
Constitution And Constitutional Government MCQs

Option A: Absolute Monarchy

Option B: Military Dictatorship

Option C: Republican System of Government

Option D: Democracy

Correct Answer: Democracy

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Option A: Britain

Option B: U.S.A.

Option C: Switzerland

Option D: Al the above countries

Correct Answer: Britain

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Option A: In which most, but not all, of the provisions are unwritten

Option B: In which most of the provisions are written

Option C: In which more than half of the provisions are written

Option D: Which is completely written

Correct Answer: In which most of the provisions are written

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Option A: The rule and procedures concerning the relationships among the structures of Government and their principal powers and functions

Option B: A fundamental statement of laws governing the citizens’s political rights, the political institutions, their functions and their relationships within a particular political community

Option C: A primary source of constitutional law, which serves as a guide for the decisions of the courts of law which interpret the rules

Option D: The ordering of political processes and institutions on the basic of a document that lays down the pattern of formal political institutions and embodies the basic political norms of a society

Correct Answer: B. A fundamental statement of laws governing the citizens’s political rights, the political institutions, their functions and their relationships within a particular political community

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Option A: The end of seventeenth century

Option B: The close of the nineteenth century

Option C: The beginning of the present century

Option D: The end of eighteenth century

Correct Answer: The end of eighteenth century

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Option A: The Chartist Movement

Option B: The Councillor Movement

Option C: The Trade Union Movement

Option D: All the above movements

Correct Answer: The Councillor Movement

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Option A: An unwritten constitution

Option B: A written constitution

Option C: No constitution

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: An unwritten constitution

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Option A: An unwritten constitution has the quality of elasticity and adaptability

Option B: The flexibility of unwritten constitution prevents revolutions

Option C: An unwritten constitutions is rigid and hence not suited to deal with the emergencies

Option D: An unwritten constitution makes adjustment in the relations of various organs of government easy

Correct Answer: An unwritten constitutions is rigid and hence not suited to deal with the emergencies

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Option A: Parliament

Option B: King

Option C: Customs and usages

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Customs and usages

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Option A: Switzerland

Option B: Britain

Option C: U.S.A.

Option D: Japan

Correct Answer: C. U.S.A.

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Option A: The twentieth century

Option B: The nineteenth century

Option C: The eighteenth century

Option D: The fourteenth century

Correct Answer: The eighteenth century

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Option A: King

Option B: The council of ministers

Option C: The majority party

Option D: Electorate

Correct Answer: The council of ministers

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Option A: U.S.S.R.

Option B: German Democratic Republic

Option C: U.S.A.

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: C. U.S.A.

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Option A: Basic rights and liberties

Option B: Constitutional jurisdictions

Option C: Independence of judiciary

Option D: Right to property of the individuals

Correct Answer: Right to property of the individuals

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Option A: It should suit national environment

Option B: It should have definite amendment procedure

Option C: It should have partly rigid and partly flexible

Option D: It should be rigid

Correct Answer: It should have partly rigid and partly flexible

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Option A: Desire to follow west

Option B: Desire to follow east

Option C: Indifferent attitude of world bodies

Option D: Lack of clear political ideology

Correct Answer: Lack of clear political ideology

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Option A: Absence of political stability

Option B: Strong party system

Option C: Powerful leadership

Option D: Foreign economic aid

Correct Answer: Absence of political stability

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Option A: Their love for democracy

Option B: Their desire to copy the West

Option C: Their love for democracy

Option D: Their indifferent attitude towards religion

Correct Answer: Their love for democracy

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Option A: Constitutional monarchy

Option B: Parliamentary democracy

Option C: Presidential form of Government

Option D: International corporation

Correct Answer: Communist Ideology

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Option A: China

Option B: Yugoslavia

Option C: U.S.S.R.

Option D: U.S.A.

