
Political Science MCQs

Option A: It became very strong

Option B: It became very weak

Option C: It helped in the growth of strong state

Option D: It began to perform some functions of the state

Correct Answer: It became very weak

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Option A: Vassal was not obliged to render any military service

Option B: Concept of nation was not known to the individual

Option C: There was no uniform system of law

Option D: There was hierarchy of authority

Correct Answer: Vassal was not obliged to render any military service

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Option A: In it everything developed around personality of nobles

Option B: Wealth was linked with landed property

Option C: Feudal had no interest in political life

Option D: Feudal lord divided his land as he liked

Correct Answer: Feudal had no interest in political life

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Option A: It proved that large states could be administered properly

Option B: It proved that large states could remain stable

Option C: That it failed to establish a universal code of law

Option D: It scarified individual liberty

Correct Answer: That it failed to establish a universal code of law

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Option A: Conquest of territories

Option B: A highly centralised administrative system

Option C: The despotic emperor

Option D: The state did not come under the influence of the emperor

Correct Answer: The state did not come under the influence of the emperor

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Option A: The state looked after the welfare of the people

Option B: A sizeable population consisted of slaves

Option C: All states followed monarchical system

Option D: The size of the state used to be small

Correct Answer: All states followed monarchical system

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Option A: Little concerned with the life of the people

Option B: It did not try to establish mora values of the people

Option C: It touched every aspect of human life

Option D: In was indifferent to the needs of the people

Correct Answer: It touched every aspect of human life

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Option A: It helped in the evolution of political institutions

Option B: It developed in quality of obedience

Option C: The authority was obeyed as long as it was strong

Option D: The chief looked after all welfare activities in the state

Correct Answer: The chief looked after all welfare activities in the state

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Option A: On high mountains

Option B: Valleys of the rivers

Option C: Near sea shores

Option D: Near the jungles

Correct Answer: Valleys of the rivers

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Option A: Well developed

Option B: Rudimentary

Option C: Based on sound footings

Option D: Properly organised

Correct Answer: Rudimentary

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Option A: Majority will

Option B: Minority will

Option C: The king

Option D: Actual will

Correct Answer: General will

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Option A: The writings of Machiavelli

Option B: The philosophy of Bodin

Option C: Civil War of England

Option D: The French Revolution

Correct Answer: The French Revolution

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Option A: Is created by God

Option B: Is a growth

Option C: Is created by contract

Option D: Is the result of human conquest

Correct Answer: Is created by contract

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Option A: Religion

Option B: Economic factor

Option C: Political consciousness

Option D: Kinship

Correct Answer: Class consciousness

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Option A: The state is a natural institution

Option B: The state is gradual evolution

Option C: The state was created by God

Option D: The state is the result of a contract

Correct Answer: The state is the result of a contract

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Option A: Theory of Divine origin

Option B: Force theory

Option C: Patriarchal and matriarchal theory

Option D: Social contract theory

Correct Answer: Evolutionary theory

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Option A: Hegel

Option B: Green

Option C: Hobbes

Option D: Bodin

Correct Answer: Hobbes

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Option A: Hobbes

Option B: Herbert Spencer

Option C: Locke

Option D: Rousseau

Correct Answer: Herbert Spencer

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Option A: Expansion of families

