
Political Science MCQs

Option A: It will develop anti-national feelings

Option B: Fight of vote can go to the ignorant

Option C: Choice of candidates becomes very limited

Option D: Women will participate in elections which will make politics dirty

Correct Answer: It will develop anti-national feelings

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Option A: Titular sovereignty

Option B: De-Jure sovereignty

Option C: Popular sovereignty

Option D: Legal sovereignty

Correct Answer: Popular sovereignty

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Option A: It is keeping with democratic system

Option B: It increases the value of the vote

Option C: It develops among the people a sense of possession

Option D: It brings stability in political system

Correct Answer: It is keeping with democratic system

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Option A: Electorates

Option B: Candidates

Option C: Office Bearers

Option D: None of These

Correct Answer: Electorates

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Option A: Legal sovereignty

Option B: Political sovereignty

Option C: Popular sovereignty

Option D: National sovereignty

Correct Answer: Popular sovereignty

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Option A: Democratic system

Option B: Totalitarian system

Option C: All systems

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Democratic system

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Option A: Right to vote granted to all University graduates

Option B: Rught to vote granted to all adult citizens

Option C: Right to vote granted to all men

Option D: Rgith to vote granted to citizens who pay taxes

Correct Answer: Rught to vote granted to all adult citizens

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Option A: Enactment of bad laws which cause suffering to common people

Option B: The right to vote

Option C: Right to vote granted to people with property

Option D: Right to vote granted to ad without discrimination

Correct Answer: The right to vote

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Option A: The body of voters

Option B: The elected representatives of people

Option C: The nominated members of parliament

Option D: The candidates who actually contest the elections

Correct Answer: The body of voters

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Option A: Vote

Option B: Right to vote

Option C: Right to vote granted to women

Option D: Right to vote granted to men

Correct Answer: Right to vote

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Option A: In this there should be multimember constituency

Option B: Each voter has more than one vote

Option C: Quota of each candidate to win the seat is fixed in advance

Option D: Surplus votes of winning candidate can be transferred to the other

Correct Answer: Each voter has more than one vote

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Option A: It helps in protecting the interests of weaker sections of society

Option B: Denial of woman suffrage is against the concept of political sovereignty

Option C: Any denial is opposed to the concept of democracy

Option D: It is likely to reduced political conflicts in family life

Correct Answer: It is likely to reduced political conflicts in family life

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Option A: G.D.H.Cole

Option B: Pareto

Option C: Max Weber

Option D: Michel. R

Correct Answer: Max Weber

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Option A: Public voting system

Option B: Plural voting system

Option C: System of functional representation

Option D: System of secret ballot

Correct Answer: System of functional representation

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Option A: Public voting

Option B: Compulsory voting

Option C: Secret voting

Option D: Plural voting

Correct Answer: Plural voting

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Option A: Single member constituency

Option B: Multi-member constituency

Option C: Double member constituency

Option D: Separate electorate

Correct Answer: Multi-member constituency

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Option A: Its aim is to give representation to minorities

Option B: In it the constituencies are always single member

Option C: In it voter is required to cast one vote less than the number of candidates to be elected

Option D: No voter can cast his vote in favour of one and the same candidate

Correct Answer: In it the constituencies are always single member

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Option A: Where men and women are allowed to vote together

Option B: Where people of all religions are allowed to vote together

Option C: Where voters belonging to all categories, castes and religion vote together

Option D: Where only women are allowed to vote together

Correct Answer: Where voters belonging to all categories, castes and religion vote together

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Option A: G.D.H. Cole

Option B: Rousseau

Option C: Karl Marx

Option D: J.S.Mill

Correct Answer: Karl Marx

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Option A: Along with general elections

Option B: To fill a vacancy after general elections are over

Option C: Each year to fill vacant vacancies

Option D: When desired by the head of the state

Correct Answer: To fill a vacancy after general elections are over

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Option A: It aims at giving representation to minorities

Option B: It aims at protecting the interests of women

Option C: Its aim is to protect the rights of various occupations

Option D: It aims at giving more opportunities to the voters to participate in governmental affairs

Correct Answer: It aims at giving representation to minorities

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Option A: Marx

Option B: Rousseau

Option C: Laski

Option D: Garner

Correct Answer: Gilchrist

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Option A: Bentham

Option B: J.S.Mill

Option C: T.H.Green

Option D: Herbert Spencer

Correct Answer: Herbert Spencer

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Option A: A voter who is required to elect his representative

Option B: An area from where representative is to be elected

Option C: The body of persons elected

Option D: Method of election used to elect a representative

Correct Answer: A voter who is required to elect his representative

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Option A: The President of Pakistan

