
Origin Of State MCQs

Option A: Hobbes and Locke

Option B: Lenin and Marx

Option C: Plato and Aristotle

Option D: Burgess and Leacock

Correct Answer: Burgess and Leacock

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Option A: Right of life

Option B: Right to liberty

Option C: Right to property

Option D: Right to work

Correct Answer: Right to work

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Option A: Hobbes

Option B: Locke

Option C: Rousseau

Option D: Karl Marx

Correct Answer: Hobbes

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Option A: Laski

Option B: Garner

Option C: Hegel

Option D: T.H. Green

Correct Answer: Laski

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Option A: A police state

Option B: A welfare state

Option C: A laissez faire state

Option D: Autocratic state

Correct Answer: A welfare state

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Option A: Divine Origin Theory

Option B: Force Theory

Option C: Social Contract Theory

Option D: Historical Theory

Correct Answer: Social Contract Theory

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Option A: Force Theory

Option B: Divine Origin Theory

Option C: Social Contract Theory

Option D: Evolutionary Theory

Correct Answer: Social Contract Theory

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Option A: George III of England

Option B: Napoleon of France

Option C: James II of England

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: James II of England

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Option A: Locke

Option B: Hobbes

Option C: Rousseau

Option D: Bodin

Correct Answer: Hobbes

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Option A: Comparative Method

Option B: Historical Method

Option C: Scientific Method

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Scientific Method

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Option A: Hobbes

Option B: Locke

Option C: Machiavelli

Option D: Marx

Correct Answer: Hobbes

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Option A: The individual is left with no other alternative but to obey the commands of the sovereign

Option B: Men are free from any superior power on earth, and they act as they think fit within the bounds of the law of nature

Option C: The Government exists for the good of the people, and can be removed if it violates the trust reposed in it

Option D: The State is composed of equal individuals, some having authority over others and all participate in the General will

Correct Answer: The Government exists for the good of the people, and can be removed if it violates the trust reposed in it

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Option A: An effective government

Option B: Preservation of their natural rights

Option C: Creating a state

Option D: Creating an independent judiciary

Correct Answer: Preservation of their natural rights

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Option A: Hobbes

Option B: Locke

Option C: Rousseau

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Rousseau

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Option A: Glorious revolution in England

Option B: American War of Independence

Option C: The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia

Option D: The French Revolution

Correct Answer: The French Revolution

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Option A: Hobbes

Option B: Rousseau

Option C: Hegel

Option D: T.H. Green

Correct Answer: Rousseau

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Option A: Elites

Option B: Representative Democracy

Option C: Direct Democracy

Option D: Absolute Monarchy

Correct Answer: Direct Democracy

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Option A: Popular sovereignty

Option B: Direct Democracy

Option C: General Will

Option D: Constitutional Monarchy

Correct Answer: General Will

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Option A: Military leaders

Option B: Elected leaders

Option C: Priests

Option D: Hereditary monarchs

Correct Answer: Hereditary monarchs

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Option A: Military rule

Option B: Direct democracy

Option C: Representative democracy

Option D: Absolute rule

Correct Answer: Direct democracy

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Option A: Athens and Rome

Option B: Rome and Sparta

Option C: Athens and Venice

Option D: Athens and Sparta

Correct Answer: Athens and Sparta

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Option A: Revolutionary principle

Option B: Evolutionary principle

Option C: Religious principles

Option D: Scientific-cum-religious principles

Correct Answer: Evolutionary principle

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Option A: The state of nature was a state of peace, mutual assistance and cooperation

Option B: There were natural rights of life, liberty and property

Option C: The prevalence of natural law

Option D: There was continuous fear and danger of violent death

Correct Answer: There was continuous fear and danger of violent death

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Option A: General Will is always good, just and right

Option B: General Will is the will of the masses

Option C: General Will is supreme, inalienable and indivisible

Option D: Individual’s freedom consists in acting in conformity with General Will

Correct Answer: General Will is the will of the masses

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Option A: Social Contract

Option B: Liberal

Option C: Historical-Evolutionary

Option D: Marxists

Correct Answer: Marxists

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Option A: The city-states

Option B: The Roman Empire

Option C: The Holy Roman Empire

Option D: All the above

Correct Answer: The Holy Roman Empire

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Option A: The city-states

Option B: The Roman Empire

Option C: The Holy Roman Empire

Option D: All the above

Correct Answer: The Holy Roman Empire

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Option A: The ministers of the king

Option B: The King

Option C: The feudal lords

Option D: The farmers

Correct Answer: The feudal lords

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Option A: Kant

Option B: Marx

Option C: Aristotle

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Marx

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Option A: Aristotle

Option B: Bodin

Option C: Plato

Option D: Hobbes

Correct Answer: Aristotle

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Option A: A nation state

Option B: A federal state

Option C: An international state

Option D: A liberal state

Correct Answer: A nation state

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Option A: Welfare Theory

Option B: Legal Theory

Option C: Ethical Theory

Option D: All the above

Correct Answer: Ethical Theory

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Option A: The sixteenth century

Option B: The seventeenth century

Option C: Eighteenth century

Option D: Nineteenth century

Correct Answer: The sixteenth century

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Option A: The New State

Option B: The Two States

Option C: State and Sovereignty

Option D: Lectures on Pluralism

Correct Answer: The New State

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Option A: Philips

Option B: Louis XII

Option C: Louis XIII

Option D: Louis XIV

Correct Answer: Louis XIV

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Option A: Theory of Divine Origin of State

Option B: Introduction of far reaching legislative reforms

Option C: Reforms in national finances

Option D: Reforms in land revenue system

Correct Answer: Theory of Divine Origin of State

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Option A: The Jews

Option B: The Christians

Option C: The Muslims

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: The Jews

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Option A: The people had desire to live in the state

Option B: There was necessity for division of labour

Option C: God sent state on earth

Option D: People concluded a contract for bringing state

Correct Answer: There was necessity for division of labour

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