
Development Theories And Under Development MCQs

Option A: It is not suited to third world countries

Option B: Both are opposed to each other

Option C: Western countries are opposed to it

Option D: Term political modernisation is ambiguous

Correct Answer: It is not suited to third world countries

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Option A: Land

Option B: Labour

Option C: Capital

Option D: Mineral wealth

Correct Answer: Land

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Option A: Land

Option B: Labour

Option C: Capital

Option D: Education

Correct Answer: Education

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Option A: Could be measured with industrialisation:

Option B: And industrialisation were opposed to each other

Option C: And industrialisation should be delinked from each other

Option D: Could not be measured with industrialisation

Correct Answer: Could not be measured with industrialisation

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Option A: Adam Smith

Option B: Ricardo

Option C: Karl Marx

Option D: Malthus

Correct Answer: Karl Marx

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Option A: Classical theory of development

Option B: Neo-classical theory of development

Option C: Theory of entrepreneur

Option D: Theory of economic maturity

Correct Answer: Classical theory of development

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Option A: Has clearly been defined

Option B: Has no clear definition

Option C: Can be defined but no attempt has been made

Option D: None of above

Correct Answer: Has no clear definition

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