
Modern Physics MCQs

Option A: Simple vibratory motion

Option B: Standing wave motion

Option C: Vibratory motion like up and down

Option D: S.H.M likes the sound

Correct Answer: Standing wave motion

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Option A: Photon theory of light

Option B: Dual nature of light

Option C: Wave nature of light

Option D: Uncertain nature of light

Correct Answer: Photon theory of light

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Option A: Karl-Weins law

Option B: Rayleigh-Jeans law

Option C: Stephens law

Option D: Plancks

Correct Answer: Stephens law

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Option A: 107m/sec

Option B: Should be greater than the speed of light.

Option C: Be zero

Option D: Not be wave-like

Correct Answer: Should be greater than the speed of light.

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Option A: Property of matter and radiation

Option B: Two-dimensional motion

Option C: Emission of the certain wavelength

Option D: Very high velocity

Correct Answer: Property of matter and radiation

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Option A: Electron microscope

Option B: Scanning electron microscope

Option C: Magnetic imaging

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Scanning electron microscope

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Option A: Electromagnetic gun

Option B: Source of electromagnetic waves

Option C: Deflecting charged particle

Option D: Converging source of electrons

Correct Answer: Converging source of electrons

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Option A: Penetrating power is high

Option B: Kinetic energy is large

Option C: Wavelength is very short

Option D: All the above reasons

Correct Answer: Wavelength is very short

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Option A: Wave property

Option B: Particle property

Option C: Energy particle

Option D: Electromagnetic wave property

Correct Answer: Wave property

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Option A: Particle property

Option B: Wave property

Option C: Light property

Option D: Quantum property

Correct Answer: Wave property

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Option A: v = 3 ×× 106 ms-1

Option B: v = 2 ×× 10 ms-1

Option C: v = 2 ×× 6 ms-1

Option D: v = 2 ×× 106 ms-1

Correct Answer: v = 2 ×× 106 ms-1

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Option A: 5.53 x 10-36kg

Option B: 0 kg.

Option C: 2.46 x 10-36kg

Option D: 1.84 x 10-44kg

Correct Answer: 2.46 x 10-36kg

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Option A: p

Option B: n

Option C: 0

Option D: None

Correct Answer: p

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Option A: Zero

Option B: Double

Option C: Half

Option D: 1

Correct Answer: Double

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Option A: The maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons increases

Option B: The minimum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons decreases

Option C: The minimum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons increases

Option D: The average kinetic energy of the photoelectrons decreases

Correct Answer: The average kinetic energy of the photoelectrons decreases

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Option A: Becomes double

Option B: Remains same

Option C: Becomes half

Option D: First increases then decrease because of the curvilinear graph

Correct Answer: Remains same

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Option A: Increases because wavelength decreases

Option B: Decreases because speed decreases

Option C: Remains same

Option D: Increases then decrease

Correct Answer: Remains same

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Option A: λ

Option B: Speed of sound

Option C: Speed of lightB.

Option D: h

Correct Answer: h

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Option A: 103 photons of wavelength 2 pm (γ-rays)

Option B: 102 photons of wavelength 1nm (x-rays)

Option C: 106 photons of wavelength 50?m (infrared)

Option D: 106 photons of wavelength 200nm (UV)

Correct Answer: 103 photons of wavelength 2 pm (γ-rays)

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Option A: A unit of energy

Option B: A positively charged particle

Option C: A quantum of electromagnetic radiation

Option D: A unit of wavelength

Correct Answer: A quantum of electromagnetic radiation

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Option A: Interference

Option B: Polarization

Option C: Electron diffraction

Option D: Refraction

Correct Answer: Electron diffraction

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Option A: The angle of scattering is 90°

Option B: The angle of scattering is 60°

Option C: The angle of scattering is 180°

Option D: The angle of scattering is 0

Correct Answer: The angle of scattering is 180°

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Option A: Ampere

Option B: Plank

Option C: Thomson

Option D: Einstein

Correct Answer: Einstein

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Option A: shifts towards longer wavelength

Option B: shifts towards shorter wavelength

Option C: remain the same

Option D: shifts towards longer as well as shorter wavelengths

Correct Answer: shifts towards shorter wavelength

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Option A: 1/2 mvmax2=hf+Φ

Option B: 1/2 mvmax2-hf = Φ

Option C: 1/2 mvmax2=hf-Φ

Option D: All of above are correct

Correct Answer: 1/2 mvmax2=hf-Φ

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Option A: infinite

Option B: zero

Option C: very small

Option D: 1.67 x 10-27 kg

Correct Answer: zero

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Option A: equal to its rest mass

Option B: double of its rest mass

Option C: infinite

Option D: zero

Correct Answer: infinite

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Option A: ∆E = h/m∆c(1-cosθ)

Option B: ∆E . ∆t = h

Option C: mc2 = hv

Option D: Any of above

Correct Answer: ∆E . ∆t = h

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Option A: equal to its rest mass

Option B: double of its rest mass

Option C: infinite

Option D: zero

Correct Answer: infinite

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Option A: the threshold frequency for the metal surface

Option B: the intensity of incident light

Option C: the frequency of incident light and work function of the metal surface

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: the frequency of incident light and work function of the metal surface

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Option A: 6.625x1023N-s

Option B: 66.25x1023N-s

Option C: 662.5x1023N-s

Option D: data is insufficient

Correct Answer: 6.625x1023N-s

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Option A: zero

Option B: hv/c2

Option C: hv/c

Option D: c2/hv

Correct Answer: zero

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Option A: greater than one meter

Option B: less than one meter

Option C: one meter

Option D: a foolish question

Correct Answer: less than one meter

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Option A: a frame of reference which is either at rest or moves with a constant velocity is called an inertial frame of reference

Option B: an un-accelerated frame of reference is called an inertial frame of reference

Option C: all the frames of reference in uniform rectilinear motion are equivalent

Option D: Newtons laws of motion are valid in an accelerated (non inertial) frame of reference

Correct Answer: Newtons laws of motion are valid in an accelerated (non inertial) frame of reference

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Option A: 2.50 GWh

Option B: 25.00 GWh

Option C: 0.26 GWh

Option D: 250 GWh

Correct Answer: 25.00 GWh

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Option A: T.V waves

Option B: Microwaves

Option C: X-rays

Option D: γ-rays

Correct Answer: γ-rays

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Option A: Ec2

Option B: E/c2

Option C: E/c

Option D: c2/E

Correct Answer: E/c2

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