
Usa Federalism MCQs

Option A: Influencing speaker to give his ruling in a particular manner

Option B: Approaching President to act impartially

Option C: Approaching Supreme Court judges to give judgement in a particular manner

Option D: Approaching legislators to vote in a particular manner

Correct Answer: Approaching legislators to vote in a particular manner

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Option A: Uniform method of election of the members to the House of Representatives

Option B: Non-uniform method of election of the members to the House of Representatives

Option C: Method of election to the Senate

Option D: Method of election for the Presidential election

Correct Answer: Non-uniform method of election of the members to the House of Representatives

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Option A: Privilege of unrestricted debate to a Senator

Option B: Right to put as many questions as possible

Option C: Restriction on the right to criticise

Option D: Restrictions on the right to speak in the House

Correct Answer: Privilege of unrestricted debate to a Senator

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Option A: Most of the bills are piloted by ordinary members

Option B: Bill is sent to the Committee before it is accepted by the House in principle

Option C: Senate can drastically amend a bill passed by the Lower House

Option D: Committee cannot kill a bill

Correct Answer: Committee cannot kill a bill

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Option A: Committee members are selected by the Committee on Committees

Option B: Bills are referred to the Committee mayor may not report back the bill to the House

Option C: There are no sessional committees

Option D: Committees take vested interests into consideration.

Correct Answer: Bills are referred to the Committee mayor may not report back the bill to the House

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Option A: Direct

Option B: Indirect

Option C: On the basis of educational qualifications alone

Option D: On the basis of property qualifications alone

Correct Answer: Direct

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Option A: Leaves party as soon as elected as Speaker

Option B: Does not actively participate in House debates

Option C: Remains active party man

Option D: Does not promote party interests

Correct Answer: Remains active party man

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Option A: Senate alone

Option B: House of Representatives only

Option C: Either House of the Congress

Option D: None of These

Correct Answer: Senate alone

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Option A: 435

Option B: 436

Option C: 437

Option D: 438

Correct Answer: 437

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Option A: 94

Option B: 96

Option C: 93

Option D: 100

Correct Answer: 100

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Option A: 2 years

Option B: 3 years

Option C: 4 years

Option D: It is a permanent House

Correct Answer: It is a permanent House

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Option A: On the basis of population in each state

Option B: Fixed separately for each state by the Congress

Option C: Biggest state has maximum number of seats

Option D: All states have equal representation

Correct Answer: All states have equal representation

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Option A: Is a permanent House

Option B: Has a fixed term of 6 years

Option C: Can be dissolved any time by the President

Option D: Is reconstituted after 6 years

Correct Answer: Is reconstituted after 6 years

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Option A: Both the Houses have co-equal powers

Option B: House of Representatives has more powers than the Senate

Option C: Senate has more powers than the House of Representatives

Option D: None of These

Correct Answer: Senate has more powers than the House of Representatives

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Option A: Leadership of the President

Option B: Joint and collective responsibility

Option C: Responsibility to the President

Option D: Non-membership of Congress

Correct Answer: Joint and collective responsibility

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Option A: Thomas R. Marshall

Option B: Clinton Rossiter

Option C: Ferguson

Option D: Laski

Correct Answer: Murno

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Option A: Elected by the Senate

Option B: Elected by the House of Representatives

Option C: One who gets highest votes in Presidential election after the President

Option D: Who is unanimously nominated by the Congress

Correct Answer: Elected separately in the same manner as the President

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Option A: H.J. Laski

Option B: Sidney Hyman

Option C: Bryce

Option D: Dicey

Correct Answer: Sidney Hyman

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Option A: Harold J. Laski

Option B: Bryce

Option C: Dicey

Option D: Woodrow Wilson

Correct Answer: Harold J. Laski

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Option A: Both appoint and remove judges of Supreme Court

Option B: Can only remove the judges

Option C: Can appoint judges without confirmation of Senate

Option D: Can appoint judges but these need the confirmation of Senate

Correct Answer: Can appoint judges but these need the confirmation of Senate

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Option A: Is killed for ever