Option B: Handiwork of God

Option C: Outcome of force

Option D: A sudden revolution

Correct Answer: Growth and evolution

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Option A: Population

Option B: Territory

Option C: Industry

Option D: Religion

Correct Answer: Industry

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Option A: Hobbes

Option B: Locke

Option C: Rousseau

Option D: Marx

Correct Answer: Hobbes

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Option A: Sir Henry Maine

Option B: Sir Fredrick Pollock

Option C: Bluntschli

Option D: Sedgwick

Correct Answer: Sir Fredrick Pollock

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Option A: God

Option B: People

Option C: Constitutional monarchy

Option D: Church

Correct Answer: God

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Option A: Police functions

Option B: Welfare functions

Option C: Supervisory functions

Option D: Military functions

Correct Answer: Welfare functions

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Option A: Karl Marx

Option B: St. Augustine

Option C: Plato

Option D: Bernard Shah

Correct Answer: Plato

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Option A: T.H. Green

Option B: Plato

Option C: Rousseau

Option D: Hobbes

Correct Answer: T.H. Green

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Option A: Complementary

Option B: Complimentary

Option C: Contradictory

Option D: Indifferent

Correct Answer: Complementary

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Option A: Natural Rights

Option B: Political consciousness

Option C: Economic needs

Option D: Desire to live in peace

Correct Answer: Natural Rights

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Option A: Social instinct

Option B: Kinship

Option C: Private property

Option D: Desire to live in peace

Correct Answer: Private property

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Option A: Gilchrist

Option B: Friedrich

Option C: Aristotle

Option D: Ebenstein

Correct Answer: Gilchrist

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Option A: Sir Henry Maine

Option B: T.H. Green

Option C: Bentham

Option D: Sorel

Correct Answer: Sir Henry Maine

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Option A: Majority will

Option B: Sum total of good wills

Option C: Sum total of bad wills

Option D: Sum total of the will of minority

Correct Answer: Sum total of good wills

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Option A: There was need to interpret law

Option B: Private property came as a serpent

Option C: Social laws began to be disrespected

Option D: Man became nasty.

Correct Answer: Private property came as a serpent

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Option A: Noble savage

Option B: Nasty and brutish

Option C: Peace loving and law abiding

Option D: Quarrelsome

Correct Answer: Noble savage

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Option A: Industrial Revolution

Option B: French Revolution

Option C: Glorious Revolution

Option D: Glorious Revolution

Correct Answer: French Revolution

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Option A: Patriarchal theory

Option B: Theory of Divine origin

Option C: Theory of force

Option D: Theory of General Will

Correct Answer: Theory of General Will

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Option A: England

Option B: Germany

Option C: France

Option D: Switzerland

Correct Answer: Switzerland

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Option A: Was above all laws

Option B: Was bound by the laws given by him

Option C: Was main source of original laws

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Was bound by the laws given by him

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Option A: To enact laws

Option B: To amend already existing laws

Option C: To interpret laws

Option D: To enforce laws

Correct Answer: To interpret laws

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Option A: To protect the property of the people

Option B: To collect land revenue

Option C: To maintain good transport system

Option D: To encourage formation of associations

Correct Answer: To protect the property of the people

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Option A: Elected

Option B: Nominated

Option C: Sent by God

Option D: A high priest

Correct Answer: Elected

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Option A: Nasty man was to be crushed

Option B: Private property came as a serpent

Option C: There was need to interpret laws

Option D: None of the above reasons

Correct Answer: There was need to interpret laws

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Option A: Uncivilised

Option B: Nasty and brutish

Option C: Peace loving

Option D: Respected no code of conduct.

Correct Answer: Peace loving

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Option A: Absolute monarchy

Option B: Dictatorship

Option C: Presidential form of Government

Option D: Constitutional monarchy

Correct Answer: Constitutional monarchy

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Option A: French Revolution

Option B: Industrial Revolution

Option C: Glorious Revolution

Option D: Reformation

Correct Answer: Glorious Revolution

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Option A: England

Option B: France

Option C: Switzerland

Option D: Germany

Correct Answer: England

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Option A: Natural rights

Option B: No natural rights

Option C: Natural rights were partly enjoyed by the people

Option D: Natural rights already enjoyed by the people were abolished

Correct Answer: Natural rights

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Option A: Sovereign came out of state of nature

Option B: Sovereign remained in the state of nature

Option C: Sovereign was not effected at all

Option D: Sovereign was subordinated to the people

Correct Answer: Sovereign remained in the state of nature

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Option A: Party to the contract

Option B: Above the contract

Option C: Below the people

Option D: To be elected in a democratic manner

Correct Answer: Above the contract

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Option A: Hobbes

Option B: Locke

Option C: Henry Maine

Option D: Laski

Correct Answer: Hobbes

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Option A: Pre-social

Option B: Post-social

Option C: Socially respectable

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Post-social

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Option A: Lived harmoniously

