
Rule Of Law Muslim Political Thoughts MCQs

Option A: Article 16

Option B: Article 17

Option C: Article 18

Option D: Article 19

Correct Answer: Article 18

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Option A: J.L.Nehru

Option B: Ananthaswamy Ayyangar

Option C: Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

Option D: Dr. Rajindra Parsad

Correct Answer: J.L.Nehru

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Option A: All administered are equal before alw

Option B: Constitution is the consequence of rights

Option C: Constitution is not the consequence but source of rights

Option D: Equal justice should be assured to all

Correct Answer: Constitution is not the consequence but source of rights

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Option A: Equal protection for public servants

Option B: Equal protection for all military people

Option C: Among equals laws should be equally administered

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Among equals laws should be equally administered

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Option A: U.S.S.R

Option B: U.S.R

Option C: England

Option D: India

Correct Answer: India

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Option A: All persons are equally subject to ordinary laws

Option B: Rules should be the basis of all laws

Option C: Equal justice for all

Option D: Absence of special privileges before law for certain persons

Correct Answer: Rules should be the basis of all laws

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Option A: Article 13

Option B: Article 14

Option C: Article 15

Option D: Article 16

Correct Answer: Article 15

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Option A: In it arbitrary law is subordinate to regular law

Option B: In it regular law is above arbitrary law

Option C: In it both arbitrary and regular laws are reconciled

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: In it regular law is above arbitrary law

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Option A: Article 24

Option B: Article 25

Option C: Article 26

Option D: Article 27

Correct Answer: Article 24

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Option A: U.S.A.

Option B: U.S.S.R

Option C: France

Option D: Switzerland

Correct Answer: A. U.S.A.

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Option A: Dictatorship

Option B: Authoritarian System

Option C: Monarchy

Option D: Presidential System of Government

Correct Answer: Democracy, both Parliamentary and Presidential

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Option A: U.S.A

Option B: U.S.S.R

Option C: China

Option D: Japan

Correct Answer: England

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Option A: Go into the letters of the law

Option B: Go into the spirit of the law

Option C: Go neither into letters nor spirit of the laws

Option D: Go both into the letters and spirit of the laws

Correct Answer: Go both into the letters and spirit of the laws

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Option A: All rich will be protected equally before law

Option B: All citizens under equal circumstances will be protected equally before law

Option C: All citizens under even unequal circumstances will be protected equally before law

Option D: Government will pay equal expenses for giving justice to all

Correct Answer: All citizens under equal circumstances will be protected equally before law

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Option A: Article 25

Option B: Article 26

Option C: Article 27

Option D: Article 28

Correct Answer: Article 25

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Option A: H.J.Laski

Option B: Ivor Jennings

Option C: A.V.Dicey

Option D: Rousseau

Correct Answer: A.V.Dicey

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Option A: In it all elite are treated equal before law

Option B: In it all poor are treated equal before law

Option C: In it all rulers are treated equal before law

Option D: In it all bureaucrats are treated equal before law

Correct Answer: In it all are treated equal before law

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Option A: U.S.A

Option B: U.S.S.R

Option C: India

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: U.S.S.R

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Option A: England

Option B: China

Option C: U.S.S.R

Option D: U.S.A

Correct Answer: U.S.A

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