
Sociology MCQs

Option A: high and low

Option B: broad and narrow

Option C: old and new

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: broad and narrow

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Option A: Socialization at primary school level

Option B: Socialization at home

Option C: Socialization in early life, as a child

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Socialization in early life, as a child

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Option A: Primary

Option B: Secondary

Option C: Developmental socialization

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Developmental socialization

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Option A: Culture

Option B: Socialization

Option C: Association

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Socialization

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Option A: salons

Option B: newspapers

Option C: universities

Option D: television

Correct Answer: salons

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Option A: bureaucracy

Option B: networks

Option C: hierarchy

Option D: conglomerates

Correct Answer: networks

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Option A: rational through

Option B: social capital

Option C: cultural capital

Option D: political awareness

Correct Answer: social capital

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Option A: traditional take-off drive to maturity high mass consumption

Option B: traditional drive to maturity high mass consumption take-off

Option C: traditional state intervention high mass consumption take-off

Option D: traditional dependency modernization take-off

Correct Answer: traditional take-off drive to maturity high mass consumption

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Option A: the main dynamic of modern development is capitalist economics

Option B: modern societies are in transition towards a socialist model

Option C: rationalization is bound to progress further in all spheres of life

Option D: all history is the history of class struggles

Correct Answer: modern societies are in transition towards a socialist model

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Option A: discovery

Option B: invention

Option C: diffusion

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: agricultural reforms

Option B: Green Revolution

Option C: Both a and b

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Both a and b

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Option A: Migration after Independence

Option B: Green Revolution

Option C: Urbanization and Islamization of Zia ere

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Harvey

Option B: Moloch

Option C: Castells

Option D: Saunders

Correct Answer: Castells

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Option A: globalization

Option B: work

Option C: economics

Option D: culture

Correct Answer: culture

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Option A: 1980

Option B: 1985

Option C: 1990

Option D: 1995

Correct Answer: 1990

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Option A: face-to-face interaction

Option B: mediated interaction

Option C: mediated quasi interaction

Option D: mediated multiple -interaction

Correct Answer: mediated quasi interaction

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Option A: professional

Option B: managerial and technical

Option C: skilled non-manual

Option D: skilled manual

Correct Answer: professional

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Option A: Change

Option B: Cultural diffusion

Option C: both a and b

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Change

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Option A: Light engineering industry

Option B: Heavy industry

Option C: Medium

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Light engineering industry

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Option A: Uni-religious state

Option B: Multi-ethnic state

Option C: Multi-lingual state

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Uni-religious state

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Option A: Green Revolution

Option B: Migration after Independence

Option C: Both a and b

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Migration after Independence

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Option A: the shift of employment and services away from the inner city towards multiple centers in smaller towns and rural areas

Option B: the degendering of public space as women use local facilities more

Option C: gentrification the movement of middle-class people back into the inner city

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: more resources to be directed towards economic growth

Option B: more resources to be put into Third World development

Option C: growth that minimizes resource depletion and pollution

Option D: fewer resources to be directed towards economic growth

Correct Answer: growth that minimizes resource depletion and pollution

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Option A: they are centers of direction and policy-making for the global economy

Option B: they are visited by large numbers of tourists from across the world

Option C: they are the key locations for financial and specialized service firms

Option D: they are markets for the exchange of the products of financial service

Correct Answer: they are visited by large numbers of tourists from across the world

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Option A: Park

Option B: Hawley

Option C: Wirth

Option D: Burgess

Correct Answer: Wirth

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Option A: the shift of employment and services away from the inner city towards multiple centers in smaller towns and rural areas

Option B: the degendering of public space as women use local facilities more

Option C: gentrification the movement of middle-class people back into the inner city

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: reliance on animal power as a source of energy

Option B: the high levels of surplus produced by the agricultural sector

Option C: the ease of migration to the city

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: reliance on animal power as a source of energy

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Option A: Lowest

Option B: Normal

Option C: Highest

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Highest

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Option A: Low

Option B: Medium

Option C: High

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: High

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Option A: 30%

Option B: 40%

Option C: 50%

Option D: 60%

Correct Answer: 60%

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Option A: encouraging existing residents to move out of an area

Option B: introducing local environmental strategies to an area

Option C: the refurbishment or replacement of old buildings and land

Option D: providing incentives for urban dwellers to use public transport

Correct Answer: the refurbishment or replacement of old buildings and land

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Option A: Frankfurt

Option B: Madrid

Option C: Buenos Aires

Option D: Moscow

Correct Answer: Frankfurt

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Option A: regenerating cities in economic decline

Option B: turning industrial landscapes into tourist attractions

Option C: selling sites and images through the symbolic economy of media advertising

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: how social groups colonized different areas of the city and competed for resources

Option B: the forms of wildlife and natural habitats that could be found on the edges of the city

Option C: the way in which people organized collective protests about environmental issues

Option D: how men and women used the city’s public spaces differently

Correct Answer: how social groups colonized different areas of the city and competed for resources

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Option A: America

Option B: England

Option C: Japan

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Japan

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Option A: relatively open class systems

Option B: extensive social mobility

Option C: a much more rigid division of labor by gender

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: a much more rigid division of labor by gender

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Option A: Inflation

Option B: Poverty

Option C: Unemployment

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Straight lined

Option B: Cyclical

Option C: Social

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Cyclical

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Option A: Fifth

Option B: Sixth

Option C: Seventh

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Sixth

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Option A: deindustrialization

Option B: downsizing

Option C: post industrialization

Option D: “banana time”

Correct Answer: deindustrialization

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Option A: force influence and authority

Option B: force influence and democracy

Option C: force legitimacy and charisma

Option D: influence charisma and bureaucracy

Correct Answer: force influence and authority

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Option A: functionalist perspective