Option B: Quarrelled with each other

Option C: Had regard for judicial system

Option D: Respected each other’s rights

Correct Answer: Quarrelled with each other

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Option A: Very law abiding

Option B: Nasty and brutish

Option C: Cultured and mannered

Option D: Selfless and had fellow feelings

Correct Answer: Nasty and brutish

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Option A: Divine Origin

Option B: Patriarchal

Option C: Matriarchal

Option D: Evolutionary

Correct Answer: Social Contract

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Option A: Bentham

Option B: J.S.Mill

Option C: James Mill

Option D: T.H.Green

Correct Answer: T.H.Green

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Option A: Rousseau

Option B: Locke

Option C: Hegel

Option D: Marx

Correct Answer: Hegel

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Option A: Jenks

Option B: Herbert Spencer

Option C: Leacock

Option D: Triestchki

Correct Answer: Triestchki

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Option A: Locke

Option B: Rousseau

Option C: Burke

Option D: G.B. Vico

Correct Answer: Rousseau

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Option A: Hobbes

Option B: Locke

Option C: Rousseau

Option D: David Hume

Correct Answer: Rousseau

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Option A: Milton

Option B: Spinoza

Option C: Locke

Option D: Rousseau

Correct Answer: Locke

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Option A: Hitler

Option B: Stalin

Option C: Churchill

Option D: Roosevelt

Correct Answer: Hitler

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Option A: Syndicalists

Option B: Fabian socialists

Option C: Marxists

Option D: Individualists

Correct Answer: Individualists

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Option A: There was no relation between the church and the states

Option B: Church was inferior to state

Option C: Church was superior to state

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Church was superior to state

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Option A: Patriarchal theory

Option B: Matriarchal theory

Option C: Theory of Divine origin

Option D: Force theory

Correct Answer: Force theory

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Option A: Leacock

Option B: Gettell

Option C: Gilchrist

Option D: Fenwick

Correct Answer: Leacock

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Option A: Sir Henry Maine

Option B: Edward Jenks

Option C: St. Paul

Option D: Morgan

Correct Answer: St. Paul

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Option A: St. Paul

Option B: St. Aquinas

Option C: Duguit

Option D: Plato

Correct Answer: Duguit

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Option A: Social contract

Option B: Force

Option C: Expansion of families

Option D: Handiwork of God

Correct Answer: Expansion of families

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Option A: Feudal lords

Option B: Church fathers

Option C: Common men

Option D: The rich traders

Correct Answer: Church fathers

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Option A: State grew with the passage of time

Option B: God give state

Option C: State is expansion of families

Option D: State was result of an understanding between God and people

Correct Answer: God give state

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Option A: Church gave state

Option B: State is the march of God on earth

Option C: State was theresult of human efforts

Option D: State grew with the passage of time

Correct Answer: State is the march of God on earth

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Option A: Population, Religion, Government and Force

Option B: Population, Territory, Government

Option C: Kinship, Religion, Force and Political Consciousness

Option D: Religion, Force, Territory and Government

Correct Answer: Kinship, Religion, Force and Political Consciousness

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Option A: Rule by Kind

Option B: Belief in common blood relationship

Option C: Belief in divinity of Kind

Option D: Association with peoples of the same region

Correct Answer: Belief in common blood relationship

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Option A: Reverence and obedience

Option B: Faith and Power

Option C: Faith in heaven and hell

Option D: Superstition and faith in god

Correct Answer: Reverence and obedience

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Option A: Social Contract

Option B: Divine Origin

Option C: Force theory

Option D: Historical theory

Correct Answer: Historical theory

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Option A: Greek city-state

Option B: Oriental Empire

Option C: Roman Empire

Option D: Feudal State

Correct Answer: Oriental Empire

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Option A: Fear of God

Option B: Despotism of King

Option C: Sweet will of the people

Option D: Laws of nature

Correct Answer: Despotism of King

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Option A: One the sea coasts

