
State Of Local Govt MCQs

Option A: By passing their budgets

Option B: By enacting necessary laws for these bodies

Option C: By prescribing their organizations and functions through statutes

Option D: Through all the above methods

Correct Answer: By prescribing their organizations and functions through statutes

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Option A: Control ensures greater efficiency in municipal services

Option B: It keeps a check on powerful local interests which may operate against the common interest

Option C: It provides necessary finances to the proper areas for provision of welfare services

Option D: It ensures diversity in municipal services

Correct Answer: It ensures diversity in municipal services

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Option A: Health and sanitation

Option B: Protection of life and property

Option C: Construction of roads, bridges, public baths, etC.

Option D: Maintenance of police force

Correct Answer: Maintenance of police force

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Option A: Increase in the functions of local bodies

Option B: Decline in the functions of local bodies

Option C: Neither increase nor decline in the functions of local bodies

Option D: Elimination of local bodies

Correct Answer: Increase in the functions of local bodies

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Option A: Local government institutions are the administrative out posts of the central or state government

Option B: Local bodies are subordinate wings of the state executive wing

Option C: The local bodies are subordinate to the law of the state or centre

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: The local bodies are subordinate to the law of the state or centre

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Option A: Can levy taxes

Option B: Can levy taxes with the prior approval of the state government

Option C: Cannot levy taxes

Option D: Propose taxes to the state government

Correct Answer: Can levy taxes

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Option A: Sovereign

Option B: Self-created

Option C: Creation of central or state governments

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Creation of central or state governments

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Option A: No autonomy

Option B: Complete autonomy

Option C: Autonomy within the limits prescribed by statutes

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Autonomy within the limits prescribed by statutes

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Option A: It enjoys jurisdiction over very limited area

Option B: It operates on the principle that local problems can be best solved by the local people

Option C: It undertakes only those activities which benefit the people of area

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: None of the above

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Option A: Raises its funds largely locally

Option B: Depends for the finances on the centre only

Option C: Depends for the funds on the state government only

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Raises its funds largely locally

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Option A: Not accountable to the central or state governments

Option B: Accountable to the central or state governments within the limits prescribed by the statute

Option C: Fully accountable to the central or state governments

Option D: Accountable only to the local representatives

Correct Answer: Accountable to the central or state governments within the limits prescribed by the statute

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Option A: By formulating their budgets

Option B: Through their power to approve or reject the bye laws, schemes and resolutions of local bodies

Option C: Recruiting all the official of the local bodies

Option D: Through none of the above methods

Correct Answer: Through their power to approve or reject the bye laws, schemes and resolutions of local bodies

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Option A: Through provision of advice in technical and specialized fields

Option B: Through inspections

Option C: Enactment of budgets of local bodies

Option D: Through grants in aid

Correct Answer: Enactment of budgets of local bodies

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Option A: Ensuring that they are discharging their obligations within the limits of the statute

Option B: Prevention of undue interference by the executive in the working of local bodies

Option C: Ensuring non-intervention by political parties in local affairs

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Ensuring that they are discharging their obligations within the limits of the statute

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Option A: Can raise loans on their own

Option B: Cannot raise loans

Option C: Can raise loans only with the prior sanction of the state

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Can raise loans only with the prior sanction of the state

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Option A: Increasingly independent of the state government

Option B: Increasingly dependent on the state government

Option C: Completely sovereign

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Increasingly dependent on the state government

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Option A: Improved means of transport and communication

Option B: Growing tendency towards provision of uniform administration

Option C: Tendency on the part of state government, like any other government, to increase its powers

Option D: All the above factors

Correct Answer: All the above factors

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Option A: Devolution of governmental duties

Option B: Decentralisation of administration

Option C: Administrative deconcentration

Option D: Diversification of governmental organs

Correct Answer: Devolution of governmental duties

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Option A: Lord Canning

Option B: Raja Rammohan Roy

Option C: Lord Rippon

Option D: Lord Mountbatten

Correct Answer: Lord Rippon

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Option A: The lowest units of local government

Option B: The highest units of local government

Option C: Not units of local government

Option D: None of These

Correct Answer: Not units of local government

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Option A: Management of affairs of the people of local areas

