
Political Science MCQs

Option A: Providing minimum living standard to all the citizens

Option B: Improving the lot of the weaker sections

Option C: Controlling all the means of production and distribution

Option D: The welfare of the ruling class

Correct Answer: Providing minimum living standard to all the citizens

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Option A: Which are performed by most of the states

Option B: Which are performed by all states

Option C: Which every state must perform to justify its existence

Option D: Concerning the protection of life and property

Correct Answer: Which every state must perform to justify its existence

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Option A: Maintenance of law and order

Option B: Protection of country against outside aggression

Option C: Maintenance of law courts and settlement of disputes among individuals

Option D: Promotion of education

Correct Answer: Promotion of education

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Option A: Regulation of trade and industry

Option B: Protection of health and provision of medical relief

Option C: Maintenance of civil and criminal courts

Option D: Maintenance of works of public utility

Correct Answer: Maintenance of works of public utility

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Option A: Only walfare functions

Option B: Only protective functions

Option C: Both protective and welfare functions

Option D: Either protective or welfare function

Correct Answer: Both protective and welfare functions

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Option A: Provision of education

Option B: Regulation of working conditions

Option C: Protection of health

Option D: Protection of family and property

Correct Answer: Protection of family and property

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Option A: Does not impose any restriction on individual liberty

Option B: Restricts individual liberty

Option C: Has nothing to do with liberty

Option D: Allows only economic liberty

Correct Answer: Restricts individual liberty

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Option A: Principle of equal taxation

Option B: Taxing only the industrialists

Option C: Graded taxation

Option D: No taxation

Correct Answer: Graded taxation

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Option A: A necessary evil

Option B: An instrument of exploitation

Option C: A divine institution

Option D: A positive good

Correct Answer: An instrument of exploitation

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Option A: Free competition

Option B: Regulation of means of production and distribution

Option C: Non-interference in the economic activities

Option D: Multi-nationals

Correct Answer: Regulation of means of production and distribution

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Option A: Kroptikan

Option B: Marx

Option C: Robert Owen

Option D: Bentham

Correct Answer: Robert Owen

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Option A: G.D.H. Cole

Option B: C.E.M.Joad

Option C: T.H.Green

Option D: H.J.Laski

Correct Answer: C.E.M.Joad

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Option A: Leaving the individual completely free

Option B: Assigning only police functions to state

Option C: Provision of maximum opportunities of progress to all members of the community

Option D: Raising the living standard of the poor and down-trodden

Correct Answer: Provision of maximum opportunities of progress to all members of the community

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Option A: Free economic competition

Option B: Social control of the means of production and distribution

Option C: Class-struggle

Option D: Abolition of state

Correct Answer: Social control of the means of production and distribution

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Option A: Establish a just and equitable society

Option B: Perpetuate existing class distinctions

Option C: Do away with the institution of the state

Option D: Establish a stateless and classless society

Correct Answer: Establish a just and equitable society

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Option A: Political liberty

Option B: Economic equality

Option C: Right to private property

Option D: Independence of judiciary

Correct Answer: Economic equality

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Option A: Scientific Socialism

Option B: Collectivism

Option C: Syndicalism

Option D: Utopian Socialism

Correct Answer: Utopian Socialism

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Option A: Karl Marx

Option B: Lenin

Option C: Stalin

Option D: Chou-En Lai

Correct Answer: Karl Marx

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Option A: Political liberty

Option B: Economic equality

Option C: Right to private property

Option D: Independence of judiciary

Correct Answer: Economic equality

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Option A: Unlimited

Option B: Limited

Option C: Controlled

Option D: Uncontrolled

Correct Answer: Limited

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Option A: Soviet Union

Option B: U.S.A.

Option C: Britain

Option D: China

Correct Answer: Soviet Union

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Option A: Abolition of private property

Option B: Creation of a classless society

Option C: Abolition of religion

Option D: Promotion of material welfare of the individual

Correct Answer: Promotion of material welfare of the individual

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Option A: T.H. Green

Option B: Hitler

Option C: Aristotle

Option D: Bosanquet

Correct Answer: Aristotle

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Option A: Marxists

Option B: Anarchists

Option C: Individualists

Option D: All the above

Correct Answer: Individualists

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Option A: Trustees of people

Option B: A servant of people

Option C: A master of people

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Trustees of people

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Option A: Adam Smith

Option B: Laski

Option C: Herbert Spencer

Option D: Marx

Correct Answer: Herbert Spencer

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Option A: Eradicate class conflicts by assuming direction and control over economic policies

