
Evolutionary Socialism MCQs

Option A: An executive committee of the workers

Option B: An executive committee of elites

Option C: An executive committee of the bourgeois

Option D: An executive committee of various sections of society

Correct Answer: An executive committee of the bourgeois

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Option A: Were earned by individuals and should be kept with them

Option B: Should be used for the welfare of individuals

Option C: Should be used for social welfare

Option D: Should never be earned

Correct Answer: Should be used for social welfare

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Option A: Remain in the hands of capitalists

Option B: Remain with the churches

Option C: Remain with the sovereign

Option D: Be transferred from individual to society

Correct Answer: Be transferred from individual to society

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Option A: Capital investment in production

Option B: Land and capital needed in production

Option C: Labour of the labourers put in it

Option D: Extent to which society created its value

Correct Answer: Extent to which society created its value

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Option A: Consumers

Option B: Producers

Option C: Capitalists

Option D: Workers

Correct Answer: Society as a whole

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Option A: Only political democracy

Option B: Only social democracy

Option C: Only economic democracy

Option D: Social, economic and political democracy

Correct Answer: Social, economic and political democracy

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Option A: Inequalities in wealth should be reduced

Option B: Free way of life to every one should be allowed

Option C: Civil rights should be guaranteed

Option D: No political rights should be allowed

Correct Answer: No political rights should be allowed

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Option A: They believe in Central State

Option B: They believe that state will work for collective welfare

Option C: They believe in non-bureaucratic state

Option D: They imagine state will protect the interests of the governed

Correct Answer: They believe in non-bureaucratic state

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Option A: It was a social theory

Option B: It was political philosophy

Option C: It was political viewpoint

Option D: It was set of economic principles

Correct Answer: It was a social theory

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Option A: given to the elite of the society

Option B: costly

Option C: given to those who can afford

Option D: left to the care of voluntary bodies

Correct Answer: given to those who have aptitude for this

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Option A: It is the responsibility of the state to give social justice

Option B: State has nothing to do with social justice

Option C: Concept of social justice is absured

Option D: Social justice should be the respobsibility of organised associations

Correct Answer: It is the responsibility of the state to give social justice

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Option A: Revolution

Option B: Church

Option C: Elites of society

Option D: Spread of education propaganda

Correct Answer: Spread of education propaganda

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Option A: Most scientific

Option B: Very unscientific

Option C: Not in keeping with modern needs

Option D: Most suited to modern needs

Correct Answer: Very unscientific

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Option A: Japan

Option B: Germany

Option C: England

Option D: France

Correct Answer: Germany

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Option A: England

Option B: France

Option C: Germany

Option D: U.S.A.

Correct Answer: England

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Option A: Sydney Webb

Option B: G.B. Shah

Option C: J.S. Mill

Option D: Karl Marx

Correct Answer: Karl Marx

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Option A: Revolutionary means

Option B: Democratic means

Option C: Both revolutionary and democratic means

Option D: Abolishing the state

Correct Answer: Democratic means

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Option A: Allowed to remain where it is

Option B: Allowed to concentrate in few hands

Option C: Transferred to society as a whole

Option D: Distributed among the poor

Correct Answer: Transferred to society as a whole

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Option A: Economic factor was the sole consideration

Option B: Political factor was only weighty

Option C: Religion alone counted very much

Option D: All factors combined together weighed

Correct Answer: All factors combined together weighed

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Option A: Was bound to wither away

Option B: Was the instrument of exploitation

Option C: Is an agency which can promote welfare of the people

Option D: Promotes class struggle

Correct Answer: Is an agency which can promote welfare of the people

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Option A: At the disposal of guilds

Option B: At the disposal of those who can control them

Option C: Left to the care of the elite of the society

Option D: Controlled by the community

Correct Answer: Controlled by the community

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Option A: 1884

Option B: 1885

Option C: 1886

Option D: 1887

Correct Answer: 1884

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