
Usa Constitution MCQs

Option A: 3rd February 1913

Option B: 7th February 1895

Option C: 7th February 1897

Option D: None of These

Correct Answer: 3rd February 1913

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Option A: Status of Income Tax Clarified

Option B: Poll taxes Barred

Option C: Race No Bar to Vote

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Status of Income Tax Clarified

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Option A: 27th February 1795

Option B: 27th February 1796

Option C: 3rd February 1870

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: 3rd February 1870

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Option A: Citizenship Rights

Option B: Presidential Term Limits

Option C: Race No Bar to Vote

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Race No Bar to Vote

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Option A: 7th February 1895

Option B: 9th July 1868

Option C: 7th February 1796

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: 9th July 1868

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Option A: Liquor Abolished

Option B: Citizenship Rights

Option C: Poll Taxes Barred

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Citizenship Rights

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Option A: 7th Febrary 1799

Option B: 6th December 1865

Option C: 6th February 1795

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: 6th December 1865

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Option A: Slavery Abolished

Option B: Citizenship Rights

Option C: Presidential Term Limits

Option D: Race No Bar to Vote

Correct Answer: Slavery Abolished

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Option A: 15th June 1808

Option B: 15th June 1804

Option C: 15th June 1806

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: 15th June 1804

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Option A: Poll Taxes Barred

Option B: Choosing the President, Vice-President

Option C: Race No Bar to Vote

Option D: Presidential Term Limits

Correct Answer: Choosing the President, Vice-President

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Option A: 17th February 1795

Option B: 7th February 1795

Option C: 27th February 1795

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: 7th February 1795

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Option A: Slavery Abolished

Option B: Trial and Punishment

Option C: Judicial Limits

Option D: Race No Bar to Vote

Correct Answer: Judicial Limits

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Option A: 15th September 1791

Option B: 15th October 1791

Option C: 15th November 1791

Option D: 15th December 1971

Correct Answer: 15th December 1971

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Option A: 537

Option B: 538

Option C: 539

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: 538

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Option A: September 17, 1787

Option B: July 17,1788

Option C: Mar 4, 1789

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Mar 4, 1789

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Option A: July 4,1776

Option B: September 17,1778

Option C: October 15,1785

Option D: September 17,1787

Correct Answer: September 17,1787

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Option A: March 21, 1776

Option B: April 20, 1776

Option C: July 4, 1776

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: July 4, 1776

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Option A: Franklin Roosevelt

Option B: Truman

Option C: Eisenhower

Option D: Washington D.C.

Correct Answer: Washington D.C.

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Option A: Two times

Option B: Three times

Option C: Four times

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Four times

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Option A: Implied Powers

Option B: Senatorial Courtesy

Option C: Theory of Separation of Powers

Option D: The System of Checks and Balances

Correct Answer: Senatorial Courtesy

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Option A: Constitution

Option B: Convention

Option C: Judicial Decision

Option D: Formal Amendments

Correct Answer: Judicial Decision

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Option A: The Bill of Rights

Option B: The Implied Powers

Option C: Executive agreements

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: The Bill of Rights

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Option A: Trial and Punishment

Option B: Search and Seizure

Option C: Powers of the States & People

Option D: Slavery Abolished

Correct Answer: Powers of the States & People

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Option A: 15th September 1791

Option B: 15th October 1791

Option C: 15th November 1791

Option D: 15th December 1791

Correct Answer: 15th December 1791

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Option A: Construction of Constitution

Option B: Slavery Abolished

Option C: Right to Bear Arms

Option D: Powers of the States and People

Correct Answer: Construction of Constitution

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Option A: 15th November 1791

Option B: 15th December 1791

Option C: 15th January 1791

Option D: 15th August 1791

Correct Answer: 15th December 1791

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Option A: Powers of the States & People

Option B: Right to Bear Arms

Option C: Slavery Abolished

Option D: Cruel and Unusual Punishment

Correct Answer: Cruel and Unusual Punishment

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Option A: 15th December 1791

Option B: 15th November 1791

Option C: 15 August 1791

Option D: 15th March 1791

Correct Answer: 15th December 1791

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Option A: Trial and Punishment

Option B: Search and Seizure

Option C: Right to Bear Arm

Option D: Trial by Jury in Civil Cases

Correct Answer: Trial by Jury in Civil Cases

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Option A: 15th November 1791

Option B: 15th December 1791

Option C: 15th January 1791

Option D: 15th August 1791

Correct Answer: 15th December 1791

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Option A: Right to Bear Arms’

