
Origin Of State MCQs

Option A: Both the social contract

Option B: A social contract

Option C: A political contract

Option D: A legal contract

Correct Answer: Both the social contract

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Option A: Growth of population and property

Option B: Emergence of strong religious and military classes

Option C: Fear of foreign danger and need of a strong ruler to protect them

Option D: Growth of property and fear of revolution

Correct Answer: Growth of population and property

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Option A: A period of peace and happiness

Option B: A period of constant warfare

Option C: A period of great uncertainty

Option D: A period of selfishness

Correct Answer: A period of peace and happiness

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Option A: Fear and religion

Option B: Self-interest and fear

Option C: Self-preservation and sympathy towards others

Option D: Protection of life and property

Correct Answer: Self-preservation and sympathy towards others

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Option A: Britain

Option B: Germany

Option C: France

Option D: Russia

Correct Answer: France

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Option A: Social Contract

Option B: Origin of the Species

Option C: Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire

Option D: Modern State

Correct Answer: Social Contract

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Option A: Each individual surrendered his powers to the King

Option B: Each individual surrendered his powers to the Parliament

Option C: Each individual surrendered his powers to the Community

Option D: Each person received certain rights from the King

Correct Answer: Each individual surrendered his powers to the Community

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Option A: Popular Sovereignty

Option B: Individual Sovereignty

Option C: Political Sovereignty

Option D: Legal Sovereignty

Correct Answer: Popular Sovereignty

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Option A: Hobbes

Option B: Locke

Option C: Rousseau

Option D: T.H. Green

Correct Answer: Rousseau

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Option A: Will of the majority

Option B: Unanimous will

Option C: Collection of individual wills

Option D: Will of the community viewed as a living and rational political organism

Correct Answer: Will of the community viewed as a living and rational political organism

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Option A: Non-sovereign

Option B: Sovereign

Option C: Ejoys only limited sovereignty

Option D: Legally sovereign

Correct Answer: Sovereign

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Option A: Always right

Option B: Generally right

Option C: Never right

Option D: Can be both right and wrong

Correct Answer: Always right

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Option A: Permanent

Option B: Keeps on changing according to time and place

Option C: Purely Temporary

Option D: Highly flexible

Correct Answer: Permanent

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Option A: Hobbes

Option B: Locke

Option C: Bodin

Option D: Austin

Correct Answer: Hobbes

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Option A: J.S. Mill

Option B: T.H. Green

Option C: Locke

Option D: Bentham

Correct Answer: Locke

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Option A: It attached undue importance to religion

Option B: It attached too much of importance to force

Option C: It supported the ‘Divine Right of the Kings’

Option D: It is historically wrong

Correct Answer: It is historically wrong

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Option A: It assumes that the relationship between the state and individual is voluntary

Option B: It assumes that the individual made the contract for personal safety and security of personal property

Option C: It assumes that a contract is possible outside the state

Option D: It gave a death blow to the ‘Divine Origin theory’ and paved the way for democracy

Correct Answer: D. It gave a death blow to the ‘Divine Origin theory’ and paved the way for democracy

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Option A: Rise of absolute monarchy

Option B: Introduction of direct democracy

Option C: Growth of autocratic systems of governent

Option D: Democracy

Correct Answer: Democracy

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Option A: The Glorious Revolution of 1688 in England

Option B: The French Revolution of 1779

Option C: The French Revolution of October 1917

Option D: The American War of independence

Correct Answer: The French Revolution of 1779

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Option A: Hobbes

Option B: Marx

Option C: Locke

Option D: Rousseau

Correct Answer: Locke

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Option A: Hobbes

Option B: Locke

Option C: T.H.Green

Option D: Rousseau

Correct Answer: Hobbes

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Option A: The Force theory

Option B: Divine Origin theory

Option C: Patriarchal theory

Option D: Matriarchal theory

Correct Answer: Divine Origin theory

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Option A: Aristotle

Option B: Marx

Option C: Rousseau

Option D: Locke

Correct Answer: Rousseau

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Option A: Divine Right theory

Option B: Force theory

Option C: Social Contract theory

Option D: Evolutionary theory

Correct Answer: Evolutionary theory

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Option A: Organic Theory

Option B: Social Contract Theory

Option C: Evolutionary Theory

Option D: Patriarchal Theory

Correct Answer: Evolutionary Theory

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Option A: The state was created during the early periods of human history

Option B: State was created by revolution

Option C: State was created in the fourteenth century

Option D: State is the result of slow process of growth

Correct Answer: State is the result of slow process of growth

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Option A: Defend the absolute powers of the monarchy

