
Political Science MCQs

Option A: Legal development

Option B: Industrialisation

Option C: Political modernisation

Option D: Standards of modern state

Correct Answer: Legal development

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Option A: Social product was the outcome of labour utilised

Option B: Level of wages could be arbitrarily fixed

Option C: Level of wages could not be changed by labour unions

Option D: Level of wages could not be changed by the Government

Correct Answer: Level of wages could be arbitrarily fixed

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Option A: Should be separated from each other

Option B: Both are contradictory to each other

Option C: Should be delinked from each other

Option D: Should be linked with each other

Correct Answer: Should be linked with each other

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Option A: It is a continuous process

Option B: It includes definitional priorities

Option C: It is set of values

Option D: There is implicit rank order of development

Correct Answer: It is a continuous process

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Option A: For them development is a gradual process

Option B: For them development has harmonious nature

Option C: For them development is non-cumulative

Option D: They believe in continued economic progress

Correct Answer: For them development is non-cumulative

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Option A: Should be destroyed

Option B: Should be preserved

Option C: Should be modified to certain extent

Option D: Was not conducive for the utilisation of existing resources

Correct Answer: Should be preserved

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Option A: It is wrong that capitalist keeps some workers permanently unemployed

Option B: Marx analysis of theory of wages is inadequate

Option C: Marx has rightly pin-pointed the effects of technological unemployment

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Marx has rightly pin-pointed the effects of technological unemployment

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Option A: Extent of political mobilisation

Option B: Extent of political participation

Option C: Nature of laws passed by the state

Option D: Nature of political processes

Correct Answer: Nature of laws passed by the state

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Option A: Equality

Option B: Capacity

Option C: Differentiation

Option D: Population

Correct Answer: Population

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Option A: Capital formation

Option B: Decentralisation of power

Option C: Trade unionism

Option D: Technological advancement

Correct Answer: Technological advancement

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Option A: Technological development

Option B: Increased international trade

Option C: Decreased international trade

Option D: Payment of less wages to workers

Correct Answer: Technological development

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Option A: J.S. Coleman

Option B: G.A. Almond

Option C: Edward A. Shills

Option D: Karl Deutsch

Correct Answer: J.S. Coleman

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Option A: Capital formation

Option B: Political stability

Option C: Level of absolute power

Option D: Political modernisation

Correct Answer: National respect in international field

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Option A: Surplus valuation

Option B: Increasing population

Option C: Industrialisation

Option D: International trade

Correct Answer: Surplus valuation

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Option A: Theory of surplus value

Option B: Dialectical materialism

Option C: Class struggle

Option D: Proletariat revolution

Correct Answer: Theory of surplus value

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Option A: Communist Manifesto

Option B: Das Kapital

Option C: Capital: A. Critique of Political Economy

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: C. Capital: A. Critique of Political Economy

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Option A: Social conditions

Option B: Economic conditions

Option C: Political conditions

Option D: Other developments combined

Correct Answer: Other developments combined

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Option A: They underestimated technological progress

Option B: They failed to analyse problems of aggregate demands

Option C: They overestimated technological progress

Option D: They wrongly assumed that per capita income rests diminishing returns

Correct Answer: They overestimated technological progress

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Option A: Democracy

Option B: Political mobilisation

Option C: Political stability

Option D: Level of absolute power

Correct Answer: Level of absolute power

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Option A: Capital accumulation

Option B: More population

Option C: Centralisation of authority

Option D: Higher rents

Correct Answer: Higher rents

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Option A: Promote fast growth of population

Option B: Retard fast growth of population

Option C: Help maintaining status quo in population growth

Option D: Discourage growth rate of population

Correct Answer: Promote fast growth of population

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Option A: Industrialisation

Option B: Political modernisation

Option C: Political participation

Option D: Political democracy

Correct Answer: Political stability

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Option A: Max Weber

Option B: Edward A. Shills

Option C: G.A. Almond

Option D: Karl Deutsch

Correct Answer: Karl Deutsch

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Option A: Leadership

Option B: Ownership

Option C: Capital formation

Option D: Accumulated capital

Correct Answer: Leadership

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Option A: Neo-Classists

Option B: Classists

Option C: Karl Marx

Option D: Alvin Hansen

Correct Answer: Neo-Classists

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Option A: Marxists

Option B: Classical writers

Option C: Neo-classical writers

Option D: All the above

Correct Answer: Neo-classical writers

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Option A: T.S. Colesman

Option B: G.A. Almond

Option C: Karl Marx

Option D: Schumpeter

Correct Answer: Schumpeter

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Option A: Disciplinary approach