Option B: Right to Speedy Trial, Confrontation of Witnesses

Option C: Slavery Abolished

Option D: Search and Seizure

Correct Answer: Right to Speedy Trial, Confrontation of Witnesses

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Option A: 15th September 1791

Option B: 15th October 1791

Option C: 15th November 1791

Option D: 15th December 1791

Correct Answer: 15th December 1791

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Option A: Search and Seizure

Option B: Slavery Abolished

Option C: Right to Bear Arms

Option D: Trial and Punishment, Compensation for takings

Correct Answer: Trial and Punishment, Compensation for takings

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Option A: 15th September 1791

Option B: 15th October 1791

Option C: 15th November 1791

Option D: 15th December 1791

Correct Answer: 15th December 1791

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Option A: Trial and Punishment

Option B: Powers of the States and People

Option C: Citizenship Rights

Option D: Search and Seizure

Correct Answer: Search and Seizure

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Option A: 15th September 1791

Option B: 15th October 1791

Option C: 15th November 1791

Option D: 15th December 1791

Correct Answer: 15th December 1791

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Option A: Quartering of Soldiers

Option B: Slavery Abolished

Option C: Right to Bear Arm

Option D: Trial and Punishment

Correct Answer: Trial and Punishment

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Option A: Slavery Abolished

Option B: Right to Bear Arms

Option C: Trial and Punishment

Option D: Powers of the States and People

Correct Answer: Right to Bear Arms

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Option A: 15th September 1791

Option B: 15th October 1791

Option C: 15th November 1791

Option D: 15th December 1791

Correct Answer: 15th December 1791

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Option A: Right to Bear Arms’

Option B: Trial and Punishment

Option C: Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression

Option D: Slavery Abolished

Correct Answer: Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression

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Option A: Bill of Property

Option B: Bill of Security

Option C: Bill of Rights

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Bill of Rights

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Option A: The Judicial Branch

Option B: New States

Option C: The Legislative Branch

Option D: Ratification

Correct Answer: The Legislative Branch

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Option A: Britain

Option B: America

Option C: France

Option D: USSR

Correct Answer: America

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Option A: 25

Option B: 26

Option C: 27

Option D: 30

Correct Answer: 27

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Option A: 1840

Option B: 1845

Option C: 1850

Option D: 1835

Correct Answer: 1845

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Option A: Ibrahim Lincoln

Option B: General Bright

Option C: Jefferson

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Jefferson

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Option A: George Washington

Option B: Alexander V Hamilton

Option C: Mr. Burr

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Alexander V Hamilton

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Option A: The peculiar constitutional set up

Option B: The peculiar political atmosphere

Option C: The Peculiar social fabric

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: The peculiar constitutional set up

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Option A: October 17,1790

Option B: February 4,1791

Option C: December 15, 1791

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: December 15, 1791

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Option A: 18 years of age

Option B: 21 years of age

Option C: 23 years of age

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: 18 years of age

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Option A: Once

Option B: Twice

Option C: Thrice

Option D: Can’t say

Correct Answer: Once

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Option A: 3rd of January

Option B: 20th of January

Option C: 23rd of March

Option D: 1st of April

Correct Answer: 3rd of January

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Option A: President Pro-tempore

Option B: Speaker

Option C: Attorney General

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: President Pro-tempore

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Option A: The Senate

Option B: House of Representatives

Option C: House of Commons

Option D: House of Lords

Correct Answer: The Senate

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Option A: Capital Hill

Option B: Mount Everest

Option C: 10 Downing Street

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Capital Hill

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Option A: One-fourth

Option B: Two-thirdd

Option C: Three-fourth

Option D: Half

Correct Answer: Two-thirdd

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Option A: Majority Party

Option B: Opposition Party

Option C: No Party

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Majority Party

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Option A: 20 members

Option B: 25 members

Option C: 26 members

Option D: 29 members

Correct Answer: 26 members

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Option A: 25 years old

Option B: 30 years old

Option C: 35 years old

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: 30 years old

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Option A: 2 years

Option B: 4 years

Option C: 6 years

Option D: 5 years

Correct Answer: 6 years

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Option A: The President

Option B: The President Pro-tempore

Option C: The Speaker

Option D: The Attorney General

Correct Answer: The President

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Option A: The President

Option B: The vice-President

Option C: The President Pro-tempore

Option D: The Attorney General

Correct Answer: The vice-President

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Option A: The Senate

Option B: The house of representatives

Option C: The House of Lords

Option D: The House of Commons

Correct Answer: The house of representatives

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Option A: The President

Option B: The Vice-President

Option C: The Speaker

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: The Speaker

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Option A: 20 years old

Option B: 25 years old

Option C: 30 years old

Option D: 35 years old

Correct Answer: 25 years old

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Option A: 2 years

Option B: 3 years

Option C: 4 years

Option D: 5 years

Correct Answer: 2 years

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Option A: 435 members

Option B: 436 members

Option C: 437 members

Option D: 438 members

Correct Answer: 435 members

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Option A: Bill of rights

Option B: Articles of Confederation

Option C: The Proclamation of Independence

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Articles of Confederation

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Option A: American judicial system

