
Political Science MCQs

Option A: Grotius

Option B: Montesquieu

Option C: Rousseau

Option D: Finer

Correct Answer: Finer

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Option A: U.S.S.R.

Option B: France

Option C: China

Option D: Hungary

Correct Answer: U.S.S.R.

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Option A: U.K.

Option B: India

Option C: U.S.A

Option D: U.S.S.R

Correct Answer: U.S.S.R

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Option A: Selection of candidates becomes easy

Option B: Party control lessens

Option C: It becomes easy to fix responsibility for failures

Option D: Choice of candidates becomes very wide

Correct Answer: It becomes easy to fix responsibility for failures

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Option A: Multi-party system

Option B: Single party system

Option C: Bi-party system

Option D: Dominant party system

Correct Answer: Multi-party system

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Option A: The masses are misled

Option B: It is not responsive to public opinion

Option C: It does not help in the selection of candidates

Option D: It does not provide a good link with the Government

Correct Answer: The masses are misled

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Option A: Moral

Option B: Physical

Option C: Political

Option D: Adult

Correct Answer: Political

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Option A: Finer

Option B: MacIver

Option C: Ogg and Zinc

Option D: Garner

Correct Answer: MacIver

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Option A: Well disciplined

Option B: Free to come and go to the meetings as and when they like

Option C: To disobey their leader

Option D: To organise sub-groups within the party

Correct Answer: Well disciplined

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Option A: Gettell

Option B: MacIver

Option C: G.C.Field

Option D: Finer

Correct Answer: G.C.Field

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Option A: Finer

Option B: MacIver

Option C: G.C.Field

Option D: G.D.H. Cole

Correct Answer: Finer

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Option A: Euclid

Option B: Ptolemy

Option C: Both (a) & (b)

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Both (a) & (b)

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Option A: Eratosthenes

Option B: Plato

Option C: Diophantus

Option D: Eppipides

Correct Answer: Plato

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Option A: Sparta

Option B: Stagira

Option C: Athens

Option D: Cnidus Peninsula

Correct Answer: Cnidus Peninsula

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Option A: Socrates

Option B: Xenophon

Option C: Aristotle

Option D: Plato

Correct Answer: Plato

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Option A: Socrates

Option B: Xenophon

Option C: Aristotle

Option D: Eudoxus

Correct Answer: Eudoxus

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Option A: Xenophon

Option B: Aristotle

Option C: Socrates

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Aristotle

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Option A: Plato

Option B: Aristotle

Option C: Socrates

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Plato

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Option A: 357 B.C.

Option B: 367 B.C.

Option C: 377 B.C.

Option D: 387 B.C.

Correct Answer: 387 B.C.

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Option A: Xenophon

Option B: Aristotle

Option C: Socrates

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Socrates

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Option A: Eratosthenes

Option B: Plato

Option C: Diophantus

Option D: Eppipides

Correct Answer: Plato

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Option A: Xenophon

Option B: Aristotle

Option C: Socrates

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Socrates

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Option A: Upper House

Option B: Lower House

Option C: Nominal head of the state

Option D: Parliament

Correct Answer: Lower House

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Option A: Political homogeneity of the cabinet

Option B: Freedom to express different views on the floor of the House by the Ministers

Option C: Disunity among the Ministers

Option D: Subordination of legislature

Correct Answer: Political homogeneity of the cabinet

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Option A: No fixed executive

Option B: Responsible executive

Option C: Dependent executive

Option D: Fixed executive

Correct Answer: Fixed executive

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Option A: Are not the members of the legislature

Option B: Are the members of the legislature

Option C: Do not take interest in legislative business

Option D: Are not required to make policy statements in the legislature

Correct Answer: Are the members of the legislature

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Option A: India

Option B: Switzerland

Option C: U.S.A.

Option D: France

Correct Answer: India

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Option A: U.S.A.

Option B: India

Option C: U.S.S.R.

Option D: England

Correct Answer: A. U.S.A.

