
Political Science MCQs

Option A: Senate does not pass a bill passed by the lower House

Option B: House of Representatives does not pass a bill passed by the Senate

Option C: President does not give assent to a bill passed by the Congress at the fag end of the session

Option D: None of These

Correct Answer: President does not give assent to a bill passed by the Congress at the fag end of the session

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Option A: Have been left with the centre

Option B: Have been given to the states

Option C: Have not been mentioned

Option D: Do not exist

Correct Answer: Have been given to the states

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Option A: Can change the boundaries of states at will

Option B: Can change the boundaries of states when representation is made

Option C: Can change state boundaries during emergencies

Option D: Cannot change state boundaries

Correct Answer: Cannot change state boundaries

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Option A: Nominated by the President

Option B: Nominated by the Senate

Option C: Nominated by the House of Representatives

Option D: Elected by the people

Correct Answer: Elected by the people

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Option A: It has a written constitution

Option B: It has partly rigid and partly flexible constitution

Option C: It has supremacy of judiciary

Option D: It has clear division of powers

Correct Answer: It has partly rigid and partly flexible constitution

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Option A: States are demanding more autonomy

Option B: States have a desire to leave the federation

Option C: States want a strong centre

Option D: States want autonomy in international trade

Correct Answer: States want a strong centre

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Option A: Is more powerful than the lower House

Option B: Is less powerful than the lower House

Option C: Has co-equal powers with the Lower House

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Is more powerful than the lower House

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Option A: India

Option B: Japan

Option C: England

Option D: U.S.A.

Correct Answer: U.S.A.

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Option A: It is written

Option B: It is flexible

Option C: It is federal

Option D: It is presidential

Correct Answer: It is flexible

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Option A: He is elected by the Senate

Option B: He is elected by the House of representatives

Option C: He is elected by both the Houses of Congress

Option D: He is elected by an electoral college

Correct Answer: He is elected by an electoral college

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Option A: There is danger of spread of communism

Option B: There is rapid technological advancement

Option C: There is danger of breaking away of states from the centre

Option D: There is increasing international trade

Correct Answer: There is danger of breaking away of states from the centre

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Option A: It upheld Governor-General’s decision

Option B: It upheld the Sindh Chief Court’s decision

Option C: It upheld the Sindh Chief Court’s decision

Option D: It ordered to re-constitute in Assembly

Correct Answer: A. It upheld Governor-General’s decision

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Option A: Dissolution is valid

Option B: It refer the case to the Federal Court

Option C: Dissolution was ultra vires and void

Option D: It dismiss the petition

Correct Answer: Dissolution was ultra vires and void

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Option A: Assembly is sovereign body and Governor-General had no power to dissolve it

Option B: Governor-General is not competent authority to do it

Option C: Constitution does not allow the dissolution

Option D: During the session assembly can not be dissolved

Correct Answer: Assembly is sovereign body and Governor-General had no power to dissolve it

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Option A: Sindh Chief Court

Option B: Punjab Chief Court

Option C: Sindh Chief Court & afterward Federal Court

Option D: Punjab Chief Court & afterward Federal Court

Correct Answer: Sindh Chief Court

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Option A: Inactivity

Option B: Incompetency

Option C: Corruption & misdeeds

Option D: All of them

Correct Answer: All of them

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Option A: 1-Sep-54

Option B: 25-Oct-54

Option C: 27-Oct-54

Option D: 24-Oct-55

Correct Answer: 25-Oct-54

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Option A: The Assembly was inactive

Option B: The Assembly had passed a bill curtailing the power of the Governor-General

Option C: The Assembly was corrupt

Option D: Assembly passed a bill condemnation the Governor-General

Correct Answer: The Assembly had passed a bill curtailing the power of the Governor-General

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Option A: 224-A of the Government of India Act, 1935

Option B: 225-A of the Government of India Act, 1935

Option C: 223-A of the Government of India Act, 1935

Option D: 228-A of the Government of India Act, 1935

Correct Answer: 223-A of the Government of India Act, 1935

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Option A: Revolt in Bengal

Option B: Revolt in Punjab

Option C: Dissolution of the Constituent Assembly

Option D: Death of Muhammad Ali Bogra

Correct Answer: Dissolution of the Constituent Assembly

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Option A: 25th December, 1954

Option B: 26th December, 1954

Option C: 27th December, 1954

Option D: 28th December, 1954

Correct Answer: 25th December, 1954

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A. Urdu
B. Bengali
C. English
D. English & Urdu

