
Political Science MCQs

Option A: General Budget

Option B: Railway Budget

Option C: Both (a) & (b)

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Both (a) & (b)

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Option A: One

Option B: Two

Option C: Three years

Option D: Four

Correct Answer: Two

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Option A: Prime Minister

Option B: Finance Minister

Option C: Ministry wise

Option D: All the above

Correct Answer: Ministry wise

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Option A: First April

Option B: Second April

Option C: First March

Option D: Fifteenth March

Correct Answer: First April

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Option A: Monsoon session

Option B: First session

Option C: Winter session

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: First session

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Option A: First session (Budget)

Option B: Second session (Monsoon)

Option C: Third session (Winter)

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: First session (Budget)

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Option A: Budget session

Option B: Monsoon session

Option C: Winter session

Option D: All the above

Correct Answer: All the above

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Option A: Railway Budget

Option B: Defence Budget

Option C: Foreign affairs

Option D: Financial Bill

Correct Answer: Financial Bill

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Option A: 90

Option B: 89

Option C: 93

Option D: 94

Correct Answer: 89

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Option A: Solicitor General

Option B: Advocate General

Option C: Attorney General

Option D: Legal Advisor

Correct Answer: Attorney General

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Option A: 5 months

Option B: 6 months

Option C: 4 months

Option D: 3 months

Correct Answer: 6 months

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Option A: Home Minister

Option B: Prime Minister

Option C: Council of Ministers

Option D: Parliamentary Affairs Ministers

Correct Answer: Council of Ministers

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Option A: Time to time to summon each of Parliaments

Option B: Prorogue either of the Houses of the Parliament

Option C: Dissolve the Lok Sabha

Option D: All the above

Correct Answer: All the above

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Option A: As prescribed by law in the Assembly

Option B: As prescribed by law by State

Option C: As prescribed by law by the Union

Option D: As prescribed by law in the Parliament

Correct Answer: As prescribed by law in the Parliament

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Option A: Lok Sabha

Option B: Legislative Assembly

Option C: Council of State

Option D: Legislative Council

Correct Answer: Legislative Assembly

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Option A: Jawahar Lal Nehru

Option B: Lal Bahadur Shastri

Option C: N. D. Deva Gowda

Option D: Indira Gandhi

Correct Answer: Indira Gandhi

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Option A: First and Sixth Lok Sabha

Option B: First and Eighth Lok Sabha

Option C: First and Fifth Lok Sabha

Option D: First and Ninth Lok Sabha

Correct Answer: First and Fifth Lok Sabha

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Option A: 500

Option B: 499

Option C: 544

Option D: 521

Correct Answer: 499

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Option A: 27

Option B: 34

Option C: 22

Option D: 39

Correct Answer: 22

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Option A: 4th April 1957

Option B: 3rd April 1957

Option C: 6th April 1957

Option D: 8th April 1907

Correct Answer: 4th April 1957

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Option A: Dr. Rajaendra Prasad

Option B: Dr. Radhakrishnan

Option C: Abraham Lincoln

Option D: Mahatma Gandhi

Correct Answer: Abraham Lincoln

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Option A: Hukam Singh

Option B: Dr. G.S. Dhillon

Option C: M.A. Ayyangar

Option D: B.R. Bhagat

Correct Answer: C. M.A. Ayyangar

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Option A: Lal Bahadur Shastri

Option B: Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru

Option C: Narsimha Rao

Option D: I.K. Gujral

Correct Answer: Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru

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Option A: M.A. Ayyangar

Option B: Sardar Hukam Singh

Option C: M. Thambidurai

Option D: None of above

Correct Answer: A. M.A. Ayyangar

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Option A: Shivaraj Patil

Option B: G. Laxman

Option C: S.V. Krishnamurthy Rao

Option D: M.A Ayyangar

Correct Answer: M.A Ayyangar

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Option A: Sir Muhammad Yamin Khan

Option B: Shri Abdul Matia Chaudhary

Option C: Sir Muhammad Yakub

Option D: Shri R. R. Shamnukhaym Chetty

Correct Answer: Sir Muhammad Yamin Khan

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Option A: Vice President

Option B: Vice Chairman

Option C: Deputy President

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Deputy President

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Option A: Shri Sachchidananda Sinha

Option B: Shri Abdul Matia Chaudhary

Option C: Sir Muhammad Yakub

Option D: Shri R. R. Shamnukhaym Chetty

Correct Answer: Shri Sachchidananda Sinha

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Option A: 25th July 1977

Option B: 25th August 1977

Option C: 30th August 1977

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: 25th July 1977

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Option A: Signed by President

Option B: Ratified by the Supreme Court

Option C: Referendum is held on it

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: Signed by President

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Option A: Parliament

Option B: Prime Minister

Option C: Rajya Sabha

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: Parliament

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Option A: Before the Prime Minister

