
Evolutionary Socialism MCQs

Option A: Property

Option B: Equality

Option C: Democracy

Option D: All the above

Correct Answer: Property

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Option A: Class struggle theory

Option B: Surplus value theory

Option C: Dialectical method

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Dialectical method

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Option A: Scientific Socialism

Option B: Revolutionary Socialism

Option C: Evolutionary Socialism

Option D: Utopian Socialism

Correct Answer: Scientific Socialism

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Option A: Stalin

Option B: Marx

Option C: Mao Tse Tung

Option D: Lenin

Correct Answer: Marx

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Option A: State ownership of all the means of production

Option B: Complete freedom in the economic sphere

Option C: Mixed economy with only key industries under state control

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: State ownership of all the means of production

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Option A: Personal Rights

Option B: Social Rights

Option C: Political Rights

Option D: Economic Rights

Correct Answer: Economic Rights

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Option A: Wither away

Option B: Become omnipotent

Option C: Come under the control of the workers

Option D: Come under the control of the Communist Party

Correct Answer: Wither away

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Option A: A society in which people enjoy complete political liberty

Option B: A casteless society

Option C: A society based on religion and morality

Option D: A classiess society

Correct Answer: A classiess society

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Option A: Religion exercises a moralising effect on the people

Option B: Religion is the opium of people

Option C: Religion provides a sense of contentment

Option D: Religion creates tension amongst various sections of society

Correct Answer: Religion is the opium of people

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Option A: Conduct free and fair elections to elect its own rulers

Option B: Stamp out the counter revolutionaries and capitalists

Option C: Protect the capitalists from the wrath of the workers

Option D: Give complete freedom in the economic sphere

Correct Answer: Stamp out the counter revolutionaries and capitalists

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Option A: History is nothing but a record of the wars between the various people

Option B: History is nothing but a succession of struggle between the oppressor and the oppressed classes

Option C: History is a faithful record of the past

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: History is nothing but a succession of struggle between the oppressor and the oppressed classes

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Option A: Was a continuation of Hegel’s dialectic

Option B: Was a reversal of Hegel’s dialectic

Option C: Had no relationship with the dialectic

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: B. Was a reversal of Hegel’s dialectic

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Option A: Religion

Option B: Social status

Option C: Family status

Option D: Hostile interests

Correct Answer: Hostile interests

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Option A: Political equality

Option B: Social equality

Option C: Legal equality

Option D: Economic equality

Correct Answer: Economic equality

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Option A: Promotes better living

Option B: Provides an incentive for hard work

Option C: Serves as an instrument of social good

Option D: Is an instrument of exploitation

Correct Answer: Is an instrument of exploitation

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Option A: Material forces

Option B: Religious forces

Option C: Political forces

Option D: Combination of material, religious and political forces

Correct Answer: Material forces

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Option A: A divine institution

Option B: A positive good

Option C: A necessary evil

Option D: An instrument of exploitation

Correct Answer: An instrument of exploitation

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Option A: France

Option B: England

Option C: Germany

Option D: Canada

Correct Answer: England

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Option A: It believes in common ownership of means of production

Option B: It believes in peaceful means

Option C: It believes in democracy

Option D: It believes in class struggle

Correct Answer: It believes in class struggle

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Option A: It regards individual an end

Option B: It stands for abolition of private property

Option C: It stands for democracy

Option D: It stands for gradual transformation of society from capitalism to socialism

Correct Answer: D. It stands for gradual transformation of society from capitalism to socialism
E. It believes in stateless society

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Option A: Capitalist class

Option B: Working class

Option C: Educated class

Option D: Middle class

Correct Answer: Mass of mankind

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Option A: Herbert Spencer

Option B: John Dewey

Option C: Bentham

Option D: C.E.M. Joad

Correct Answer: John Dewey

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Option A: Rights of all were equal

Option B: The educated should have more rights

Option C: More rights should be enjoyed by propertied class

Option D: The rulers should have more rights than others

Correct Answer: Rights of all were equal

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Option A: One nation had a right to exploit the other

