
Marxian Socialism MCQs

Option A: They do not favour individual liberty against state

Option B: They assume that the state will wither away

Option C: The believe that the state is means to an end

Option D: They believe that state has always been siding with propertied classes

Correct Answer: The believe that the state is means to an end

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Option A: The state will be replaced by classless society

Option B: They favour negative freedom for members

Option C: They hold faith in planned economy

Option D: They are opposed to production for the sake of profit

Correct Answer: They favour negative freedom for members

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Option A: Strong and centralised workers

Option B: Trade Unions

Option C: The landlords

Option D: Industrial owners

Correct Answer: Strong and centralised workers

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Option A: It is rule of capitalist class

Option B: It is government by the people

Option C: It means rule of educated classes

Option D: It means rule of the working classes

Correct Answer: It means rule of the working classes

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Option A: Dialectical materialism

Option B: Historical materialism

Option C: The theory of surplus value

Option D: The theory of class struggle

Correct Answer: The view that the state is an ethical idea

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Option A: Capital in vested in it

Option B: Machinery used for production

Option C: The extent of its dependence on the foreign market

Option D: The extent of its demand in the foreign market

Correct Answer: The socially useful labour put in it

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Option A: Stalin

Option B: Lenin

Option C: Khrushchev

Option D: Karl Marx

Correct Answer: Karl Marx

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Option A: Social factor

Option B: Political factor

Option C: Economic factor

Option D: Religious factor

Correct Answer: Social factor

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Option A: Growth of trade unions

Option B: Extent to which the social and political institutions are reorganised

Option C: The growthe of bureaucracy

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Extent to which the social and political institutions are reorganised

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Option A: There will be all honour to mental labour

Option B: Mental labour will be preferred over manual labour

Option C: Manual labour will be preferred over mental labour

Option D: There will be no distinction between the mental and the manual labour

Correct Answer: There will be no distinction between the mental and the manual labour

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Option A: The workers wish so

Option B: Machines installed by him produce more

Option C: There is difference between exchange value of what is produced and what is paid

Option D: Capitalist can win the cooperation of the workers

Correct Answer: There is difference between exchange value of what is produced and what is paid

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Option A: The capitalists so desire

Option B: The religious people manipulate that

Option C: Continuous class struggle is going on

Option D: Educated masses get dissatisfied

Correct Answer: Continuous class struggle is going on

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Option A: The rich and the poor

Option B: The educated and the elite

Option C: The religious and the educated people

Option D: The rich and the religious people

Correct Answer: The rich and the poor

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Option A: He has given one sided interpretation of history

Option B: He has given undue place to social forces in history

Option C: His theory of class struggle is untenable

Option D: It sacrifices individual at the cost of society

Correct Answer: He has given undue place to social forces in history

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Option A: They are opposed to capitalist system

Option B: Capitalism cannot introduce reforms

Option C: They lay stress on social good

Option D: They want system of production to meet needs of community

Correct Answer: They stress need for conflict in economic sphere

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Option A: Capital is a theft

Option B: Condemnation of state

Option C: Classless society

Option D: Root causes for evils in society

Correct Answer: Trade unionism

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Option A: That capital is a theft

Option B: Private property is source of exploitation

Option C: Religion is the opium of the people

Option D: He has prounded no guarantee for non-working classes in his society

Correct Answer: He has prounded no guarantee for non-working classes in his society

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Option A: Giving labour theory of value

Option B: Modifying theory of class struggle

Option C: Theory of surplus value

Option D: The principle of democratic centralism

Correct Answer: None of these

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Option A: His idea that state will wither away has not come true

Option B: His ideas that workers will unite has proved failure

Option C: For his philosophy that state will expand

Option D: For his views about capitalist system

Correct Answer: His idea that state will wither away has not come true

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Option A: He advocated abolition of capitalism

Option B: He stood for classless society

Option C: He pleaded stateless society

Option D: He advocated abolition of religion

Correct Answer: He pleaded for democracy as a means of social transformation

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Option A: J.S. Mill

Option B: Hegel

Option C: T.H. Green

Option D: Karl Marx

Correct Answer: Karl Marx

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Option A: God’s will

Option B: Great ideas

Option C: Great personalities

Option D: Forces of production

Correct Answer: Forces of production

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Option A: Materialistic philosophy

Option B: The labour theory of value

Option C: The ideal of statesless society

Option D: Dialectical method

Correct Answer: Dialectical method

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Option A: The benefit of producers

Option B: Social good

Option C: The benefit of consumers

Option D: The welfare of the working labourers

Correct Answer: Social good

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Option A: Private sector should be allowed to continue as it is

Option B: Private sector should be strengthened

Option C: There should be nationalisation of all industries

Option D: There should be nationalisation of small scale industries alone

Correct Answer: Private sector should be allowed to continue as it is

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Option A: Evolutionary means only

Option B: Revolutionary means only

Option C: By spread of education only

Option D: With the help of both evolutionary and revolutionary methods

Correct Answer: With the help of both evolutionary and revolutionary methods

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Option A: They covered the activities of masses

Option B: They covered the relationship of masses with rulers

Option C: The exaggerated people’s movements against their rulers

Option D: They recorded events glorifying the rulers

Correct Answer: They recorded events glorifying the rulers

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Option A: Great men change the course of history

Option B: Historical events so move that some people become great

Option C: Course of history and greatness of the people have nothing to do with each other

Option D: Course of history is static and as such question of change does not arise

Correct Answer: Historical events so move that some people become great

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Option A: It result of actions and reactions

Option B: No actions and reactions but matter

Option C: Means that action and reaction must be in the same direction

Option D: None of These

Correct Answer: It result of actions and reactions

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Option A: Social phenomena is applicable to political life

Option B: Social phenomena has nothing to do with political life

Option C: Social phenomena is antithesis of political life

Option D: Political Life and social phenomena can’t go hand in hand

Correct Answer: D. Political Life and social phenomena can’t go hand in hand

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Option A: Had no mother land

Option B: Have a motherland to which they must stick

Option C: Should confine their activities to their country

Option D: Should give maximum cooperation to the state

Correct Answer: Should confine their activities to their country

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Option A: The number of workers will come down

Option B: Middle class will become powerful

Option C: Ranks of middle class will swallow

Option D: Middle class will come at the forefront of struggle against state

Correct Answer: Ranks of middle class will swallow

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Option A: Continue for long

Option B: Will wither away

Option C: Deliver goods with the passage of time

Option D: Slowly benefit the workers

Correct Answer: Will wither away

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Option A: Capital is a theft

Option B: State will wither away

Option C: State promotes interests of all

Option D: State sides with the rich and not the poor

Correct Answer: State promotes interests of all

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Option A: Stalin

Option B: Karl Marx

Option C: Laski

Option D: George Bernard Shah

Correct Answer: Karl Marx

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Option A: Hegel

Option B: Engles

Option C: Stalin

Option D: Karl Marx

Correct Answer: Karl Marx

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Option A: France

Option B: Russia

Option C: Germany

Option D: Itlay

Correct Answer: Germany

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