
Political Science MCQs

Option A: The President

Option B: The Prime Minister

Option C: The Attorney General

Option D: The Chief Justice

Correct Answer: The Prime Minister

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Option A: 900 members

Option B: 100 members

Option C: 12 members

Option D: 1300 members

Correct Answer: 12 members

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Option A: One year

Option B: Two years

Option C: Three years

Option D: Four years

Correct Answer: One year

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Option A: One month

Option B: Two months

Option C: Three months

Option D: Four months

Correct Answer: One month

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Option A: 5 years

Option B: 6 years

Option C: 7 years

Option D: 9 years

Correct Answer: 5 years

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Option A: The Chairman

Option B: The Deputy Chariman

Option C: The Speaker

Option D: The Deputy Speaker

Correct Answer: The Speaker

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Option A: 350 members

Option B: 465 members

Option C: 558 members

Option D: 659 members

Correct Answer: 659 members

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Option A: House of Representatives

Option B: House of Commons

Option C: House of Lords

Option D: Senet

Correct Answer: House of Commons

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Option A: The President

Option B: The Prime Minister

Option C: The Attorney General

Option D: The Chief Justice

Correct Answer: The Prime Minister

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Option A: 900 members

Option B: 1100 members

Option C: 1200 members

Option D: 1300 members

Correct Answer: 1200 members

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Option A: The House of Lords

Option B: The House of Commons

Option C: The Cabinet

Option D: The Ministry

Correct Answer: The House of Lords

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Option A: One year

Option B: Two years

Option C: Three years

Option D: Four years

Correct Answer: One year

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Option A: One year

Option B: Two years

Option C: Three years

Option D: Four years

Correct Answer: Two years

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Option A: Equaled the two houses

Option B: Pitted the two houses against each other

Option C: Established the Superiority of House of Commons

Option D: Established the Superiority of the House of Lords

Correct Answer: Established the Superiority of House of Commons

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Option A: The Queen

Option B: The speaker

Option C: The Lord Chancellor

Option D: The Governor

Correct Answer: The Lord Chancellor

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Option A: The Speaker

Option B: The Lord Chancellor

Option C: The Queen

Option D: The Prime Minister

Correct Answer: The Speaker

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Option A: 2nd Chamber of the British Parliament

Option B: 3rd Chamber of the British Parliament

Option C: 4th Chamber of the British Parliament

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: 2nd Chamber of the British Parliament

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Option A: The House of Lords

Option B: The House of Commons

Option C: The Queen

Option D: The Parliament

Correct Answer: The Queen

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Option A: Statute of West Minister Act 1831

Option B: Appellate Jurisdiction Act 1871

Option C: Parliament Act of 1911

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Appellate Jurisdiction Act 1871

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Option A: Two archbishops

Option B: Three archbishops

Option C: Four archbishops

Option D: Five archbishops

Correct Answer: Two archbishops

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Option A: Lords Spiritual

Option B: Lords Privy

Option C: Lords Magnificent

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Lords Spiritual

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Option A: Unicameral

Option B: Bicameral

Option C: Tri-cameral

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Bicameral

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Option A: Jan-73

Option B: Feb-73

Option C: Mar-75

Option D: Apr-75

Correct Answer: Jan-73

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Option A: The Judiciary

Option B: The Parliament

Option C: The Cabinet

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: The Parliament

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Option A: The British Parliament

Option B: The American Parliament

Option C: The French Parliament

Option D: The Russian Parliament

Correct Answer: The British Parliament

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Option A: The Parliament

Option B: The Queen in Parliament

Option C: The Prime Minister in Parliament

Option D: The Speaker in Parliament

Correct Answer: The Queen in Parliament

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Option A: Enforced

Option B: Taken away

Option C: Limited

Option D: Enhanced

Correct Answer: Taken away

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Option A: Has force of law

Option B: Do not have force of Law

Option C: Hoave the sanction behind the rule of Law

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: Do not have force of Law

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Option A: Is the Prime Minister

Option B: Parliamentary internal affairs committee

Option C: King or Queen of Great Britain

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: Is the Prime Minister

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Option A: His own party

Option B: House of Lords

Option C: House of commons

Option D: Parliament

Correct Answer: House of commons

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Option A: 1924

Option B: 1932

Option C: 1936

Option D: 1942

Correct Answer: 1924

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Option A: A free hand

Option B: To consult King or Queen

Option C: Has to consult parliament

Option D: To consult his party

Correct Answer: A free hand

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Option A: From House of Commons

