
Fluid Dynamics MCQs

Option A: Laminar

Option B: Streamline

Option C: Turbulent

Option D: Both A and B

Correct Answer: Turbulent

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Option A: 120 to 80 torr

Option B: 100 to 80 torr

Option C: 120 to 60 torr

Option D: 60 to 140 torr

Correct Answer: 120 to 80 torr

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Option A: Convergent duct

Option B: Divergent duct

Option C: Throat

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: None of these

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Option A: Water

Option B: Honey

Option C: Mercury

Option D: Oil (kerosene)

Correct Answer: Water

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Option A: Laminar flow

Option B: Turbulent flow

Option C: Both laminar and turbulent flow

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Both laminar and turbulent flow

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Option A: Wing shape

Option B: Aerofoil profile

Option C: Curved profile

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Aerofoil profile

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Option A: Laminar

Option B: Turbulent

Option C: Mixed

Option D: None

Correct Answer: Laminar

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Option A: Venturi meter

Option B: Bernoulli equation

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: None

Correct Answer: Both A and B

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Option A: Statically

Option B: Dynamically

Option C: Some time static and sometimes dynamic

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Dynamically

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Option A: Low

Option B: High

Option C: Very high

Option D: Some time high and some time low

Correct Answer: Low

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Option A: P1 – P2 = 1/2 ρV22

Option B: V2 = 2g (h1-h2)

Option C: P = 1 /2ρV2 = ρgh = constant

Option D: A1 V1 = A2 V2 = constant

Correct Answer: P1 – P2 = 1/2 ρV22

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Option A: Non-viscous

Option B: Incompressible

Option C: Steady flow

Option D: Possess all properties

Correct Answer: Possess all properties

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Option A: Bernoulli effect

Option B: Torricelli effect

Option C: Venturi effect

Option D: Stokes effect

Correct Answer: Venturi effect

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Option A: Stationary

Option B: Moving

Option C: Moving slowly

Option D: Moving fast

Correct Answer: Moving

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Option A: Venturimeter

Option B: Blood pressure

Option C: Sphygmomanometer

Option D: Sonometer

Correct Answer: Sphygmomanometer

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Option A: Low blood pressure

Option B: High blood pressure

Option C: Normal blood pressure

Option D: Abnormal blood pressure

Correct Answer: High blood pressure

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Option A: 1.333 Nm-2

Option B: .1333 Nm-2

Option C: 13.33 Nm-2

Option D: 133.3 Nm2

Correct Answer: 133.3 Nm2

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Option A: Rough

Option B: Square

Option C: Circular

Option D: Spherical

Correct Answer: Spherical

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A.The shinning side of the ball
B. Rough side
C. The seam of the ball
D. Goes straight

Correct Answer: A.The shinning side of the ball

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Option A: Fluid pressure

Option B: Fluid density

Option C: Fluid speed

Option D: None

Correct Answer: Fluid pressure

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Option A: Mass

Option B: Energy

Option C: Momentum

Option D: Fluid

Correct Answer: Energy

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Option A: 4:06

Option B: 4:09

Option C: 2:09

Option D: 4.3

Correct Answer: 4:09

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Option A: Standing straight

Option B: Sitting on chair

Option C: Sitting on ground

Option D: Laying horizontally

Correct Answer: Laying horizontally

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Option A: On the train

Option B: Away from the train

Option C: Towards the train

Option D: On himself

Correct Answer: Towards the train

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Option A: 25%

Option B: 40%

Option C: 50%

Option D: 75%

Correct Answer: 50%

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Option A: Rigid

Option B: Not rigid

Option C: Of glass

Option D: Of rubber

Correct Answer: Not rigid

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Option A: Bernoulli’s theorem

Option B: Torricelli’s theorem

Option C: Venture relation

Option D: All

Correct Answer: Torricelli’s theorem

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Option A: Low

Option B: High

Option C: Constant

Option D: Changes continuously

Correct Answer: Low

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Option A: Mass

Option B: Energy

Option C: Momentum

Option D: All

Correct Answer: Mass

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Option A: Flow rate

Option B: Volume of fluid

Option C: Mass of fluid

Option D: The density of the fluid

Correct Answer: Flow rate

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Option A: Streamline

Option B: Turbulent

Option C: Uniform

Option D: Laminar

Correct Answer: Turbulent

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Option A: The velocity of the fluid is constant

Option B: The flow of the fluid is the straight line

Option C: The density of the fluid is constant

Option D: The volume of the fluid is constant

Correct Answer: The density of the fluid is constant

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Option A: Newtons law

Option B: Pascals law

Option C: Gauss law

Option D: Stokes law

Correct Answer: Stokes law

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Option A: Turbulent

Option B: Streamline

Option C: Irregular

Option D: Straight line

Correct Answer: Streamline

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Option A: The radius of the body

Option B: The diameter of the body

Option C: Size of the body

Option D: Square of the diameter of the body

Correct Answer: Square of the diameter of the body

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Option A: Vt = gr2ρ

Option B: Vt = 2gr2/9ρ

Option C: Vt = gr2/9ρ

Option D: Vt = 9gr2/2ρ

Correct Answer: Vt = 2gr2/9ρ

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Option A: 0

Option B: Maximum

Option C: Variable

Option D: Infinite

Correct Answer: 0

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Option A: Uniform

Option B: Maximum

Option C: Uniform and maximum

Option D: Neither uniform nor maximum

Correct Answer: Uniform

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Option A: ML-1T-1

Option B: M2L1T1

Option C: ML1T-1

Option D: M2L-1T-1

Correct Answer: ML-1T-1

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Option A: Milk

Option B: Water

Option C: Charcoal

Option D: Water

Correct Answer: Water

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