
Sociology MCQs

Option A: Hunting

Option B: Herding

Option C: Agrarian

Option D: Industrial

Correct Answer: Herding

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Option A: Institutional relations

Option B: Value System

Option C: Traditions

Option D: Compliance with Norms

Correct Answer: Compliance with Norms

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Option A: monogamy

Option B: polygamy

Option C: polygyny

Option D: polyandry

Correct Answer: polyandry

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Option A: social stratification

Option B: social control

Option C: social conflict

Option D: social solidarity

Correct Answer: social stratification

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Option A: 20 December

Option B: 10 November

Option C: 15 October

Option D: None of These

Correct Answer: 20 December

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Option A: Political agency

Option B: Human agency

Option C: Public agency

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Human agency

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Option A: Injury

Option B: Cancer

Option C: Infection

Option D: All of above

Correct Answer: All of above

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Option A: Augustus Comte

Option B: Emily Durkheim

Option C: Herbert Spencer

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Augustus Comte

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Option A: Experimentation

Option B: Generalization

Option C: Prediction

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: All of these

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Option A: Hereditary traits

Option B: Social groups interaction

Option C: Both ‘a & b’

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Social groups interaction

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Option A: Status in society

Option B: Location in history and society

Option C: Location in a town

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Location in history and society

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Option A: Understanding human behavior in broader context of society

Option B: Understanding human behavior in narrower context of society

Option C: Both ‘a & b’

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Understanding human behavior in broader context of society

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Option A: causes and correlations are essentially the same

Option B: correlations always lead to causal explanations

Option C: causation cannot be inferred directly from correlation

Option D: correlations are one-way causal relationships

Correct Answer: causation cannot be inferred directly from correlation

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Option A: the shift of employment and service away from the inner city towards multiple centers in smaller towns and rural areas

Option B: the degendering of public space as women use local facilities more

Option C: gentrification the movement of middle-class people back into the inner city

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: commuters started moving out of villages and into cities

Option B: towns and cities were becoming increasingly planned and managed

Option C: industrial capitalism led to a shift of population from rural to urban areas

Option D: transport systems were not provided so it was easier to live in the city

Correct Answer: industrial capitalism led to a shift of population from rural to urban areas

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Option A: they were confined to particular areas of the city

Option B: people knew each other only through specific situational roles and not as whole rounded individuals

Option C: there were distinctive patterns of activity for each social class

Option D: they were based on face to face interaction with close friends and family

Correct Answer: people knew each other only through specific situational roles and not as whole rounded individuals

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Option A: Highest Asia Lowest Africa

Option B: Highest Europe Lowest Oceania

Option C: Highest North America Lowest Africa

Option D: Highest Europe Lowest Africa

Correct Answer: Highest North America Lowest Africa

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Option A: the privatization of public services by the Conservative government

Option B: the lifestyle practice of shopping in peer groups

Option C: the form of tuberculosis suffered by those who collect stamps

Option D: the provision of health housing and education services by the state

Correct Answer: the provision of health housing and education services by the state

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Option A: Tonnies

Option B: Simmel

Option C: Weber

Option D: Wirth

Correct Answer: Simmel

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Option A: walled boundaries

Option B: relatively small populations

Option C: a strong influence over external

Option D: geographically small in size

Correct Answer: a strong influence over external

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Option A: the movement of the middle classes into suburban areas

Option B: a policy aimed at renovating inner-city council housing stock

Option C: building shopping centers in cities to create employment

Option D: renovation of run-down city neighborhoods to attract high income groups

Correct Answer: renovation of run-down city neighborhoods to attract high income groups

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Option A: 1950

Option B: 1975

Option C: 1999

Option D: 2007

Correct Answer: 1975

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Option A: regenerating cities in economic decline

Option B: turning industrial landscapes into tourist attractions

Option C: selling sites and images through the symbolic economy of media advertising

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: ethnic communities based on shard identity and experiences of discrimination