Option B: Inter-disciplinary approach

Option C: Industrialisation

Option D: Political processes

Correct Answer: Inter-disciplinary approach

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Option A: This approach is too narrow

Option B: This approach is too wide

Option C: It fails to appreciate the importance of political stability

Option D: It fails to appreciate the importance of attitude of people in development processes

Correct Answer: This approach is too wide

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Option A: Adam Smith

Option B: Ricardo

Option C: J.S. Mill

Option D: Malthus

Correct Answer: Ricardo

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Option A: The Labourers

Option B: The landlords

Option C: The capitalists

Option D: The scientists

Correct Answer: The capitalists

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Option A: In the wake of World War I

Option B: In the wake of World War II

Option C: In the wake of economic crisis of thrties

Option D: In the sixties

Correct Answer: In the wake of economic crisis of thrties

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Option A: It keeps prices of food high by levying high tariffs

Option B: It subsidized the poor

Option C: It encouraged overpopulation

Option D: It appropriated a part of purposes

Correct Answer: On account of all the above reasons

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Option A: Schumpeter

Option B: Keynes

Option C: Alvin Hansen

Option D: All the above

Correct Answer: Alvin Hansen

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Option A: By investing their savings

Option B: By roping in rich capitalists

Option C: By securing credit from the banks

Option D: By securing grants from the government

Correct Answer: By securing credit from the banks

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Option A: Talented type of individuals play an important role in development

Option B: Rich capitalists play an important role in development

Option C: Rich people with the help of some enterprising persons contribute to development

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Talented type of individuals play an important role in development

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Option A: Neo-classical theory of development

Option B: Narxian theory of development

Option C: Theory of entrepreneur

Option D: None of the above theories

Correct Answer: Theory of entrepreneur

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Option A: Marxian writers

Option B: Classical writers

Option C: Neo-classical writers

Option D: All the three

Correct Answer: Neo-classical writers

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Option A: Development is a gradual and continuous process

Option B: The process of development has harmonious and cumulative nature

Option C: They are quite optimistic about the possibilities of continued economic progress

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: None of the above

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Option A: Due to technological and resource discoveries of the nineteenth century

Option B: Deu to fast deteriorating condition of the workers in Europe

Option C: Due to fear of revolution created by the preaching’s Marx

Option D: Due to all the above reasons

Correct Answer: Due to technological and resource discoveries of the nineteenth century

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Option A: The English classical school

Option B: The German historical school

Option C: By both the above schools

Option D: By none of the above two schools

Correct Answer: By both the above schools

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Option A: Technological improvement

Option B: Reduction of wages

Option C: Increase in working hours

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Technological improvement

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Option A: Marx

Option B: A.C. Frank

Option C: Lenin

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: B. A.C. Frank

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Option A: More capital

Option B: More labour

Option C: More available natural resources

Option D: All the above

Correct Answer: All the above

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Option A: Raw materials

Option B: Minerals

Option C: Manufactured goods

Option D: All the above

Correct Answer: Manufactured goods

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Option A: Radical structuralist

Option B: Marxists

Option C: None of the two

Option D: Both of the above

Correct Answer: Radical structuralist

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Option A: Paid no attention to the issue of underdevelopment

Option B: Paid great attention to the issue of underdevelopment

Option C: Emphasized that capitalism was respobsible for underdevelopment

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Paid no attention to the issue of underdevelopment

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Option A: Underdevelopment

Option B: Development

Option C: Development in some parts and underdevelopment in other parts

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Development

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Option A: Arrest development in capital importing countries

Option B: Arrest development in capital exporting countries

Option C: Arrest development in capital importing as well as capital exporting countries

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Arrest development in capital exporting countries

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Option A: Opposed traditional Marxism

Option B: Supported the stand of traditional Marxists

Option C: Effect some modifications in the stand of traditional Marxists

Option D: All the above

Correct Answer: Opposed traditional Marxism

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Option A: Political leadership is not an effective instrument

