
Political Science MCQs

Option A: A State is subject to foreign court’s jurisdiction

Option B: A State is not subject to foreign court’s jurisdiction

Option C: A State is not subject to foreign court’s jurisdiction

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: A. A State is subject to foreign court’s jurisdiction

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Option A: A principal judicial organ of the UN

Option B: A Court established by Stales outside the UN System

Option C: A Court established by the European Community

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: A principal judicial organ of the UN

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Option A: India Act of 1861

Option B: India Act of 1919

Option C: India Act of 1935

Option D: India Independence Act of 1947

Correct Answer: India Act of 1935

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Option A: The Indian Act of 1919

Option B: The Indian Act of 1935

Option C: The Indian Independence Act of 1947

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: The Indian Independence Act of 1947

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Option A: Dr. Ambedkar

Option B: Dr. Rajendra Prasad

Option C: Sardar Patel

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Dr. Rajendra Prasad

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Option A: Gandhi

Option B: Motilal Nehru

Option C: Jawaharalal Nehru

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Jawaharalal Nehru

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Option A: Jawaharlal Nehru

Option B: Sardar Patel

Option C: Mountbatten

Option D: Gandhi

Correct Answer: Mountbatten

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Option A: August 8,1942

Option B: May 16,1946

Option C: June 3,1947

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: June 3,1947

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Option A: The Wavell Paln

Option B: The Cabinet Mission Plan

Option C: The Mountbatten Plan

Option D: The Indian Independence Act, 1947

Correct Answer: The Mountbatten Plan

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Option A: Dr. Rajendra Prasad

Option B: Dr. Ambedkar

Option C: Mountbatten

Option D: Sardar Patel

Correct Answer: Dr. Ambedkar

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Option A: August, 16,1947

Option B: August, 29,1947

Option C: January 5,1950

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: August, 29,1947

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Option A: Britain

Option B: U.S.A

Option C: France

Option D: India

Correct Answer: India

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Option A: November 26,1949

Option B: January 5,1950

Option C: January 26,1950

Option D: March 23,1951

Correct Answer:

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Option A: 78

Option B: 86

Option C: 92

Option D: 100

Correct Answer: 78

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Option A: Machiavelli

Option B: Rousseau

Option C: Bentham

Option D: J.S. Mill

Correct Answer: Bentham

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Option A: Kitab-al-Ibar

Option B: Al-Tarif

Option C: History of the Berbers

Option D: Siyasat Namah

Correct Answer: Siyasat Namah

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Option A: Al-Mawardi

Option B: Nizam-ul-Mulk Tusi

Option C: Ibn-e-Khaldun

Option D: Al-Ghazali

Correct Answer: Ibn-e-Khaldun

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Option A: Ibn-e-Khaldun

Option B: Nizam-ul-Mulk

Option C: Ghazzali

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Ibn-e-Khaldun

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Option A: Muqqaddame-e-Tarikh

Option B: Muqqaddama-e-Sharo-Shairey

Option C: Commentary on Aristotle’s politics

Option D: Life of Timur

Correct Answer: C. Commentary on Aristotle’s politics

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Option A: Physics

Option B: Chemistry

Option C: History

Option D: Political Science

Correct Answer: History

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Option A: Teacher at Al-Azhar

Option B: Professor of Law

Option C: Judge

Option D: Record Keeper

Correct Answer: Judge

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Option A: Asabiyya

Option B: Liberty

Option C: Dictatorship

Option D: Algebra

Correct Answer: Asabiyya

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Option A: 1405

Option B: 1406

Option C: 1407

Option D: 1408

Correct Answer: 1406

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Option A: 1332

Option B: 1333

Option C: 1334

Option D: 1335

Correct Answer: 1332

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Option A: Has very little place in the development of nation

Option B: Should be one who is loved by his people

Option C: Should be feared by the people

Option D: Should be feared

Correct Answer: Should be feared

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Option A: That democratic institutions should be strengthened

