
Political Science MCQs

Option A: 23rd March, 1956

Option B: 24th March, 1956

Option C: 25th March, 1956

Option D: 26th March, 1956

Correct Answer: 23rd March, 1956

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Option A: 1956

Option B: 1973

Option C: 1975

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: 1956

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Option A: It introduces important bills in the house

Option B: It defends the policy of the Government on the floor of house

Option C: In introduces the budget in the Parliament

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: None of the above

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Option A: All the members of Cabinet must be taken from the same political party

Option B: The members of the/Cabinet should be taken from all the political parties

Option C: Members of Cabinet should be taken from various parties in proportion to their strength in the Parliiament

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: All the members of Cabinet must be taken from the same political party

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Option A: Single party system

Option B: Two-party system

Option C: Multi-party system

Option D: Partyless system

Correct Answer: Two-party system

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Option A: He presides over the meetings of the Cabinet

Option B: Cabinet is constituted around him

Option C: He can include anyone he likes in his Cabinet

Option D: He can dismiss any member of the Cabinet

Correct Answer: Cabinet is constituted around him

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Option A: All the ministers swim or sink together

Option B: All the decisions are taken by the Cabinet Ministers collectively

Option C: The decisions taken by the Cabinet must be-formally signed by all the ministers

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: All the ministers swim or sink together

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Option A: Only his resignation

Option B: Resignation of Defence Minister as well as the Prime Minister

Option C: Resignation of the entire Cabinet

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Resignation of the entire Cabinet

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Option A: Clearly ear-marking the spheres of the two organs of government

Option B: By ensuring harmonious relations between the two

Option C: By freeing the executive of all control by the legislature

Option D: By protecting the legislature against undue interference by the executive

Correct Answer: By ensuring harmonious relations between the two

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Option A: It makes changes in government possible without formal elections

Option B: It makes changes in government possible through elections

Option C: It ensures the accountability of the ministers to the people through their representatives

Option D: It appraises the people with the problems facing the country

Correct Answer: It makes changes in government possible through elections

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Option A: It invariably provide; freedom to press

Option B: It makes provision for free and compulsory education

Option C: All the problems facing the country are freely discussed parliament and through other medias

Option D: Of all the above reasons

Correct Answer: All the problems facing the country are freely discussed parliament and through other medias

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Option A: The leader of the majority party in the Parliament

Option B: Nominated by the Speaker of the popular house

Option C: Nominated by the head of the state

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: The leader of the majority party in the Parliament

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Option A: It encourages dictatiorship of Cabinet

Option B: It provides for an instable government

Option C: It ensures efficiency of administration

Option D: It is not suitable for dealing effectively with the emergencies

Correct Answer: It ensures efficiency of administration

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Option A: Three months

Option B: Six months

Option C: One year

Option D: Two years

Correct Answer: Six months

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Option A: For a fixed term

Option B: During the pleasure of the head of the date

Option C: As long as it enjoys support of majority of the members of Parliament popular house

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: As long as it enjoys support of majority of the members of Parliament popular house

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Option A: The head of the state

Option B: The Prime Minister

Option C: The Speaker

Option D: The Select Committee of the Cabinet

Correct Answer: The Prime Minister

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Option A: He presides over the meetings of the Cabinet:

Option B: He prepares the agenda for the meetings of the Cabinet

Option C: He co-ordinates the working of various departments

Option D: He chairs the meetings of the various standing and ad-hoc Committees of parliament

Correct Answer: He chairs the meetings of the various standing and ad-hoc Committees of parliament

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Option A: The Council of Ministers

Option B: The Prime Minister

Option C: The Constitution

Option D: The Parliament

Correct Answer: The Council of Ministers

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Option A: Committee work has increased

Option B: Bureaucracy is required to perform judicial work

Option C: Delegated legislation has increased

Option D: Ministers have become experts

Correct Answer: Ministers have become experts

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Option A: Civil servants be given good salaries

Option B: Status and position of civil servants should be kept high

Option C: Civil servants should be given security of service

Option D: Bureaucrats should be allowed to accept grafts

Correct Answer: Bureaucrats should be allowed to accept grafts

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Option A: They are allowed to work closely with Ministers