Option B: Provide for its citizens a minimum of material well being without destroying private initiative

Option C: Provide for its citizens a maximum of material well-being so as to ensure reconciliation of partisan objectives

Option D: Eradicate contradiction between political power and socio-economic justice

Correct Answer: Provide for its citizens a minimum of material well being without destroying private initiative

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Option A: Socialist Theory

Option B: Welfare Theory

Option C: Idealists

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Idealists

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Option A: Socialist state aims at bringing about peaceful changes

Option B: Welfare state

Option C: Totalitarian state

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Welfare state

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Option A: Hobbes

Option B: Locke

Option C: Laski

Option D: Marx

Correct Answer: Laski

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Option A: John Locke

Option B: Karl Marx

Option C: T.H. Green

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: John Locke

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Option A: The state

Option B: The individual himself

Option C: The Parliament

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: The individual himself

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Option A: The poor people

Option B: The middle classes

Option C: The workers

Option D: Intellectuals

Correct Answer: The workers

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Option A: Karl Marx

Option B: Lenin

Option C: Ramsay Muir

Option D: T.H. Green

Correct Answer: Ramsay Muir

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Option A: An evil

Option B: A necessary evil

Option C: A positive good

Option D: An idealist institution

Correct Answer: A necessary evil

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Option A: Democratic ideology

Option B: Totalitarian ideology

Option C: An elitist ideology

Option D: An aristocratic ideology

Correct Answer: Totalitarian ideology

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Option A: Of majority is promoted

Option B: Of minority is protected

Option C: Of State is promoted

Option D: Has nothing to do with politics

Correct Answer: Has nothing to do with politics

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Option A: To expand

Option B: To give economic prosperity to the people

Option C: To prserve private property of citizens

Option D: To promote dharma

Correct Answer: To promote dharma

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Option A: Sum-total of confused and incoherent opinions held by different groups of citizens

Option B: Unanimous opinion of all the citizens

Option C: A definite opinion, which is the result of a process of clarification and co-ordination of views held by different persons

Option D: Majority opinion

Correct Answer: A definite opinion, which is the result of a process of clarification and co-ordination of views held by different persons

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Option A: To preserve private property

Option B: To promote religion of people

Option C: To check exploitation

Option D: To check encroachments on fundamental rights

Correct Answer: To check exploitation

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Option A: Protects the interests of the poor

Option B: Gives maximum happiness to maximum number of people

Option C: Promotes exploitation of poor by the rich

Option D: Promotes moral welfare of the people

Correct Answer: Promotes exploitation of poor by the rich

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Option A: Welfare functions

Option B: Police functions

Option C: Optional functions

Option D: Maximum functions for human development

Correct Answer: Police functions

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Option A: Dictatorial rule of capitalist class

Option B: Rule of feudal class

Option C: Dictatorial rule of Working class

Option D: Dictatorial rule of a King

Correct Answer: Dictatorial rule of Working class

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Option A: Tom Paine

Option B: J.S.Mill

Option C: Karl Marx

Option D: Max Weber

Correct Answer: Karl Marx

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Option A: God’s will

Option B: Great Ideas

Option C: Great Personalities

Option D: Forces of Production

Correct Answer: Forces of Production

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Option A: Materialist Philosophy

Option B: Labour Theory of value

Option C: Concept of stateless society

Option D: Dialectical method

Correct Answer: Dialectical method

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Option A: Common good

Option B: Good of the poor people

Option C: And defends the interests propertied classes

Option D: Conditions which are conducive to man’s moral development

Correct Answer: And defends the interests propertied classes

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Option A: Socialism

Option B: Individualism

Option C: Idealism

Option D: Anarchism

Correct Answer: Anarchism

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Option A: The state has been created by God

Option B: The state has been created through a social contract

Option C: The state is growth, not a make

Option D: The state is based on the economic factor

Correct Answer: The state is based on the economic factor

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Option A: Capitalism

Option B: Communism

Option C: Feudalism

Option D: Communalism

Correct Answer: Communism

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Option A: Maintenance of law and order

Option B: Protection of weaker sections of society

Option C: Elimination of slavery

Option D: Suppression and exploitation of have notes

Correct Answer: Suppression and exploitation of have notes

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Option A: German Ideology

Option B: Communist Manifesto

Option C: Paris manuscripts

Option D: Poverty of Utopia

Correct Answer: Poverty of Utopia

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Option A: Max Weber

Option B: Marx

Option C: Hegel

Option D: J.S.Mill

Correct Answer: Marx

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Option A: Excessive value

Option B: Low price

Option C: High profit

Option D: Difference between wages and proceeds of sales

Correct Answer: Difference between wages and proceeds of sales

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Option A: Anti-Duhring

Option B: The Communist Manifesto

Option C: State and Revolution

Option D: German Ideology

Correct Answer: The Communist Manifesto

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Option A: State arises when there exploitation of labour by capital