Option B: Assert the right of the people to rule themselves

Option C: Assert the authority of the Parliament

Option D: Justify the dominance of the aristocratic classes

Correct Answer: Defend the absolute powers of the monarchy

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Option A: The decline of the Roman Empire

Option B: The decline of the Feudal state

Option C: The decline of the Colonial Empires

Option D: The decline of the imperial states of orient

Correct Answer: The decline of the imperial states of orient

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Option A: Rousseau

Option B: Locke

Option C: Hobbes

Option D: Spinoza

Correct Answer: Rousseau

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Option A: A creation of God at a point of time in the past

Option B: A product of compact between individuals in the remote past

Option C: A result of surrender of the vanquished tribe to the conquering tribe

Option D: An outcome of gradual and continuous development of human society out of an imperfect beginning towards a more perfect organization

Correct Answer: An outcome of gradual and continuous development of human society out of an imperfect beginning towards a more perfect organization

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Option A: All adult discrimination

Option B: All persons except the slaves and foreigners

Option C: All persons who rendered military service

Option D: All persons who either paid taxes or rendered military service

Correct Answer: All persons except the slaves and foreigners

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Option A: The ancient city state

Option B: The Roman Empire

Option C: The Holy Roman Empire

Option D: The nation state

Correct Answer: The ancient city state

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Option A: Non-assertion of their authority

Option B: The rise of the class of feudal lords

Option C: Usurpation of their power by the Pope

Option D: Rise of feudal lords and Popes

Correct Answer: Rise of feudal lords and Popes

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Option A: Disappearance of the Pope

Option B: Foreign aggression

Option C: Challenge of bourgeoisie class

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Challenge of bourgeoisie class

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Option A: Marxists

Option B: Idealist

Option C: Anarchists

Option D: Individualists

Correct Answer: Idealist

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Option A: The Idealists

Option B: The Anarchists

Option C: The Marxists

Option D: All the above

Correct Answer: The Marxists

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Option A: Kant

Option B: Aristotle

Option C: Marx

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Aristotle

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Option A: Identical to the theory of Hobbes

Option B: Identical to the theory of Locke

Option C: Has no resemblance with the views of either Hobbes or Locke

Option D: Combines the points of theories of both Hobbes and Locke

Correct Answer: Combines the points of theories of both Hobbes and Locke

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Option A: The right to change the government any time they like

Option B: No right to change the government

Option C: Change the government if it fails to perform its part of contract

Option D: Change the government if it imposes heavy taxation

Correct Answer: Change the government if it fails to perform its part of contract

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Option A: Maintenance of law and order

Option B: Protection of country from outside aggression

Option C: Promotion of welfare of the community

Option D: Protection of natural rights

Correct Answer: Protection of natural rights

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Option A: Above law

Option B: Bound by the existing laws

Option C: The chief creator of all laws

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Bound by the existing laws

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Option A: To enact laws

Option B: To modify the laws according to needs of time

Option C: To enforce the laws

Option D: To interpret the laws

Correct Answer: To interpret the laws

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Option A: Was a party to the contract

Option B: Was born out of the contract

Option C: Stood outside the contract

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Was a party to the contract

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Option A: Only limited authority

Option B: Absolute authority

Option C: No authority at all

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Only limited authority

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Option A: All rights

Option B: Only the natural rights

Option C: Only right to property

Option D: Only right to interpret and enforce the laws of nature

Correct Answer: Only right to interpret and enforce the laws of nature

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Option A: Only by the Heads of families

Option B: By the Feudal Lords alone

Option C: By all male members

Option D: By all members of the community

Correct Answer: By all members of the community

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Option A: One contract – Social Contract

Option B: Two contracts – Social and Governmental

Option C: Three contracts – Social, Economic and Political

Option D: One contract – Governmental

Correct Answer: C. Three contracts – Social, Economic and Political

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Option A: Because they were fed up with the perpetual warfare

Option B: Because they were fed up with the autocratic rule of the King

Option C: Because of divine intervention

Option D: Because of the inconvenience caused by different interpretations of laws of nature of different members

Correct Answer: Because of the inconvenience caused by different interpretations of laws of nature of different members

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Option A: Were governed by the laws enacted by the Sovereign

Option B: Were governed by laws enacted by the people

Option C: Were governed by the laws of nature

Option D: Had no laws at all

Correct Answer: Were governed by the laws of nature

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Option A: Had-certain duties but no rights

Option B: Had certain rights only

Option C: Had both rights and duties

Option D: Had neither rights nor duties

Correct Answer: Had both rights and duties

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Option A: Right to life, liberty and property

