Cervical third with buccal embrasure wider than lingual embrasure

Correct Answer: Litter cervical to the junction of occlusal and middle third of the crown with wide occlusal embrasure

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Option A: Facially and occlusally

Option B: Facially and gingivally

Option C: Lingually and gingivally

Option D: Lingually and occlusally

Correct Answer: Facially and occlusally

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Option A: Catenary curve

Option B: Curve of spee

Option C: Monson curve

Option D: Wilson curve

Correct Answer: Wilson curve

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Option A: Central incisors

Option B: Central and lateral incisors

Option C: Lateral incisor and canine

Option D: First and 2nd premolar

Correct Answer: Lateral incisor and canine

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Option A: Facially

Option B: Lingually

Option C: Cervically

Option D: Facially, lingually , cervically & occlusally

Correct Answer: Facially

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Option A: Buccal

Option B: Distal

Option C: Lingual

Option D: Occlusal

Correct Answer: Lingual

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Option A: Middle third

Option B: Junction of incisal and medial thirds

Option C: Junction of the middle & cervical thirds

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer:

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