Option B: State arises when class antagonism cannot be reconciled

Option C: State arises when population of the proletariat increases

Option D: State arises when the proletariat class tries to overthrow capitalist class

Correct Answer: State arises when there exploitation of labour by capital

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Option A: Materialistic aspect

Option B: Social and religious aspects

Option C: Political aspects

Option D: All the above

Correct Answer: Materialistic aspect

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Option A: Capitalist and socialists

Option B: Free men and slaves

Option C: Capitalist and worker

Option D: Patrician and Plebeian

Correct Answer: Capitalist and worker

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Option A: Hegel

Option B: Marx

Option C: Max Weber

Option D: Arendt

Correct Answer: Marx

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Option A: The state is man’s natural destination

Option B: The state is a necessary evil

Option C: The state is an instrument for the promotion of the welfare of the people

Option D: The states is a machine through which the ruling class imposes its will on the rest of the people

Correct Answer: The states is a machine through which the ruling class imposes its will on the rest of the people

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Option A: Plato

Option B: Marx

Option C: T.H. Green

Option D: Sorel

Correct Answer: Marx

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Option A: Labour theory of value

Option B: Theory of surplus value

Option C: Theory of class struggle

Option D: Principle of democratic-centralism

Correct Answer: Principle of democratic-centralism

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Option A: Marx and Engels jointly in Communist Manifesto

Option B: Karl Marx in Das Capital

Option C: Engels in the Origin of Family, Private Property and State

Option D: Lenin in State and Revolution

Correct Answer: Lenin in State and Revolution

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Option A: A divine institution

Option B: A natural institution

Option C: A man made institution

Option D: Result of evolution

Correct Answer: Result of evolution

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Option A: Dictatorship of proletariat, withering away of the state, socialism, communism

Option B: Dictatorship of proletariat, socialism, withering away of the state, communism

Option C: Socialism, dictatorship of the proletariat, withering away of the state, communism

Option D: Dictatorship of the proletariat, communism, withering away of the state, socialism

Correct Answer: Dictatorship of proletariat, socialism, withering away of the state, communism

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Option A: The state which will be established after the overthrow of the capitalist state as a transitory measure

Option B: A state in which the factory workers would control all the means of production and distribution

Option C: A state in which the real power will be in the hands of peasants and farmers

Option D: A stateless and classless society, which the Marxists ultimately wish to establish

Correct Answer: The state which will be established after the overthrow of the capitalist state as a transitory measure

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Option A: A divine institution

Option B: A natural institution

Option C: A man made institution

Option D: Result of evolution

Correct Answer: A man made institution

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Option A: Characterised by class struggle

Option B: A classless society

Option C: A class and co-operative society

Option D: Having only four classes

Correct Answer: A classless society

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Option A: Which will precede the final withering away of the state and establishment of a Communist State

Option B: Which will flow in the wake of the revolution

Option C: Of the final state of Communism

Option D: Prior to the creation of the state

Correct Answer: Prior to the creation of the state

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Option A: Might is right

Option B: Survival of the fittest

Option C: From each according to his needs

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Survival of the fittest

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Option A: Doing away with the state

Option B: Restricting the activities of state

Option C: Granting greater powers to state

Option D: Granting only military and police functions to the state

Correct Answer: Doing away with the state

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Option A: Promotion of common good

Option B: Doing away the inequalities existing in the society

Option C: Promotion of the interests of the dominating class

Option D: Protecting the weaker section of the society

Correct Answer: Promotion of the interests of the dominating class

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Option A: Considers state as a natural institution?