Correct Answer: India

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Option A: It should be written

Option B: It should be comprehensive

Option C: It should be precise

Option D: It should be rigid

Correct Answer: It should be rigid

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Option A: Form of Government

Option B: Ideology

Option C: Democracy

Option D: Federal system

Correct Answer: Ideology

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Option A: Presidential form of Government

Option B: Monarchy

Option C: Party system

Option D: Democracy

Correct Answer: Democracy

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Option A: Glorious Revolution

Option B: French Revoltion

Option C: Declaration of Independence

Option D: Presidential system of government

Correct Answer: Declaration of Independence

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Option A: Theory of Divine Reghts of Kings

Option B: Glorious Revolution

Option C: Institution of Monarchy

Option D: Bi-party system

Correct Answer: Glorious Revolution

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Option A: Machiavelli

Option B: Hobbes

Option C: Locke

Option D: Rousseau

Correct Answer: Rousseau

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Option A: Free press

Option B: Reght to form association

Option C: Spread of education

Option D: Combination of powers

Correct Answer: Combination of powers

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Option A: To empower the legislature

Option B: To take recourse to plebiscite

Option C: By means of direct democratic devices

Option D: By empowering judiciary

Correct Answer: To empower the legislature

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Option A: Rigid party system

Option B: Strict party discipline

Option C: The head of the state enjoys vast powers

Option D: The stte is considered above eveything else

Correct Answer: Strict party discipline

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Option A: There is a system of judicial review

Option B: There is a system of checks and balances

Option C: There is a difficult procedure for amendment

Option D: There is a theory of separation of powers

Correct Answer: There is a difficult procedure for amendment

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Option A: Real and effective

Option B: Substantial and not that of degree

Option C: That of degree and not of kind

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: That of degree and not of kind

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Option A: Rigid

Option B: Flexible

Option C: Party rigid and partly flexible

Option D: None of These

Correct Answer: Rigid

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Option A: Written constitution

Option B: Federal constitution

Option C: Rigid constitution

Option D: Flexible constitution

Correct Answer: Rigid constitution

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Option A: Switzerland

Option B: India

Option C: France

Option D: U.K.

Correct Answer: U.K.

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Option A: It is excellent mirror of national mind

Option B: It has no definite procedure for amendment

Option C: It is very flexible

Option D: It is very precise and ambiguous

Correct Answer: It is excellent mirror of national mind

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Option A: Does not leave scope for customs

Option B: Does not allow conventions to grow

Option C: Is very rigid

Option D: Elaborate and clear

Correct Answer: Elaborate and clear

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Option A: Judicial interpretations

Option B: International treaties

Option C: International tribunals

Option D: Commissions and Committees

Correct Answer: Judicial interpretations

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Option A: It shifts the balance of authority from legislature to judiciary

Option B: It does not reflect public opinion

Option C: It is not suited to federations

Option D: It can easily be tampered with

Correct Answer: It shifts the balance of authority from legislature to judiciary

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Option A: Gettell

Option B: Finer

Option C: Dicey

Option D: Bryce

Correct Answer: Gettell

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Option A: Gilchrist

Option B: Lord Bryce

Option C: Dicey

Option D: Cooley

Correct Answer: Cooley

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Option A: Gettell

Option B: Finer

Option C: Leacock

Option D: Rossueau

Correct Answer: Finer

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Option A: Aristotle

Option B: Plato

Option C: Marsiglio of Padua

Option D: All the above

Correct Answer: All the above

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Option A: It is collection of principles or laws which enjoy special sanctity

Option B: It determines the structure of the main organs of government and distribution of sovereign power between various authorities

Option C: It generally contains a statement of objectives

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: None of the above

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Option A: An arbitrary government with a despotic ruler

Option B: A government limited by the terms of the constitution

Option C: A government in which the head of the state enjoys very nominal powers

Option D: A government which is not subject to any restraints

Correct Answer: A government limited by the terms of the constitution

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Option A: Through formal amendment

Option B: Through the conventions

Option C: Through judicial interpretation

Option D: Through plebiscite

Correct Answer: Through plebiscite

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Option A: A chapter of Fundamental Rights

Option B: A suitable amending procedure

Option C: Clear provisions regarding structure of government

Option D: Structure and functions of political parties

Correct Answer: Structure and functions of political parties

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Option A: To restrain the actions of the rulers to protect their rights

Option B: To reduce the possibility of arbitrary action

Option C: To ensure a government which is comprehensible to the subjects

Option D: To educate the people in the art of government

Correct Answer: To educate the people in the art of government

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Option A: Wholly unwritten

Option B: Adopted after obtaining sanction of the people

Option C: Very brief

Option D: Not adopted by a formal constituent body

Correct Answer: Not adopted by a formal constituent body

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Option A: Inferior to the laws of the Parliament

Option B: Superior to the laws of the Parliament

Option C: At par with the laws of the Parliament

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: At par with the laws of the Parliament

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Option A: De Tocqueville

Option B: Hamilton

Option C: Herman Finer

Option D: C.F. Strong

Correct Answer: De Tocqueville

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Option A: Wholly unwritten

Option B: Mostly unwritten

Option C: Contains only some unwritten portions

Option D: Declared as unwritten by the constituent Assembly

Correct Answer: Mostly unwritten

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Option A: Comprehensiveness

Option B: Written character

Option C: Flexibility

Option D: Independence of judiciary

Correct Answer: Independence of judiciary

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Option A: Switzerland

Option B: Britain

Option C: U.S.A.