Option B: English judicial system

Option C: Frenchludicial system

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: American judicial system

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Option A: October 17, 1790

Option B: February 4,1791

Option C: December 15, 1791

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: December 15, 1791

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Option A: In 1933

Option B: In 1934

Option C: In 1935

Option D: In 1932

Correct Answer: In 1933

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Option A: Bill of Rights

Option B: The implied powers

Option C: Senatorial courtesy

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Bill of Rights

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Option A: Two years

Option B: Three years

Option C: One years

Option D: Four years

Correct Answer: Two years

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Option A: Four years

Option B: Five years

Option C: Six years

Option D: Seven years

Correct Answer: Six years

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Option A: Jefferson

Option B: James Clark

Option C: Joseph G.Cannon

Option D: Nixon

Correct Answer: Joseph G.Cannon

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Option A: From 1895 to 1898

Option B: From 1896 to 1898

Option C: From 1896 to 1899

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: From 1895 to 1898

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Option A: Separate

Option B: Eliminated

Option C: Integrated

Option D: Polarized

Correct Answer: Integrated

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Option A: The President

Option B: The states legislatures

Option C: The majority party of the House

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: The majority party of the House

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Option A: The house chooses its chairman

Option B: The house of representatives chooses it speaker

Option C: The house of representative chooses it president

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: The house of representatives chooses it speaker

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Option A: Twice in a year

Option B: Three times in a year

Option C: Once in a year

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Once in a year

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Option A: 60 members

Option B: 75 members

Option C: 100 members

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: 60 members

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Option A: Bill Clinton

Option B: Ronald Reagan

Option C: George W. Bush

Option D: Barak Obama

Correct Answer: Barak Obama

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Option A: 98 members

Option B: 100 members

Option C: 102 members

Option D: 103 members

Correct Answer: 100 members

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Option A: The House of Commons

Option B: The House of Lords

Option C: The House of Representatives

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: The House of Representatives

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Option A: Unicameral

Option B: Bicameral

Option C: Tri-cameral

Option D: Can’t say

Correct Answer: Bicameral

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Option A: Florida

Option B: New York

Option C: Texas

Option D: Virginia

Correct Answer: Virginia

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Option A: Richard Nixon

Option B: John Kennedy

Option C: G.Ford

Option D: Richard Chaney

Correct Answer: Richard Chaney

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Option A: January 20,2001

Option B: February 28,2001

Option C: June 7,2001

Option D: July 7,2001

Correct Answer: January 20,2001

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Option A: Bill Clinton

Option B: Ronald Reagan

Option C: George W.Bush

Option D: Barak Obama

Correct Answer: George W.Bush

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Option A: November 10,2000

Option B: January 20,2001

Option C: November 7,2001

Option D: December 20,2001

Correct Answer: November 7,2001

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Option A: Appointment

Option B: Election

Option C: Succession

Option D: Coup d’etat

Correct Answer: Succession

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Option A: One

Option B: Two

Option C: Three

Option D: None

Correct Answer: One

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Option A: One

Option B: Two

Option C: Three

Option D: None

Correct Answer: None

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Option A: One

Option B: Two

Option C: Three

Option D: None

Correct Answer: None

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Option A: The President

Option B: The Congress

Option C: The Supreme Court

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: The President

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Option A: 10 years

Option B: 12 years

Option C: 14 years

Option D: 15 years

Correct Answer: 14 years

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Option A: 1748

Option B: 1848

Option C: 1848

Option D: 1951

Correct Answer: 1951

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Option A: 1st January

Option B: 20th January

Option C: 28th February

Option D: 1st April

Correct Answer: 20th January

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Option A: 1990

Option B: 1992

Option C: 1994

Option D: 1995

Correct Answer: 1992

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Option A: Two-years term

Option B: Three-years term

Option C: Four-years term

Option D: Five-years term

Correct Answer: Two-years term

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