Option B: They are provided medical facilities

Option C: They are given residential houses

Option D: They are given leave travel concession

Correct Answer: They are allowed to work closely with Ministers

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Option A: To recruit politically unconscious people

Option B: To provide retirement facilities

Option C: To provide incentives while in service

Option D: To pay high salaries and allowances

Correct Answer: To recruit politically unconscious people

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Option A: Democratic governments

Option B: Dictatorial system of governments

Option C: All governments

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: All governments

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Option A: An ancient institution

Option B: A modern phenomenon

Option C: The product of middle age feudal system

Option D: None of These

Correct Answer: An ancient institution

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Option A: Elected representatives

Option B: Officials

Option C: Nominated representatives

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Officials

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Option A: China

Option B: Rome

Option C: India

Option D: All the above

Correct Answer: All the above

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Option A: Collection of taxes

Option B: Audit of accounts

Option C: Inspection of factories

Option D: All the above functions and many other too

Correct Answer: All the above functions and many other too

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Option A: Greatly increased

Option B: Considerably declined

Option C: Bneither increased nor declined

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Greatly increased

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Option A: Taking preventive steps to avoid the processes through which the political parties opposed to the Government are lekely to improve their chances in the elections

Option B: Taking effective measures to prevent the process of development of the private sector

Option C: Effective mobilization and management of resources to achieve the accepted sociopolitical and economic goals of the nation

Option D: Planning in advance the strategies that are to be followed for defeating the electoral calculations of the political parties opposed to the government

Correct Answer: Effective mobilization and management of resources to achieve the accepted sociopolitical and economic goals of the nation

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Option A: The state has assumed police and military functions

Option B: The state has assumed greater responsibilities due to adoption of goal of ‘welfare state’

Option C: The complexity of administration has necessitated services of experts

Option D: The growth of delegated legislation has added to the importance of civil service

Correct Answer: The state has assumed police and military functions

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Option A: Taking preventive steps to avoid the processes through which the political parties opposed to the Government are lekely to improve their chances in the elections

Option B: Taking effective measures to prevent the process of development of the private sector

Option C: Effective mobilization and management of resources to achieve the accepted sociopolitical and economic goals of the nation

Option D: Planning in advance the strategies that are to be followed for defeating the electoral calculations of the political parties opposed to the government

Correct Answer: Effective mobilization and management of resources to achieve the accepted sociopolitical and economic goals of the nation

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Option A: Laski

Option B: Barker

Option C: Green

Option D: Liner

Correct Answer: Laski

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Option A: A set of government officials, possessed of certain traits of excessive formality, the use of verbiage and jargon as the basis of communication, inflexibility of procedure and insistence on the powers of their office

Option B: A career based appointed administrative service of fixed status and tenure with salary limited to rank and a known rank order of advancement

Option C: A particular pattern of administrative behaviour, associated with certain types of social organization and identificable by reference to a constellation of objective criteria

Option D: The activity concerned with the implementation of policies by the direction or management of efforts of individuals and groups towards specific goals

Correct Answer: A career based appointed administrative service of fixed status and tenure with salary limited to rank and a known rank order of advancement

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Option A: Ramway Macdonald

Option B: Ramsay Muir

Option C: William Beveridge

Option D: Lord Hewart

Correct Answer: Ramsay Muir

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Option A: Lord Hewart

Option B: Ramsay Munir

Option C: Sir William Beveridge

Option D: Harold Laski

Correct Answer: Lord Hewart

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Option A: They formulate the budget proposals

Option B: They get the budget proposals approved by the Legislature

Option C: They implement the budget proposals after they are approved by the legislature

Option D: All the above functions

Correct Answer: They get the budget proposals approved by the Legislature

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Option A: Prepared by the civil servants but introduced by the ministers

Option B: Prepared as well as introduced by the civil servants

Option C: Prepared as well as introduced by the ministers

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Prepared by the civil servants but introduced by the ministers

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Option A: National emergencies like war, natural calamities, etC.