Option B: The Prime Minister of Pakistan

Option C: The Parliament

Option D: The Election Commission

Correct Answer: The Election Commission

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Option A: Representative democracy:

Option B: Direct elections

Option C: Adult franchise

Option D: Direct democracy

Correct Answer: Representative democracy:

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Option A: Burke

Option B: Montesquieu

Option C: Rousseau

Option D: Spencer

Correct Answer: Burke

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Option A: Each community is given seqpaate representation

Option B: Seats are reserved for each caste

Option C: Seats are reserved for each function

Option D: There is no reservation of seats for anyone

Correct Answer: There is no reservation of seats for anyone

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Option A: In it all do not get right to vote

Option B: It introduces the evils of party system

Option C: It is opposed to the idean of populr sovereignty

Option D: In it there are many chances of bribery

Correct Answer: It introduces the evils of party system

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Option A: In it there is indirect link between the elected and the voters

Option B: In it even the ignorant get right to vote

Option C: It is not suited to small nations

Option D: It ends rigours of party system

Correct Answer: In it there is indirect link between the elected and the voters

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Option A: Jawaharlal Nehru

Option B: Bentham

Option C: J.S.Mill

Option D: Marx

Correct Answer: J.S.Mill

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Option A: Adam Smith

Option B: J.S.Mill

Option C: Laski

Option D: Aristotle

Correct Answer: J.S.Mill

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Option A: J.S.Mill

Option B: Laski

Option C: Marx

Option D: Bentham

Correct Answer: J.S.Mill

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Option A: Britain

Option B: France

Option C: Soviet Union

Option D: None of These

Correct Answer: Soviet Union

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Option A: Elimination of multi-party system

Option B: Helping citizens maintain their rights

Option C: Peaceful change of government

Option D: Removal of bottlenecks in the working of democracy

Correct Answer: Peaceful change of government

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Option A: Rule according to the consent of the governed

Option B: Rule of the poor

Option C: Expropriation of the rich

Option D: Distribution of wealth equally to all

Correct Answer: Rule according to the consent of the governed

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Option A: Poor candidates are deterred from contesting the election

Option B: There is no scope for corruption

Option C: It gives satisfaction to people that they are being governed by a representative elected by absolute majority

Option D: The political parties come to playa dominant role

Correct Answer: It gives satisfaction to people that they are being governed by a representative elected by absolute majority

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Option A: Each voter has two votes

Option B: Voting is held as many times as necessary until a candidate is elected with an absolute majority of votes

Option C: Voting is held at the most for three times

Option D: Voting is held twice, and in the second voting the contest is held between the two candidates who secure maximum votes in the first voting

Correct Answer: Voting is held twice, and in the second voting the contest is held between the two candidates who secure maximum votes in the first voting

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Option A: It encourages people to think in terms of their class interests

Option B: It ensures equitable representation to the various professions

Option C: It promotes national unity

Option D: It secures representation to various interests and makes the parliament a truly representative body

Correct Answer: It secures representation to various interests and makes the parliament a truly representative body

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Option A: Political Equality

Option B: Civil Equality

Option C: Natural Equality

Option D: Social Equality

Correct Answer: Political Equality

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Option A: Provision of adequate opportunities for all

Option B: Absence of distinctions based on class, caste, etc.

Option C: Provision of equal pay for all

Option D: Absence of discrimination

Correct Answer: Provision of equal pay for all

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Option A: Lord Acton

Option B: Laski

Option C: Profession Towny

Option D: Professor Ashirvatham

Correct Answer: Pollard

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Option A: Minimum basic needs of all

Option B: Minimum basic needs of the rich

Option C: Possession of equal property by all

Option D: None of These

Correct Answer: Minimum basic needs of all

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Option A: Economic sense

Option B: Cultural sense

Option C: Political sense

Option D: Moral sense

Correct Answer: Political sense

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Option A: In a presidential form of Government

Option B: In a federal form of Government

Option C: In a unitary form of Government

Option D: In a country with written constitution

Correct Answer: In a society with democratic set up

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Option A: It means elimination of caste distinction

Option B: It means equal right to vote

Option C: It means equal property

Option D: It means equal opportunities to travel abroad

Correct Answer: It means elimination of caste distinction

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Option A: Karl Marx

Option B: Bakunin

Option C: Laski

Option D: MacIver

Correct Answer: Laski

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Option A: Lord Acton

Option B: MacIver

Option C: Laski

Option D: Bodin

Correct Answer: Laski

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Option A: Following the same religion

