
Odontogenic Cysts And Tumors MCQs

Option A: Down’s syndrome

Option B: Maroteaux lamy syndrome

Option C: Teacher collin syndrome

Option D: Gorlin Goltz syndrome

Correct Answer: Maroteaux lamy syndrome

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Option A: Odontogenic ghost cell tumor

Option B: Dentinogenic ghost cell tumor

Option C: Keratcysticodontogenic tumour

Option D: A & C

Correct Answer: Dentinogenic ghost cell tumor

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Option A: Pleomorphic adenoma

Option B: Epidermoid carcinoma

Option C: Warthin’s stumour

Option D: Lymphoepithelial carcinoma

Correct Answer: Lymphoepithelial carcinoma

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Option A: Periapical cyst

Option B: Dentigerous cyst

Option C: Globulomaxillary cyst

Option D: Nasopalatine cyst

Correct Answer: Dentigerous cyst

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Option A: Segmental resection with 1 cm of normal bone

Option B: Enbloc resection

Option C: Enucleation

Option D: Enucleation with cauterization

Correct Answer: Segmental resection with 1 cm of normal bone

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Option A: Primordial cyst

Option B: Dentigerous cyst

Option C: Radicular cyst

Option D: Mucocele

Correct Answer: Radicular cyst

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Option A: Radicular cyst

Option B: Paradental cyst

Option C: Eruption cyst

Option D: Glandular odontogenic cyst

Correct Answer: Glandular odontogenic cyst

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Option A: Polyhedral epithelial cells

Option B: Tubular / duct like cells

Option C: Stellate shaped cells

Option D: Stratified squamous epithelial cells

Correct Answer: Tubular / duct like cells

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Option A: Increased pressure within the cyst

Option B: Immune mediated bone destruction

Option C: Proliferation of epithelium

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Proliferation of epithelium

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Option A: Reassure the patient without any treatment

Option B: Excise the lesion

Option C: Marsupialization

Option D: Surgical Excision

Correct Answer: Reassure the patient without any treatment

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Option A: Basal layer of cells

Option B: Stratum intermedium

Option C: Stratum corneum

Option D: Dental lamina

Correct Answer: Both B & D

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Option A: Odontogenic keratocyst

Option B: Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor (CEOT)

Option C: Ameloblastoma

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor (CEOT)

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Option A: Jawcyst basal cell Nevus Syndrome

Option B: Odontogenic keratocyst

Option C: Cherubism

Option D: thyroid disorders

Correct Answer: Jawcyst basal cell Nevus Syndrome

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Option A: Pleomorphic

Option B: Warthins tumor

Option C: Mucoepidermoid

Option D: Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor

Correct Answer: Mucoepidermoid

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Option A: 15-20 cell thick

Option B: 6-10 cell thick

Option C: 2-4 cell thick

Option D: 1-2 cell thick

Correct Answer: 6-10 cell thick

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Option A: Impacted 3rd molar

Option B: Impacted supernumerary tooth

Option C: Odontome

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Irradiation

Option B: Excision

Option C: Enucleation

Option D: Surgical removal followed by cauterization

Correct Answer: Surgical removal followed by cauterization

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Option A: Aneurysmal bone cyst

Option B: Static bone cavity

Option C: Memorrhagic bone cyst

Option D: Ameloblastoma

Correct Answer: Memorrhagic bone cyst

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Option A: 2-3 mm

Option B: 3-4 mm

Option C: 1-2 mm

Option D: >5 mm

Correct Answer: >5 mm

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Option A: Mixed tissue of dental origin with no resemblance to tooth structure

Option B: Numerous tooth like structure with denticles commonly found in maxillary lateral incisors

Option C: Haphazardly arranged calcified mass

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Numerous tooth like structure with denticles commonly found in maxillary lateral incisors

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Option A: Fibroma

Option B: Ameloblastoma

Option C: Papilloma

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Ameloblastoma

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Option A: condensing osteitis

Option B: cementoma

Option C: Periapical abscess

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: cementoma

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Option A: No treatment

Option B: Pulpectomy

Option C: Resection of jaw

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: No treatment

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Option A: Excision biopsy

Option B: Aspiration Cytology

Option C: CT Scan

Option D: Pet Bone scan

Correct Answer: Aspiration Cytology

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Option A: Amebloblastic fibroodontoma

Option B: Calcifying odontogenic cyst

Option C: Compound odontoma

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: A tumour from embrynomal cells of developing teeth

Option B: Also known as Amebloblastoma

Option C: is a complication of dentigerous cyst

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Anterior mandible

Option B: Posterior maxilla

Option C: Anterior maxilla

Option D: Ramus of mandible

Correct Answer: Anterior maxilla

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Option A: Gardner’s syndrome

Option B: Gorlin-Goltz syndrome

Option C: Goldenhar’s syndrome

Option D: Grinspan syndrome

Correct Answer: Gorlin-Goltz syndrome

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Option A: Orthokeratinised

Option B: Parakeratinised

Option C: Non-Keratinised

Option D: Diskeratinised

Correct Answer: Parakeratinised

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Option A: Peripheral palisading cellular strand with central loose stellate reticulum