Option B: Right to religion, worship and conscience

Option C: Right to participate in affair of government

Option D: People enjoyed no rights all all

Correct Answer: Right to life, liberty and property

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Option A: Divine rights

Option B: Natural rights

Option C: Legal rights

Option D: Religious rights

Correct Answer: Natural rights

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Option A: A period of lawlessness

Option B: A period of peace and reason

Option C: A period of constant warfare

Option D: A period of peace in certain areas and war in other areas

Correct Answer: A period of peace and reason

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Option A: Lectures on Jurisprudence

Option B: Two Treatises on Civil Government

Option C: Social Contract

Option D: Representative Government

Correct Answer: Two Treatises on Civil Government

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Option A: The sixteenth century

Option B: The seventeenth century

Option C: Twelfth century

Option D: The eighteenth century

Correct Answer: The seventeenth century

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Option A: France

Option B: Germany

Option C: Britain

Option D: U.S.A.

Correct Answer: Britain

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Option A: A part to the contract

Option B: The result of the contract

Option C: Elected after the conclusion of the contract

Option D: Accountable to the people

Correct Answer: The result of the contract

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Option A: Man is a social animal

Option B: Man is co-operative sympathetic towards members of society

Option C: Man is essentially peace loving

Option D: Man is selfish and quarrelsome

Correct Answer: Man is selfish and quarrelsome

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Option A: To disobey the sovereign under certain conditions

Option B: Not to disobey the sovereign under any condition

Option C: To disobey the sovereign only if he acts against national interest

Option D: To disobey the sovereign if he fails to act in accordance with the terms of the contract

Correct Answer: Not to disobey the sovereign under any condition

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Option A: Certain natural rights

Option B: Those rights which were granted to them by the sovereign

Option C: Those rights which they had retained at the time of the conclusion of the contract

Option D: Only those rights which were specified in the contract

Correct Answer: Those rights which were granted to them by the sovereign

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Option A: Could disobey the orders of the sovereign

Option B: Could not disobey the orders of the sovereign

Option C: Could disobey the sovereign after giving him due notice

Option D: Could disobey the orders only if they were illegal

Correct Answer: Could not disobey the orders of the sovereign

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Option A: Were free to revoke the contract

Option B: Could amend the contract by two-thirds majority

Option C: Could not revoke the contract

Option D: Automatically lapsed if one of the parties failed to carry out its part of obligations

Correct Answer: Could not revoke the contract

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Option A: Sovergign was a party to the contract

Option B: Sovereign refused to become a party to the contract

Option C: Sovereign accpeted only limited obligations

Option D: Sovereign came into being as a result of the Contract

Correct Answer: Sovereign came into being as a result of the Contract

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Option A: People surrendered all their rights to the sovereign unconditionally

Option B: People surrendered their rights subject to certain conditions

Option C: Surrendered only their rights to property and religion

Option D: People refused to surrender their rights

Correct Answer: People surrendered all their rights to the sovereign unconditionally

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Option A: Only the right to life, liberty and property

Option B: No rights

Option C: Only economic rights

Option D: Unspecified natural rights

Correct Answer: No rights

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Option A: Peace and plenty

Option B: Constant warfare

Option C: Peace and scarcity

Option D: Religious dominance

Correct Answer: Constant warfare

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Option A: Leviathan

Option B: Social contract theory

Option C: A History of Political Theory

Option D: The Modern State

Correct Answer: Leviathan

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Option A: The role played by the nature in the creation of state

Option B: The conditions existing prior to the creation of the state

Option C: A study of the various stages of the development of state

Option D: A study of the nature of state

Correct Answer: The conditions existing prior to the creation of the state

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Option A: Nationalism

Option B: Constitutionalism

Option C: Individualism

Option D: Socialism

Correct Answer: Individualism

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Option A: Man is a social animal and cannot live outside the society

Option B: State is the result of slow process of evolution

Option C: State was created through a contract concluded in the sixteenth century

Option D: State was created as a result of contract concluded by the people living in the pre-civil society

Correct Answer: State was created as a result of contract concluded by the people living in the pre-civil society

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Option A: Austin, Bodin and Hobbes

Option B: Hobbes, locke and Rousseau

Option C: MacIver, Laski and Rousseau

Option D: J.S. Mill, Adam Smith and Hobbes

Correct Answer: Hobbes, locke and Rousseau

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Option A: The nature of State

Option B: The tunctions of State

Option C: The purpose of State

Option D: The origin of State

Correct Answer: The origin of State

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Option A: The eldest male member

Option B: The eldest female member

Option C: Nominated by the King

Option D: Nominated by the Chief Priest

Correct Answer: The eldest female member

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Option A: Sir Henry Maine

Option B: Adam Smith

Option C: Herbert

Option D: Jenks

Correct Answer: Jenks

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Option A: Jenks

Option B: Henry Maine

Option C: Laski

Option D: Morgan

Correct Answer: Henry Maine

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Option A: The eldest male member was the head of the family