Option B: From House of Lords

Option C: From Privy Council

Option D: Chamber of King

Correct Answer: From House of Lords

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Option A: Lord Asquith

Option B: Winston Churchill

Option C: Lord Asmey

Option D: Walpole

Correct Answer: Walpole

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Option A: A law making body

Option B: Governing body

Option C: A law interpreting body

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: A law making body

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Option A: 1971

Option B: 1981

Option C: 1991

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: 1981

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Option A: Conservative Party won there regular terms

Option B: Conservative Party won two regular terms

Option C: Conservative Party won five regular terms

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: Conservative Party won there regular terms

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Option A: The Annual Conference

Option B: Central Executive Committee

Option C: Political Bureau

Option D: National Council

Correct Answer: The Annual Conference

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Option A: 20 members

Option B: 25 members

Option C: 30 members

Option D: 45 members

Correct Answer: 25 members

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Option A: Public property

Option B: Private property

Option C: Public and private property

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: Private property

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Option A: 4 years

Option B: 5 years

Option C: 6 years

Option D: 7 years

Correct Answer: 5 years

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Option A: Absolutely fixed

Option B: Is not absolutely fixed

Option C: Conventionally fixed

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: Is not absolutely fixed

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Option A: The duration of the House of Commons ws 11 years

Option B: The duration of the House of Commons was 8 years

Option C: The duration of the House of Commons was 7 years

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: The duration of the House of Commons was 7 years

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Option A: 625

Option B: 626

Option C: 628

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: 625

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Option A: Upper chamber of British Parliament

Option B: Middle chamber of Irish Parliament

Option C: Lower chamber of Indian Parliament

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: None of them

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Option A: Committee formation

Option B: Lobbying

Option C: Parliamentary secretaries

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: Lobbying

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Option A: The upper chamber

Option B: The lower chamber

Option C: The middle chamber

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: The upper chamber

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Option A: On a wooden chair

Option B: On a cemented flat form

Option C: On a wool sack

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: On a wool sack

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Option A: 1782 to 1828

Option B: 1727 to 1828

Option C: 1728 to 1829

Option D: 1727 to 1828

Correct Answer: 1727 to 1828

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Option A: Of House of Commons

Option B: Of Privy Council

Option C: Of Financial committee of Parliament

Option D: Of the House of Lords

Correct Answer: Of Privy Council

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Option A: Elective

Option B: Selective

Option C: Hereditary

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: None of them

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Option A: Observed

Option B: Imposed

Option C: Limited

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: Limited

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Option A: Is sovereignty

Option B: Authoritarian ship

Option C: Dictotor ship

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: Is sovereignty

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Option A: American Parliament

Option B: Swiss Parliament

Option C: English Parliament

Option D: Mexican Parliament

Correct Answer: English Parliament

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Option A: During First World War

Option B: During the War of the Boires

Option C: During the War against Argentina

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: During First World War

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Option A: Labour Party

Option B: Conservative Party

Option C: Social democratic party

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: Conservative Party

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Option A: No say in the making of foreign policy

Option B: A great say in the making of foreign policy

Option C: An advisory status in the making of foreign policy

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: A great say in the making of foreign policy

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Option A: To commit for the contempt of their rights beyond the session

Option B: To commit for the contempt of rights only for an year

Option C: To commit for the contempt of their right for two years

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: To commit for the contempt of their rights beyond the session

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Option A: No connection

Option B: A connection

Option C: An essential connection

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: No connection

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Option A: 1955

Option B: 1957

Option C: 1958

Option D: 1980

Correct Answer: 1955

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Option A: 1858

Option B: 1758

Option C: 1958

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: 1958

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Option A: Lords magnificent

Option B: Lord Privy

Option C: Lords spiritual

Option D: Lords Secular

Correct Answer: Lords spiritual

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Option A: Exclusively hereditary

Option B: Not exclusively hereditary

Option C: Elected

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: Not exclusively hereditary

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Option A: Prominent character of English Parliament

Option B: A limitation of English Parliament

Option C: Democratic function of English Parliament

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: A limitation of English Parliament

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Option A: Unicameral House

Option B: Tri-cameral House

Option C: Bicomeral House

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: Bicomeral House

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Option A: The Acts of 1832, 1867 and 1864

Option B: The Acts of 1911 and 1949

Option C: The Acts of 1918 and 1928

Option D: The Acts of 1932 and 1947

Correct Answer: The Acts of 1918 and 1928

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Option A: Mr. Macmillan

Option B: Sir Anthony Eden

Option C: Mr. Walpole

Option D: Mr. Winston Churchill

Correct Answer: Mr. Walpole

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Option A: Un-chambered system