Option B: Becomes operative when passed by 1/2 majority in each House

Option C: Becomes operative when passed by 2/3rd majority in each House

Option D: Becomes operative only when the President has agreed to give his consent

Correct Answer: Becomes operative when passed by 2/3rd majority in each House

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Option A: 10 days

Option B: 15 days

Option C: 20 days

Option D: 30 days

Correct Answer: 10 days

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Option A: Has remained indirect

Option B: Has become direct

Option C: Has not changed the expectations of constitution fathers

Option D: Has slightly changed the expectations of constitution fathers

Correct Answer: Has become direct

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Option A: For a full term of 4 years

Option B: Remaining unexpired period

Option C: The period is treated as full one term

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Remaining unexpired period

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Option A: The President initiates all the bills

Option B: He initiates financial matters alone

Option C: He initiates matters relating to national security only

Option D: He can initiate any matter and send it in the form of a message to the Congress

Correct Answer: He can initiate any matter and send it in the form of a message to the Congress

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Option A: Legislative functions

Option B: Executive functions

Option C: Judicial functions

Option D: All the functions combined together

Correct Answer: All the functions combined together

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Option A: Usually pilots all important bills in the Senate

Option B: Initiates bills in the House of Reporsentatives

Option C: Sends messages to the Congress containing his legislative proposals

Option D: Is silent spectator in legislative drama

Correct Answer: Sends messages to the Congress containing his legislative proposals

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Option A: It is the weakest upper chamber

Option B: It is the strongest upper chamber

Option C: It has very many powers

Option D: It is not useless appendage of U.S. Congress

Correct Answer: It is the weakest upper chamber

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Option A: Rigid

Option B: Flexible

Option C: Partly rigid and partly flexible

Option D: None of These

Correct Answer: Rigid

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Option A: Voluminous

Option B: Mostly unwritten

Option C: Purely unwritten

Option D: Small but written

Correct Answer: Small but written

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Option A: It can declare a law unconstitutional

Option B: It is very big body

Option C: Judges are appointed in consultation with the Senate

Option D: It is balance wheel of Constitution

Correct Answer: It is very big body

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Option A: It has kept the organs of Government within their respective spheres

Option B: It has saved federation

Option C: It has weakened federation

Option D: It has helped in the divelopment of federation

Correct Answer: It has weakened federation

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Option A: It has made centre strong

Option B: It has made states strong

Option C: It has made centre weak

Option D: It has championed the cause of people

Correct Answer: It has made states strong

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Option A: It is guardian of Constitution

Option B: It is to protect fundamental rights of the people

Option C: To interpret the articles of the Constitution

Option D: To settle disputes between the States

Correct Answer: Not to interfere in matters involving ambassadors of foreign countries

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Option A: President likes them

Option B: Senate does not mind their continuance

Option C: House of Representatives likes to keep them

Option D: They maintain good behaviour

Correct Answer: They maintain good behaviour

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Option A: Executive

Option B: Legislature

Option C: Judiciary

Option D: Powers which are conferred on account of interference from the letters of the Constitution.

Correct Answer: Powers which are conferred on account of interference from the letters of the Constitution.

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Option A: High taxation system

Option B: Corrupting of public servants

Option C: Permission to few persons to loot others

Option D: Change of public servants with the change in the head of the state

Correct Answer: Change of public servants with the change in the head of the state

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Option A: Senate does not pass a bill passed by the lower House

Option B: House of Representatives does not pass a bill passed by the Senate

Option C: President does not give assent to a bill passed by the Congress at the fag end of the session

Option D: None of These

Correct Answer: President does not give assent to a bill passed by the Congress at the fag end of the session

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Option A: Have been left with the centre

Option B: Have been given to the states

Option C: Have not been mentioned

Option D: Do not exist

Correct Answer: Have been given to the states

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Option A: Can change the boundaries of states at will