Option B: The eldest female member was the head of the family

Option C: The King was the agent of God on this earth

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: The eldest male member was the head of the family

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Option A: Force was one of the important factors for the origin of the state

Option B: Force was the sole factor responsible for the origin of the state

Option C: Will, not force, is the best is of state

Option D: Spiritual force was the most important factor in the growth of the state

Correct Answer: Force was the sole factor responsible for the origin of the state

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Option A: Civil society

Option B: Anarchy

Option C: Lawlessness

Option D: Police state

Correct Answer: Civil society

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Option A: Aristocracy

Option B: Bureaucracy

Option C: Constitutional monarchy

Option D: Absolute monarchy

Correct Answer: Absolute monarchy

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Option A: Sorel

Option B: Duguit

Option C: Laski

Option D: Morgar

Correct Answer: Duguit

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Option A: Divine origin theory

Option B: Social contract theory

Option C: Marxist theory

Option D: Evolutionary theory

Correct Answer: Evolutionary theory

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Option A: Evolutionary theory

Option B: Social contract theory

Option C: Theory of Divine origin

Option D: Theory of dialectical materialism

Correct Answer: Theory of Divine origin

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Option A: Force theory

Option B: Patriarchal theory

Option C: Matriarchal theory

Option D: Evolutionary theory

Correct Answer: Evolutionary theory

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Option A: Real wills

Option B: Majority wills

Option C: Minority wills

Option D: Will of the elites

Correct Answer: Real wills

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Option A: Aristotle

Option B: Hobbes

Option C: Rousseau

Option D: T.H. Green

Correct Answer: Aristotle

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Option A: Evolutionary theory

Option B: Patriarchal theory

Option C: Matriarchal theory

Option D: Theory of Divine origin

Correct Answer: Theory of Divine origin

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Option A: Nature of state

Option B: Origin of state

Option C: Purpose of state

Option D: Function of state

Correct Answer: Origin of state

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Option A: Lenin

Option B: Hitler

Option C: Winston Churchill

Option D: Mahatma Gandhi

Correct Answer: Hitler

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Option A: Church is superior to the state

Option B: The state is superior to the Church

Option C: The Church and the State enjoy equal powers

Option D: There is no relationship between the State and the Church

Correct Answer: Church is superior to the state

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Option A: It disciplined the primitives man

Option B: It taught the primitive man the value of obedience

Option C: It made the primitive man religious and superstitious

Option D: It helped the ruler to establish peace and order by claiming divine descent

Correct Answer: It made the primitive man religious and superstitious

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Option A: It is dangerous because it leaves sufficient scope for the ruler to assume despotic powers

Option B: It leads to political stagnation and hampers progress

Option C: It is based on superstition and does not appeal to reason

Option D: It is not supported by history

Correct Answer: It is not supported by history

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Option A: No right to people to revolt against the ruler

Option B: Right to people to revolt against the ruler

Option C: Right to revolt only if the king acts in a tyrannical manner

Option D: Right to revolt only if he acts against the principles of religion

Correct Answer: No right to people to revolt against the ruler

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Option A: Divine rights of king

Option B: Complete freedom for the people

Option C: Subordination of the King to Pope

Option D: Regulation of state affairs in accordance with laws of Bible

Correct Answer: Divine rights of king

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Option A: Close co-operation between religion and politics

Option B: Complete separation of religion and politics

Option C: Domination of religion by the King

Option D: Equality of all men

Correct Answer: Close co-operation between religion and politics

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Option A: The state was created by a Saint named Divine

Option B: State was created by God

Option C: State was created by majority vote

Option D: State was created by the Pope

Correct Answer: State was created by God

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Option A: Force Theory

Option B: Patriarchal Theory

Option C: Social Contract Theory

Option D: Divine Origin Theory

Correct Answer: Divine Origin Theory

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Option A: Divine Origin Theory

Option B: Social Contract Theory

Option C: Force Theory

Option D: Evolutionary Theory

Correct Answer: Evolutionary Theory

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Option A: In it office was distributed on merit

Option B: In it office was distributed on hereity basis

Option C: In it land indicated wealth

Option D: In it feudal-lord took interest in political developments

Correct Answer: In it office was distributed on merit

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Option A: Hobbes

Option B: Machiavelli

Option C: Hegel

Option D: Rousseau

Correct Answer: Rousseau

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Option A: Force theory

Option B: Divine origin theory

Option C: Patriarchal theory

Option D: Matriarchal theory

Correct Answer: Divine origin theory

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