Option B: That democratic system will gradually whither away

Option C: That democracy is a farce

Option D: The democratic institutions serve the best interests of the masses

Correct Answer: The democratic institutions serve the best interests of the masses

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Option A: The state to control activities

Option B: To establish trade monopolies

Option C: To encourage lock outs and strikes

Option D: To encourage trade unionism

Correct Answer: The state to control activities

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Option A: Individual liberty must be preserved

Option B: Liberty is dead carcass

Option C: Liberty is a natural right

Option D: Liberty should be guaranteed as fundamental right

Correct Answer: Liberty is dead carcass

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Option A: Is collection of individuals

Option B: Is association of associations

Option C: Is one of the associations

Option D: Represents the mind of the society

Correct Answer: Represents the mind of the society

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Option A: Internationalism

Option B: International organisation

Option C: Unconditional acceptance of international obligations

Option D: One state, one party and one leader

Correct Answer: One state, one party and one leader

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Option A: A good theory

Option B: Theory first and action later on

Option C: Difference between theory and action

Option D: Action first and theory later

Correct Answer: Action first and theory later

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Option A: Proletariat

Option B: Working classes

Option C: Middle classes

Option D: Church

Correct Answer: One leader

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Option A: Germany

Option B: Italy

Option C: France

Option D: U.S.S.R.

Correct Answer: Italy

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Option A: Unification of Italy

Option B: Unification of Germany

Option C: Communist rising in U.S.S.R.

Option D: Parliamentary reforms in England

Correct Answer: Unification of Italy

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Option A: Germany

Option B: USSR

Option C: USA

Option D: Italy

Correct Answer: Italy

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Option A: Most scientific

Option B: Very unscientific

Option C: Not in keeping with modern needs

Option D: Most suited to modern needs

Correct Answer: Very unscientific

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Option A: Japan

Option B: Germany

Option C: England

Option D: France

Correct Answer: Germany

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Option A: England

Option B: France

Option C: Germany

Option D: U.S.A.

Correct Answer: England

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Option A: Sydney Webb

Option B: G.B. Shah

Option C: J.S. Mill

Option D: Karl Marx

Correct Answer: Karl Marx

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Option A: Revolutionary means

Option B: Democratic means

Option C: Both revolutionary and democratic means

Option D: Abolishing the state

Correct Answer: Democratic means

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Option A: Allowed to remain where it is

Option B: Allowed to concentrate in few hands

Option C: Transferred to society as a whole

Option D: Distributed among the poor

Correct Answer: Transferred to society as a whole

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Option A: Economic factor was the sole consideration

Option B: Political factor was only weighty

Option C: Religion alone counted very much

Option D: All factors combined together weighed

Correct Answer: All factors combined together weighed

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Option A: Was bound to wither away

Option B: Was the instrument of exploitation

Option C: Is an agency which can promote welfare of the people

Option D: Promotes class struggle

Correct Answer: Is an agency which can promote welfare of the people

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Option A: At the disposal of guilds

Option B: At the disposal of those who can control them

Option C: Left to the care of the elite of the society

Option D: Controlled by the community

Correct Answer: Controlled by the community

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Option A: 1884

Option B: 1885

Option C: 1886

Option D: 1887

Correct Answer: 1884

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Option A: The Queen

Option B: The Prime Minister

Option C: The Chief Justice

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: The Prime Minister

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Option A: Sir Aliec Douglas-Home

Option B: Mrs.Thatcher

Option C: Mr. Winston Churchill

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Mrs.Thatcher

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Option A: 1953

Option B: 1963

Option C: 1979

Option D: 1989

Correct Answer: 1963

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Option A: Constitutional Conventions