Option B: Before the joint-sitting of the parliament

Option C: Before the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: Before the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

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Option A: Four years

Option B: Five years

Option C: Six years

Option D: Unlimited

Correct Answer: Five years

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Option A: Directly by the people

Option B: By an electoral college

Option C: By an electoral college comprising both houses of the parliament and all state assemblies

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: By an electoral college

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Option A: Head of the state

Option B: Executive head of the state

Option C: Titular head of the state

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: Head of the state

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Option A: Drafting Committee

Option B: Constitutional Committee

Option C: Union Constitution Committee

Option D: All the above

Correct Answer: Union Constitution Committee

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Option A: National Legislature

Option B: National Assembly

Option C: House of people

Option D: Council of State

Correct Answer: National Legislature

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Option A: Parliament of the Legislature

Option B: Parliament of the Union

Option C: Parliament of the Federation

Option D: All the above

Correct Answer: Parliament of the Federation

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Option A: On 15th August 1947

Option B: On 26th January 1950

Option C: On 26th December 1950

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: On 26th January 1950

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Option A: Is a Speaker

Option B: Chairman

Option C: Secretary

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Chairman

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Option A: Four chairmen

Option B: Five chairmen

Option C: Six chairmen

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Six chairmen

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Option A: In all events

Option B: Only during budget session

Option C: But when his removal is discussed

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: But when his removal is discussed

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Option A: Chairman

Option B: Prime Minister

Option C: Speaker

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: Speaker

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Option A: 4 years

Option B: 5 years

Option C: 6 years

Option D: 7 years

Correct Answer: 5 years

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Option A: Lok Sabha only

Option B: Both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha

Option C: Rajya Sabha only

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: Lok Sabha only

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Option A: Prime Minister of India

Option B: President of India

Option C: Vice-President of India

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: President of India

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Option A: Be of 25 years

Option B: Not be less than 30 years

Option C: Must be 35 years

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: Not be less than 30 years

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Option A: Six years

Option B: Four years

Option C: Three years

Option D: Five years

Correct Answer: Six years

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Option A: Lok Sabha

Option B: Parliament

Option C: Rajya Sabha

Option D: Constituent Assembly

Correct Answer: Constituent Assembly

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Option A: G.V.Mavalankar

Option B: K.M.Munshi

Option C: Frank Anthony

Option D: Smt. Sarojini Naidu

Correct Answer: G.V.Mavalankar

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Option A: 1948-1950

Option B: 1949-1951

Option C: 1947-1949

Option D: 1951-1952

Correct Answer: 1947-1949

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Option A: Parliament

Option B: Union Parliament

Option C: Constituent Assembly

Option D: National Assembly

Correct Answer: Constituent Assembly

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Option A: 23rd June 1937

Option B: 23rd July 1947

Option C: 23rd Jan 1947

Option D: 23rd Feb 1947

Correct Answer: 23rd June 1937

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Option A: Jawaharlal Nehru

Option B: Sardar Patel

Option C: A & B

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: A & B

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Option A: Constituent Assembly

Option B: Legislative Assembly

Option C: Council of State

Option D: Lok Sabha

Correct Answer: Constituent Assembly

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Option A: 7,500

Option B: 7,50,000

Option C: 50,000

Option D: 78,500

Correct Answer: 7,50,000

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Option A: 500

Option B: 400

Option C: 300

Option D: 250

Correct Answer: 500

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Option A: Both in the state council and state assembly

Option B: Only in the state council

Option C: Only in the state assembly

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: Only in the state assembly

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Option A: Are elected by states residents directly

Option B: Are elected by different electoral colleges

Option C: Are nominated by Chief Minister

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: Are elected by different electoral colleges

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Option A: Governor and his council of Ministers

Option B: Prime Minister

Option C: Chief Minister

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Chief Minister

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Option A: 30 years

Option B: 35 years

Option C: 40 years

Option D: 32 years

Correct Answer: 35 years

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Option A: For an indefinite period

Option B: For a period of five years

Option C: For a period of six years

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: For a period of five years

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Option A: Governor and his council of Ministers

Option B: Governor and Chief Ministers

Option C: Governor and his council of Minister

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Governor and his council of Ministers

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Option A: 2006

Option B: 2002

Option C: 2009

Option D: 2010

Correct Answer: 2006

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Option A: 1951

Option B: 1953

Option C: 1954

Option D: 1952

Correct Answer: 1952

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Option A: Jun-51

Option B: Jul-50

Option C: Aug-51

Option D: Sep-54

Correct Answer: Jun-51

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Option A: Prime Minister of India

Option B: President of India

Option C: Speaker of India

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Prime Minister of India

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Option A: 70 of the constitution

