
Public Opinion MCQs

Option A: J.S. Mill

Option B: Roucek

Option C: Lord Bryce

Option D: Laski

Correct Answer: Lord Bryce

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Option A: Britain

Option B: Germany

Option C: Sweden

Option D: U.S.A.

Correct Answer: U.S.A.

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Option A: U.S.A.

Option B: U.S.S.R.

Option C: India

Option D: All the above

Correct Answer: A. U.S.A.

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Option A: Public opinion is necessarily majority opinion

Option B: Public opinion is the opinion of all the people of the society

Option C: Public opinion is opposed to common good

Option D: Public opinion is the reasoned and conscious opinion of the dominant action of community based on the ideal of general welfare and common-good

Correct Answer: Public opinion is the reasoned and conscious opinion of the dominant action of community based on the ideal of general welfare and common-good

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Option A: Bryce

Option B: Barker

Option C: Garner

Option D: Graham Wallas

Correct Answer: Bryce

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Option A: The Press

Option B: Eeducational Institutions

Option C: Political Parties

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: None of the above

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Option A: Unscrupulous press

Option B: Superstition and conservatism

Option C: Absence of civil liberties

Option D: Educational institutions

Correct Answer: Educational institutions

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Option A: Enacting laws

Option B: By prescribing the duties of citizens

Option C: By granting rights

Option D: By focusing public attention on various problems facing the country during the course of parliamentary debates

Correct Answer: By focusing public attention on various problems facing the country during the course of parliamentary debates

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Option A: These help in maintaining link between the people and the representatives

Option B: These provide political education to common man

Option C: These focus attention of the people on international political issues

Option D: These highlight failings and faltering of each other

Correct Answer: These help in maintaining link between the people and the representatives

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Option A: The government should be coalition one

Option B: The government should be non-aligned

Option C: The government should bot control mass media

Option D: There should be single party system

Correct Answer: The government should bot control mass media

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Option A: Disparity in wealth

Option B: Right to leisure

Option C: Lethargy of the people

Option D: Illiteracy

Correct Answer: Right to leisure

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Option A: Press should be made free

Option B: Illiteracy may be removed

Option C: Economic inequality may be wiped out

Option D: Committed education should be encouraged

Correct Answer: Committed education should be encouraged

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Option A: It is an important organ of government

Option B: It has the respobsibility of enacting laws

Option C: It practically controls the executive

Option D: It consists of elected representatives of the people

Correct Answer: It consists of elected representatives of the people

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Option A: It is committed to the policies of the government

Option B: It is free and impartial

Option C: It supports the cause of the weaker sections

Option D: It is highly critical of government policies

Correct Answer: It is free and impartial

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Option A: Propaganda of radio, relevision and cinema

Option B: A dishonest and mischievous press

Option C: Progagands of political parties

Option D: Religious institutions

Correct Answer: A dishonest and mischievous press

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Option A: It has direct appeal

Option B: It is the best way to win the support of the educated people

Option C: It can influence comparatively larger number of people

Option D: It has wider appeal

Correct Answer: It has direct appeal

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Option A: Propagating their own programme

Option B: By criticizing the government

Option C: By acquainting the people with important public questions

Option D: By keeping direct contact with the people

Correct Answer: By acquainting the people with important public questions

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Option A: Imparting education

Option B: By paying attention to the physical and mental development of students

Option C: By inculcating moral qualities

Option D: By cultivating habit of independent thinking and formulating correct opinion

Correct Answer: By cultivating habit of independent thinking and formulating correct opinion

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Option A: Are generally opposed to each other

Option B: Generally conform to each other

Option C: There is no relationship between the two

Option D: Law creates the public opinion

Correct Answer: Law creates the public opinion

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Option A: It shapes the policies of the government and exercises control over it

Option B: It works for the prosperity of the community

Option C: It protects the people

Option D: It ensures independence of judiciary

Correct Answer: It shapes the policies of the government and exercises control over it

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Option A: Educational institutions

Option B: Religious institution

Option C: Trade associations

Option D: Press and radio

Correct Answer: Press and radio

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Option A: The aggregate of all identical personal opinions on a specific issue

Option B: The sum-total of the opinions of a majority

Option C: The aggregate of personal opinions held by certain influential individuals

Option D: Politically significant views shared and voiced by relatively large segments in a political community

Correct Answer: The aggregate of all identical personal opinions on a specific issue

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Option A: Barker

Option B: Garner

Option C: MacIver

Option D: Gettell

Correct Answer: Gettell

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Option A: Free press

Option B: Political Parties

Option C: Poverty of the people

Option D: Illiteracy

Correct Answer: Illiteracy

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Option A: People would become indifferent towards government

