
Freedom Of Speech And Press Role MCQs

Option A: It provides ready-made opinion to the people

Option B: It helps the government in knowing public mind

Option C: It helps the government in preparation of electoral lists

Option D: It acquaints the people with the various problems facing the country

Correct Answer: It helps the government in preparation of electoral lists

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Option A: Spread of education

Option B: Invention of printing machines

Option C: Manufacture of paper in large quantity

Option D: Introduction of quick means of transportation

Correct Answer: Manufacture of paper in large quantity

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Option A: The working labourers

Option B: Unemployed youth

Option C: Peasants and agriculturists

Option D: Skilled technocrats

Correct Answer: People of the armed forces

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Option A: Build healthy public opinion

Option B: Cash on sensational news

Option C: Be motivated by profit motives

Option D: Seek directions of the ruling party

Correct Answer: Build healthy public opinion

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Option A: Lay more stress on national rather than international events

Option B: Give fair picture of national progress

Option C: Focus attention on failures of the government

Option D: Draw attention only on the achievements of the government

Correct Answer: Give fair picture of national progress

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Option A: Expression of views of the opposition

Option B: Publication of the views of the intelligentsia

Option C: Publication of letters to the editor

Option D: Commenting on the views of political leadership

Correct Answer: Suppression of the views of the opposition

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Option A: The Governments want to give it to the people

Option B: The Governments have now no means to restrict this freedom

Option C: The people are awakening everywhere

Option D: There is keen competition in the press industry

Correct Answer: The people are awakening everywhere

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Option A: The government are highly educated

Option B: Propagate violence

Option C: The people are highly educated

Option D: It is implied in the right of expression

Correct Answer: It is implied in the right of expression

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Option A: Spreads communal hatred

Option B: Propagate violence

Option C: Sides with the elites

Option D: Sides with educated

Correct Answer: Gives an impartial account of events

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Option A: It should give the viewpoint of the government only

Option B: It should focus opposition viewpoint only

Option C: It should devote attention both to the government and opposition viewpoint

Option D: It should prefer government viewpoint over opposition

Correct Answer: It should devote attention both to the government and opposition viewpoint

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Option A: It should not defame the nation

Option B: It should not criticise the government bluntly

Option C: It should not disturb peace

Option D: It should not instigate communal feelings

Correct Answer: It should not criticise the government bluntly

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Option A: It has been given to the people by the President

Option B: It has been forcibly obtained by the opposition

Option C: For it the people had to put in hard struggle

Option D: It has been provided in the constitution

Correct Answer: It has been provided in the constitution

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Option A: There should be no restriction on it

Option B: There should be some reasonable restrictions on it

Option C: There should be absolute freedom

Option D: It should be left to the decision of the executive head

Correct Answer: There should be some reasonable restrictions on it

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Option A: It is provided in the constitution as a fundamental right

Option B: The government of the day will it

Option C: The people are vigilant

Option D: The opposition is strong and well organised

Correct Answer: It is provided in the constitution as a fundamental right

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Option A: When people begin to vehemently criticise the government

Option B: When the right endangers well established social norms

Option C: When the right endangers well established social norms

Option D: When foreign governments do not like criticism

Correct Answer: When the right endangers well established social norms

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Option A: To create healthy public opinion

Option B: To promote cultural heritage

Option C: To help in the eradication of social evils

Option D: To encourgae communal disharmony

Correct Answer: To encourgae communal disharmony

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Option A: Democratic Constitutions

Option B: Totalitarian Constitutions

Option C: Democratic as well as totalitarian constitutions

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Democratic Constitutions

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Option A: Swiss Constitution of 1874

Option B: USSR Constitution of 1936

Option C: Japanese Constitution of 1946

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: None of the above

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Option A: Women

Option B: Enemies of socialism

Option C: Proletariat

Option D: All the above three categories of persons

Correct Answer: Enemies of socialism

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Option A: Freedom of propagation of ideas

Option B: Freedom of circulation one’s ideas

Option C: Freedom of publish one’s ideas

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: None of the above

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Option A: Right to print public news and views

Option B: Right to gather news

Option C: Freedom not to publish any news, article, correspondence or other matter

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: None of the above

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Option A: Does not include freedom of press

Option B: Includes freedom of press

Option C: Includes freedom of press only in certain respects

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Includes freedom of press

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Option A: When security of state is in danger

Option B: When stability of Government is in danger

Option C: When public order is likely to be disturbed

Option D: When relations with foreign Government are likely to be spoiled

Correct Answer: When stability of Government is in danger

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Option A: Right to print and publish news and views

Option B: To distribute or circulate the printed matters

Option C: To comment on public affairs and criticize public men and measures

Option D: All the above

Correct Answer: Right to print and publish news and views

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Option A: Newspapers only

Option B: Weekly and monthly periodicals only

Option C: Newspapers, weeklies, monthlies and other published material

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Newspapers, weeklies, monthlies and other published material

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Option A: Single party system

Option B: Liberal democracy

Option C: Philosopher king

Option D: Presidential system of Government

Correct Answer: Liberal democracy

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Option A: Enlightened public opinion

Option B: Rich peasantry

Option C: Powerful government

Option D: Single party system

Correct Answer: Enlightened public opinion

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Option A: Free press

Option B: Right to hold meetings

Option C: Right to criticise the government

Option D: Right to hold property

Correct Answer: Right to hold property

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Option A: Should be vigilant

Option B: They should leave it to the Government

Option C: They should leave it to the opposition

Option D: They should leave everything to the care of the head of the government

Correct Answer: Should be vigilant

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Option A: Complementary of each other

Option B: Contradictory to each other

Option C: Partly complementary to each other

Option D: Both complementary as well as contradictory to each other

Correct Answer: Complementary of each other

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Option A: Totalitarian states

Option B: Dictatorships

Option C: Liberal democracies

Option D: Fascist states

Correct Answer: Liberal democracies

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