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Option A: Language problem

Option B: Ethnic problem

Option C: Cultural problem

Option D: Religion problem

Correct Answer: Language problem

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Option A: 15 days

Option B: 13 days

Option C: 12 days

Option D: 10 days

Correct Answer: 13 days

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Option A: 300

Option B: 350

Option C: 400

Option D: 450

Correct Answer: 350

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Option A: 200

Option B: 300

Option C: 400

Option D: 450

Correct Answer: 300

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Option A: 40

Option B: 50

Option C: 60

Option D: 70

Correct Answer: 50

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Option A: 60

Option B: 65

Option C: 70

Option D: 75

Correct Answer: 75

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Option A: 5

Option B: 7

Option C: 9

Option D: 10

Correct Answer: 10

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Option A: 160

Option B: 165

Option C: 170

Option D: 172

Correct Answer: 165

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Option A: West Pakistan

Option B: East Pakistan

Option C: From any wing

Option D: From Lower House

Correct Answer: East Pakistan

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Option A: West Pakistan

Option B: East Pakistan

Option C: From any wing

Option D: From Upper House

Correct Answer: West Pakistan

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Option A: 160

Option B: 170

Option C: 165

Option D: 175

Correct Answer: 165

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Option A: 250 members

Option B: 300 members

Option C: 210 members

Option D: 340 members

Correct Answer: 300 members

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Option A: Bogra Report

Option B: Liaqat Formula

Option C: Muhammad Ali Formula

Option D: Ali Formula

Correct Answer: Muhammad Ali Formula

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Option A: 7th October, 1953

Option B: 8th October 1953

Option C: 9th October 1953

Option D: 10th October, 1953

Correct Answer: 7th October, 1953

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Option A: Miraj Khalid

Option B: Mohammad Ali Bogra

Option C: Maulvi Tameez-ud-Din

Option D: Khan Nizam-ud-Din

Correct Answer: Mohammad Ali Bogra

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Option A: Mian Mumtaz Muhammad Khan daultana

Option B: M.A. Gurmani

Option C: Chaudri Nazir Ahmad

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: All of these

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Option A: Provincial Board

Option B: Ulema Board

Option C: Board of legislation

Option D: Board of Governors

Correct Answer: Ulema Board

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Option A: 200 and 200

Option B: 100 and 300

Option C: 150 and 250

Option D: 250 and 150

Correct Answer: 200 and 200

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Option A: 70 and 40

Option B: 60 and 60

Option C: 50 and 70

Option D: 40 and 80

Correct Answer: 60 and 60

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Option A: East Pakistan proposal

Option B: Parity Proposal

Option C: Power Proposal

Option D: Power Sharing Formula

Correct Answer: Parity Proposal

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Option A: With the agreement of upper house

Option B: With the agreement of lower house

Option C: With the agreement of both upper and lower house

Option D: With the agreement of both central and provincial legislatures

Correct Answer: With the agreement of both central and provincial legislatures

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Option A: 300

Option B: 400

Option C: 200

Option D: 100

Correct Answer: 400

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Option A: 110

Option B: 120

Option C: 105

Option D: 100

Correct Answer: 120

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Option A: Khawaja Nazim-ud-Din

Option B: Muhammad Ali Bogra

Option C: Maulvi Tamizuddin Khan

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: Khawaja Nazim-ud-Din

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Option A: August, 1954

Option B: November, 1954

Option C: September, 1954

Option D: September, 1955

Correct Answer: September, 1954

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Option A: 30 months

Option B: 28 months

Option C: 32 months

Option D: 27 months

Correct Answer: 30 months

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Option A: Miraj Khalid

Option B: Maulvi Tamiz-ud-Din Khan

Option C: Khan Muhammad

Option D: Raheem Shah

Correct Answer: Maulvi Tamiz-ud-Din Khan

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Option A: Raja Ghazanfar

Option B: Hussain Shaheed Suhrawardi

Option C: Khawaja Nazim-ud-Din

Option D: I.I. Chundrigarh

Correct Answer: Khawaja Nazim-ud-Din

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Option A: I.I. Chundrigar

Option B: Muhammad Ali Bogra

Option C: Raja Ghazanfar Ali Khan

Option D: Raja Zafar Ali

Correct Answer: Muhammad Ali Bogra

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Option A: 17 April, 1953

Option B: 18 April, 1953

Option C: 16 April, 1953

Option D: 15 April, 1953

Correct Answer: 17 April, 1953

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Option A: Zafarullah Khan

Option B: I.I. Chundrigarh

Option C: Muhammad Ali Bogra

Option D: Ghulam Muhammad

Correct Answer: Ghulam Muhammad

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Option A: Ghulam Muhammad

Option B: Khawaja Nazim-ud-Din

Option C: Ch.Zafarullah Khan

Option D: Fazal-ur-Rehman

Correct Answer: Khawaja Nazim-ud-Din

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Option A: It did not give security to minorities

