
Introduction To Sociology MCQs

Option A: social stratification

Option B: social control

Option C: social conflict

Option D: social solidarity

Correct Answer: social stratification

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Option A: George Herbert Mead

Option B: Kari Marx

Option C: Em-ile Durkheim

Option D: Max Weber

Correct Answer: George Herbert Mead

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Option A: macrosociology

Option B: the dramaturgical approach

Option C: Verstehen

Option D: I,m O.K, you,re O.k

Correct Answer: the dramaturgical approach

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Option A: a manifest function

Option B: a latent function

Option C: a dysfunction

Option D: a manifest dysfunction

Correct Answer: a latent function

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Option A: successfully combining theory and research

Option B: an analysis of deviant behavior that focuses on societal goals and means

Option C: an attempt to bring macro-and micro level analyses together

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: suicide rates and how they varied from county to country

Option B: personalities of individual suicide victims

Option C: means people used to take their own lives

Option D: effects of suicide on the families of victims

Correct Answer: suicide rates and how they varied from county to country

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Option A: its theories are logical explicit and supported by empirical evidence

Option B: sociologists collect data in a relatively objective and systematic way

Option C: ideas and research findings are scrutinized by other sociologists

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: sociologists collect data in a relatively objective and systematic way

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Option A: human behavior is meaningful and varies between individuals and cultures

Option B: it is difficult for sociologists to gain access to a research laboratory

Option C: sociologists are not rational or critical enough in their approach

Option D: we cannot collect empirical data about social life

Correct Answer: human behavior is meaningful and varies between individuals and cultures

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Option A: creative activities such as gardening cookery and craftwork

Option B: the symbolic representation of social groups in the mass media

Option C: religious beliefs about how the world ought to be

Option D: rules and expectation about interaction that regulate social life

Correct Answer: rules and expectation about interaction that regulate social life

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Option A: the household

Option B: the office

Option C: the global village

Option D: the nation states

Correct Answer: the household

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Option A: rationalization

Option B: colonization

Option C: McDonaldization

Option D: socialization

Correct Answer: colonization

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Option A: survey research

Option B: naire research

Option C: archival research

Option D: observational research

Correct Answer: survey research

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Option A: are exempt from the considerations of research ethics that govern biological researchers

Option B: have not been able to agree on a code of ethics

Option C: enjoy the same privileges as attorneys in protecting subject’s privacy

Option D: should obtain informed consent in cases where subjects may be exposed to risks of research that are greater than the risks of everyday life

Correct Answer: should obtain informed consent in cases where subjects may be exposed to risks of research that are greater than the risks of everyday life

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Option A: collecting data

Option B: choosing a research design

Option C: selecting a researchable problem

Option D: formulating a hypothesis

Correct Answer: formulating a hypothesis

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Option A: the conflict perspective

Option B: the functionalist perspective

Option C: the interactionist perspective

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: the interactionist perspective

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Option A: Interactionist because the University and the students didn’t share the same understanding about final exams

Option B: Conflict, because this is an example of a power struggle between two groups with conflicting ideas an interest

Option C: Functionalist because teaching college students to protest is a manifest function of education

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: Conflict, because this is an example of a power struggle between two groups with conflicting ideas an interest

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Option A: He developed a theoretical understanding of racial inequality

Option B: He conducted research on the upper classes of Philadelphia

Option C: He chaired the first Department of Sociology at the University of Chicago

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: He developed a theoretical understanding of racial inequality

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Option A: verstehen

Option B: dialectical materialism

Option C: social facts

Option D: value-free sociology

Correct Answer: value-free sociology

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Option A: social statics

Option B: social dynamics

Option C: social absolutes

Option D: constructed reality

Correct Answer: social statics

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Option A: Karl Marx

Option B: Auguste Comte

Option C: Max Weber

Option D: Emile Durkheim

Correct Answer: Auguste Comte

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Option A: human behavior is so complicated that no single theory would be adequate

Option B: sociologists can choose the theory that best fits the data they have collected

Option C: It removes the need to assess a theory according to the empirical evidence

Option D: innumerable theories have been developed in the many fields of sociology

Correct Answer: human behavior is so complicated that no single theory would be adequate

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Option A: Max Weber

Option B: Karl Marx

Option C: Herbert Spencer

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Herbert Spencer

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Option A: Ibn-e-Khaldun

Option B: Auguste Comte

Option C: George Simmel

Option D: Herber Spencer

Correct Answer: Auguste Comte

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Option A: Theological

Option B: Metaphysical

Option C: Scientific stage

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Theological

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Option A: Soft sciences

Option B: hard sciences

Option C: Theoretical

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Soft sciences

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Option A: Scientific Stage

Option B: Theological stage

Option C: Metaphysical Stage

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Scientific Stage

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Option A: Max Weber

Option B: August Comte

Option C: Emile Durkheim

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: August Comte

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Option A: Mid seventeenth Century

Option B: In Eighteenth Century

Option C: In early 19th Century

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: In early 19th Century

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Option A: Stagnant

Option B: Changing

Option C: Both a & b

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Changing

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Option A: patterns of human behavior