Option B: Enormous growth in the functions of the Parliament resulting in enactment of skeleton laws

Option C: Introduction of universal franchise

Option D: Making of civil services a life long career

Correct Answer: Introduction of universal franchise

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Option A: Only administrative functions

Option B: Legislative as well as financial functions

Option C: Only judicial function

Option D: All the above types of functions

Correct Answer: All the above types of functions

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Option A: Only those powers which are vested in it

Option B: Only those powers which are vested in the Ministers

Option C: Powers which are vested in it as well as powers vested in the ministers

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Powers which are vested in it as well as powers vested in the ministers

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Option A: It enforces the laws passed by the legislature

Option B: It prepares the bills for the approval of the legislature

Option C: It prepares the budget for the country

Option D: It recommends to the head of the state cases for grant of pardon

Correct Answer: It recommends to the head of the state cases for grant of pardon

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Option A: Increase in the powers of the bureaucracy

Option B: Decline in the powers of the bureaucracy

Option C: Either increase nor decline in the powers of bureaucracy

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Increase in the powers of the bureaucracy

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Option A: Increase in the powers of the bureaucracy

Option B: Decline in the powers of the bureaucracy

Option C: Beither increase nor decline in the powers of bureaucracy

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Increase in the powers of the bureaucracy

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Option A: They assist the head of the state in appointment of judges

Option B: They ensure that rule of law prevails in the country

Option C: The take number of administrative and quasi-judicial decisions of final nature

Option D: They take administrative and quasi-judicial decisions which can be challenged only in the courts

Correct Answer: The take number of administrative and quasi-judicial decisions of final nature

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Option A: Rests with the Head of the State

Option B: Rests with the Council of Ministers

Option C: Rests with Parliament

Option D: With all the above

Correct Answer: Rests with Parliament

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Option A: Considerably declined

Option B: Enormously increased

Option C: Not undergone any changes

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Enormously increased

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Option A: Herman Finer

Option B: Ramsay Muir

Option C: James Bryce

Option D: Iver Jennings

Correct Answer: Herman Finer

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Option A: Work-load with government has increased

Option B: States are performing both compulsory and optional functions

Option C: States have become police states

Option D: The Ministers are amateurs

Correct Answer: The Ministers are amateurs

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Option A: It should help political executive in the implementation of programmes

Option B: It should properly guide political executive

Option C: It should keep its records properly

Option D: It should avoid giving classified information to political executive

Correct Answer: It should avoid giving classified information to political executive

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Option A: By passing their budgets

Option B: By enacting necessary laws for these bodies

Option C: By prescribing their organizations and functions through statutes

Option D: Through all the above methods

Correct Answer: By prescribing their organizations and functions through statutes

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Option A: Control ensures greater efficiency in municipal services

Option B: It keeps a check on powerful local interests which may operate against the common interest

Option C: It provides necessary finances to the proper areas for provision of welfare services

Option D: It ensures diversity in municipal services

Correct Answer: It ensures diversity in municipal services

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Option A: Health and sanitation

Option B: Protection of life and property

Option C: Construction of roads, bridges, public baths, etC.

Option D: Maintenance of police force

Correct Answer: Maintenance of police force

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Option A: Increase in the functions of local bodies

Option B: Decline in the functions of local bodies

Option C: Neither increase nor decline in the functions of local bodies

Option D: Elimination of local bodies

Correct Answer: Increase in the functions of local bodies

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Option A: Local government institutions are the administrative out posts of the central or state government

Option B: Local bodies are subordinate wings of the state executive wing

Option C: The local bodies are subordinate to the law of the state or centre

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: The local bodies are subordinate to the law of the state or centre

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Option A: Can levy taxes

Option B: Can levy taxes with the prior approval of the state government

Option C: Cannot levy taxes

Option D: Propose taxes to the state government

Correct Answer: Can levy taxes

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Option A: Sovereign

Option B: Self-created

Option C: Creation of central or state governments

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Creation of central or state governments

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Option A: No autonomy

Option B: Complete autonomy

Option C: Autonomy within the limits prescribed by statutes

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Autonomy within the limits prescribed by statutes