Option B: It did not bear Islamic character

Option C: East Pakistan was not interested in it

Option D: None of These

Correct Answer: It did not bear Islamic character

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Option A: Opposition from West-Pakistan

Option B: Opposition from East-Pakistan

Option C: Both East and West Pakistan

Option D: Muslim League

Correct Answer: Opposition from East-Pakistan

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Option A: Public agitation

Option B: Public acceptance

Option C: Public Condemnation

Option D: Not acceptance nor rejection

Correct Answer: Public Condemnation

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Option A: Lower House

Option B: Upper House

Option C: Head of state

Option D: Both Houses

Correct Answer: Both Houses

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Option A: Upper house

Option B: Both Houses

Option C: Lower house

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Both Houses

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Option A: Session of both Houses

Option B: Prime Minister

Option C: President

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: Session of both Houses

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Option A: Upper house and Lower house

Option B: House of units and House of People

Option C: Both of them

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: Both of them

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Option A: Iftikhar-ud-Din

Option B: Liaqat Ali Khan

Option C: Maulvi Tamez-ud-Din

Option D: Meraj Khalid

Correct Answer: Liaqat Ali Khan

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Option A: 1951

Option B: 1950

Option C: 1948

Option D: 1949

Correct Answer: 1950

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Option A: 12 March, 1949

Option B: 13 March, 1949

Option C: 11 March, 1949

Option D: 12 March, 1948

Correct Answer: 12 March, 1949

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Option A: S.C. Chattopadhyaya

Option B: Ajay Kapur

Option C: Hari Kumar

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: A. S.C. Chattopadhyaya

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Option A: Tameez-ud-Din

Option B: Mian Iftikhar-ud-Din

Option C: Fakhar-uz-Zaman

Option D: Rehan Shah

Correct Answer: Mian Iftikhar-ud-Din

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Option A: The Resolution mixed up polities with religion.

Option B: The Resolution does not provide minorities respectable place

Option C: Both of them

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: Both of them

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Option A: Pakistan National Congress

Option B: Jamaat-e-Islami

Option C: National Awami Party

Option D: Khaksar Party

Correct Answer: Pakistan National Congress

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Option A: 5

Option B: 4

Option C: 3

Option D: 2

Correct Answer: 5

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Option A: Observance of democracy, freedom, equality and social Justice

Option B: Rights of minorities

Option C: Independence of Judiciary and a federal system of Government

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: All of these

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Option A: Objectives on which the future of Pakistan will be envisaged

Option B: Objectives on which the future constitution was to be based

Option C: Objectives for the Pakistan

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: Objectives on which the future constitution was to be based

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Option A: February, 1949

Option B: March, 1948

Option C: April, 1949

Option D: March, 1949

Correct Answer: March, 1949

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Option A: The Presiding Judge

Option B: The English Law

Option C: The law of the defendant

Option D: The law of the accused

Correct Answer: The law of the defendant

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Option A: Public servants on duty were brought under Supreme Court jurisdiction

Option B: Public servants of the Company while on duty were, exempted from Supreme Court jurisdictions

Option C: The court was to administer personal law of defendant

Option D: Court was to show respect for religious law

Correct Answer: Public servants on duty were brought under Supreme Court jurisdiction

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Option A: No machinery was provided for scrutinising company correspondence with the Government

Option B: It was accepted that the company was a political organisation

Option C: It was step towards ending company’s misrule

Option D: Government accepted the responsiblity towards India

Correct Answer: It was accepted that the company was a political organisation

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Option A: The Governor-General was placed at the mercy of his council

Option B: The Governor-General was made completely autocrat

Option C: Governor-General was reduced to cipher

Option D: It was not specified what type of law the courts will administer

Correct Answer: The Governor-General was made completely autocrat

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Option A: All proprietors were entitled to vote for the appointment of Director-General