Option B: Judicial Decisions

Option C: Common laws

Option D: Historic Documents

Correct Answer: Constitutional Conventions

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Option A: Two years

Option B: Three years

Option C: Four Years

Option D: Five years

Correct Answer: Five years

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Option A: The Queen

Option B: The Prime Minister

Option C: The Speaker

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: The Prime Minister

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Option A: 17

Option B: 18

Option C: 19

Option D: 20

Correct Answer: 18

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Option A: Lords Act

Option B: Referendum

Option C: General Election

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Referendum

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Option A: UK

Option B: USA

Option C: Germany

Option D: Japan

Correct Answer: UK

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Option A: Speaker

Option B: Queen

Option C: Prime Minister

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Queen

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Option A: Monarch

Option B: Speaker

Option C: Deputy Speaker

Option D: Prime Minister

Correct Answer: Monarch

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Option A: 16th

Option B: 17th

Option C: 18th

Option D: 19th

Correct Answer: 17th

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Option A: Land

Option B: Rent

Option C: Value

Option D: Capital

Correct Answer: Population

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Option A: Value

Option B: Capital

Option C: Wages

Option D: Natural resources

Correct Answer: Wages

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Option A: Edward A. Shills

Option B: Nettle

Option C: Lucian Pye

Option D: Nax Weber

Correct Answer: Nax Weber

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Option A: Industrialisation

Option B: Economy of society

Option C: Social conditions

Option D: Administrative development

Correct Answer: Administrative development

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Option A: Political modernisation

Option B: Industrialisation

Option C: Capital formation

Option D: Standards of modernisation of a state

Correct Answer: Standards of modernisation of a state

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Option A: It is not suited to third world countries

Option B: Both are opposed to each other

Option C: Western countries are opposed to it

Option D: Term political modernisation is ambiguous

Correct Answer: It is not suited to third world countries

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Option A: Land

Option B: Labour

Option C: Capital

Option D: Mineral wealth

Correct Answer: Land

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Option A: Land

Option B: Labour

Option C: Capital

Option D: Education

Correct Answer: Education

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Option A: Could be measured with industrialisation:

Option B: And industrialisation were opposed to each other

Option C: And industrialisation should be delinked from each other

Option D: Could not be measured with industrialisation

Correct Answer: Could not be measured with industrialisation

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Option A: Adam Smith

Option B: Ricardo

Option C: Karl Marx

Option D: Malthus

Correct Answer: Karl Marx

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Option A: Classical theory of development

Option B: Neo-classical theory of development

Option C: Theory of entrepreneur

Option D: Theory of economic maturity

Correct Answer: Classical theory of development

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Option A: Has clearly been defined

Option B: Has no clear definition

Option C: Can be defined but no attempt has been made

Option D: None of above

Correct Answer: Has no clear definition

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Option A: When elite want to do so

Option B: When peasants express to do so

Option C: With the help of referendum

Option D: When propertied class wants to amend it

Correct Answer: With the help of referendum

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Option A: It keeps pace with national progress

Option B: It guarantees permanence and stability

Option C: It adjusts itself with the passage of time

Option D: It is progressive

Correct Answer: It guarantees permanence and stability

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Option A: U.S.A.

Option B: India

Option C: U.K.

Option D: Australia

Correct Answer: A. U.S.A.

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Option A: It does not give idea about basic rights of the people

Option B: It is not suited to federations

Option C: It results in frequent litigations

Option D: It does not result in usurpation of authority

Correct Answer: It results in frequent litigations

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Option A: It clearly demarcates functions of the government

Option B: It keeps pace with time

Option C: It does not invite revolutions

Option D: It helps in the growth of conventions

Correct Answer: It clearly demarcates functions of the government

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Option A: U.K.

Option B: U.S.A.

Option C: U.S.S.R.

Option D: India

Correct Answer: U.K.

