
Political Science MCQs

Option A: The nature of human knowledge

Option B: Whether or not God exists

Option C: The best form of civic government

Option D: The origin of the universe

Correct Answer: The nature of human knowledge

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Option A: Politicus

Option B: Meno

Option C: Protagoras

Option D: Phaedo

Correct Answer: Meno

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Option A: Dialogues

Option B: Apology

Option C: Both (a) & (b)

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Dialogues

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Option A: Crito

Option B: Meno

Option C: The Apology

Option D: Timaeus

Correct Answer: The Apology

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Option A: Aristophanes

Option B: Aeschylus

Option C: Sophocles

Option D: Euripides

Correct Answer: Aristophanes

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Option A: Crito

Option B: Apology

Option C: Chermides

Option D: Timaeus

Correct Answer: Timaeus

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Option A: Eudoxus

Option B: Callipus

Option C: Perga

Option D: Appollonius

Correct Answer: Eudoxus

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Option A: Eratosthenes

Option B: Plato

Option C: Diophantus

Option D: Eppipides

Correct Answer: Plato

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Option A: Ariston

Option B: Perictione

Option C: Xenophon

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Ariston

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Option A: Ariston

Option B: Perictione

Option C: Xenophon

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Perictione

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Option A: A.E. Taylor

Option B: Paul Shorey

Option C: Jacob A. Kline

Option D: G. Vlastos

Correct Answer: A. A.E. Taylor

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Option A: A.E. Taylor

Option B: Paul Shorey

Option C: Jacob A. Kline

Option D: G. Vlastos

Correct Answer: Paul Shorey

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Option A: Jacob A. Kline

Option B: G. Vlastos

Option C: Paul Shorey

Option D: A.E. Taylor

Correct Answer: G. Vlastos

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Option A: Paul Shorey

Option B: Jacob A. Kline

Option C: G. Vlastos

Option D: A.E. Taylor

Correct Answer: B. Jacob A. Kline

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Option A: Eratosthenes

Option B: Plato

Option C: Diophantus

Option D: Eppipides

Correct Answer: Plato

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Option A: Eratosthenes

Option B: Plato

Option C: Diophantus

Option D: Eppipides

Correct Answer: Plato

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Option A: Aristophanes

Option B: Aeschylus

Option C: Sophocles

Option D: Euripides

Correct Answer: Aristophanes

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Option A: War

Option B: Love

Option C: Death

Option D: Justice

Correct Answer: Love

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Option A: Physics

Option B: Geometry

Option C: Astronomy

Option D: Arithmetic

Correct Answer: Geometry

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Option A: Linear Structures

Option B: Biological Systems

Option C: Astronomical Phenomenae

Option D: Regular Solids

Correct Answer: Regular Solids

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Option A: Eratosthenes

Option B: Plato

Option C: Diophantus

Option D: Eppipides

Correct Answer: Plato

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Option A: Eratosthenes

Option B: Plato

Option C: Diophantus

Option D: Eppipides

Correct Answer: Plato

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Option A: Piety, and our duties toward the gods

Option B: The need to discipline children properly

Option C: The purpose of art and music

Option D: How to determine if a war is just

Correct Answer: Piety, and our duties toward the gods

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Option A: Become the new king of Athens

Option B: Renounce his philosophy

Option C: Urge the masses to rise up in revolt

Option D: Flee from Athens

Correct Answer: Flee from Athens

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Option A: Crito

Option B: Meno

Option C: The Apology

Option D: Timaeus

Correct Answer: The Apology

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Option A: Extremely afraid

Option B: Angered by the injustice of his sentence

Option C: Pleasant, calm and resigned to his fate

Option D: Saddened and depressed

Correct Answer: Pleasant, calm and resigned to his fate

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Option A: They are undertaken for the sake of duty alone

Option B: Others approve of them

Option C: You have been beaten sufficiently

Option D: When physical needs are satisfied

Correct Answer: They are undertaken for the sake of duty alone

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Option A: There is a small surplus