Option B: Strong nations could exploit the weak ones

Option C: Poor nations could be exploited by the rich

Option D: No nation had right to exploit the other

Correct Answer: No nation had right to exploit the other

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Option A: Brought to an end

Option B: Continued

Option C: Continued but in a limited manner

Option D: Continued but in a modified form

Correct Answer: Continued

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Option A: Provision for state intervention

Option B: Provision for church to invade privacy

Option C: Spying on activities where necessary

Option D: Without governmental or church control

Correct Answer: Without governmental or church control

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Option A: Rich

Option B: Poor

Option C: Land owners

Option D: Middle classes

Correct Answer: Middle classes

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Option A: No one should be sentenced without trial

Option B: No property should be confiscated without compensation

Option C: Application of law could not depend on the whims of law makers

Option D: Any person could be put to death without trial

Correct Answer: Any person could be put to death without trial

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Option A: Men should be governed by men

Option B: Men should be governed by law

Option C: Men should be governed by the system of administrative law

Option D: There should be no rule of law

Correct Answer: Men should be governed by law

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Option A: Gilbert Murray

Option B: Spinoza

Option C: Gallil

Option D: Harvey

Correct Answer: Hobhouse

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Option A: Revolution

Option B: General strike

Option C: Propaganda

Option D: Hatred

Correct Answer: Propaganda

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Option A: Revolution was only solution to many problems

Option B: Revolution created problems

Option C: Revolution was unavoidable

Option D: Revolution and change must go hand in hand

Correct Answer: Revolution created problems

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Option A: State was instrument of exploitation

Option B: State sided only with capitalist class

Option C: State could not be utilised for collective welfare

Option D: State was useful instrument for society

Correct Answer: State was useful instrument for society

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Option A: Germany

Option B: France

Option C: U.K.

Option D: U.S.S.R

Correct Answer: U.K.

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Option A: That they narrowed down the scope of state activity

Option B: They made philosophy broad based

Option C: They openly criticised state

Option D: They championed the cause of private property

Correct Answer: They made philosophy broad based

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Option A: They gave new ideas about private property

Option B: Original views about religion

Option C: Concrete proposals about use of profits

Option D: Turned socialist doctrines from rigidity of flexibility

Correct Answer: Turned socialist doctrines from rigidity of flexibility

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Option A: With the help of propaganda

Option B: With the use of force

Option C: With the assistance of terror and coercion

Option D: Only by powerful people in society

Correct Answer: With the help of propaganda

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Option A: By revolutionary means

Option B: Through parliamentary system

Option C: Reforming the present system of production

Option D: By introducing radical land reforms

Correct Answer: Through parliamentary system

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Option A: Private property should be encouraged

Option B: Private property should be distributed among the poor

Option C: Private property should be abolished

Option D: Private property should be placed under trusts

Correct Answer: Private property should be abolished

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Option A: Wealth should not be allowed to get concentrated in few hands

Option B: Inequalities in wealth should be reduced

Option C: Progressive taxation should be checked

Option D: Production should eb community controlled

Correct Answer: Progressive taxation should be checked

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Option A: Collective social interests should be promoted

Option B: Free trade should be encouraged

Option C: Trade should be state regulated

Option D: There should be cooperation than competition in society

Correct Answer: Free trade should be encouraged

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Option A: They should be given vast powers

Option B: They should be given no powers

Option C: Bureaucracy is unavoidable

Option D: Bureaucrats should be trained in a spirit that they serve as public servants

Correct Answer: Bureaucrats should be trained in a spirit that they serve as public servants

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Option A: Should be left to the care of the private individuals

Option B: Should be nationalised

Option C: Only big industries be kept in the hands of individuals

Option D: Only big industries should be under the care of the state

Correct Answer: Should be nationalised

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Option A: With the use of force

Option B: Violence should be used when necessary

Option C: By terrorism

Option D: By creating law and order problems

Correct Answer: With the help of parliamentary institutions

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Option A: Is an evil to be ended immediately