Option B: In the fertile valleys

Option C: On the banks of rivers

Option D: In Europe

Correct Answer: In the fertile valleys

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Option A: A political organization which existed before the creation of the state

Option B: The state, which are ruled by the Kings of the same tribe

Option C: The states possessing population from the same tribe

Option D: The states which have majority of tribal population

Correct Answer: A political organization which existed before the creation of the state

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Option A: China

Option B: India

Option C: Rome

Option D: Greece

Correct Answer: Greece

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Option A: Believed in arbitrary rule

Option B: Granted feeedom to all the people

Option C: Granted freedom only to the citizens

Option D: Granted freedom to citizen as well as aliens

Correct Answer: Granted freedom only to the citizens

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Option A: A Highly centralized administration

Option B: Complete autonomy for its units

Option C: Division of powers between the centre and state

Option D: Popular Assemblies

Correct Answer: A Highly centralized administration

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Option A: Individual liberty

Option B: Autonomy of units

Option C: Introduction of democracy

Option D: Universal code of law

Correct Answer: Universal code of law

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Option A: Unity, uniformity of law, sovereign organisation and world peace

Option B: Unity, individual freedom, democratic system and patriotism

Option C: Popular Assemblies, democracy, individual freedom and sovereignty

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Unity, uniformity of law, sovereign organisation and world peace

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Option A: Merit

Option B: Principle of heredity

Option C: Draw of lots

Option D: Highest bidding

Correct Answer: Principle of heredity

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Option A: Scientific advancement

Option B: Revival of ancient culture

Option C: Growth of national consciousness

Option D: Growing importance of religion

Correct Answer: Growth of national consciousness

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Option A: Urge to civilize the backward people

Option B: Urge to propagate christianity

Option C: To make use of the resources of colonies for mother country

Option D: To collect foodstuffs which were badly needed by their people

Correct Answer: To make use of the resources of colonies for mother country

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Option A: Tribal state, Greek-city state, Roman Empire, Feudal state and Modern state

Option B: Greek city-state, Tribal state, Feudal state, Roman state and Modern State

Option C: Greek city-state, Tribal state, Roman state, Fedudal state and Modern state

Option D: Tribal state, Greek city-state, Feudal state, Roman state and Modern state

Correct Answer: Tribal state, Greek-city state, Roman Empire, Feudal state and Modern state

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Option A: Lenin

Option B: Winston Churchill

Option C: Hitler

Option D: Mahatma Gandhi

Correct Answer: Hitler

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Option A: Karl Marx

Option B: Wright

Option C: Vaughan

Option D: T.H. Green

Correct Answer: Karl Marx

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Option A: Natural State Theory

Option B: Social Contract Theory

Option C: Monarchical Theory

Option D: Patriarcal Theory

Correct Answer: Monarchical Theory

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Option A: Anarchy

Option B: Growth of political consciousness

Option C: Their desire to preserve private property

Option D: Their desire to preserve individual liberty

Correct Answer: Anarchy

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Option A: Hobbes and Locke

Option B: Lenin and Marx

Option C: Plato and Aristotle

Option D: Burgess and Leacock

Correct Answer: Burgess and Leacock

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Option A: Right of life

Option B: Right to liberty

Option C: Right to property

Option D: Right to work

Correct Answer: Right to work

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Option A: Hobbes

Option B: Locke

Option C: Rousseau

Option D: Karl Marx

Correct Answer: Hobbes

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Option A: Laski

Option B: Garner

Option C: Hegel

Option D: T.H. Green

Correct Answer: Laski

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Option A: A police state

Option B: A welfare state

Option C: A laissez faire state

Option D: Autocratic state

Correct Answer: A welfare state

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Option A: Divine Origin Theory

Option B: Force Theory

Option C: Social Contract Theory

Option D: Historical Theory

Correct Answer: Social Contract Theory

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Option A: Force Theory

Option B: Divine Origin Theory

Option C: Social Contract Theory

Option D: Evolutionary Theory

Correct Answer: Social Contract Theory

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Option A: George III of England

Option B: Napoleon of France

Option C: James II of England

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: James II of England

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