Option B: Following the same political ideology

Option C: Equal opportunity to get higher education

Option D: Equal health facilities

Correct Answer: Equal opportunity to get higher education

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Option A: J.S.Mill

Option B: Bentham

Option C: Green

Option D: Marx

Correct Answer: J.S.Mill

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Option A: Everyone should get equal opportunity for development of personality

Option B: Everyone should get equal property

Option C: All must get equal social status

Option D: All must get equal wages

Correct Answer: Everyone should get equal opportunity for development of personality

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Option A: Political equality

Option B: Social equality

Option C: Economic equality

Option D: National equality

Correct Answer: Social equality

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Option A: Political equality

Option B: Religious equality

Option C: Economic equality

Option D: Natural equality

Correct Answer: Economic equality

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Option A: Legal equality

Option B: Political equality

Option C: Social equality

Option D: Economic equality

Correct Answer: Economic equality

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Option A: Lord Acton

Option B: Aristotle and Montesquieu

Option C: Marx

Option D: Laski

Correct Answer: Laski

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Option A: Green

Option B: Laski

Option C: Marx

Option D: Cole

Correct Answer: Cole

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Option A: Plato and Marx

Option B: Aristotle and Montesquieu

Option C: Lord Acton and De Tocqueville

Option D: Laski and Green

Correct Answer: Lord Acton and De Tocqueville

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Option A: Law

Option B: Equality

Option C: Fraternity

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Equality

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Option A: Political and economic

Option B: Legal and political

Option C: Social and economic

Option D: Legal and social

Correct Answer: Legal and social

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Option A: Everyone should get equal opportunity for the development of his personality and all should be equal before law

Option B: Every one should get equal wages

Option C: Everyone should get same type of education

Option D: Everybody should follow the same religion

Correct Answer: Everyone should get equal opportunity for the development of his personality and all should be equal before law

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Option A: Bentham

Option B: J.S.Mill

Option C: Karl Marx

Option D: Lord Acton

Correct Answer: J.S.Mill

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Option A: Lord Acton

Option B: MacLver

Option C: Marx

Option D: Rousseau

Correct Answer: MacLver

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Option A: Unequal treatment against the privileged sections of the society

Option B: Discrimination in favour of the underprivileged to raise them to the level of the other sections of the society

Option C: Preferential treatment for the weaker sections

Option D: Discrimination against the privileged sections of the society

Correct Answer: Discrimination in favour of the underprivileged to raise them to the level of the other sections of the society

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Option A: Every citizen is able to satisfy his primary needs before aspiring for luxuries

Option B: All should be subjected to an equal degree of taxation

Option C: There should be economic equality between men and women

Option D: There should be equal distribution of wealth among all citizens of the world

Correct Answer: Every citizen is able to satisfy his primary needs before aspiring for luxuries

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Option A: Lord Acton

Option B: MacLver

Option C: Machiavelli

Option D: De Tocqueville

Correct Answer: MacLver

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Option A: Each person should perform the functions according to his status

Option B: No effort should be made to modify the existing social system

Option C: No person should be made to suffer a position of relative inferiority in relation to other men due to difference in caste, race, religion, etC.

Option D: Special effort to improve the lot of weaker sections

Correct Answer: C. No person should be made to suffer a position of relative inferiority in relation to other men due to difference in caste, race, religion, etC.

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Option A: Provision of basic necessities to all members of society

Option B: Provision of adequate opportunities to all

Option C: Equality, which is backed by the force of law

Option D: Equality bestowed by nature

Correct Answer: Provision of adequate opportunities to all

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Option A: Absence of special privileges

Option B: Provision of special facilities for weaker sections

Option C: Provision of special facilities to the ruling class

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Absence of special privileges

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Option A: Complementary to each other

Option B: Contradictory to each other

Option C: Unrelated to each other

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Complementary to each other

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Option A: Marx

Option B: Hobbes

Option C: Adam Smith

Option D: Dc Tocqueville

Correct Answer: Dc Tocqueville

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Option A: T.H.Green

Option B: J.S.Mill

Option C: G.D.H. Cole

Option D: H.J.Laski

Correct Answer: G.D.H. Cole

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Option A: T.H.Green

Option B: J.S.Mill

Option C: G.D.H. Cole

Option D: H.J.Laski

Correct Answer: G.D.H. Cole

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Option A: Political equality

Option B: Social equality

Option C: Civil equality

Option D: Economic equality

Correct Answer: Civil equality

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Option A: All democratic governments

Option B: All types of governments

Option C: Only dictatorial governments

Option D: Countries, which possess written constitution

Correct Answer: All democratic governments

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Option A: Political equality