Option B: It is necessary evil

Option C: It should be happily tolerated

Option D: It is a positive good

Correct Answer: It is a positive good

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Option A: Favoured Marxian philosophy

Option B: Opposed Marxian philosophy

Option C: Tried to reconcile Marxian views with his own views

Option D: Tried to twist Marxian philosophy to suit his own views

Correct Answer: Opposed Marxian philosophy

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Option A: Revolution was justified in the absence of democracy

Option B: General strike should be first step towards revolution

Option C: It was not correct that present state assisted the capitalists only

Option D: That the state should immediately be overthrown

Correct Answer: That the state should immediately be overthrown

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Option A: The workers were not economically sinking

Option B: It the revolution workers will not be better of

Option C: Class conflict was a reality

Option D: Even after proletariat revolution class conflict will continue

Correct Answer: Class conflict was a reality

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Option A: German

Option B: Italian

Option C: Russian

Option D: French

Correct Answer: French

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Option A: They have no fatherland

Option B: They have share in the making of their Governments

Option C: They can participate in development of national wealth

Option D: They have a fatherland

Correct Answer: They have no fatherland

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Option A: Syden Webb

Option B: MacIver

Option C: Robert Owen

Option D: Edward Bernstein

Correct Answer: Edward Bernstein

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Option A: State was respobsible for exploitation of the poor

Option B: State did not side with one class

Option C: State was useful for bringing far reaching changes

Option D: State should be used for collective welfare

Correct Answer: State was respobsible for exploitation of the poor

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Option A: Revolution was no solution to problems

Option B: History demonstrated progress of democracy

Option C: Revolution was likely to being social upheavals

Option D: Changes could come only with the help of revolution

Correct Answer: Changes could come only with the help of revolution

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Option A: I leads to concentratior of wealth

Option B: It favours establishment of private enterprises

Option C: It wants to establish just and equitable society

Option D: It gives more importance to individual

Correct Answer: It wants to establish just and equitable society

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Option A: Working classes

Option B: Middle classes

Option C: Bureaucracy

Option D: Political elite

Correct Answer: Middle classes

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Option A: The rich and the poor

Option B: The employers and employees

Option C: The poor and middle classes

Option D: Community and the capitalists

Correct Answer: Community and the capitalists

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Option A: They condemned violence

Option B: G.B. Shah

Option C: J.S. Mill

Option D: Karl Marx

Correct Answer: J.S. Mill

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Option A: They believed in democratic system

Option B: They championed the cause of all sections of society

Option C: They stood for revolutionary means

Option D: They stood for secularism

Correct Answer: They stood for revolutionary means

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Option A: Retained by the capitalists

Option B: Distributed among all the workers

Option C: Distributed among all traders

Option D: Located in trade unions for workers’ welfare

Correct Answer: Used for the welfare of the society

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Option A: Ever increasing population

Option B: Changing fashion

Option C: Increased demands by the capitalists

Option D: Non-availability of technical labour

Correct Answer: Ever increasing population

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Option A: Was decided by the labour involved

Option B: Was determined by capital invested

Option C: Was decided by socially useful labour put in that

Option D: Was decided by the society

Correct Answer: Was decided by the society

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Option A: With the help of parliamentary institutions

Option B: With violent revolution

Option C: When capitalists will end

Option D: When new proletariat dominant society will come into being

Correct Answer: With the help of parliamentary institutions

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Option A: Close contacts with the working classes

Option B: Were the people who belonged the poor middle class

Option C: Were very rich capitalists

Option D: Were holding high political positions in the Government

Correct Answer: Were highly intellectual people

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Option A: have failed in promoting the interests of the people

Option B: Are delivering goods and should be strengthened

Option C: Should be abolished

Option D: Are instruments of exploitation

Correct Answer: Are delivering goods and should be strengthened

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Option A: Given maximum functions