Option B: Functions which are delegated to it by the centre only

Option C: Developmental functions only

Option D: All the above types of functions

Correct Answer: Management of affairs of the people of local areas

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Option A: Bestowed by the Constitution

Option B: Delegated by the central government

Option C: Delegated by the state government

Option D: Bestowed by the statute

Correct Answer: Bestowed by the statute

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Option A: In their favour leacture by public men should be arranged

Option B: Newspapers should be used in their favour

Option C: Close contracts between elected and electorates should be maintained

Option D: Very strict central control over their working should be exercised

Correct Answer: Very strict central control over their working should be exercised

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Option A: State government can appoint administrative officers

Option B: State government can disapprove bye-laws of these body

Option C: State government can appoint inspecting officers

Option D: State governments can stop grant-in-aid

Correct Answer: State governments can propagate against the quality of their work

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Option A: Utility of these institutions should be classified

Option B: People should be made to realise their importance

Option C: People of integrity should be got elected to these bodies

Option D: These should be deprived of some of their powers

Correct Answer: These should be deprived of some of their powers

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Option A: Politics should not be allowed to interfere

Option B: Financially these should be kept dependent on the centre

Option C: Favourable public opinion should be created in their favour

Option D: More financial resources should be put at their disposal

Correct Answer: Financially these should be kept dependent on the centre

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Option A: These should meet local needs

Option B: The people of integrity should be elected

Option C: Party politics should be encouraged

Option D: Control of central authority should not be very stiff

Correct Answer: Party politics should be encouraged

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Option A: Their dependence on the centre is increasing

Option B: Their autonomy is increasing day by day

Option C: Their work-load is increasingly going up

Option D: Centres administrative control overthem is increasing

Correct Answer: Their work-load is increasingly going up

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Option A: It helps central government in discharging its duties

Option B: It helps in reducing the burden of central government

Option C: It helps in promoting efficiency

Option D: It performs such duties which are given to it by central government

Correct Answer: It helps in promoting political ideologies

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Option A: To reduce the work of the central government

Option B: To effectively deal international problems

Option C: To strengthen a particular political system

Option D: To make political party system work successfully

Correct Answer: To reduce the work of the central government

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Option A: Constitution

Option B: Heal of the state

Option C: Prime Minister

Option D: Legislative enactments

Correct Answer: Legislative enactments

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Option A: In democratic countries only

Option B: In democratic countries with parliamentary system of government only

Option C: In democratic countries with federal system of government only

Option D: In almost all the countries of the world

Correct Answer: In almost all the countries of the world

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Option A: These are useless appendage of the state

Option B: These are needed for efficient state working

Option C: These are required to reduce the work-load of the centre

Option D: These are needed for attending to local needs

Correct Answer: These are useless appendage of the state

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Option A: These can float loans on their own

Option B: These can’t raise any loan

Option C: These can raise loans with the approval of central government

Option D: These can raise loans with the approval of state government

Correct Answer: These can raise loans with the approval of state government

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Option A: Demand more autonomy

Option B: Have more dependence on central government

Option C: Maintain status quo

Option D: Ignore their responsibility

Correct Answer: Demand more autonomy

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Option A: It helps in the creation of harmony

Option B: It promotes disharmony

Option C: It ignores harmony

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: It promotes disharmony

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Option A: It helps in promoting efficiency

Option B: In it more attention can be paid to local needs

Option C: It is expensive

Option D: It provides good training ground

Correct Answer: It is expensive

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Option A: It perform functions of national importance

Option B: It can amend the constition

Option C: It can get representation in world bodies

Option D: It can dictate central government

Correct Answer: It is required to help central government in discharging its obligations

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Option A: Unitary form of government

Option B: Federal form of government

Option C: Dictatorships

Option D: In all form of governments

Correct Answer: In all form of governments

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Option A: Health and sanitation

Option B: Higher and technical education

Option C: Transport

Option D: Communication

Correct Answer: Health and sanitation

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Option A: External affairs

Option B: Police administration

Option C: Defence

Option D: Finance

Correct Answer: Police administration

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Option A: The head of the state

Option B: The legislature

Option C: The judiciary

Option D: The constitution

Correct Answer: The constitution

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