Option B: gay villages which are formed in certain parts of large cities

Option C: sociological communities formed by unpopular lectures

Option D: virtual communities that exist only in cyberspace

Correct Answer: sociological communities formed by unpopular lectures

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Option A: how social groups colonized different areas of the city and competed for resources

Option B: the forms of wildlife and natural habitats that could be found on the edges of the city

Option C: the way in which people organized collective protests about environmental issues

Option D: how men and women used the city’s public spaces differently

Correct Answer: how social groups colonized different areas of the city and competed for resources

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Option A: a shared sense of identity and belonging together

Option B: common activities involving all -round relationships

Option C: a fixed geographical location

Option D: collective action based on common interests

Correct Answer: a fixed geographical location

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Option A: living in closely connected settlements is a social feature common in developing countries

Option B: fertility rates are generally higher in developing countries including among city dwellers

Option C: greater job opportunities encourage large-scale internal migration from rural areas to cities

Option D: reverse migration (from cities back to rural communities) can be harder in developing societies once a livelihood in a rural community is lost

Correct Answer: living in closely connected settlements is a social feature common in developing countries

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Option A: Park

Option B: Hawley

Option C: Wirth

Option D: Burgess

Correct Answer: Wirth

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Option A: Hervey

Option B: Molotch

Option C: Castells

Option D: Saunders

Correct Answer: Castells

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Option A: renovating inner-city buildings for occupation by the middle classes

Option B: a new domestic waste reduction strategy for inner-city areas

Option C: councils buying up cheap housing to turn into commercial developments

Option D: refurbishing old buildings and finding new uses for previously used land

Correct Answer: refurbishing old buildings and finding new uses for previously used land

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Option A: it has more millionaires than any other city

Option B: it has been hardened against the poor

Option C: it has been hardened against than any other US city

Option D: it has a policy of promoting opportunity for all

Correct Answer: it has been hardened against the poor

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Option A: New York

Option B: Mumbai

Option C: Beijing

Option D: Tokyo

Correct Answer: Tokyo

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Option A: Louise Wirth

Option B: Robert Park

Option C: Georg Simmel

Option D: Max Weber

Correct Answer: Georg Simmel

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Option A: declining profits and rising unemployment

Option B: the eradication of the welfare state

Option C: rising divorce rates and the decline of the traditional family

Option D: an unfortunate twist in fashion sensibility

Correct Answer: declining profits and rising unemployment

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Option A: individuals buying welfare privately with some means-tested benefits

Option B: regular benefit payments to men as earners of the family wage

Option C: a universalist system of welfare for all regardless of income

Option D: recommodifying social welfare through state provision

Correct Answer: individuals buying welfare privately with some means-tested benefits

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Option A: we live in a world of superficial fragmented images

Option B: no theory is better than any other anything goes

Option C: society has changed, and we need new kinds of theory

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: we live in a world of superficial fragmented images

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Option A: NGOs

Option B: Baradaris

Option C: Rural Notables

Option D: Both b and c

Correct Answer: Both b and c

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Option A: Media

Option B: NGOs

Option C: Civil Society

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Civil Society

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Option A: Organizational development

Option B: Human rights

Option C: Social integrity

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Human rights

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Option A: remaining silent

Option B: Approving unconstitutional intervention

Option C: discapproving military actions

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Approving unconstitutional intervention

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Option A: Social issues

Option B: Political affairs

Option C: Policy making

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Policy making

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Option A: a national identity with an associated set of symbols and beliefs

Option B: governmental authority over a clearly demarcated territory

Option C: the granting of citizenship rights to the relevant population

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: microsociology

Option B: interactionism

Option C: macrosociology

Option D: ethnomethodology

Correct Answer: macrosociology

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Option A: free health care and education for all

Option B: a minimum wage

Option C: full employment

Option D: universal welfare

Correct Answer: a minimum wage

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Option A: charismatic authority

Option B: rational -legal authority

Option C: traditional authority

Option D: value-rational authority

Correct Answer: rational -legal authority

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Option A: Corporate structures

