
Electorate And Representation MCQs

Option A: Garner

Option B: Lenin

Option C: Laski

Option D: Bryce

Correct Answer: Garner

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Option A: Choice for a candidate

Option B: Choice for a political party

Option C: Like or dislike for the ruling party

Option D: Preferential order among the candidates

Correct Answer: Choice for a political party

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Option A: Green

Option B: Laski

Option C: J.S.Mill

Option D: Bentham

Correct Answer: J.S.Mill

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Option A: Herbert Spencer

Option B: Laski

Option C: J.S.Mill

Option D: Marx

Correct Answer: J.S.Mill

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Option A: Rousseau

Option B: Mirabeau

Option C: Marx

Option D: Engels

Correct Answer: Mirabeau

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Option A: Representation of government functionaries

Option B: Representation on vocational basis

Option C: The functions of the representatives are well defined

Option D: The representatives are free to function as they like

Correct Answer: Representation on vocational basis

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Option A: Election of representatives on the basis of an area or locality

Option B: Election of the representatives on the basis of their profession

Option C: Election of the representatives by various local government institutions

Option D: Election of representatives who own land

Correct Answer: Election of representatives on the basis of an area or locality

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Option A: Minority representation

Option B: Proportional representation

Option C: Majority rule

Option D: Free and fair elections

Correct Answer: Minority representation

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Option A: A Joint electorate

Option B: Separate electorates

Option C: Reservation of seats

Option D: There can be both joint as well as separate electorates

Correct Answer: Separate electorates

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Option A: Representation on the basis of ideology

Option B: Representation on the basis of cast

Option C: Representation on the basis of religion

Option D: Representation on the basis of profession

Correct Answer: Representation on the basis of religion

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Option A: To cast all his votes in favour of one

Option B: Not to cast all his votes in favour of anyone candidate

Option C: To divide the votes amongst the candidates

Option D: Give all votes to one candidate or list for which he divides them between two or more candidates according to his choice

Correct Answer: Give all votes to one candidate or list for which he divides them between two or more candidates according to his choice

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Option A: Limited vote plan, Cumulative Vote Plan and Reservation of Seats

Option B: Proportional Representation, Territorial Representation and Communal Representation

Option C: Universal Adult Franchise, Secret Ballot and Functional Representation

Option D: None of These

Correct Answer: Limited vote plan, Cumulative Vote Plan and Reservation of Seats

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Option A: Provides representation to small minorities alone

Option B: Provides representation to the majorities alone

Option C: Provides representation to large minorities only

Option D: Provides no representation to the minorities

Correct Answer: Provides representation to large minorities only

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Option A: Only one vote

Option B: As many votes as there are candidates to be elected

Option C: One vote less than the seats to be filled up

Option D: Cast all his votes in favour of any single candidate

Correct Answer: One vote less than the seats to be filled up

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Option A: Each political party

Option B: The voters

Option C: The Election Commissioner

Option D: Mutual consent of the political parties contesting elections

Correct Answer: Each political party

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Option A: Votes for the list as a whole

Option B: Can pick up candidates from various lists

Option C: Can indicate candidates in the votes

Option D: Can prepare his own list from amongst the candidates

Correct Answer: Votes for the list as a whole

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Option A: Only one vote

Option B: As many votes as there are seats to be filled up

Option C: One vote less than total number of seats to be filled up

Option D: Two votes

Correct Answer: As many votes as there are seats to be filled up

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Option A: Single-member constituencies

Option B: Two member constituencies

Option C: Nulti-member constituencies

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Nulti-member constituencies

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Option A: Indicate only two preferences

Option B: Indicate only one preference

Option C: Indicate one preference less than the seats to be filled up

Option D: Indicate as many preferences as there are candidates to be elected

Correct Answer: Indicate as many preferences as there are candidates to be elected

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Option A: Dividing the total number of votes by two

Option B: Dividing the total number of valid polled votes by the number of seats to be filled up plus one and by adding one to the quotient

Option C: The number of votes in fixed by law before the election is held

Option D: The number of votes is decided by all the contesting candidates before the election