Option B: the behavior of an individual

Option C: random human actions

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: patterns of human behavior

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Option A: Karl Marx and Georg Hegel

Option B: George Herbert Mead and Jane Addams

Option C: Friedrich Engels and karl Marx

Option D: Talcott Parsons and Robert Merton

Correct Answer: Friedrich Engels and karl Marx

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Option A: Harriet Martineau

Option B: Herbert Spencer

Option C: Booker T Washington

Option D: W, E.B Du Bois

Correct Answer: W, E.B Du Bois

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Option A: functionalist perspective

Option B: conflict perspective

Option C: interactionist perspective

Option D: dramaturgical approach

Correct Answer: conflict perspective

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Option A: functionalist perspective

Option B: conflict perspective

Option C: interactionist perspective

Option D: dramaturgical approach

Correct Answer: functionalist perspective

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Option A: dramaturgy

Option B: ideal types

Option C: functionalism

Option D: macrosociology

Correct Answer: ideal types

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Option A: Emile Durkheim

Option B: Max Weber

Option C: Karl Marx

Option D: C Wright Mills

Correct Answer: C Wright Mills

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Option A: it focuses on the researchers own experiences

Option B: it makes little distinction between the way the world is and the way it ought to be

Option C: its knowledge is accumulated from many different research contexts

Option D: it is subjective and biased

Correct Answer: its knowledge is accumulated from many different research contexts

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Option A: testing out new research methods to see which one works best

Option B: isolating and measuring the effect of one variable upon another

Option C: using personal beliefs and values to decide what to study

Option D: interpreting date subjectively drawing on theoretical paradigms

Correct Answer: isolating and measuring the effect of one variable upon another

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Option A: highly specialized interrelated sets of social practices

Option B: disorganized social relations in a post modem world

Option C: virtual communities in cyberspace

Option D: no longer relevant to sociology

Correct Answer: highly specialized interrelated sets of social practices

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Option A: a fairground rides

Option B: a circus

Option C: a puppet theatre

Option D: a ballet

Correct Answer: a fairground rides

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Option A: is an approach to research which emphasizes inclusion fairness and humaneness?

Option B: places its main emphasis on concrete theories

Option C: stresses that all human emotions are to be ignored all of the above

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: is an approach to research which emphasizes inclusion fairness and humaneness?

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Option A: is one of the easiest tools for sociological inquiry because it requires only good note taking

Option B: is not subject to the same controls that are applied to other methods

Option C: requires the involvement of the researcher in the activity being studied

Option D: may be unobtrusive or participant

Correct Answer: may be unobtrusive or participant

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Option A: the contaminated group

Option B: the control groups

Option C: the experimental group

Option D: the neutral standard

Correct Answer: the experimental group

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Option A: the ability to control the behavior of others

Option B: the principle that meaning derives from social interaction in daily life

Option C: the observed consequences that permit the adaptation or adjustment of a system

Option D: and artificial explanation of culture that exists apart from any social reality or shared social meaning

Correct Answer: the principle that meaning derives from social interaction in daily life

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Option A: evolutionary relativism

Option B: liberal feminism and explicit examination of women’s social roles and experiences

Option C: postmodernism feminism and critical theory

Option D: a combination of biological theory conflict theory and evolutionary theory

Correct Answer: postmodernism feminism and critical theory

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Option A: Catholics had higher rates of suicide than protestants

Option B: Rates of suicide were higher in times of war than in times of peace

Option C: Rates of suicide were lower in times of economic stability

Option D: Individuals who were enmeshed in meaningful social bonds were less inclined to commit suicide

Correct Answer: Individuals who were enmeshed in meaningful social bonds were less inclined to commit suicide

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Option A: Herbert Spencer

Option B: Emily Post

Option C: Harriet Martineau

Option D: Emile Durkheim

Correct Answer: Harriet Martineau

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Option A: class conflict

Option B: Dialectical materialism

Option C: Social dynamics

Option D: Social Darwinism

Correct Answer: Social Darwinism

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Option A: has been to study social interaction for over 500 years.

Option B: Is the scientific study of social interaction and organization?

Option C: has little bearing on public policy

Option D: is most useful when applied to abstract -as opposed to practical matters

Correct Answer: Is the scientific study of social interaction and organization?

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Option A: Patterns of human behavior

Option B: the behavior of an individual

Option C: random human actions

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: Patterns of human behavior

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Option A: Observation

Option B: Recollection

Option C: Addition to already experimented material

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Observation

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Option A: Theological

Option B: Metaphysical

Option C: Scientific

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Metaphysical

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Option A: laboratory experiments

Option B: field experiment

Option C: human aspect of the world

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: human aspect of the world

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Option A: Separate Disciplines

Option B: Same discipline

Option C: Not studied

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Same discipline

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Option A: two stages

Option B: four stages

Option C: three stages

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: three stages

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Option A: Neighbor

Option B: Associate

Option C: Friend

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Associate

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Option A: Social work

Option B: Sociology

Option C: Society

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Sociology

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Option A: Human political life

Option B: Human economic life

Option C: Human social life

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Human social life

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