Option B: A southern climate

Option C: Not densely populated

Option D: People don’t eat much

Correct Answer: There is a small surplus

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Option A: Nature abhors a vacuum

Option B: Human beings seek peace

Option C: The war of all against all

Option D: The Pythagorean Theorem

Correct Answer: Human beings seek peace

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Option A: Native American societies

Option B: The Spanish Armada

Option C: Madhouses

Option D: Prisons

Correct Answer: Native American societies

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Option A: Plot

Option B: Reversal

Option C: Character

Option D: Spectacle

Correct Answer: Reversal

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Option A: Hermeias

Option B: Callisthenes

Option C: Xenocrates

Option D: Speusippus

Correct Answer: Callisthenes

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Option A: Continence

Option B: Desire

Option C: Ignorance

Option D: Complacence

Correct Answer: Continence

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Option A: Father

Option B: Son

Option C: Father and son

Option D: Brother

Correct Answer: Father

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Option A: Jeremy Bentham

Option B: John Locke

Option C: Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Option D: Thomas Sowell

Correct Answer: John Locke

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Option A: Jeremy Bentham

Option B: John Locke

Option C: Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Option D: Thomas Sowell

Correct Answer: John Locke

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Option A: Jeremy Bentham

Option B: John Locke

Option C: Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Option D: Thomas Sowell

Correct Answer: John Locke

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Option A: Thomas Jefferson

Option B: James Madison

Option C: Alexander Hamilton

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Thomas Jefferson

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Option A: Derbyshire, England

Option B: Wiltshire, England

Option C: London, England

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Derbyshire, England

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Option A: 91

Option B: 93

Option C: 95

Option D: 97

Correct Answer: 91

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Option A: 4th December 1672

Option B: 4th December 1674

Option C: 4th December 1677

Option D: 4th December 1679

Correct Answer: 4th December 1679

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Option A: Plato

Option B: Aristotle

Option C: Socrates is cold-hearted

Option D: Xenophon

Correct Answer: Socrates is cold-hearted

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Option A: Phaenarete

Option B: Zenexenus

Option C: Lamprocles

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Phaenarete

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Option A: Sophroniscus

Option B: Aristophanes

Option C: Lamprocles

Option D: Zenexenus

Correct Answer: Sophroniscus

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Option A: Ethics

Option B: Economics

Option C: Chemistry

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Ethics

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Option A: Aristophanes

Option B: Aristotle

Option C: Homer

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Aristophanes

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Option A: Son of Socrates

Option B: Father of Socrates

Option C: Student of Socrates

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Student of Socrates

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Option A: It’s always inferior

Option B: It’s sometimes superior

Option C: They are equally good

Option D: It’s inferior in the long run

Correct Answer: D. It’s inferior in the long run

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Option A: That virtue is truth

Option B: That Socrates is a bad influence

Option C: That he can teach virtue

Option D: That he can’t teach virtue

Correct Answer: That he can teach virtue

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Option A: The Sophists

Option B: Any Athenian on the street

Option C: An oracle

Option D: Gorglas

Correct Answer: Any Athenian on the street

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Option A: It is outside of nature

Option B: It is manufactured by humans

Option C: It is only a fictional civilization

Option D: It is outside of nature, and it is manufactured by humans

Correct Answer: It is outside of nature

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Option A: “Lay the facts aside, as they do not affect the question.”

Option B: He blamed a maid and remained silent when she was punished

Option C: He immediately confessed

Option D: He ran awa but not before returning the stolen items

Correct Answer: A. “Lay the facts aside, as they do not affect the question.”