Option B: Civil equality

Option C: Social and economic equality

Option D: Political and economic equality

Correct Answer: Social and economic equality

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Option A: Economic equality only

Option B: Social and economic equality only

Option C: Social and political equality only

Option D: Social economic as well as political equality

Correct Answer: Social and economic equality only

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Option A: Glorious Revolution of 1688 in England

Option B: The French Revolution of 1789

Option C: The American War of Idependence

Option D: All the three

Correct Answer: The French Revolution of 1789

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Option A: Contradictory to each other

Option B: Just tolerate each other

Option C: Available only in totalitarian states

Option D: Outdated concepts

Correct Answer: Just tolerate each other

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Option A: Right to vote

Option B: Right to have political office

Option C: Right to contest elections

Option D: Right to criticise government

Correct Answer: Right to live in family

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Option A: It means equal right in political system

Option B: It means rule of law

Option C: It means economic disparity

Option D: It means equal right to hold political office

Correct Answer: It means equal right to hold political office

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Option A: Laski

Option B: D.G.H.Cole

Option C: Lord Action

Option D: De Tocqueville

Correct Answer: Laski

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Option A: Charter of League Nations

Option B: Charter of U.N.O.

Option C: Slogan of Glorious Revolution

Option D: Slogan of French Revolution

Correct Answer: Slogan of Glorious Revolution

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Option A: Latin language

Option B: Greek language

Option C: French language

Option D: Spanish language

Correct Answer: Greek language

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Option A: It promotes apathy towards Politics

Option B: It is characterised by vast socioeconomic inequalities

Option C: It leads to monopoly over the means of communications

Option D: All the above

Correct Answer: All the above

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Option A: Democracy

Option B: Parliamentary government

Option C: Federal government

Option D: Unitary government

Correct Answer: Democracy

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Option A: Freedom of speech

Option B: Freedom of religion

Option C: Equality before law

Option D: Equality of property

Correct Answer: Equality of property

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Option A: “A form of government in which the will of majority of qualified rules.”

Option B: “The progress of all, through all under the leadership of the best and the wisest.”

Option C: “Government by the freely chosen representatives of the people and not by the people themselves.”

Option D: “Nothing more than an experiment in government.”

Correct Answer: D. “Nothing more than an experiment in government.”

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Option A: Locke

Option B: Lecky

Option C: Maine

Option D: Leveleye

Correct Answer: Locke

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Option A: General Welfare

Option B: Natural Equality

Option C: Consent of people as basis of state

Option D: Inalienable right of individual to determine their affairs

Correct Answer: General Welfare

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Option A: Locke

Option B: Hobbes

Option C: Karl Marx

Option D: J.S. Mill

Correct Answer: Karl Marx

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Option A: Ancient Greek Philosophers

Option B: Ancient Chinese philosophers

Option C: Proudhon

Option D: French philosophers of the seventeenth century

Correct Answer: Ancient Greek Philosophers

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Option A: Parliament

Option B: People

Option C: Council of Ministers

Option D: Civil servants

Correct Answer: People

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Option A: Direct democracy

Option B: People’s democracy

Option C: Representative democracy

Option D: Socialist democracy

Correct Answer: Representative democracy

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Option A: Russia

Option B: Britain

Option C: India

Option D: Greece

Correct Answer: Greece

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Option A: People directly representatives

Option B: People take direct part in the administration of the country

Option C: People appoint the civil servants

Option D: All government officials are appointed subject to the final approval of the people

Correct Answer: People take direct part in the administration of the country

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Option A: The mob

Option B: The people

Option C: The politicians

Option D: The civil servants

Correct Answer: The people

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Option A: In that leaders will guide the workers

Option B: In that there will be no antagonistic classes

Option C: In that economic needs of the people will be met

Option D: In that there will be no social conflicts

Correct Answer: In that interests of the poor will only be protected

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Option A: In that there will be provision for recall

Option B: In that judiciary will be elected

Option C: In that judiciary will be nominated by the legislature

Option D: In that there will be no economic exploitation

Correct Answer: In that judiciary will be nominated by the legislature

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Option A: It attaches great importance to elections

Option B: It is opposed to holding frequent elections

Option C: It is of the view that elections help in knowing public opinion

Option D: It is opposed to concentration of power

Correct Answer: It is opposed to holding frequent elections

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Option A: The power is controlled by small group of people who enjoy social prestige

Option B: Elite group tries to protect the interests of all

Option C: Elite group is well organised

Option D: Elite groups protect each others interests

Correct Answer: Elite group tries to protect the interests of all

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