
Cabinet Government MCQs

Option A: It introduces important bills in the house

Option B: It defends the policy of the Government on the floor of house

Option C: In introduces the budget in the Parliament

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: None of the above

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Option A: All the members of Cabinet must be taken from the same political party

Option B: The members of the/Cabinet should be taken from all the political parties

Option C: Members of Cabinet should be taken from various parties in proportion to their strength in the Parliiament

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: All the members of Cabinet must be taken from the same political party

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Option A: Single party system

Option B: Two-party system

Option C: Multi-party system

Option D: Partyless system

Correct Answer: Two-party system

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Option A: He presides over the meetings of the Cabinet

Option B: Cabinet is constituted around him

Option C: He can include anyone he likes in his Cabinet

Option D: He can dismiss any member of the Cabinet

Correct Answer: Cabinet is constituted around him

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Option A: All the ministers swim or sink together

Option B: All the decisions are taken by the Cabinet Ministers collectively

Option C: The decisions taken by the Cabinet must be-formally signed by all the ministers

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: All the ministers swim or sink together

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Option A: Only his resignation

Option B: Resignation of Defence Minister as well as the Prime Minister

Option C: Resignation of the entire Cabinet

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Resignation of the entire Cabinet

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Option A: Clearly ear-marking the spheres of the two organs of government

Option B: By ensuring harmonious relations between the two

Option C: By freeing the executive of all control by the legislature

Option D: By protecting the legislature against undue interference by the executive

Correct Answer: By ensuring harmonious relations between the two

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Option A: It makes changes in government possible without formal elections

Option B: It makes changes in government possible through elections

Option C: It ensures the accountability of the ministers to the people through their representatives

Option D: It appraises the people with the problems facing the country

Correct Answer: It makes changes in government possible through elections

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Option A: It invariably provide; freedom to press

Option B: It makes provision for free and compulsory education

Option C: All the problems facing the country are freely discussed parliament and through other medias

Option D: Of all the above reasons

Correct Answer: All the problems facing the country are freely discussed parliament and through other medias

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Option A: The leader of the majority party in the Parliament

Option B: Nominated by the Speaker of the popular house

Option C: Nominated by the head of the state

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: The leader of the majority party in the Parliament

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Option A: It encourages dictatiorship of Cabinet

Option B: It provides for an instable government

Option C: It ensures efficiency of administration

Option D: It is not suitable for dealing effectively with the emergencies

Correct Answer: It ensures efficiency of administration

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Option A: Three months

Option B: Six months

Option C: One year

Option D: Two years

Correct Answer: Six months

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Option A: For a fixed term

Option B: During the pleasure of the head of the date

Option C: As long as it enjoys support of majority of the members of Parliament popular house

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: As long as it enjoys support of majority of the members of Parliament popular house

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Option A: The head of the state

Option B: The Prime Minister

Option C: The Speaker

Option D: The Select Committee of the Cabinet

Correct Answer: The Prime Minister

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Option A: He presides over the meetings of the Cabinet:

Option B: He prepares the agenda for the meetings of the Cabinet

Option C: He co-ordinates the working of various departments

Option D: He chairs the meetings of the various standing and ad-hoc Committees of parliament

Correct Answer: He chairs the meetings of the various standing and ad-hoc Committees of parliament

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Option A: The Council of Ministers

Option B: The Prime Minister

Option C: The Constitution

Option D: The Parliament

Correct Answer: The Council of Ministers

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Option A: Separation of legislature and executive

Option B: Fusion of legislature and executive

Option C: Fusion of legislature executive and judiciary

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Fusion of legislature and executive

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Option A: Must be members of Parliament

Option B: Cannot be members of Parliament

Option C: Mayor may not be members of Parliament

Option D: Must be members of Popular house of Parliament

Correct Answer: Must be members of Parliament

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Option A: None

Option B: The head of the State

Option C: The Parliament

Option D: The people directly

Correct Answer: The Parliament

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Option A: The people

Option B: The Prime Minister

Option C: The Council of Minsters

Option D: The nominal Executive Head

Correct Answer: The nominal Executive Head

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Option A: The President is the Head of the Cabinet

Option B: The President enjoys only nominal executive powers

Option C: There is close co-operation between the legislature and executive

Option D: All the Ministers of the Cabinet are taken from the same party

Correct Answer: The President is the Head of the Cabinet

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Option A: 1914

Option B: 1689

Option C: 1937

Option D: 1884

Correct Answer: 1937

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Option A: By the close of eighteenth century

Option B: By the middle of the nineteenth century

Option C: During the twentieth century

Option D: By 1688

Correct Answer: By the close of eighteenth century

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Option A: During the times of George II

Option B: During the Glorious Revolution of 1688

Option C: During the Second World War

Option D: During the times of George III

Correct Answer: During the times of George II

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Option A: Japan

Option B: Britain

Option C: China

Option D: None of These

Correct Answer: Britain

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Option A: Absolute Government

Option B: Responsible Government

Option C: Non-parliamentary Government

Option D: Coalition Government

Correct Answer: Responsible Government

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