Option B: People would revolt against the government

Option C: The people shall cease to have any public opinion

Option D: It would greatly weaken the country and undermine the legitimacy of the government

Correct Answer: People would revolt against the government

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Option A: Television

Option B: Radio

Option C: Cinema

Option D: Tellow journalism

Correct Answer: Tellow journalism

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Option A: A method of propagating a set of public opinion

Option B: A method of gauging public opinion on specific issues through sample questioning of individuals representing cross section of society

Option C: An American term used for midterm elections

Option D: A term used for general elections in

Correct Answer: A method of gauging public opinion on specific issues through sample questioning of individuals representing cross section of society

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Option A: Britain

Option B: Germany

Option C: Sweden

Option D: U.S.A.

Correct Answer: U.S.A.

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Option A: Democratic system

Option B: Dictatorial system

Option C: Both democratic as well as dictatorial systems

Option D: The smooth working of all types of political systems

Correct Answer: Democratic system

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Option A: Lord Bryce

Option B: Laski

Option C: J.S. Mill

Option D: Lowell

Correct Answer: Lowell

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Option A: Hobbes

Option B: Laski

Option C: Machiavelli

Option D: Green

Correct Answer: Machiavelli

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Option A: Ernest Barker

Option B: H.J. Laski

Option C: Lord Bryce

Option D: Gettell

Correct Answer: Gettell

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Option A: Public opinion is definite opinion

Option B: Public opinion is based on sound arguments and reasons

Option C: Gererally it is the opinion of the intellectual minority

Option D: Public opinion is based on common good

Correct Answer: Gererally it is the opinion of the intellectual minority

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Option A: Imparts committed education

Option B: Helps in developing moral character

Option C: Helps in developing sound physique

Option D: Helps in developing freethinking

Correct Answer: Helps in developing freethinking

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Option A: It is under party control

Option B: It is under government control

Option C: It is highly critical of opposition policies

Option D: It is highly critical of government policies

Correct Answer: It is impartial and free

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Option A: Circulation of political literature

Option B: Freedom to political parties to spread ideas

Option C: Removal of illiteracy

Option D: Widespread illiteracy

Correct Answer: Widespread illiteracy

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Option A: Committed press

Option B: Controlled mass media

Option C: Single party political system

Option D: Widespread education

Correct Answer: Widespread education

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Option A: Free mass media

Option B: Unicameral legislature

Option C: Single party dominant government

Option D: Communist system of government

Correct Answer: Free mass media

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Option A: Cooperative societies

Option B: Controlled

Option C: Committed judiciary

Option D: Open platform

Correct Answer: Open platform

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Option A: To control the arbitrariness of the government

Option B: To awaken public consciousness on ;oblic issues

Option C: To help contact between de-facto and de-jure sovereign

Option D: To enable people to participate directly in the process of legislation

Correct Answer: To help contact between de-facto and de-jure sovereign

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Option A: Public issues

Option B: Views of the majority but not of all

Option C: National thinking

Option D: Sense of common good

Correct Answer: Sense of common good

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Option A: These hold public meetings

Option B: These spread political literature

Option C: These help in the selection of candidates

Option D: These highlight main political problems

Correct Answer: These help in the selection of candidates

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Option A: There is economic inequality

Option B: There is no sharp social division

Option C: There is strict party discipline

Option D: There is spread of education

Correct Answer: There is spread of education

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Option A: Controlled press

Option B: Free mass media

Option C: Cinema

Option D: Political literature

Correct Answer: Controlled press

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Option A: Press should be free

Option B: Religious bodies should be active

Option C: People should be given the right to property

Option D: There should be right to education

Correct Answer: Press should be free

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Option A: Cinema

Option B: Press

Option C: Neighborhood

Option D: T.V.

Correct Answer: Neighborhood

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Option A: Newspapers

Option B: Educational system

Option C: Radio

Option D: Television

Correct Answer: Playground

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Option A: Opinion of educated persons

Option B: Opinion of elites of the society

Option C: Majority opinion

Option D: Minority opinion

Correct Answer: Opinion of the majority, which takes into consideration the interests of all

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Option A: Sum-total of confused and incoherent opinions held by different groups of citizens

Option B: Unanimous opinion of all the citizens

Option C: A definite opinion, which is the result of a process of clarification and co-ordination of views held by different persons

Option D: Majority opinion

Correct Answer: A definite opinion, which is the result of a process of clarification and co-ordination of views held by different persons

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