Correct Answer: Dividing the total number of valid polled votes by the number of seats to be filled up plus one and by adding one to the quotient

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Option A: One effective role

Option B: As many votes as there are seas to be filled

Option C: One vote less than the number of seats to be filled up

Option D: Only two votes

Correct Answer: One effective role

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Option A: Hare Scheme and List System

Option B: Universal Adult Franchise and Direct Elections

Option C: Reservation of Seats and Direct Election

Option D: Direct Election and Communal Representation

Correct Answer: Hare Scheme and List System

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Option A: Provides votes to the people keeping in view their property

Option B: Provides extra votes to the educated people

Option C: Provides representation to all the political parties

Option D: Provides representation to each group of party in proportion to its voting strength

Correct Answer: Provides representation to each group of party in proportion to its voting strength

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Option A: Representation to persons below the age of about hood, so that they may be able to protect the interests of the minors

Option B: Representation to the various minorities present in a state

Option C: Representation to propertied classes which form a minority of the total community

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Representation to the various minorities present in a state

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Option A: It provides greater freedom to the people in selecting their representatives

Option B: It encourages the growth of a number of political parties

Option C: It is easy for the poor man to contest elections

Option D: It ensures more stable ministries

Correct Answer: It provides greater freedom to the people in selecting their representatives

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Option A: Constituency from which a number of candidates contest but only one of them is finally elected

Option B: Constituency from which a number of candidates contest but only two of them are finally elected

Option C: When several members are elected from the same constituency

Option D: Nixie of the above

Correct Answer: When several members are elected from the same constituency

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Option A: Intimate relationship is not possible between the elector and representative

Option B: Intimate relations are possible between the electors and the representative

Option C: Every region gets adequate representation in the Parliament

Option D: Peoples choice regarding representative is narrowed

Correct Answer: Peoples choice regarding representative is narrowed

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Option A: People have a very limited choice in the selection of their representatives

Option B: Intimate relationship is possible between the electors and the representative

Option C: Local interests are given precedence over national interests

Option D: Minority may get over representation

Correct Answer: Intimate relationship is possible between the electors and the representative

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Option A: A constituency from which only one candidate contests the election

Option B: A constituency from which a candidate is returned unopposed

Option C: A constituency from which a number of candidates may contest but only one member is elected

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: A constituency from which a number of candidates may contest but only one member is elected

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Option A: A law according to which the territory is divided into a sumber of units for the purpose of elections

Option B: The division of the country into electoral areas for the purpose of conducting the elections

Option C: The areas of the country as defined in the constitution

Option D: None of the above things

Correct Answer: The division of the country into electoral areas for the purpose of conducting the elections

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Option A: It promotes aversion towards public affairs

Option B: It is not in keeping with democratic principles

Option C: It has no educative value

Option D: Representatives are responsive to public opinion

Correct Answer: Representatives are responsive to public opinion

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Option A: People can participate in election through proxy

Option B: People elect their representatives through postal ballots

Option C: People elect the intermediate electors who finally elect their representatives

Option D: The representatives are elected by the general body of people

Correct Answer: People elect the intermediate electors who finally elect their representatives

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Option A: People assemble at one place and elect their representatives by voice

Option B: People can suggest the name of their representative on their own

Option C: People cannot authorise their

Option D: The voters directly take part in the election of their representatives

Correct Answer: The voters directly take part in the election of their representatives

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Option A: Seats are reserved for various condidate is returned unopposed interests

Option B: There is no reservation of seats for of candidates may contest but only anyone

Option C: Elections are held simulaneously for the central and state legislatures

Option D: None of These

Correct Answer: There is no reservation of seats for of candidates may contest but only anyone

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Option A: Henry Webbs

Option B: G.D.H. Cole

Option C: J.S. Mill

Option D: Marx

Correct Answer: Henry Webbs

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Option A: Menfolk can represent the interests of women better

Option B: Their participation in the political life would lead to corruption

Option C: Women are ill-fitted to represent their own interests

Option D: Women would lose many of their feminine qualities

Correct Answer: Women would lose many of their feminine qualities

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Option A: 1688

Option B: 1911

Option C: 1928

Option D: 1950

Correct Answer: 1928

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Option A: It destroys the feminie qualities