Option B: 72 of the constitution

Option C: 75 of the constitution

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: 75 of the constitution

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Option A: Prime Minister

Option B: Speaker of Lok Sabha

Option C: Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha

Option D: Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha

Correct Answer: Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha

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Option A: Only elected members of the parliament can take part

Option B: Only nominated members of the parliament can take part

Option C: Both elected and nominated members can take part

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: Both elected and nominated members can take part

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Option A: Proportional representation by means of a single transferable vote of the both house of the Indian Parliament

Option B: Simple representation by both house of the Parliament

Option C: Simple majority method by state assemblies

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Proportional representation by means of a single transferable vote of the both house of the Indian Parliament

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Option A: 28 seats

Option B: 30 seats

Option C: 32 seats

Option D: 26 seats

Correct Answer: 28 seats

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Option A: American constitution

Option B: French constitution

Option C: Irish constitution

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Irish constitution

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Option A: The lower chamber of Indian Parliament

Option B: Dissolved after every five years

Option C: A permanent house

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: A permanent house

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Option A: Not a sovereign parliament like British parliament

Option B: A sovereign parliament like British parliament

Option C: Sovereign parliament like US parliament

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Not a sovereign parliament like British parliament

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Option A: Lok Sabha

Option B: Parliament

Option C: Rajya Sabha

Option D: Legislative Council

Correct Answer: Parliament

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Option A: Eleventh Schedule

Option B: Tenth Schedule

Option C: Ninth Schedule

Option D: Twelfth Schedule

Correct Answer: Twelfth Schedule

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Option A: Chief Minister Council of Ministers

Option B: President

Option C: Prime Minister

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: President

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Option A: Hindi

Option B: English

Option C: Tamil

Option D: Telugu

Correct Answer: English

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Option A: President

Option B: Prime Minister

Option C: Finance Minister

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: President

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Option A: 3 months

Option B: 4 months

Option C: 2 months

Option D: 1 month

Correct Answer: 2 months

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Option A: 6 Months

Option B: 2 Months

Option C: 3 Months

Option D: 4 Months

Correct Answer: 2 Months

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Option A: President

Option B: Prime Minister

Option C: Parliament

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: President

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Option A: Prime Minister

Option B: Home Minister

Option C: Cheif Appointment Officer

Option D: Chief Election Commissioner

Correct Answer: Chief Election Commissioner

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Option A: 23rd amendment Act 1969

Option B: 8th Amendment Act 1956

Option C: 44th Amendment Act 1978

Option D: 45th Amendment Act 1980

Correct Answer: 8th Amendment Act 1956

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Option A: 2 years

Option B: 5 years

Option C: 4 years

Option D: 6 years

Correct Answer: 2 years

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Option A: Article 345

Option B: Article 346

Option C: Article 341

Option D: Article 342

Correct Answer: Article 341

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Option A: State Assembly

Option B: Lok Sabha

Option C: Council of State

Option D: Legislature of State

Correct Answer: Legislature of State

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Option A: 246

Option B: 247

Option C: 248

Option D: 249

Correct Answer: 246

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Option A: Justice Aiyar

Option B: Justice Carnelias

Option C: Justice Kania

Option D: Justice Abdul Rashid

Correct Answer: Justice Kania

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Option A: 2 years, 11 months and 19 days

Option B: 3 years, 12 months and 16 days

Option C: 4 years, 18 months and 6 dyas

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: 2 years, 11 months and 19 days

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Option A: Twenty sessions

Option B: Twelve sessions

Option C: Twenty-five sessions

Option D: Twenty-eight sessions

Correct Answer: Twelve sessions

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Option A: 318 Articles and 7 Schedules

Option B: 319 Articles and 10 Schedules

Option C: 315 Article and 8 Schedules

Option D: 399 Articles and 5 Schedules

Correct Answer: 315 Article and 8 Schedules

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Option A: Approx. 7935

Option B: Approx. 7892

Option C: Approx 7365

Option D: Approx. 2473

Correct Answer: Approx 7365

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Option A: 52,500

Option B: 53,000

Option C: 54,000

Option D: 54,500

Correct Answer: 53,000

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Option A: Jawaharlal Nehru

Option B: Motilal Nehru

Option C: Sardar Ballabah Bhai Patel

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Jawaharlal Nehru

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Option A: Oct-45

Option B: Oct-47

Option C: Oct-46

Option D: Oct-48

Correct Answer: Oct-47

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Option A: Jawahar Lal Nehru

Option B: Gandhiji

Option C: Advisory Branch of the Constituent Assembly

Option D: Sardar Ballabh Bhai Patel

Correct Answer: Advisory Branch of the Constituent Assembly

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Option A: Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

Option B: K.M. Munshi

Option C: Jagjivan Ram

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

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Option A: 28th Feb 1948

Option B: 26th Feb 1948

Option C: 21th Feb 1948

Option D: 25th Feb 1948

Correct Answer: 21th Feb 1948

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