Option B: Military intervention is inevitable for development

Option C: National integration results from military intervention

Option D: Military is an agent of social change

Correct Answer: Military is an agent of social change

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Option A: Historical materialism

Option B: Social engineering

Option C: Natural holding

Option D: Unfolding of natural law

Correct Answer: Historical materialism

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Option A: An economic theory

Option B: A political theory

Option C: A socio-economic theory

Option D: A blend of socio-economic and political factors

Correct Answer: A blend of socio-economic and political factors

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Option A: Ricardo

Option B: Keynes

Option C: Marx

Option D: Marshall

Correct Answer: Ricardo

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Option A: Marx

Option B: Ricardo

Option C: Adam Smith

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Ricardo

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Option A: Adam Smith

Option B: Ricardo

Option C: Malthus

Option D: Marshall

Correct Answer: Marshall

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Option A: Providing labour force

Option B: Consuming the products

Option C: Neither of the above

Option D: Providing labour force as well as consuming products

Correct Answer: Providing labour force

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Option A: Does not constitute development

Option B: Constitutes development provided there is steep rise in the living standard

Option C: Is development if there is increase in aggregate output

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Does not constitute development

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Option A: Increase in national income from one year to another

Option B: Increase in real per capita income over an extended period of time

Option C: Increase in real investment over a period of time

Option D: The national income should keep pace with the increase in population

Correct Answer: Increase in real per capita income over an extended period of time

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Option A: Commerce and industry

Option B: Technology and trade

Option C: Developed and developing countries

Option D: Developing countries among themselves

Correct Answer: Developed and developing countries

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Option A: Is always opposed to it

Option B: It seldom opposed to it

Option C: Helps maintaining status quo

Option D: At times it helps in development but at times not

Correct Answer: At times it helps in development but at times not

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Option A: G.A. Almond

Option B: Edward A. Shills

Option C: Jacob Vinar

Option D: Jean Eatwell

Correct Answer: Jean Eatwell

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Option A: A bundle of sticks

Option B: A bundle of rods

Option C: A bundle of brooms

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: A bundle of rods

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Option A: A socialist state

Option B: A laissez faire state

Option C: A great power

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: A great power

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Option A: Retention of private property

Option B: Internationalism

Option C: The doctrine determinism

Option D: A totalitarian state

Correct Answer: A totalitarian state

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Option A: Free trade and competition

Option B: State regulation of all economic activities

Option C: Regulation of industries by workers

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: State regulation of all economic activities

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Option A: Force

Option B: Peaceful changes

Option C: Dignity of individual

Option D: Socialism

Correct Answer: Force

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Option A: Both believe in totalitarian state

Option B: Both support the cause of workers

Option C: Both believe in violence

Option D: Both ridicule democracy

Correct Answer: Both ridicule democracy

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Option A: It is negation of democracy

Option B: It is negation of socialism

Option C: It is opposed to world peace

Option D: It is opposed to theory of class struggle

Correct Answer: It is opposed to capitalism

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Option A: All races have proud culture

Option B: There is no cultural inequality

Option C: Their culture is superior as compared with other cultures

Option D: There should be no distinction on cultural basis

Correct Answer: Their culture is superior as compared with other cultures

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Option A: Human equality is most desirable

Option B: There can be no human equality

Option C: Leaders have better talent than common man

Option D: There is no difference between a leader and common man

Correct Answer: Leaders have better talent than common man

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Option A: Dictatorship of working classes

Option B: Love for their religion

Option C: Love for educated class

Option D: None of These

Correct Answer: Dictatorship of working classes

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Option A: Anti-democratic views

Option B: Non-violence

Option C: Love for religion

Option D: Love for human rights

Correct Answer: Anti-democratic views

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Option A: War should be condemned

Option B: War is an evil and should be brushed aside

Option C: War is necessary evil

Option D: War is a curse on society

Correct Answer: War is health of society

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Option A: Peaceful means

Option B: Violent means

Option C: Peaceful means need to bring changes

Option D: Changes will come of their own

Correct Answer: Violent means

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Option A: Laski

Option B: Hitler

Option C: Mussolini

Option D: Stalin

Correct Answer: Laski

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Option A: Single party system