Option D: Soviet Union

Correct Answer: Britain

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Option A: Democratic governments

Option B: Despotic governments

Option C: All governments

Option D: Non-monarchical states

Correct Answer: All governments

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Option A: U.S.A.

Option B: China

Option C: Saudi Arabia

Option D: U.K.

Correct Answer: U.K.

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Option A: Limited monarchy

Option B: Absolute monarchy

Option C: Elected monarchy

Option D: Hereditary monarchy

Correct Answer: Limited monarchy

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Option A: Confirmed by the people

Option B: Limited by the constitution

Option C: Limited by the judiciary

Option D: Limited by religious laws

Correct Answer: Limited by the constitution

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Option A: Enjoys unlimited power

Option B: Exercises only those powers which are granted by Parliament

Option C: Enjoys only those powers which are in accordance with the religious laws

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Enjoys unlimited power

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Option A: The most powerful military leader

Option B: An elected head of the state

Option C: The popularly elected monarch

Option D: A hereditary ruler

Correct Answer: A hereditary ruler

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Option A: Democracy

Option B: Aristocracy

Option C: Monarchy

Option D: Polity

Correct Answer: Aristocracy

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Option A: Principles of number and wealth

Option B: Principles of population and military strength

Option C: Religion and power

Option D: Principles of number and quality of rule

Correct Answer: Principles of number and quality of rule

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Option A: Plato

Option B: Aristotle

Option C: Machiavelli

Option D: Montesquieu

Correct Answer: Aristotle

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Option A: State is expressed

Option B: The people is expressed

Option C: The head of the state is expressed

Option D: The majority is expressed

Correct Answer: State is expressed

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Option A: Constitutional monarchy

Option B: Right of the courts to review the decisions of the government

Option C: Absence of judicial review

Option D: Constitutional head of the state

Correct Answer: Right of the courts to review the decisions of the government

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Option A: Supreme Court

Option B: By Congress

Option C: Through referendum

Option D: By a procedure laid down in the

Correct Answer: By a procedure laid down in the

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Option A: Freedom of speech

Option B: Freecom of expression

Option C: Security of life

Option D: Right to worship a particular religion

Correct Answer: Right to worship a particular religion

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Option A: China

Option B: Japan

Option C: Russia

Option D: Pakistan

Correct Answer: E. U.S.A.

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Option A: U.S.A.

Option B: Canada

Option C: India

Option D: U.S.S.R.

Correct Answer: U.S.S.R.

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Option A: UK

Option B: U.S.A.

Option C: Switzerland

Option D: U.S.S.R

Correct Answer: Switzerland

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Option A: A rigid constitution cannot keep pace with the changed circumstances

Option B: A rigid constitution generally has a conservative character

Option C: A rigid constitution gives undue importance to the judiciary

Option D: A rigid constitution cannot properly safeguard the rights of the people

Correct Answer: A rigid constitution cannot properly safeguard the rights of the people

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Option A: Switzerland

Option B: Britain

Option C: Soviet Union

Option D: U.S.A.

Correct Answer: Britain

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Option A: Through a simple law making procedure

Option B: Through a special convention

Option C: With the consent of the majority of the state or units

Option D: Through referendum supported by majority of the voters

Correct Answer: Through a simple law making procedure

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Option A: A flexible constitution can adapt itself to changing times

Option B: A flexible constitution saves the country from violent revolutions

Option C: A flexible constitution is good for countries where people are not politically conscious

Option D: A flexible constitution can easily respond to the needs of the people

Correct Answer: A flexible constitution is good for countries where people are not politically conscious

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Option A: Britain

Option B: U.S.A.

Option C: India

Option D: Soviet Union

Correct Answer: Britain

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Option A: If it can be amended by the ordinary lawmaking procedure

Option B: It the states alone can amend the constitution

Option C: If the procedure for the amendment of constitution is simple than the ordinary lawmaking procedure

Option D: If it is difficult to amend

Correct Answer: If it can be amended by the ordinary lawmaking procedure

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Option A: China

Option B: U.S.S.R.