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Option A: By a vote of no condidence in the upper House

Option B: By a vote of no confidence in the lower House

Option C: By a vote of no confidence by 51% of the total electorates

Option D: By a vote of no confidence by judiciary

Correct Answer: By the system of impeachment

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Option A: Some minimum fixed tenure

Option B: Must hold position for the entire period for which initially elected

Option C: No fixed tenure

Option D: None of These

Correct Answer: No fixed tenure

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Option A: Individually responsible to the Parliament

Option B: Responsible to the Upper House

Option C: Colletively responsible to upper House

Option D: For all effective purposes collectively responsible to House

Correct Answer: For all effective purposes collectively responsible to House

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Option A: Parliament

Option B: Lower House

Option C: President

Option D: Upper House

Correct Answer: Cabinet

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Option A: Has no effective power

Option B: Is only nominal head

Option C: Has powers but have been delegated

Option D: Exercises all the powers to his satisfaction

Correct Answer: Exercises all the powers to his satisfaction

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Option A: Zafar Ullah Khan

Option B: I.I. Chundrigar

Option C: Abdul Rab Nishter

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: Zafar Ullah Khan

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Option A: F.M. Ayub Khan

Option B: Muhammad Ali Bogra

Option C: Zafar Ullah Khan

Option D: Abdul rab Nishter

Correct Answer: Zafar Ullah Khan

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Option A: October 16,1951

Option B: March 17,1951

Option C: April 14,1951

Option D: June 17,1951

Correct Answer: October 16,1951

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Option A: Interior Minister

Option B: Governor-General

Option C: Cabinet

Option D: Prime Minister

Correct Answer: Prime Minister

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Option A: Federal Government

Option B: Cabinet Government

Option C: Unitary Government

Option D: Parliamentarian Government

Correct Answer: Cabinet Government

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Option A: February, 1948

Option B: August,1948

Option C: March,1948

Option D: June,1948

Correct Answer: February, 1948

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Option A: Indian act, 1935 (amended)

Option B: Indian Independence Act. 1947

Option C: A and B

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: A and B

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Option A: Election

Option B: Selection

Option C: Referendum

Option D: King

Correct Answer: King

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Option A: August 10,1947

Option B: August 11,1947

Option C: August 20,1947

Option D: August 25,1947

Correct Answer: August 11,1947

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Option A: 5

Option B: 7

Option C: 9

Option D: 10

Correct Answer: 10

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Option A: 59

Option B: 69

Option C: 79

Option D: 80

Correct Answer: 69

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Option A: Al-Mawardi

Option B: Al-Farabi

Option C: Al-Ghazali

Option D: Nizam-ul-Mulk Tusi

Correct Answer: Al-Farabi

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Option A: Siyasat Namah

Option B: Dastural-Wuzara

Option C: Al-Akam-Al Sultaniyah

Option D: Siyasatul-Madaniyah

Correct Answer: Siyasat Namah

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Option A: Al-Farabi

Option B: Ibn-e-Khaldun

Option C: Al-Ghazali

Option D: Nizam-ul-Mulk Tusi

Correct Answer: Nizam-ul-Mulk Tusi

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Option A: 50

Option B: 60

Option C: 70

Option D: 80

Correct Answer: 50

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Option A: Ghazzali

Option B: Tusi

Option C: Farabi

Option D: Mawardi

Correct Answer: Tusi

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Option A: Ghazzali

Option B: Mawardi

Option C: Tusi

Option D: Iqbal

Correct Answer: Tusi

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Option A: Ghazzali

Option B: Tusi

Option C: Farabi

Option D: Mawardi

Correct Answer: Tusi

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Option A: Tusi

Option B: Ghazzali

Option C: Farabi

Option D: Mawardi

Correct Answer: Tusi

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Option A: Turkish Empire

Option B: Seljuq Empire

Option C: Roman Empire

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Seljuq Empire

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Option A: Advanced Trigonometry