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Option A: Finer

Option B: Ebestein

Option C: Munro

Option D: Gettell

Correct Answer: Finer

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Option A: Is based on conventions

Option B: Is specifically enacted

Option C: Grows with the passage of time

Option D: Is given by the head of the state

Correct Answer: Is specifically enacted

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Option A: Is enacted by a specific body

Option B: Is given by the sovereign to the people

Option C: Is the result of gradual evolution

Option D: Is given by the dictator

Correct Answer: Is the result of gradual evolution

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Option A: Plato

Option B: Rousseau

Option C: Montesqueiu

Option D: Strate

Correct Answer: Aristotle

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Option A: Lord Bryce

Option B: Professor Dicey

Option C: Gettell

Option D: Rousseau

Correct Answer: Professor Dicey

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Option A: Professor Jellineck

Option B: Gilchrist

Option C: Leacock

Option D: Finer

Correct Answer: Professor Jellineck

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Option A: 1892

Option B: 1909

Option C: 1919

Option D: 1935

Correct Answer: 1909

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Option A: 1813

Option B: 1833

Option C: 1853

Option D: 1853

Correct Answer: 1833

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Option A: Regulating Act, 1773

Option B: Pitt’s India Act, 1784

Option C: Amending Act, 1781

Option D: Act of 1786

Correct Answer: Act of 1786

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Option A: It started Parliamentary form of government

Option B: It made a beginning of written constitution in India

Option C: It provided for a legislative assembly

Option D: It gave Indians a sharr in the running of their administration.

Correct Answer: It made a beginning of written constitution in India

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Option A: Board of Directors in England

Option B: Board of Control in England

Option C: British Parliament

Option D: Governor-General in India

Correct Answer: Governor-General in India

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Option A: It created a Supreme Court in India

Option B: It raised the status of Commander-in-Chief of armed forces in India

Option C: It permitted company’s servants to have private trade

Option D: It reduced the status of the Governor of Bengal

Correct Answer: It raised the status of Commander-in-Chief of armed forces in India

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Option A: East India Company was to be given more freedom

Option B: British Parliament wanted to have some hand in the affairs of the Company

Option C: On the advice of the Prime Minister

Option D: None of These

Correct Answer: British Parliament wanted to have some hand in the affairs of the Company

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Option A: 1713

Option B: 1733

Option C: 1753

Option D: 1773

Correct Answer: 1713

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Option A: Separation of legislature and executive

Option B: Fusion of legislature and executive

Option C: Fusion of legislature executive and judiciary

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Fusion of legislature and executive

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Option A: Must be members of Parliament

Option B: Cannot be members of Parliament

Option C: Mayor may not be members of Parliament

Option D: Must be members of Popular house of Parliament

Correct Answer: Must be members of Parliament

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Option A: None

Option B: The head of the State

Option C: The Parliament

Option D: The people directly

Correct Answer: The Parliament

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Option A: The people

Option B: The Prime Minister

Option C: The Council of Minsters

Option D: The nominal Executive Head

Correct Answer: The nominal Executive Head

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Option A: The President is the Head of the Cabinet

Option B: The President enjoys only nominal executive powers

Option C: There is close co-operation between the legislature and executive

Option D: All the Ministers of the Cabinet are taken from the same party

Correct Answer: The President is the Head of the Cabinet

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Option A: 1914

Option B: 1689

Option C: 1937

Option D: 1884

Correct Answer: 1937

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Option A: By the close of eighteenth century

Option B: By the middle of the nineteenth century

Option C: During the twentieth century

Option D: By 1688

Correct Answer: By the close of eighteenth century

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Option A: During the times of George II

Option B: During the Glorious Revolution of 1688

Option C: During the Second World War

Option D: During the times of George III

Correct Answer: During the times of George II

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Option A: Japan

Option B: Britain

Option C: China

Option D: None of These

Correct Answer: Britain

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Option A: Absolute Government

Option B: Responsible Government

Option C: Non-parliamentary Government

Option D: Coalition Government

Correct Answer: Responsible Government

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Option A: To help maintaining law and order

Option B: To help preparing international treaties

Option C: To help preparing national budget

Option D: To promulgate ordinances

Correct Answer: To promulgate ordinances

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