Option B: Formal institutions

Option C: Both A and B

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Both A and B

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Option A: Two stages

Option B: Three stages

Option C: Four stage

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Three stages

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Option A: Launching of private news channels

Option B: Masharruf Regime

Option C: Globalization phenomenon

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Launching of private news channels

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Option A: 8000 and above

Option B: below 5000

Option C: 10,000 to 12.000

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: 10,000 to 12.000

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Option A: Military interventions

Option B: Feudal system

Option C: Industrialists

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Military interventions

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Option A: Voluntary civic and social organizations

Option B: State institutions

Option C: Masses

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Voluntary civic and social organizations

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Option A: More and more urbanization is taking place successfully

Option B: ruralisation of urban areas is taking place

Option C: Ruralisation of urban areas and ribbon growth seem to be the result

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: ruralisation of urban areas is taking place

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Option A: De-differentiation

Option B: Network economy

Option C: Political corruption

Option D: Social capital

Correct Answer: Social capital

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Option A: a shared sense of identity and belonging together

Option B: common activities involving all-round relationships

Option C: a fixed geographical location

Option D: collective action based on common interests

Correct Answer: a fixed geographical location

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Option A: Pollution

Option B: The internet

Option C: Urban renewal

Option D: Deindustrialization

Correct Answer: The internet

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Option A: the environment provides the resources essential for life

Option B: the environment serves as a waste depository

Option C: the environment provides a natural setting for social inequalities

Option D: the environment “houses our species

Correct Answer: the environment provides a natural setting for social inequalities

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Option A: edge city

Option B: defended neighborhood

Option C: urban enclave

Option D: ethnic village

Correct Answer: defended neighborhood

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Option A: cosmopolites

Option B: ethnic villagers

Option C: urban villagers

Option D: the trapped

Correct Answer: cosmopolites

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Option A: 2015

Option B: 2020

Option C: 2030

Option D: None 0f these

Correct Answer: 2030

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Option A: each other

Option B: Vehicular transportation

Option C: State

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Vehicular transportation

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Option A: Other occupations

Option B: Urbanization

Option C: Development

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Urbanization

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Option A: Professional community

Option B: Workplace community

Option C: Secondary group

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Professional community

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Option A: Urban Community

Option B: Rural Community

Option C: Both a and b

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Urban Community

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Option A: Social cohesion

Option B: Social Capital

Option C: Social bond

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Social Capital

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Option A: Gemeinschaft

Option B: Gesellschafts

Option C: Both of them

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Gemeinschaft

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Option A: population and common territory

Option B: shared beliefs and collective destiny

Option C: Both sexes and all ages

Option D: None of theses

Correct Answer: shared beliefs and collective destiny

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Option A: racism

Option B: ethnicity

Option C: identity

Option D: stereotyping

Correct Answer: ethnicity

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Option A: they were confined to particular areas of the city

Option B: people knew each other only through specific situational roles and not as whole rounded individuals

Option C: there were distinctive patterns of activity of each social class

Option D: they were based on face to face interaction with close friends and family

Correct Answer: people knew each other only through specific situational roles and not as whole rounded individuals

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Option A: 9 per cent

Option B: 22 per cent

Option C: 41 per cent

Option D: 63 per cent

Correct Answer: 9 per cent

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Option A: urbanization

Option B: suburbanization

Option C: the move to the sunbelt

Option D: the move to the “old homestead” in rural areas

Correct Answer: urbanization

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Option A: communities

Option B: ethnic villagers

Option C: the trapped

Option D: gentrofiles

Correct Answer: ethnic villagers

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Option A: squatting

Option B: linear development

Option C: urbanism

Option D: gentrification

Correct Answer: urbanism

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Option A: Cities

Option B: human communities’ rural areas

Option C: Transition

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Cities

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Option A: Suburbanization

Option B: Network city

Option C: Postmodern city

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Trade

Option B: Progress

Option C: Industrialization

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Industrialization

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Option A: Urban Community

Option B: Rural community

Option C: None of these

Option D: All of these

Correct Answer: Rural community

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Option A: Geography

Option B: Culture

Option C: Organizations

Option D: All of above

Correct Answer: All of above

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Option A: in infancy

Option B: in childhood

Option C: throughout the life

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: throughout the life

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Option A: Colony

Option B: Society

Option C: Community

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Community

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Option A: it involves only small amounts of money