Option B: Women learn the art of government which proves helpful in the management of family affairs

Option C: Political alertness leads to better understanding between hunsand and wife

Option D: Women require greater protection and safeguards

Correct Answer: Women require greater protection and safeguards

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Option A: Right to vote granted to all adult married women

Option B: Right to vote granted to adult married women

Option C: Right to vote granted to graduate women

Option D: Right to vote granted to those women who have undergone political suffering

Correct Answer: Right to vote granted to all adult married women

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Option A: It leads to rule by ignorants

Option B: It makes the parliament very powerful

Option C: It gives power to the elected representatives of people

Option D: It gives practical shape to the principle of popular sovereignty

Correct Answer: It gives practical shape to the principle of popular sovereignty

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Option A: Laski

Option B: Gilchrist

Option C: Gettell

Option D: Gamer

Correct Answer: Gilchrist

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Option A: He should be educated

Option B: He should be politically awakened

Option C: He should be a property owner

Option D: He should cast his vote judiciously

Correct Answer: He should be a property owner

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Option A: It aims at forcing disinterested people to vote

Option B: It will reduce the importance of vote

Option C: It may result in the election of non-deserving persons

Option D: Voting cannot be a matter of compulsion

Correct Answer: Vote cannot be national trust to be exercised by all compulsorily

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Option A: Its aim is to promote national unity

Option B: It aims at protecting the educated classes

Option C: It aims at protecting minorities

Option D: In this there are always multimember constituencies

Correct Answer: It aims at protecting minorities

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Option A: In it political parties get satisfaction

Option B: It increases dissatisfaction of of minorities

Option C: It can result in the cooperation of minorities

Option D: It it there is no loss of votes

Correct Answer: It increases dissatisfaction of of minorities

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Option A: More than one representative is to be elected

Option B: At least five members are to be elected

Option C: Some important personality is to be got elected

Option D: Prime Minister is got elected

Correct Answer: More than one representative is to be elected

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Option A: It introduces all evils of territorial representation

Option B: The consumers will not get proper representation

Option C: The producers will not get proper representation

Option D: It will divide society in small economic groups

Correct Answer: It will divide society in small economic groups

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Option A: All aspects of life can be covered in this system

Option B: It can help uniting all economic groups

Option C: Legislative work can be conducted by very competent persons

Option D: National interests can be cared more than ever

Correct Answer: Legislative work can be conducted by very competent persons

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Option A: G.D.H.Cole

Option B: Henry Webbs

Option C: Hobhouse

Option D: James Mill

Correct Answer: Henry Webbs

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Option A: Bentham

Option B: G.D.H.Cole

Option C: Leacock

Option D: Gilchrist

Correct Answer: G.D.H.Cole

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Option A: Income basis

Option B: Territorial basis

Option C: Functional basis

Option D: Property basis

Correct Answer: Functional basis

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Option A: That small countries cannot follow it

Option B: That it is too easy to be manipulated

Option C: That it reduces the grip of political parties

Option D: That it widens gap between the majority and the minority

Correct Answer: That it widens gap between the majority and the minority

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Option A: Minorities get proper representation

Option B: It is a simple system

Option C: It can easily be practised in big countries

Option D: It ends distinction between the majority and the minority

Correct Answer: It is a simple system

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Option A: Getten

Option B: Finer

Option C: Leacock

Option D: Gilchrist

Correct Answer: Finer

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Option A: U.S.A.

Option B: USSR

Option C: U.K.