Option B: Bi-party system

Option C: Multi-party system

Option D: None of These

Correct Answer: Multi-party system

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Option A: Mussolini

Option B: Hitler

Option C: Karl Marx

Option D: Stalin

Correct Answer: Mussolini

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Option A: Bitterly opposed by the capitalists

Option B: Tolerated by the Capitalists

Option C: Assisted by the capitalists

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Assisted by the capitalists

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Option A: Majority rule

Option B: Rule of law

Option C: Rule of elites

Option D: Personal dictatorship of one man

Correct Answer: Personal dictatorship of one man

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Option A: Partyless government

Option B: Single party government

Option C: Bi-party system

Option D: Multi-party system

Correct Answer: Single party government

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Option A: An instrument of exploitation

Option B: An embodiment of justice and virtue

Option C: A class structure

Option D: Superfluous

Correct Answer: An embodiment of justice and virtue

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Option A: State as more important than individual

Option B: Individual as more important than state

Option C: The King as more important than state

Option D: The reconeiliation of interest of the individual and state as essential

Correct Answer: The King as more important than state

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Option A: One man

Option B: Middle classes

Option C: Political elites

Option D: Working classes

Correct Answer: One man

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Option A: Growing power of Germany

Option B: Resentment against small gains made by Italy as a result of World War I

Option C: Great gains made by Italy after World War

Option D: Love for democratic system of government

Correct Answer: Resentment against small gains made by Italy as a result of World War I

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Option A: A programme of action

Option B: A philosophy

Option C: Both a philosophy and programme

Option D: None of the above things

Correct Answer: A programme of action

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Option A: Hitler

Option B: Stalin

Option C: Mussolini

Option D: Laski

Correct Answer: Mussolini

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Option A: In the nineteenth century

Option B: In the pre-World War I period

Option C: In the post World War II period

Option D: In the inter-was period (between World War I and World War II)

Correct Answer: In the inter-was period (between World War I and World War II)

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Option A: Italy

Option B: Germany

Option C: U.S.S.R.

Option D: U.S.A.

Correct Answer: Italy

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Option A: They favoured majority rule

Option B: They favoured violence

Option C: They favoured war

Option D: They favoured the idea of one party

Correct Answer: They supported the idea of one leadership

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Option A: They are opposed to individual liberty

Option B: They preferred liberty over discipline

Option C: They stood for material efficiency

Option D: Ther are the believers of law and order

Correct Answer: They preferred liberty over discipline

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Option A: Will perish a nation

Option B: Should be condemned

Option C: Was necessary for health of nation

Option D: Was needed for international relations

Correct Answer: Was necessary for health of nation

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Option A: Individualism

Option B: Guild Socialism

Option C: Syndicalism

Option D: Anarchism

Correct Answer: Totalitarianism

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Option A: It should help in selection of bureaucrats

Option B: It should propagate aim of the party

Option C: It should glorify leader

Option D: It should glorify state

Correct Answer: It should help in selection of bureaucrats

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Option A: Should be supported

Option B: Wasted time in dogmas

Option C: Was supportive of Fasciam

Option D: Was necessary for development of national feelings

Correct Answer: Wasted time in dogmas

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Option A: Capitalism

Option B: Liberalism and democracy

Option C: Dictatorship

Option D: Communism

Correct Answer: Liberalism and democracy

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Option A: Both aim at abolition of capitalism

Option B: Both aim at abolition of state

Option C: Both agree on theory of class struggle

Option D: Both have faith in totalitarianism

Correct Answer: Both have faith in totalitarianism

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Option A: Organic concept of the state

Option B: Atomic concept of the state

Option C: Mechanistic view of the state

Option D: Juristic approach to the state

Correct Answer: Juristic approach to the state

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Option A: It believes in supremacy of state

Option B: It believes in totalitarianism

Option C: It believes in authoritarianism

Option D: It is against imperialism

Correct Answer: It is against imperialism

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Option A: It holds that the state is an instrument of exploitation

Option B: It considers the state a supreme reality

Option C: It does not held faith in totalitarian government

Option D: It stands for one party rule

Correct Answer: A. It holds that the state is an instrument of exploitation
B. It considers the state a supreme reality

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