Option C: India

Option D: Certain Latin American countries

Correct Answer: Certain Latin American countries

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Option A: U.S.A.

Option B: India

Option C: Australia

Option D: Switzerland

Correct Answer: India

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Option A: Only written constitution

Option B: Both written as well as unwritten

Option C: Only unwritten constitutions

Option D: Countries having no constitutions

Correct Answer: Only written constitution

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Option A: It is available in writing in one single document

Option B: Is available in written form in two documents

Option C: Most of the provisions of the constitution lie scattered

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Most of the provisions of the constitution lie scattered

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Option A: Available as written in one single document

Option B: One in which all the customs and conventions have been reduced to writing

Option C: One in which all the provisions are pieced together in one or more documents

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: One in which all the provisions are pieced together in one or more documents

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Option A: Which has been made by Constitution Assembly

Option B: Which has been made by the King

Option C: Which has been made by the Parliament

Option D: Which has grown imperceptibly over the years

Correct Answer: Which has grown imperceptibly over the years

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Option A: The result of slow process of evolution

Option B: Enacted after deliberation and discussion

Option C: One which has reduced the customs and conventions into writing

Option D: One which has been given by the King

Correct Answer: Enacted after deliberation and discussion

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Option A: Britain

Option B: Switzerland

Option C: U.S.A.

Option D: Pakistan

Correct Answer: Switzerland

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Option A: Written constitution

Option B: A federal constitution

Option C: A rigid constitution

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Written constitution

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Option A: Limited Government

Option B: Supremacy of individual

Option C: Supremacy of Law

Option D: Division of powers

Correct Answer: Supremacy of individual

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Option A: The ancient Greek times

Option B: The beginning of the twentieth century

Option C: Middle-ages

Option D: Eighteenth century

Correct Answer: The ancient Greek times

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Option A: The principle of the divine right of the king

Option B: Independence of judiciary

Option C: The principle that people alone are the source of all laws

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: The principle that people alone are the source of all laws

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Option A: Glorious Revolution

Option B: Renaissance Movement

Option C: American War of Independence

Option D: The French Revolution of 1789

Correct Answer: Renaissance Movement

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Option A: Desire to preserve stability of political community

Option B: Desire for liberty combined with limitation of authority

Option C: Desire for justice through general and equal application of laws

Option D: All the above

Correct Answer: All the above

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Option A: The Constitution is above the states

Option B: The Constitution is above the Centre

Option C: The Constitution is above ordinary laws of land

Option D: The Constitution is above all institutions, civil servants and citizens

Correct Answer: The Constitution is above all institutions, civil servants and citizens

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Option A: Can be amended only by a special procedure

Option B: Cannot be amended

Option C: Can be amended by the legislature through ordinary law-making procedure

Option D: Can be amended only with the consent of the majority of the people

Correct Answer: Can be amended by the legislature through ordinary law-making procedure

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Option A: The constitution in its totality

Option B: The preface of the constitution

Option C: The spirit of the constitution as distinguished from its body

Option D: The character of the constitution

Correct Answer: The preface of the constitution

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Option A: Cannot be amended

Option B: Can be amended through a very simple procedure

Option C: Can be amended through a wry complicated procedure

Option D: Can be amended by the people alone

Correct Answer: Can be amended through a very simple procedure

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Option A: Aristotle

Option B: Plato

Option C: Montesquieu

Option D: Hobbes

Correct Answer: Aristotle

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Option A: Only written constitutions

Option B: Only unwritten constitutions

Option C: Both written as well as unwritten constitutions

Option D: Countries which possess no constitution

Correct Answer: Both written as well as unwritten constitutions

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Option A: U.K.

Option B: U.S.A.

Option C: Switzerland

Option D: All the above countries

Correct Answer: Switzerland

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Option A: Bryce

Option B: Austin

Option C: Dicey

Option D: Aristotle

Correct Answer: Bryce

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Option A: Adheres strictly to constitutional provisions

Option B: Does not have a monarch as head of the state

Option C: Places effective restrictions on the authority

Option D: Of the state in the interests of individual liberty.

Correct Answer: Places effective restrictions on the authority

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Option A: A.V. Dicey

Option B: Lord Bryce

Option C: John Austin

Option D: Jean Bodin

Correct Answer: A.V. Dicey

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Option A: Plato

Option B: Aristotle

Option C: Montesquieu

Option D: Hobbes

Correct Answer: Montesquieu

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