Option D: France

Correct Answer: France

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Option A: Religious minority

Option B: Linguistic majority

Option C: Caste majority

Option D: Minorities in societies

Correct Answer: Minorities in societies

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Option A: Is highly educated

Option B: Is in possession of good wealth

Option C: Pays his taxes well in time

Option D: Has a house to live

Correct Answer: Is highly educated

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Option A: Female education is not politically motivated

Option B: It is against basic concept of democracy

Option C: Women are a strong section in every society

Option D: Women are not good citizens of state

Correct Answer: Female education is not politically motivated

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Option A: As weaker section of society they need protection

Option B: For women proper place is not the home but politics

Option C: Women can ably perform their duties

Option D: Feminine qualities will develop among women

Correct Answer: As weaker section of society they need protection

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Option A: At the beginning of 1st World War

Option B: At the beginning of 2nd World War

Option C: At the close of 1st World War

Option D: At the close of 2nd World War

Correct Answer: At the close of 2nd World War

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Option A: It will develop anti-national feelings

Option B: Fight of vote can go to the ignorant

Option C: Choice of candidates becomes very limited

Option D: Women will participate in elections which will make politics dirty

Correct Answer: It will develop anti-national feelings

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Option A: Titular sovereignty

Option B: De-Jure sovereignty

Option C: Popular sovereignty

Option D: Legal sovereignty

Correct Answer: Popular sovereignty

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Option A: It is keeping with democratic system

Option B: It increases the value of the vote

Option C: It develops among the people a sense of possession

Option D: It brings stability in political system

Correct Answer: It is keeping with democratic system

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Option A: Electorates

Option B: Candidates

Option C: Office Bearers

Option D: None of These

Correct Answer: Electorates

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Option A: Legal sovereignty

Option B: Political sovereignty

Option C: Popular sovereignty

Option D: National sovereignty

Correct Answer: Popular sovereignty

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Option A: Democratic system

Option B: Totalitarian system

Option C: All systems

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Democratic system

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Option A: Right to vote granted to all University graduates

Option B: Rught to vote granted to all adult citizens

Option C: Right to vote granted to all men

Option D: Rgith to vote granted to citizens who pay taxes

Correct Answer: Rught to vote granted to all adult citizens

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Option A: Enactment of bad laws which cause suffering to common people

Option B: The right to vote

Option C: Right to vote granted to people with property

Option D: Right to vote granted to ad without discrimination

Correct Answer: The right to vote

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Option A: The body of voters

Option B: The elected representatives of people

Option C: The nominated members of parliament

Option D: The candidates who actually contest the elections

Correct Answer: The body of voters

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Option A: Vote

Option B: Right to vote

Option C: Right to vote granted to women

Option D: Right to vote granted to men

Correct Answer: Right to vote

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Option A: In this there should be multimember constituency

Option B: Each voter has more than one vote

Option C: Quota of each candidate to win the seat is fixed in advance

Option D: Surplus votes of winning candidate can be transferred to the other

Correct Answer: Each voter has more than one vote

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Option A: It helps in protecting the interests of weaker sections of society

Option B: Denial of woman suffrage is against the concept of political sovereignty

Option C: Any denial is opposed to the concept of democracy

Option D: It is likely to reduced political conflicts in family life

Correct Answer: It is likely to reduced political conflicts in family life

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Option A: G.D.H.Cole

Option B: Pareto

Option C: Max Weber

Option D: Michel. R

Correct Answer: Max Weber

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Option A: Public voting system

Option B: Plural voting system

Option C: System of functional representation

Option D: System of secret ballot

Correct Answer: System of functional representation

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Option A: Public voting

Option B: Compulsory voting

Option C: Secret voting

Option D: Plural voting

Correct Answer: Plural voting

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Option A: Single member constituency

Option B: Multi-member constituency

Option C: Double member constituency

Option D: Separate electorate

Correct Answer: Multi-member constituency

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Option A: Its aim is to give representation to minorities

Option B: In it the constituencies are always single member

Option C: In it voter is required to cast one vote less than the number of candidates to be elected

Option D: No voter can cast his vote in favour of one and the same candidate

Correct Answer: In it the constituencies are always single member

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Option A: Where men and women are allowed to vote together

Option B: Where people of all religions are allowed to vote together

Option C: Where voters belonging to all categories, castes and religion vote together

Option D: Where only women are allowed to vote together

Correct Answer: Where voters belonging to all categories, castes and religion vote together

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Option A: G.D.H. Cole

Option B: Rousseau

Option C: Karl Marx

Option D: J.S.Mill

Correct Answer: Karl Marx

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Option A: Along with general elections