Option B: Peripheral palisading with central stromal retraction artefact

Option C: Peripheral palisading cellular strand with peripheral loose stellate reticulum

Option D: Central loose stellate reticulum shows marked nuclear atypia and numerous mitotic

Correct Answer: Peripheral palisading cellular strand with central loose stellate reticulum

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Option A: Haw low recurrence rate

Option B: Has low protein content

Option C: High recurrence rate

Option D: B and C

Correct Answer: Haw low recurrence rate

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Option A: Dentigerous cyst

Option B: Clacifying epithelial odontogenic cyst

Option C: Keratocyst

Option D: Primordial cyst

Correct Answer: Primordial cyst

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Option A: It is more common in mandible

Option B: May be filled with thin straw coloured fluid

Option C: Low recurrence rate

Option D: Expansion of bone clinically seen

Correct Answer: Low recurrence rate

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Option A: Dental cyst

Option B: Dentigerous cyst

Option C: Keratocyst

Option D: Simple bone cyst

Correct Answer: Keratocyst

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Option A: Keratocyst

Option B: Periapical cyst

Option C: Nasoalveolar cyst

Option D: Globulamaxilary cyst

Correct Answer: Keratocyst

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Option A: Increased mitotic activity of the epithelial lining

Option B: Friability of the epithelial lining

Option C: Presence of satellite cysts or daughter cysts

Option D: Continued proliferation of rests of dental lamina

Correct Answer: Presence of satellite cysts or daughter cysts

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Option A: CEOT

Option B: Enameloma

Option C: Odontoma

Option D: Ameloblastoma

Correct Answer: Ameloblastoma

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Option A: Sun-burst appearance

Option B: Onion – peel appearance

Option C: Driven-snow appearance

Option D: Cherry -blossom appearance

Correct Answer: Driven-snow appearance

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Option A: Multicentric

Option B: Non-Functional

Option C: Anatomically benign

Option D: clinically persistent

Correct Answer: Multicentric

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Option A: In place of missing teeth

Option B: In teeth in which crown development is completed

Option C: In periapical region

Option D: In mandibular body

Correct Answer: In place of missing teeth

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Option A: Occurs due to infection periapically

Option B: Is developmental in origin

Option C: Can be treated by aspiration

Option D: Has low recurrence rate

Correct Answer: Is developmental in origin

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Option A: Ameloblastoma

Option B: Adeno carcinoma

Option C: Fibrosarcoma

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: Ameloblastoma

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Option A: Nemorrhagic cyst

Option B: Median palatal

Option C: Globulomaxillary

Option D: Nasolabial

Correct Answer: Nemorrhagic cyst

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Option A: Adamantinoma

Option B: Osteogenic sarcoma

Option C: Squamous cell carcinoma

Option D: Osteoclastoma

Correct Answer: Adamantinoma

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Option A: Tennis racket

Option B: Picket fence

Option C: Linear

Option D: Irregular

Correct Answer: Picket fence

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Option A: Paget’s disease

Option B: Osteomas

Option C: Cementifying fibroma

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: Cementifying fibroma

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Option A: Keratocyst

Option B: Periodontal cyst

Option C: Aneurysmal cyst

Option D: Hemorrhagic cyst

Correct Answer: Keratocyst

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Option A: Odontogenic adenomatoid tumour

Option B: Odontoma

Option C: Myxoma

Option D: Cementifying fibroma

Correct Answer: Odontogenic adenomatoid tumour

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Option A: Arrhenoblastoma

Option B: Astrocytoma

Option C: Ameloblastoma

Option D: Granular cell tumor

Correct Answer: Ameloblastoma

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Option A: Calcifying epithelial odontogenic cyst

Option B: Primordial cyst

Option C: Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor

Option D: Odontoma

Correct Answer: Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor

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Option A: Transforms into dentigerous cyst

Option B: Regresses after eruption of the tooth

Option C: Is found in the place of the missing tooth

Option D: Is a type of dentigerous cyst

Correct Answer: Regresses after eruption of the tooth

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Option A: Lateral periodontal cyst

Option B: Apical periodontal cyst

Option C: Gingival cyst of new born

Option D: Gingival cysts of adult

Correct Answer: Lateral periodontal cyst

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Option A: Periapical cemental dysplasia

Option B: Familial cemental dysplasia

Option C: Benign cementoblastoma

Option D: Hypercementosis

Correct Answer: Benign cementoblastoma

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Option A: Supernumerary teeth

Option B: Radiolucent and radiopaque areas

Option C: Masses of calcified areas

Option D: Distinguishable tooth – like structures

Correct Answer: D. Distinguishable tooth – like structures

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Option A: Mandibular moral region

Option B: Maxillary molar region

Option C: Mandibular premolar region

Option D: Maxillary premolar region

Correct Answer: Mandibular moral region

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Option A: Basal cell nevus syndrome

Option B: Sturge weber syndrome

Option C: Horner syndrome

Option D: Hereditary internal polyposis

Correct Answer: Basal cell nevus syndrome

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