Option B: Siasat Nama

Option C: Comparative Politics

Option D: Text Book of Algebra

Correct Answer: Siasat Nama

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Option A: His Learning

Option B: His Wisdom

Option C: His Physical Power

Option D: His Administ – Ratio

Correct Answer: His Wisdom

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Option A: Nizam Shah

Option B: Caliph Salim

Option C: Amir Timr

Option D: Emperor Babur

Correct Answer: Nizam Shah

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Option A: 1089

Option B: 1091

Option C: 1092

Option D: 1093

Correct Answer: 1091

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Option A: 1017

Option B: 1018

Option C: 1019

Option D: 1020

Correct Answer: 1017

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Option A: A srmmary of Plato’s laws

Option B: Muqaddamah

Option C: Siyasatul Madaniyah

Option D: Ara-Madinatul-Fadilah

Correct Answer: Muqaddamah

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Option A: Al-Farabi

Option B: Al-Mawardi

Option C: Nizam-ul-Mulk Toosi

Option D: Al-Ghazali

Correct Answer: Al-Farabi

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Option A: Turk

Option B: Egyptian

Option C: Arab

Option D: Iranian

Correct Answer: Turk

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Option A: Al-Farabi

Option B: Al-Mawardi

Option C: Aristotle

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Al-Farabi

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Option A: Greek Philosophers

Option B: Roman Philosophers

Option C: English Philosophers

Option D: Muslim Philosophers

Correct Answer: Greek Philosophers

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Option A: Commentaries on the work of Plato and Aristotle

Option B: Commentaries on the work of Polybius

Option C: On the Philosopher king

Option D: The science of politics

Correct Answer: Commentaries on the work of Plato and Aristotle

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Option A: Greek thought and Islamic Shariat

Option B: Plato’s Political theory and Guided caliphate

Option C: Human intellect and revelation

Option D: Greek science and Eastern Mysticism

Correct Answer: Greek thought and Islamic Shariat

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Option A: Ara Madinatul Fazila

Option B: Al-Istabdad

Option C: Elements of Geometry

Option D: Theory of Revolution

Correct Answer: Ara Madinatul Fazila

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Option A: The Philosopher

Option B: The second teacher

Option C: The First Arab Philosopher

Option D: The father of Islamic political thought

Correct Answer: The second teacher

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Option A: 950

Option B: 951

Option C: 952

Option D: 953

Correct Answer: 950

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Option A: 870

Option B: 871

Option C: 872

Option D: 873

Correct Answer: 870

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Option A: They covered the activities of masses

Option B: They covered the relationship of masses with rulers

Option C: The exaggerated people’s movements against their rulers

Option D: They recorded events glorifying the rulers

Correct Answer: They recorded events glorifying the rulers

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Option A: Great men change the course of history

Option B: Historical events so move that some people become great

Option C: Course of history and greatness of the people have nothing to do with each other

Option D: Course of history is static and as such question of change does not arise

Correct Answer: Historical events so move that some people become great

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Option A: It result of actions and reactions

Option B: No actions and reactions but matter

Option C: Means that action and reaction must be in the same direction

Option D: None of These

Correct Answer: It result of actions and reactions

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Option A: Social phenomena is applicable to political life

Option B: Social phenomena has nothing to do with political life

Option C: Social phenomena is antithesis of political life

Option D: Political Life and social phenomena can’t go hand in hand

Correct Answer: D. Political Life and social phenomena can’t go hand in hand

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Option A: Had no mother land

Option B: Have a motherland to which they must stick

Option C: Should confine their activities to their country

Option D: Should give maximum cooperation to the state

Correct Answer: Should confine their activities to their country

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Option A: The number of workers will come down

Option B: Middle class will become powerful

Option C: Ranks of middle class will swallow

Option D: Middle class will come at the forefront of struggle against state

Correct Answer: Ranks of middle class will swallow

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Option A: Continue for long

Option B: Will wither away

Option C: Deliver goods with the passage of time

Option D: Slowly benefit the workers

Correct Answer: Will wither away

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Option A: Capital is a theft