Option B: To fill a vacancy after general elections are over

Option C: Each year to fill vacant vacancies

Option D: When desired by the head of the state

Correct Answer: To fill a vacancy after general elections are over

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Option A: It aims at giving representation to minorities

Option B: It aims at protecting the interests of women

Option C: Its aim is to protect the rights of various occupations

Option D: It aims at giving more opportunities to the voters to participate in governmental affairs

Correct Answer: It aims at giving representation to minorities

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Option A: Marx

Option B: Rousseau

Option C: Laski

Option D: Garner

Correct Answer: Gilchrist

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Option A: Bentham

Option B: J.S.Mill

Option C: T.H.Green

Option D: Herbert Spencer

Correct Answer: Herbert Spencer

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Option A: A voter who is required to elect his representative

Option B: An area from where representative is to be elected

Option C: The body of persons elected

Option D: Method of election used to elect a representative

Correct Answer: A voter who is required to elect his representative

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Option A: The President of Pakistan

Option B: The Prime Minister of Pakistan

Option C: The Parliament

Option D: The Election Commission

Correct Answer: The Election Commission

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Option A: Representative democracy:

Option B: Direct elections

Option C: Adult franchise

Option D: Direct democracy

Correct Answer: Representative democracy:

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Option A: Burke

Option B: Montesquieu

Option C: Rousseau

Option D: Spencer

Correct Answer: Burke

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Option A: Each community is given seqpaate representation

Option B: Seats are reserved for each caste

Option C: Seats are reserved for each function

Option D: There is no reservation of seats for anyone

Correct Answer: There is no reservation of seats for anyone

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Option A: In it all do not get right to vote

Option B: It introduces the evils of party system

Option C: It is opposed to the idean of populr sovereignty

Option D: In it there are many chances of bribery

Correct Answer: It introduces the evils of party system

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Option A: In it there is indirect link between the elected and the voters

Option B: In it even the ignorant get right to vote

Option C: It is not suited to small nations

Option D: It ends rigours of party system

Correct Answer: In it there is indirect link between the elected and the voters

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Option A: Jawaharlal Nehru

Option B: Bentham

Option C: J.S.Mill

Option D: Marx

Correct Answer: J.S.Mill

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Option A: Adam Smith

Option B: J.S.Mill

Option C: Laski

Option D: Aristotle

Correct Answer: J.S.Mill

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Option A: J.S.Mill

Option B: Laski

Option C: Marx

Option D: Bentham

Correct Answer: J.S.Mill

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Option A: Britain

Option B: France

Option C: Soviet Union

Option D: None of These

Correct Answer: Soviet Union

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Option A: Elimination of multi-party system

Option B: Helping citizens maintain their rights

Option C: Peaceful change of government

Option D: Removal of bottlenecks in the working of democracy

Correct Answer: Peaceful change of government

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Option A: Rule according to the consent of the governed

Option B: Rule of the poor

Option C: Expropriation of the rich

Option D: Distribution of wealth equally to all

Correct Answer: Rule according to the consent of the governed

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Option A: Poor candidates are deterred from contesting the election

Option B: There is no scope for corruption

Option C: It gives satisfaction to people that they are being governed by a representative elected by absolute majority

Option D: The political parties come to playa dominant role

Correct Answer: It gives satisfaction to people that they are being governed by a representative elected by absolute majority

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Option A: Each voter has two votes

Option B: Voting is held as many times as necessary until a candidate is elected with an absolute majority of votes

Option C: Voting is held at the most for three times

Option D: Voting is held twice, and in the second voting the contest is held between the two candidates who secure maximum votes in the first voting

Correct Answer: Voting is held twice, and in the second voting the contest is held between the two candidates who secure maximum votes in the first voting

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Option A: It encourages people to think in terms of their class interests

Option B: It ensures equitable representation to the various professions

Option C: It promotes national unity

Option D: It secures representation to various interests and makes the parliament a truly representative body

Correct Answer: It secures representation to various interests and makes the parliament a truly representative body

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Option A: From the very beginning

Option B: During Cromwillian era

Option C: During First World War

Option D: During economic depression of 1928

Correct Answer: During economic depression of 1928

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