Option B: Assigned minimum functions

Option C: Given only compulsory functions

Option D: Given the responsibility of defending the people and removing hindrances

Correct Answer: Given maximum functions

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Option A: State was a necessary evil

Option B: State was a welfare agency

Option C: State stood to promote common good

Option D: State helped in intellectual development

Correct Answer: State was a necessary evil

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Option A: State could help in achieving objects of socialism

Option B: Socialism and democracy were opposed to each other

Option C: Socialism and democracy were complementary to each other

Option D: Democratic institutions should be preserved

Correct Answer: Socialism and democracy were opposed to each other

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Option A: He did not favour the idean of revolution

Option B: Revolution should be brought at the earliest

Option C: He suggested workers to follow democratic ideas

Option D: The proletariat will get the support of small business in their struggle against capitalists

Correct Answer: Revolution should be brought at the earliest

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Option A: It was decreasing

Option B: It was main g the rich richer and the poor, poorer

Option C: It was sowing the seeds of its destruction

Option D: It has helped increase small business

Correct Answer: It has helped increase small business

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Option A: It could not solve existing problems

Option B: It could solve existing problems

Option C: It could solve only some of the problems

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: It could not solve existing problems

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Option A: It is based on exploitation

Option B: It has encouraged production of costly goods

Option C: It is antagonistic of state

Option D: It does not allow full payment of wages to workers

Correct Answer: It is antagonistic of state

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Option A: Ideal

Option B: Most Rotten

Option C: Unjustified as it concentrates wealth in the hands of few persons alone

Option D: None of These

Correct Answer: Most Rotten

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Option A: Capitalism should be abolished

Option B: Capitalism is promoting social welfare

Option C: Capitalism is promoting international trade

Option D: Capitalism is moral strength of a nation

Correct Answer: Capitalism should be abolished

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Option A: G.B. Shah

Option B: Bentham

Option C: Mill. J.S.

Option D: T.H. Green

Correct Answer: A. G.B. Shah

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Option A: By paying lowest wages to workers and reducing their purchasing capacity

Option B: Nby not permitting the workers any

Option C: By bringing more people from lower classes in its own ranks

Option D: By large scale production and making the working classes economically

Correct Answer: By paying lowest wages to workers and reducing their purchasing capacity

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Option A: History is the creation of materialistic forces

Option B: History is the creation of spiritual forces

Option C: History is the creation of religion and force events

Option D: History is created as result of clash of contrary material forces

Correct Answer: History is created as result of clash of contrary material forces

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Option A: Two classes

Option B: A number of classes arranged in hierarchical order

Option C: Only one class

Option D: Four classes

Correct Answer: Two classes

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Option A: The course of history remains unchanged

Option B: The course of history is determined by the leaders of society

Option C: The course of history is determined by the conscience of men

Option D: The course of history is determined by the mode of production

Correct Answer: The course of history is determined by the mode of production

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Option A: Germany

Option B: Holland

Option C: France

Option D: Britain

Correct Answer: Germany

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Option A: Marx

Option B: Lenin

Option C: Stalin

Option D: Laski

Correct Answer: Marx

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Option A: Fabian Socialism

Option B: Evolutionary Socialism

Option C: State Socialism

Option D: Syndicalism

Correct Answer: None of these

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Option A: They agree with Marx that history of hitherto existing struggle is class struggle

Option B: Working class is not a separate class from society

Option C: Capitalism is not an evil

Option D: Democracy can help in solving present day many problems

Correct Answer: They agree with Marx that history of hitherto existing struggle is class struggle

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Option A: Matter is more important than spirit

Option B: Spirit is more important than matter

Option C: Spirit and matter are equally important

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Matter is more important than spirit

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Option A: Labour

Option B: Land

Option C: Capital

Option D: Combination of all the above factors

Correct Answer: Labour

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Option A: Labour must be paid minimum wages irrespective of the quantum of goods produced and the profit be passed on to the state

Option B: The labourers be paid fixed salary and all the profits earned should be used for social good

Option C: There is difference between what a labourer produces and what he is paid. This difference is known as surplus value and is pocketed by the capitalists.