Option B: State will wither away

Option C: State promotes interests of all

Option D: State sides with the rich and not the poor

Correct Answer: State promotes interests of all

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Option A: Stalin

Option B: Karl Marx

Option C: Laski

Option D: George Bernard Shah

Correct Answer: Karl Marx

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Option A: Hegel

Option B: Engles

Option C: Stalin

Option D: Karl Marx

Correct Answer: Karl Marx

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Option A: France

Option B: Russia

Option C: Germany

Option D: Itlay

Correct Answer: Germany

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Option A: Laski

Option B: Montesquieu

Option C: Thomas Paine

Option D: Rousseau

Correct Answer: Laski

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Option A: It champions the cause of constitutional government

Option B: It has faith in secularism

Option C: It supports constitutional government

Option D: It supports concentration of powers

Correct Answer: It supports concentration of powers

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Option A: It is opposed to blind faith

Option B: Development of human personality is state aim

Option C: Man is means and state is an end in itself

Option D: State is artificial and not natural institution

Correct Answer: Man is means and state is an end in itself

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Option A: 16th century

Option B: 17th century

Option C: 18th century

Option D: 19th century

Correct Answer: 17th century

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Option A: Law should be above administrative order

Option B: Individual should be independent in political sphere

Option C: Individual’s independence in social fields should be checked

Option D: Individual can revolt against state

Correct Answer: C. Individual’s independence in social fields should be checked

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Option A: J.S. Mill

Option B: T.H. Green

Option C: Schumpeter

Option D: Robert A.Dahl

Correct Answer: Sorel

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Option A: There is nothing like spiritual equality of individual

Option B: There should be freedom of individual will

Option C: Natural rights were injoyed by the people

Option D: State should be created to safeguard natural rights

Correct Answer: There is nothing like spiritual equality of individual

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Option A: 18th century

Option B: 19th century

Option C: 20th century

Option D: Did not develop and remains vague

Correct Answer: Did not develop and remains vague

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Option A: It stands for individual liberty

Option B: It has no faith in human reasoning

Option C: It supports human freedom

Option D: It stands for constitutional government

Correct Answer: It has no faith in human reasoning

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Option A: Laski

Option B: Karl Marx

Option C: MacIver

Option D: Bentham

Correct Answer: Karl Marx

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Option A: States of the world themselves

Option B: Parliamentary and Presidential system

Option C: Individual and Society

Option D: Unitary and Federal System

Correct Answer: Individual and Society

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Option A: Bound by all treaties entered into by predecessor state

Option B: Bound by multilateral treaties

Option C: With a clean-state

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Bound by all treaties entered into by predecessor state

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Option A: No benefit can be received from an illegal act

Option B: A legal right flows from an illegal act

Option C: A state can go on was in case of an injury

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: A legal right flows from an illegal act

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Option A: A State has unlimited jurisdiction

Option B: A State has jurisdiction over its nationals even when they live outside the country

Option C: A State has jurisdiction over foreign visiting nationals

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: A State has jurisdiction over its nationals even when they live outside the country

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Option A: No jurisdiction

Option B: Concurrent jurisdiction

Option C: Exclusive jurisdiction

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Exclusive jurisdiction

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Option A: A peremptory norm of International Law that cannot be derogated from by mutual consent

Option B: A State can terminate a treaty because of wiolation of its domestic law

Option C: A treaty stands terminated when its purpose is achieved

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: A peremptory norm of International Law that cannot be derogated from by mutual consent

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Option A: A State may terminate a treaty because of a material breach

Option B: A state may invoke fundamental change of circumstances to terminate/suspend a treaty

Option C: A treaty stands terminated because of the eruption of hostilites

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: A state may invoke fundamental change of circumstances to terminate/suspend a treaty

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Option A: A State can violate its international obligations if its interests so demand

Option B: A State can terminate a treaty at its will

Option C: A State must perform treaty obligations in good faith

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: A State can violate its international obligations if its interests so demand

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Option A: Invalidates the treaty

Option B: Treaty cannot be invoked before a UN organ

Option C: It has no effect at all on the treaty

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Treaty cannot be invoked before a UN organ

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Option A: A no-man’s land between two States

Option B: An area of sea beyond territorial waters

Option C: An area of sea beyound the Exclusive Economic Zone

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: An area of sea beyond territorial waters

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