Option B: Considers state as a divine institution

Option C: Considers state as an instrument of class coercion

Option D: Considers state as the first condition of civilisation

Correct Answer: Considers state as the first condition of civilisation

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Option A: Marx

Option B: Lenin

Option C: Mao

Option D: Hegel

Correct Answer: Lenin

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Option A: Suppression of bourgeoisie

Option B: Guidance to the people regarding economic and social reconstruction

Option C: Inculcation of spirit of religion

Option D: To work for a classless and stateless society

Correct Answer: Inculcation of spirit of religion

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Option A: Suppression of majority by the minority

Option B: Suppression of minority by the majority

Option C: Putting an end to all types of suppression

Option D: Establishing cordial relations between various sections of society

Correct Answer: Suppression of minority by the majority

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Option A: Karl Marx in Das Capital

Option B: Marx and Engels jointly in Communist Manifesto

Option C: Engels in the Origin of Family, Private Property and State

Option D: Lenin in State and revolution

Correct Answer: Lenin in State and revolution

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Option A: Oppression of one class by another

Option B: Protection of weaker sections

Option C: Elimination of inequalities

Option D: Removal of disparities

Correct Answer: Oppression of one class by another

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Option A: To establish an omnipotent state

Option B: To establish a very weak state

Option C: To establish a state which is run in accordance with the wishes of people

Option D: Stateless society

Correct Answer: Stateless society

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Option A: To bring about revolution for the overthrow of capitalist system

Option B: To promote Marxian ideology by regulation of education, art, culture, etc.

Option C: To impart compulsory military training to all able-bodied persons

Option D: To improve the health of the people

Correct Answer: To promote Marxian ideology by regulation of education, art, culture, etc.

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Option A: Educating the people about the evils of the capitalist state

Option B: Securing majority in elections

Option C: Constant discussion and persuasion

Option D: Violent revolution

Correct Answer: Violent revolution

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Option A: People are not granted any political freedom

Option B: Power is in the hands of the politicians

Option C: Elections are held after long interval

Option D: Power is in the hands of rich classes

Correct Answer: Power is in the hands of rich classes

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Option A: In the fourteenth century

Option B: Towards the close of eighteenth century

Option C: In the middle of the nineteenth century

Option D: Only after people took to cultivation

Correct Answer: Towards the close of eighteenth century

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Option A: Maintenance of law and order

Option B: Protection of weaker sections

Option C: Elimination of slavery

Option D: Suppression and exploitation of slaves

Correct Answer: Suppression and exploitation of slaves

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Option A: Preceded the creation of the state

Option B: Followed the creation of the state

Option C: Did not exist at all

Option D: None of the prove

Correct Answer: Preceded the creation of the state

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Option A: In the primitive society itself

Option B: After man started leading settled life and took to cultivation

Option C: After the industrial revolution

Option D: After the rise of nation state

Correct Answer: After man started leading settled life and took to cultivation

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Option A: The King

Option B: The priests

Option C: All the people

Option D: Military leaders

Correct Answer: All the people

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Option A: Force

Option B: Written laws

Option C: Religious rules

Option D: Conventions and customs

Correct Answer: Conventions and customs

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Option A: T.H. Green

Option B: Plato

Option C: Marx

Option D: Frederik Engels

Correct Answer: Frederik Engels

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Option A: State is the march of God on earth

Option B: State is an instrument of Exploitation

Option C: State is a Necessary Evil

Option D: State is a coordinating agency

Correct Answer: State is an instrument of Exploitation

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Option A: State is a welfare institution

Option B: State is a class structure

Option C: State is an instrument of emancipation

Option D: State is a positive good

Correct Answer: State is a class structure

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Option A: Aristotle

Option B: Plato

Option C: Max Weber

Option D: Frederik Engels

Correct Answer: Frederik Engels

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Option A: Both the social contract

Option B: A social contract

Option C: A political contract

Option D: A legal contract

Correct Answer: Both the social contract

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Option A: Growth of population and property

Option B: Emergence of strong religious and military classes

Option C: Fear of foreign danger and need of a strong ruler to protect them

Option D: Growth of property and fear of revolution

Correct Answer: Growth of population and property

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Option A: A period of peace and happiness

Option B: A period of constant warfare

Option C: A period of great uncertainty

Option D: A period of selfishness

Correct Answer: A period of peace and happiness

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Option A: Fear and religion

Option B: Self-interest and fear

Option C: Self-preservation and sympathy towards others

Option D: Protection of life and property

Correct Answer: Self-preservation and sympathy towards others

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Option A: Britain

Option B: Germany

Option C: France

Option D: Russia

Correct Answer: France

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Option A: Social Contract

Option B: Origin of the Species

Option C: Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire

Option D: Modern State

Correct Answer: Social Contract

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Option A: Each individual surrendered his powers to the King

Option B: Each individual surrendered his powers to the Parliament

Option C: Each individual surrendered his powers to the Community

Option D: Each person received certain rights from the King

Correct Answer: Each individual surrendered his powers to the Community

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Option A: Popular Sovereignty

Option B: Individual Sovereignty

Option C: Political Sovereignty

Option D: Legal Sovereignty

Correct Answer: Popular Sovereignty

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