Option A: Recognition
Option B: Familarity
Option C: Unconscious influences
Option D: Recall
Correct Answer: All of the above ✔
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Option A: Bringing information to mind in responses to non-specific cues.
Option B: Bringing information to mind in responses to specific cues.
Option C: identifying information provided at test time as having been encountered previously.
Option D: Responding differently to previously encountered information than to new information.
Correct Answer: Bringing information to mind in responses to specific cues. ✔
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Option A: People have different memory capabilities and so make different errors.
Option B: People have different verbal abilities and vocabularies and so would report their memory differently, even though their actual memory were the same.
Option C: Peoples have different motivations and so will not all equally hard; they will report exactly what occurred, but they will leave different parts out.
Option D: People have different past experiences, values and goals and so will experience different events, even when the external event in the same.
Correct Answer: People have different past experiences, values and goals and so will experience different events, even when the external event in the same. ✔
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Option A: Explicit memory involves conscious awareness of the original information or the situation in which the learning occured.
Option B: Implicit memory refers to an influence on behaviour, feelings or thoughts as a result of prior expeience,
Option C: Explicit memory involves recollection of the original information or experience that is subsequently recalled.
Option D: Implicit memory involves a conscious recollection of the original events.
Correct Answer: Implicit memory involves a conscious recollection of the original events. ✔
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Option A: Because remembering is a complex process.
Option B: Because remembering involves most other cognitive aspects of a person.
Option C: Because remembering involves most other emotional aspects of a person.
Option D: Because so much of the body is active when someone is remembering.
Correct Answer: Because so much of the body is active when someone is remembering. ✔
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Option A: Presenting the words in meaningful hierarchies reduced the learning time to a quarter of that required for the same words randomly positioned.
Option B: The organization of the hierarchy emphasized aspects of the words meanings.
Option C: The hierarchy identified three different levels of information processing.
Option D: The organization of the hierarchy simplified the learning of the lists.
Correct Answer: The hierarchy identified three different levels of information processing. ✔
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Option A: Imagined memories of the event
Option B: Expectations about recalling the passage at a later time
Option C: Expectations about Nancy’s condition
Option D: Pre-existing knowledge about people named Nancy
Correct Answer: C. Expectations about Nancy’s condition ✔
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Option A: People remember practiced information better than unpracticed information
Option B: People remember unpracticed information better than practiced information
Option C: People remember names better than faces
Option D: People remember faces better than names
Correct Answer: People remember practiced information better than unpracticed information ✔
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Option A: Is an excellent strategy for students
Option B: Requires a high degree of effort
Option C: Does not require much creativity
Option D: Can be applied to virtually any material
Correct Answer: Requires a high degree of effort ✔
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Option A: Last research effect
Option B: Recency effect
Option C: Delayed effect
Option D: Limited capacity effect
Correct Answer: Recency effect ✔
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Option A: Visio-spatial sketch pad
Option B: Phonological loop
Option C: Central executive
Option D: Episodic buffer
Correct Answer: Episodic buffer ✔
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Option A: External memories have stronger sensory attributes.
Option B: Internal memories are more detailed and complex.
Option C: External memories have more traces of the reasoning and imaging that generated them.
Option D: Internal memories are set in a coherent context of time and place
Correct Answer: External memories have stronger sensory attributes. ✔
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Option A: Elaborative rehearsal and spaced retrieval practice
Option B: Maintenance rehearsal and frequent retrieval practice
Option C: Schemas and mnemonics
Option D: Explicit and implicit retrieval
Correct Answer: Elaborative rehearsal and spaced retrieval practice ✔
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Option A: Sketches
Option B: Schemes
Option C: Episodes
Option D: Schemas
Correct Answer: Schemas ✔
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Option A: Sensory memory
Option B: Short-term memory
Option C: Long-term memory
Option D: Explicit memory
Correct Answer: Sensory memory ✔
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Option A: What will be remembered later depends on how hard people study
Option B: What will be remembered later depends on the similarity between the test conditions and the original study conditions.
Option C: We are more likely to rely on episodic memory when study and semantic memory when we take twests
Option D: What will be remembered depends on how we process the information
Correct Answer: What will be remembered later depends on the similarity between the test conditions and the original study conditions. ✔
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Option A: Is a technique for inferring the capacity of a memory store, even when the memories do not last long enough to inform a complete report.
Option B: Found that people could recall about 3 items from a row of 4 items.
Option C: Suggested people could recall about 9 out of 12 items for a very short time.
Option D: All of the above.
Correct Answer: All of the above. ✔
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Option A: Episodic, semantic
Option B: Semantic, episodic
Option C: Autobiographical semantic
Option D: Autobiographical and episodic
Correct Answer: Episodic, semantic ✔
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Option A: Bring information to mind in response to non-specific cues.
Option B: Bring information to mind in response to specific cues.
Option C: Identify information provide at test time as having been encountered previously.
Option D: Respond differently to previously encountered information than to new information.
Correct Answer: Respond differently to previously encountered information than to new information. ✔
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