Option B: Governor-General was to obey majority decision

Option C: Provision was made for a supreme court

Option D: Servants of the Company were forbidden to receive presents

Correct Answer: All proprietors were entitled to vote for the appointment of Director-General

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Option A: Lord Landsdowne

Option B: Lord Cannings

Option C: Lord Dalhousie

Option D: Lord Lytton

Correct Answer: Lord Clive

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Option A: 1764

Option B: 1765

Option C: 1766

Option D: 1767

Correct Answer: 1765

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Option A: By it India was partitioned

Option B: Indian was appointed as Governor-General of India

Option C: Communal representation was brought to an end

Option D: India decided to leave Commonwealth

Correct Answer: By it India was partitioned

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Option A: In August Offer (1940)

Option B: Cripps Proposals

Option C: Wavel Plan

Option D: Cabinet Mission Proposals

Correct Answer: Cabinet Mission Proposals

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Option A: Governor-General

Option B: Governor

Option C: Secretary of State

Option D: Elected members

Correct Answer: Elected members

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Option A: Indians had made sacrifices during World War I

Option B: In Congress power slipped to extremists

Option C: Indians continued to, be ill-treated abroad

Option D: Interests of Indian commercial classes during war were fully protected

Correct Answer: Interests of Indian commercial classes during war were fully protected

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Option A: Between the centre and the provinces

Option B: Between official and non-official members of the Council

Option C: Into reserved and transferred subjects

Option D: Between Governor and Governor-General

Correct Answer: Into reserved and transferred subjects

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Option A: Central level

Option B: Provincial level

Option C: District level

Option D: Panchyat level

Correct Answer: Provincial level

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Option A: At the central level in India

Option B: In the position of Secretary of State in England

Option C: In the working of local self bodies

Option D: In the position of Governor-General in India

Correct Answer: In the provinces in India

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Option A: Morley-Minto Reforms

Option B: Montford Reforms

Option C: Act of provincial autonomy

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Montford Reforms

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Option A: There was strong official bloc in Imperial Legislative Council

Option B: Government deliberately championed the cause of vested interests

Option C: The administrtion was deliberately kept less centralised

Option D: Local bodies were not given much freedom

Correct Answer: The administrtion was deliberately kept less centralised

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Option A: It was much above the expectations of the people

Option B: It created wide gulf between the Hindus and the Muslims

Option C: It introduced doubly indirect method of election

Option D: In it Franchise was very much limited

Correct Answer: It was much above the expectations of the people

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Option A: 1861

Option B: 1892

Option C: 1909

Option D: 1919

Correct Answer: 1861

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Option A: Legislative Councils were permitted to discuss budget

Option B: Members of Legislative Councils could suggest changes in taxation proposals

Option C: Presiding Officer could not disallow any question

Option D: Members were allowed to put supplementary questions

Correct Answer: Presiding Officer could not disallow any question

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Option A: 1892

Option B: 1909

Option C: 1919

Option D: 1935

Correct Answer: 1909

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Option A: High educational qualifications were fixed

Option B: Property qualifications were fixed

Option C: Residential qualifications were fixed

Option D: No qualifications were prescribed

Correct Answer: No qualifications were prescribed

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Option A: Official majority was maintained

Option B: Non-official majority was maintained

Option C: Majority consisted of elected representatives

Option D: Majority consisted of those elected on the basis of limited franchise

Correct Answer: Official majority was maintained

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Option A: Only nominted members

Option B: Only official members

Option C: Only non-official members

Option D: Both official non-official and elected members

Correct Answer: Both official non-official and elected members

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Option A: 45

Option B: 50

Option C: 55

Option D: 60

Correct Answer: 50

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Option A: 45

Option B: 50

Option C: 55

Option D: 60

Correct Answer: 60

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Option A: 1804

Option B: 1905

Option C: 1906

Option D: 1907

Correct Answer: 1906

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Option A: Lord Curzon followed stiff necked policies

Option B: In 1905 partition of Bengal was decided

Option C: Japan was defeated miserably by Russia

Option D: Indians abroad were being humiliated

Correct Answer: Japan was defeated miserably by Russia

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Option A: Morley-Minto Reforms

Option B: Montague-Chelmsford Reforms

Option C: Act of Dyarchy

Option D: Act of Provincial Autonomy

Correct Answer: Morley-Minto Reforms

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