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Option A: It enjoys jurisdiction over very limited area

Option B: It operates on the principle that local problems can be best solved by the local people

Option C: It undertakes only those activities which benefit the people of area

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: None of the above

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Option A: Raises its funds largely locally

Option B: Depends for the finances on the centre only

Option C: Depends for the funds on the state government only

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Raises its funds largely locally

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Option A: Not accountable to the central or state governments

Option B: Accountable to the central or state governments within the limits prescribed by the statute

Option C: Fully accountable to the central or state governments

Option D: Accountable only to the local representatives

Correct Answer: Accountable to the central or state governments within the limits prescribed by the statute

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Option A: By formulating their budgets

Option B: Through their power to approve or reject the bye laws, schemes and resolutions of local bodies

Option C: Recruiting all the official of the local bodies

Option D: Through none of the above methods

Correct Answer: Through their power to approve or reject the bye laws, schemes and resolutions of local bodies

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Option A: Through provision of advice in technical and specialized fields

Option B: Through inspections

Option C: Enactment of budgets of local bodies

Option D: Through grants in aid

Correct Answer: Enactment of budgets of local bodies

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Option A: Ensuring that they are discharging their obligations within the limits of the statute

Option B: Prevention of undue interference by the executive in the working of local bodies

Option C: Ensuring non-intervention by political parties in local affairs

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Ensuring that they are discharging their obligations within the limits of the statute

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Option A: Can raise loans on their own

Option B: Cannot raise loans

Option C: Can raise loans only with the prior sanction of the state

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Can raise loans only with the prior sanction of the state

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Option A: Increasingly independent of the state government

Option B: Increasingly dependent on the state government

Option C: Completely sovereign

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Increasingly dependent on the state government

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Option A: Improved means of transport and communication

Option B: Growing tendency towards provision of uniform administration

Option C: Tendency on the part of state government, like any other government, to increase its powers

Option D: All the above factors

Correct Answer: All the above factors

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Option A: Devolution of governmental duties

Option B: Decentralisation of administration

Option C: Administrative deconcentration

Option D: Diversification of governmental organs

Correct Answer: Devolution of governmental duties

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Option A: Lord Canning

Option B: Raja Rammohan Roy

Option C: Lord Rippon

Option D: Lord Mountbatten

Correct Answer: Lord Rippon

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Option A: The lowest units of local government

Option B: The highest units of local government

Option C: Not units of local government

Option D: None of These

Correct Answer: Not units of local government

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Option A: Management of affairs of the people of local areas

Option B: Functions which are delegated to it by the centre only

Option C: Developmental functions only

Option D: All the above types of functions

Correct Answer: Management of affairs of the people of local areas

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Option A: Bestowed by the Constitution

Option B: Delegated by the central government

Option C: Delegated by the state government

Option D: Bestowed by the statute

Correct Answer: Bestowed by the statute

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Option A: In their favour leacture by public men should be arranged

Option B: Newspapers should be used in their favour

Option C: Close contracts between elected and electorates should be maintained

Option D: Very strict central control over their working should be exercised

Correct Answer: Very strict central control over their working should be exercised

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Option A: State government can appoint administrative officers

Option B: State government can disapprove bye-laws of these body

Option C: State government can appoint inspecting officers

Option D: State governments can stop grant-in-aid

Correct Answer: State governments can propagate against the quality of their work

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Option A: Utility of these institutions should be classified

Option B: People should be made to realise their importance

Option C: People of integrity should be got elected to these bodies

Option D: These should be deprived of some of their powers

Correct Answer: These should be deprived of some of their powers

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Option A: Politics should not be allowed to interfere

Option B: Financially these should be kept dependent on the centre

Option C: Favourable public opinion should be created in their favour

Option D: More financial resources should be put at their disposal

Correct Answer: Financially these should be kept dependent on the centre

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Option A: These should meet local needs

Option B: The people of integrity should be elected

Option C: Party politics should be encouraged

Option D: Control of central authority should not be very stiff

Correct Answer: Party politics should be encouraged

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Option A: Their dependence on the centre is increasing