Option B: Can change the boundaries of states when representation is made

Option C: Can change state boundaries during emergencies

Option D: Cannot change state boundaries

Correct Answer: Cannot change state boundaries

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Option A: Nominated by the President

Option B: Nominated by the Senate

Option C: Nominated by the House of Representatives

Option D: Elected by the people

Correct Answer: Elected by the people

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Option A: It has a written constitution

Option B: It has partly rigid and partly flexible constitution

Option C: It has supremacy of judiciary

Option D: It has clear division of powers

Correct Answer: It has partly rigid and partly flexible constitution

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Option A: States are demanding more autonomy

Option B: States have a desire to leave the federation

Option C: States want a strong centre

Option D: States want autonomy in international trade

Correct Answer: States want a strong centre

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Option A: Is more powerful than the lower House

Option B: Is less powerful than the lower House

Option C: Has co-equal powers with the Lower House

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: Is more powerful than the lower House

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Option A: India

Option B: Japan

Option C: England

Option D: U.S.A.

Correct Answer: U.S.A.

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Option A: It is written

Option B: It is flexible

Option C: It is federal

Option D: It is presidential

Correct Answer: It is flexible

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Option A: He is elected by the Senate

Option B: He is elected by the House of representatives

Option C: He is elected by both the Houses of Congress

Option D: He is elected by an electoral college

Correct Answer: He is elected by an electoral college

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Option A: There is danger of spread of communism

Option B: There is rapid technological advancement

Option C: There is danger of breaking away of states from the centre

Option D: There is increasing international trade

Correct Answer: There is danger of breaking away of states from the centre

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Option A: State which sent him decides to call him back

Option B: When a resolution by a simple majority against him is passed in the Senate

Option C: When House of Representatives passes a resolution against him by 2/3rd mojority

Option D: When Senate after trial has decided to remove him by 2/3rd majority

Correct Answer: When Senate after trial has decided to remove him by 2/3rd majority

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Option A: The Senate

Option B: The House of Representatives

Option C: The Congress

Option D: The Congress by law may decide

Correct Answer: The Congress

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Option A: Can’t be immediately re-elected to Presidency after the expiry of his first term

Option B: Can be elected twice

Option C: Can be elected thrice

Option D: Can be elected four times

Correct Answer: Can be elected twice

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Option A: No matter whether he is natural or naturalized citizen

Option B: He should have attained 30 years age

Option C: He should have resided in U.S.A. for the last 10 years

Option D: He should have resided in U.S.A. for 14 years

Correct Answer: D. He should have resided in U.S.A. for 14 years

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Option A: Real head of the state

Option B: Nominal head of the state

Option C: Has only very limited powers

Option D: None of These

Correct Answer: Real head of the state

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Option A: Are equals of the President

Option B: Acept President as first among the equals

Option C: Accountable to the Congress for all actions

Option D: Are subordinates of the President and can be removed by him

Correct Answer: Are subordinates of the President and can be removed by him

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Option A: Join and collective responsibility

Option B: Sinking and Swimming together

Option C: Individual responsibility to the cabinet

Option D: None of These

Correct Answer: Individual responsibility to the cabinet

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Option A: 4 years

Option B: 5 years

Option C: 6 years

Option D: 3 years

Correct Answer: 4 years

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Option A: Senate

Option B: House of Representatives

Option C: Supreme Court

Option D: The people of the U.S.A.

Correct Answer: The people of the U.S.A.

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Option A: For a fixed term

Option B: Can be called back by the people

Option C: Leaves office as soon as his party loses in the House of Representatives

Option D: Leaves office as soon as his party loses in the Senate

Correct Answer: For a fixed term

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Option A: Directly elected by the people

Option B: Elected indirectly by an electoral college

Option C: Elected by the House of Representatives

Option D: Elected by the Senate

Correct Answer: Elected indirectly by an electoral college

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Option A: Parliamentary

Option B: Presidential

Option C: Absolute monarchy

Option D: Limited monarchy

Correct Answer: Presidential

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