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Option A: My Life and Times

Option B: The Triumph of Reason

Option C: If You’re Paranoid, you only have to be right once

Option D: The Confessions of Jean-Jacques rousseau

Correct Answer: The Confessions of Jean-Jacques rousseau

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Option A: Thomas Hobbes

Option B: Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Option C: Bob Woodward

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Jean-Jacques Rousseau

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Option A: London, Britain

Option B: Geneva, Switzerland

Option C: Ermenonville, France

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Ermenonville, France

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Option A: 68 years

Option B: 66 years

Option C: 60 years

Option D: 78 years

Correct Answer: 66 years

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Option A: He initially denied the crime but then admitted it and made restitution

Option B: He blained a maid and remained silent when she was punished

Option C: He immediately confessed

Option D: He ran away but not before returning the stolen items

Correct Answer: He blained a maid and remained silent when she was punished

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Option A: Free enterprise, unrestrained by government interference

Option B: A Republic in which there is universal suffrage (for property owning males)

Option C: Replacement of autocratic governments by Athenian style democracy

Option D: Submission to the “general will” of the citizenry

Correct Answer: D. Submission to the “general will” of the citizenry

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Option A: A new social contract

Option B: Democratic reforms

Option C: Revolution

Option D: Socialism

Correct Answer: A new social contract

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Option A: Workers of the world unite

Option B: Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest

Option C: Put the child in his place and keep him there

Option D: Man was born free, but he is everywhere in chains

Correct Answer: Man was born free, but he is everywhere in chains

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Option A: A Noble Savage

Option B: Solitary, nasty and brutish

Option C: A blank slate

Option D: Totally corrupted

Correct Answer: A Noble Savage

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Option A: 14th July 1778

Option B: 12th July 1778

Option C: 2nd July 1778

Option D: 27th July 1778

Correct Answer: 2nd July 1778

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Option A: London, Britain

Option B: Geneva, Switzerland

Option C: Ermenonville, France

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Geneva, Switzerland

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Option A: 28th June 1711

Option B: 28th June 1712

Option C: 26th June 1713

Option D: 28th June 1714

Correct Answer: 28th June 1712

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Option A: Preservation

Option B: Security

Option C: Peace

Option D: Nothing of any value

Correct Answer: Nothing of any value

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Option A: Slavery

Option B: A social contract

Option C: Nature

Option D: Force

Correct Answer: A social contract

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Option A: Something is approved of by the gods because it is holy

Option B: Something gets approved of by the gods because it is holy

Option C: What is holy is what is approved of by the gods

Option D: Something is approved of by the gods because it gets approved of by the gods

Correct Answer: Something is approved of by the gods because it is holy

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Option A: Something is approved of by the gods because it gets approved of by the gods

Option B: Something gets approved of by the gods because it is holy

Option C: What is holy is what is approved of by the gods

Option D: Something is holy because it is approved of by the gods

Correct Answer: Something is holy because it is approved of by the gods

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Option A: We disagree about whether or not the person committed the crime as stated

Option B: We disagree about whether or not that crime warrants pubishment

Option C: We disagree about whether or not that crime warrants so harsh a pubishment

Option D: We disagree about whether the person prosecuting has any right to prosecute, given the circumstances

Correct Answer: We disagree about whether or not the person committed the crime as stated

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Option A: The relationship between the legs of a right triangle and its hypotenuse

Option B: Plato’s Theory of Forms

Option C: Whether or not it is just to punish one’s father

Option D: The distance between Athens and Sparta

Correct Answer: C. Whether or not it is just to punish one’s father

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Option A: Morgan, Edmund S

Option B: Catherine Boone

Option C: Horn, David Bayne

Option D: Crick, Bernard

Correct Answer: Crick, Bernard

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Option A: Mathew McCubbins

Option B: Thompson, J.W and S.K. Padover

Option C: Collini, Stefan, Donald Winch, and John Burrow

Option D: Kammen, Michael

Correct Answer: Collini, Stefan, Donald Winch, and John Burrow

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Option A: Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Option B: Morgan, Edmund S

Option C: Amadae, S.M and Bruce Bueno de Mesquita

Option D: Kevin Phillips

Correct Answer: Amadae, S.M and Bruce Bueno de Mesquita

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Option A: Thompson, J.W., and S.K. Padover