Option B: Their autonomy is increasing day by day

Option C: Their work-load is increasingly going up

Option D: Centres administrative control overthem is increasing

Correct Answer: Their work-load is increasingly going up

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Option A: It helps central government in discharging its duties

Option B: It helps in reducing the burden of central government

Option C: It helps in promoting efficiency

Option D: It performs such duties which are given to it by central government

Correct Answer: It helps in promoting political ideologies

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Option A: To reduce the work of the central government

Option B: To effectively deal international problems

Option C: To strengthen a particular political system

Option D: To make political party system work successfully

Correct Answer: To reduce the work of the central government

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Option A: Constitution

Option B: Heal of the state

Option C: Prime Minister

Option D: Legislative enactments

Correct Answer: Legislative enactments

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Option A: The President

Option B: The Prime Minister

Option C: By draw of lots

Option D: On the basis of the preference indicated by ministers

Correct Answer: The Prime Minister

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Option A: The President

Option B: The Speaker

Option C: The ministers in rotation

Option D: The Prime Minister

Correct Answer: The Prime Minister

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Option A: Elected by all the members of the legislature

Option B: Always the leader of the majority party in the popular house

Option C: Nominated by the interests of the country

Option D: Selected in due consultation with the different political parties

Correct Answer: Always the leader of the majority party in the popular house

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Option A: The King

Option B: The Prime Minister

Option C: The President

Option D: The Cabinet

Correct Answer: The Prime Minister

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Option A: A member of the popular house

Option B: A member of the upper house

Option C: Not a member of either houses of Parliament

Option D: An experienced civil servant

Correct Answer: A member of the popular house

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Option A: In it secretaries are real policy makers

Option B: It it secretaries work on equal footings with the President

Option C: In it secretaries work on the basis of joint responsibilities

Option D: In it secretaries are subordinates of President.

Correct Answer: In it secretaries are subordinates of President.

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Option A: Democracy

Option B: Federal

Option C: Unitary

Option D: Presidential

Correct Answer: Democracy

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Option A: Cabinet

Option B: Cabinet secretary

Option C: By Lower House

Option D: Upper House

Correct Answer: Head of the state

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Option A: In U.S.A.

Option B: In U.K.

Option C: In Pakistan

Option D: In Bangladesh

Correct Answer: None of the above

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Option A: The legislature

Option B: The nominal executive

Option C: The judiciary

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: The legislature

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Option A: Does not sit with the legislature

Option B: Takes part in the deliberation of the legislature

Option C: Presides over the meetings of the power House

Option D: Presides over the meetings of the upper House

Correct Answer: Does not sit with the legislature

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Option A: Is not a member of the legislature

Option B: Should be a member of legislature

Option C: Is accountable to the legislature

Option D: Introduces all bills in the lower house of legislature

Correct Answer: Is not a member of the legislature

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Option A: Ebestein

Option B: MacIver

Option C: Finer

Option D: Laski

Correct Answer: Gettel

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Option A: Allahabad High Court

Option B: Calcutta High Court

Option C: Madras High Court

Option D: Supreme Court of India

Correct Answer: Supreme Court of India

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Option A: State Legislature

Option B: Parliament

Option C: Council of State

Option D: Legislative Council

Correct Answer: Parliament

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Option A: 25th Amendment Act

Option B: 26th Amendment Act

Option C: 24th Amendment Act

Option D: 27th Amendment Act

Correct Answer: 24th Amendment Act

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Option A: President

Option B: Member of the House

Option C: Minister

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: President

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Option A: Prime Minister

Option B: President

Option C: Member of Lok Sabha

Option D: Member of Rajya Sabha

Correct Answer: President

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Option A: A general discussion on the Bill

Option B: Clause by clause consideration of the bill

Option C: Both (a) & (b)

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Both (a) & (b)

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Option A: Bill presented by Ruling Party member

Option B: Bill approved by the Government

Option C: Only the Prime Minister presents the Bill

Option D: A Bill introduced by any Minister in either of the Houses of the Parliament

Correct Answer: A Bill introduced by any Minister in either of the Houses of the Parliament

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