Option B: the proletariat can outsmart the bourgeoise

Option C: the police turn a blind eye to corporate crime

Option D: it goes undected in the context of everybody business transactions

Correct Answer: it goes undected in the context of everybody business transactions

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Option A: recognized as breaking an important norm of behavior

Option B: seen a temporary aberration from an otherwise normal character

Option C: the first step in establishing a deviant career

Option D: attributed to the person’s genetic or anatomical make up

Correct Answer: seen a temporary aberration from an otherwise normal character

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Option A: community service

Option B: imprisonment

Option C: electronic tagging

Option D: curfews

Correct Answer: community service

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Option A: white-collar crime

Option B: corporate crime

Option C: victimless crime

Option D: organized crime

Correct Answer: corporate crime

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Option A: restorative justice

Option B: zero tolerance

Option C: target hardening

Option D: deterrent sentencing

Correct Answer: zero tolerance

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Option A: labelling theory

Option B: control theory

Option C: functionalist theory

Option D: conflict theory

Correct Answer: labelling theory

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Option A: comte

Option B: Marx

Option C: Weber

Option D: Durkheim

Correct Answer: Durkheim

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Option A: international drug dealing via email

Option B: The global trade in online pornography

Option C: the vandalizing of virtual environments

Option D: theft of goods sold via online action websites

Correct Answer: the vandalizing of virtual environments

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Option A: the new criminology

Option B: broken windows theory

Option C: situational crime prevention

Option D: deviance reduction theory

Correct Answer: situational crime prevention

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Option A: deviant behavior is behavior that is labelled so by the law

Option B: deviant behavior is behavior that people so label

Option C: deviant behavior is that labelled by the perpetrators

Option D: deviant behavior is that which causes public offence

Correct Answer: deviant behavior is behavior that people so label

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Option A: the concept of ‘deviance’ is much broader than ‘crime’

Option B: deviance and crime very often overlap

Option C: the concept of deviance can be applied to individuals and groups

Option D: deviance is normally sanctioned by law

Correct Answer: deviance is normally sanctioned by law

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Option A: restitution

Option B: legalization

Option C: radical non-intervention

Option D: decriminalization

Correct Answer: radical non-intervention

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Option A: 1950s

Option B: 1980s

Option C: 1940s

Option D: 1960s

Correct Answer: 1960s

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Option A: conformity

Option B: corporate crime

Option C: Psychologically-based crime

Option D: lower-class crime

Correct Answer: conformity

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Option A: Social Control theory

Option B: Anomie theory

Option C: Lower Class Focal Value theory

Option D: Social Process theory

Correct Answer: Lower Class Focal Value theory

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Option A: ritualists

Option B: ret realists

Option C: rebels

Option D: innovators

Correct Answer: innovators

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Option A: pre-natal nutrition

Option B: hormones

Option C: genetic abnormalities

Option D: early childhood

Correct Answer: early childhood

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Option A: Substantial reduction of economic inequality

Option B: Subordination of the agents of social control

Option C: redefinition of acts that are currently defined as criminal

Option D: amelioration of social welfare activities

Correct Answer: Substantial reduction of economic inequality

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Option A: Differential Association

Option B: Conflict

Option C: Positivism

Option D: Social Control

Correct Answer: Conflict

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Option A: age-specific support

Option B: informal social control

Option C: internalization of norms

Option D: formal social control

Correct Answer: informal social control

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Option A: Without a deal of grate variation

Option B: inherently deviant

Option C: totally in keeping with tradition

Option D: Without a corresponding judgment

Correct Answer: inherently deviant

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