Option B: Tri-chambered system

Option C: Bi-chambered system

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Tri-chambered system

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Option A: 1628

Option B: 1215

Option C: 1678

Option D: 1879

Correct Answer: 1215

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Option A: The theory of separation

Option B: Checks and balances

Option C: Gap between the theory and practive

Option D: Judicial review

Correct Answer: Gap between the theory and practive

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Option A: Written Character

Option B: Convention-ridden

Option C: The theory of separation

Option D: Federal Character

Correct Answer: Convention-ridden

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Option A: Parish

Option B: Sub-division

Option C: Town

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: Parish

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Option A: 1931

Option B: 1932

Option C: 1933

Option D: 1934

Correct Answer: 1931

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Option A: 1980

Option B: 1917

Option C: 1899

Option D: 1900

Correct Answer: 1900

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Option A: Is a first class legislation

Option B: Sub-ordinate legislation

Option C: Special class of legislation

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Sub-ordinate legislation

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Option A: Four hold control over finance

Option B: Three fold control over finance

Option C: Two fold control over finance

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: Four hold control over finance

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Option A: From 1721 to 1742

Option B: From 1751 to 1772

Option C: From 1851 to 1868

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: From 1721 to 1742

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Option A: 1% of the total British budget

Option B: 2% of the total British budget

Option C: 5% of the total British budget

Option D: 7% of the total British budget

Correct Answer: 1% of the total British budget

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Option A: The Duke of Edinburgh

Option B: The King

Option C: The Prime Minister

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: The Duke of Edinburgh

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Option A: The Queen is immune from the jurisdiction of law

Option B: The Queen has no power of ruling

Option C: The Queen has immense power of ruling

Option D: The Queen is above law

Correct Answer: The Queen is immune from the jurisdiction of law

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Option A: The Home Secretary

Option B: The Speaker

Option C: The Deputy Speaker

Option D: The Lord Chancellor

Correct Answer: The Lord Chancellor

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Option A: Protestant

Option B: Communist

Option C: Catholic

Option D: Buddhist

Correct Answer: Protestant

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Option A: 4 years

Option B: 5 years

Option C: 6 years

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: 5 years

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Option A: Parliament

Option B: Conventions

Option C: Queen

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Parliament

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Option A: Election reforms

Option B: The powers of the king

Option C: Franchise

Option D: The powers of the Lords

Correct Answer: Franchise

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Option A: The Lord Chancellor

Option B: The Prime Minister

Option C: The Deputy Speaker

Option D: The Home Secretary

Correct Answer: The Home Secretary

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Option A: The House of Lords

Option B: The House of Commons

Option C: The House of representatives

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: The House of Commons

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Option A: Equated the two houses

Option B: Pitted the two houses against each other

Option C: Established the superiority of House of Commons

Option D: Established the superiority of House of Lords

Correct Answer: Established the superiority of House of Commons

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Option A: One party system

Option B: One dominant party system

Option C: Two party system

Option D: Multi party system

Correct Answer: Two party system

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Option A: The Powers of the House of Lords

Option B: Protection of Judges from arbitrary removal

Option C: Imprisonment without legal justification

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: Protection of Judges from arbitrary removal

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Option A: Five Lords

Option B: Seven Lords

Option C: Nine Lords

Option D: Ten Lords

Correct Answer: Ten Lords

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Option A: The High Court

Option B: The Crown Court

Option C: The House of Lords

Option D: The County Court

Correct Answer: The House of Lords

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Option A: The Lord Chancellor

Option B: The Lord Chief Justice

Option C: The Justice of Peace

Option D: Stipendiary Magistrate

Correct Answer: The Lord Chief Justice

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Option A: The Lord Chancellor

Option B: The Lord Chief Justice

Option C: The Justice of the Peace

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: The Lord Chancellor

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Option A: Master of the Rolls

Option B: Lord Chancellor

Option C: Lord Chief Justice

Option D: Stipendiary Magistrate

Correct Answer: Master of the Rolls

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Option A: Minor Courts

Option B: Country Courts

Option C: Juvenile Courts

Option D: Old Bailey

Correct Answer: Juvenile Courts

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Option A: Two Judges

Option B: Three Judges

Option C: Five Judges

Option D: Seven Judges

Correct Answer: Three Judges

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Option A: Two times a year

Option B: Three times a year

Option C: Four times a year

Option D: Five times a year

Correct Answer: Three times a year

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Option A: Two times a year

Option B: Three times a year

Option C: Four times a year

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: Four times a year

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Option A: The Lord Chancellor

Option B: The Home Secretary

Option C: The Prime Minister

Option D: The Queen

Correct Answer: The Home Secretary

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