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: There is difference between what a labourer produces and what he is paid. This difference is known as surplus value and is pocketed by the capitalists.

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Option A: Abolishing capitalism

Option B: Reforming capitalism

Option C: Retaining capitalism as it is

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Reforming capitalism

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Option A: Due to foreign interference

Option B: Due to increasing importance of political elites

Option C: Due to growing antagonism between the haves and have-notes

Option D: Because of dissatisfaction of the educated people with the system

Correct Answer: Due to growing antagonism between the haves and have-notes

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Option A: Capitalism concentrates large

Option B: Capitalism reduces the purchasing capacity of workers by paying them lowest wages

Option C: Capitalism concentrates the capital in the hands of fewer persons and pushes the smaller capitalists in the rank of working classes

Option D: Capitalism frees the workers from economic worries and thus makes it possible for them to wage a strong struggle against capitalism

Correct Answer: Capitalism frees the workers from economic worries and thus makes it possible for them to wage a strong struggle against capitalism

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Option A: The state shall be used to safeguard interest of the capitalist

Option B: The state should be used to safeguard the interests of the working classes

Option C: The states whall try to bring about reconciliation between the Capitalists and working classes

Option D: The state shall not exist

Correct Answer: The state should be used to safeguard the interests of the working classes

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Option A: There shall be least interference in the economic sphere by the state

Option B: The means of production and distribution shall be used for the benefit of working classes

Option C: The means of production whall be used for social good

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: The means of production whall be used for social good

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Option A: Through elections

Option B: Through strikes

Option C: By killing the bourgeoisie class

Option D: Through guilds of workers

Correct Answer: By killing the bourgeoisie class

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Option A: Bourgeois will dominate the proletariat

Option B: The proletariat will dominate the bourgeois

Option C: The spheres of the bourgeois and proletariat will be clearly demarcated and none will dominate the other

Option D: Distinction between bourgeois and proletariat shall not exist

Correct Answer: Distinction between bourgeois and proletariat shall not exist

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Option A: Peaceful and constitutional methods

Option B: Change of heart and mind

Option C: Revolutionary methods

Option D: Combination of peaceful and revolutionary methods according to the requirements of the situation

Correct Answer: Revolutionary methods

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Option A: It attaches too much importance to the religious factor in the interpretation of history

Option B: It attaches too much importance to the materialistic factor in interpretation of history

Option C: It wrongly asserts that the value of goods is determined by labour alone

Option D: It wrongly considers the state as an instrument of oppression

Correct Answer: It attaches too much importance to the religious factor in the interpretation of history

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Option A: It provides a social system with a definite purpose and a clear programme

Option B: It emphasises the inadequacy of the present social organisation

Option C: It lays emphasis on bringing about changes in the present system through peaceful and constitutional methods

Option D: It aims at the welfare of the proletariat

Correct Answer: It lays emphasis on bringing about changes in the present system through peaceful and constitutional methods

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Option A: Primitive communism

Option B: Slave system

Option C: Capitalism system

Option D: Aeo-colonialism

Correct Answer: Aeo-colonialism

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Option A: Machiavelli and Hegel

Option B: Fishte and Laski

Option C: Hegel and Feurbach

Option D: Rousseau and Machiavelli

Correct Answer: Hegel and Feurbach

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Option A: Theory of class struggle

Option B: Dictatorship of proletariat

Option C: Theory of surplus value

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Dictatorship of proletariat

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Option A: State is the executive committee of the bourgeoisie

Option B: The state uses force for the protection and promotion of interests of the poor people

Option C: The state uses force for the protection and promotion of the interests of the ruling class

Option D: All the phenomena of human society have their irigin in material conditions of life

Correct Answer: The state uses force for the protection and promotion of interests of the poor people

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Option A: It tried to promote the welfare of the entire community

Option B: It ensures liberty as well as equality

Option C: It ensures real democracy

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: None of the above

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