Option B: Small, Melvin

Option C: Noan Chomsky

Option D: Jones, Dorothy V

Correct Answer: Jones, Dorothy V

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Option A: Mathew McCubbins

Option B: Horn, David Bayne

Option C: Francis Fukuyama

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Horn, David Bayne

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Option A: Noam Chomsky

Option B: Langley, Lester D

Option C: T.E. Cronin

Option D: Kevin Phillips

Correct Answer: Langley, Lester D

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Option A: Gant, Michael M

Option B: Immanuel Kant

Option C: Healy, David

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Healy, David

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Option A: Challener, Richard D

Option B: Gabriel A. Almond

Option C: Catherine, Boone

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Challener, Richard D

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Option A: Small, Melvin

Option B: Jeffrey K. Tulis

Option C: Cable, James

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Cable, James

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Option A: Kevin Phillips

Option B: Morgan, Edmund S

Option C: Hatton, Ragnhild, and M.S. Anderson

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Hatton, Ragnhild, and M.S. Anderson

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Option A: Jaffrey K. Tulis

Option B: Chaytor, H.J. Trans

Option C: Jan Crawford Greenburg

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Chaytor, H.J. Trans

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Option A: Horn David Bayne

Option B: Carter, Charles H

Option C: Bob Woodward

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Carter, Charles H

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Option A: Morgan, Edmund S

Option B: Barder, Peter

Option C: T.E. Cronin

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Barder, Peter

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Option A: Gant, Michael M

Option B: Anderson, M.S

Option C: Gabriel A. Almond

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Anderson, M.S

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Option A: Small, Melvin

Option B: Francis Fukuyama

Option C: Adair, E.R

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Adair, E.R

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Option A: Immanuel Kant

Option B: Scott Burehill

Option C: Catherine Boone

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Scott Burehill

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Option A: Cynthia Weber

Option B: Kevin Phillips

Option C: Thompson, J.W., and S.K. Padover

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Cynthia Weber

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Option A: Gant, Michael M

Option B: Bob Woodward

Option C: Catherine Boone

Option D: F.S. Pearson and J.M. Rochester

Correct Answer: F.S. Pearson and J.M. Rochester

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Option A: Horn, david Bayne

Option B: Small, Melvin

Option C: R.W. Mansbach and J.A. Vasquez

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: C. R.W. Mansbach and J.A. Vasquez

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Option A: T.E. Cronin

Option B: F.S. Northedge and M.J. Grieve

Option C: Morgan, Edmund S

Option D: Jan Crawford Greenburg

Correct Answer: F.S. Northedge and M.J. Grieve

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Option A: Noam Chomsky

Option B: Gabrel A. Almond

Option C: H.J. Morgenthau

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: H.J. Morgenthau

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Option A: Aristophanes

Option B: Aeschylus

Option C: Sophocles

Option D: Euripides

Correct Answer: Aristophanes

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Option A: Eratosthenes

Option B: Plato

Option C: Diophantus

Option D: Eppipides

Correct Answer: Plato

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Option A: Jacob A. Kline

Option B: G. Vlastos

Option C: Paul Shorey

Option D: A.E. Taylor

Correct Answer: G. Vlastos

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Option A: A.E. Taylor

Option B: Paul Shorey

Option C: Jacob A. Kline

Option D: G. Vlastos

Correct Answer: Paul Shorey

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Option A: Joe Biden

Option B: T.E. Cronin

Option C: Gant, Michael M

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Joe Biden

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Option A: Noam Chomsky

Option B: Small, Melvin

Option C: Ronald Aronica

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Ronald Aronica

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Option A: Morgan, Edmund S

Option B: George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Option C: Thomas Hobbes

Option D: Jeremy Bentham

Correct Answer: George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

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Option A: Carter, Charlas

Option B: Thomas Sowell

Option C: George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Option D: Jeremy Bentham

Correct Answer: George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

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Option A: George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Option B: Morgan, Edmund S

Option C: Immanuel Kant

Option D: Robert Cooper

Correct Answer: George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

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