Option B: conflict perspective

Option C: interactionist perspective

Option D: labeling theory

Correct Answer: conflict perspective

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Option A: John Maynard Keynes

Option B: Adam Smith

Option C: Paul Samuelson

Option D: Arthur Scargill

Correct Answer: Adam Smith

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Option A: capitalism and communism

Option B: capitalism and socialism

Option C: socialism and communism

Option D: capitalism and dictatorships

Correct Answer: capitalism and socialism

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Option A: Karl Marx

Option B: Karl Marx and Emile Durkheim

Option C: Karl Marx and Max Weber

Option D: All three of them

Correct Answer: All three of them

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Option A: the belief that women control the private sphere

Option B: women increasing labor market participation

Option C: the allocation of men and women to different types of job

Option D: relations between men and women in the workplace

Correct Answer: the allocation of men and women to different types of job

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Option A: the unemployment rate has decreased significantly since the 1970s

Option B: the unemployment rate remains historically low

Option C: the unemployment rate remains historically high

Option D: the unemployment rate in not known

Correct Answer: the unemployment rate remains historically high

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Option A: services

Option B: industrial manufacture

Option C: agriculture

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: industrial manufacture

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Option A: anomie

Option B: pauperization

Option C: de-skilling

Option D: alienation

Correct Answer: alienation

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Option A: farming

Option B: service jobs

Option C: factory work

Option D: high-tech jobs

Correct Answer: factory work

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Option A: women

Option B: racial minorities

Option C: ethnic minorities

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: Joan of Arc

Option B: Malcolm X

Option C: Adolf Hitler

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: Emile Durkheim

Option B: Adam Smith

Option C: Friedrich Engels

Option D: the Marx Brothers

Correct Answer: Friedrich Engels

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Option A: socialism

Option B: feudalism

Option C: slavery

Option D: all of these

Correct Answer: socialism

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Option A: much of the workforce in now involved in physical production of goods

Option B: the economy is dominated by the constant flow of information and opinions

Option C: this is a phase of development beyond industrialism

Option D: investment in public education and software development is more significant

Correct Answer: much of the workforce in now involved in physical production of goods

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Option A: sabotage

Option B: strike

Option C: overtime ban

Option D: work to rule (working only ones contracted hours noting more or less)

Correct Answer: strike

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Option A: work where no money changes hands

Option B: the activities of small businesses

Option C: transactions outside the sphere of regular employment

Option D: organizations with less rigid rules and procedures

Correct Answer: transactions outside the sphere of regular employment

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Option A: the division of household labor

Option B: occupational segregation

Option C: the wage gap in favor of men

Option D: women’s concentration in part-time jobs

Correct Answer: the division of household labor

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Option A: high risk systems

Option B: high trust systems

Option C: low trust systems

Option D: low risk systems

Correct Answer: low trust systems

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Option A: the casual economy

Option B: the parallel economy

Option C: the black economy

Option D: the informal economy

Correct Answer: the casual economy

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Option A: division of labor

Option B: impersonality

Option C: employment based on technical qualifications

Option D: written rules and regulations

Correct Answer: division of labor

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Option A: less time to speak

Option B: more points of view to absorb

Option C: a more elaborate structure within which to function

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: normative function by enforcing standards of conduct and belief

Option B: comparison function by serving as a standard against which people can measure themselves and other

Option C: elimination function by dissolving groups that no longer have a social purpose

Option D: both a and b

Correct Answer: both a and b

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Option A: primary

Option B: secondary

Option C: out-groups

Option D: formal organizations

Correct Answer: secondary

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Option A: a clear-cut hierarchy of authority

Option B: co-ownership among all workers of the material resource with which they operate

Option C: fixed salaries associated with each role

Option D: written rules governing conduct

Correct Answer: co-ownership among all workers of the material resource with which they operate

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Option A: merging of work and private lives

Option B: job security

Option C: group-oriented production

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: regimes that use repression against their population

Option B: the exclusion of women from the highest levels of politics

Option C: the tendency for power inevitably to flow towards top

Option D: the legal system of the former communist countries

Correct Answer: the tendency for power inevitably to flow towards top

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Option A: Michel Foucault

Option B: Paul Gay

Option C: Zygmunt Bauman

Option D: Robert Michels

Correct Answer: Paul Gay

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Option A: the rules could be upheld at all cost even in the face of a better solution

Option B: people know they should be guaranteed fair and consistent treatment

Option C: adherence to the rules takes precedence over organizational goals

Option D: workers are not encouraged to be flexible in making decisions

Correct Answer: people know they should be guaranteed fair and consistent treatment

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Option A: the chaos of informal organizations

Option B: the compulsion to work in offices

Option C: the developing power of officials

Option D: politicians abuse of power and influence

Correct Answer: the developing power of officials

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Option A: is compatible with private sector values and includes impartial and equal treatment for all

Option B: ensures administrative responsibility for the public interest and includes impartial and equal treatment for all

Option C: ensures that politicians goals can be met even against opposition and ensures administrative responsibility for the public interest

Option D: is compatible with private sector values and ensures that politicians goals can be met even against opposition

Correct Answer: is compatible with private sector values and includes impartial and equal treatment for all

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Option A: cultural capital

Option B: economic capital

Option C: social capital

Option D: symbolic capital

Correct Answer: social capital

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Option A: 5,164

Option B: 8,898

Option C: 51,509

Option D: 123,305

Correct Answer: 51,509

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Option A: Max Weber

Option B: Zygmunt Bauman

Option C: Michel Foucault

Option D: Robert Michel’s

Correct Answer: Robert Michel’s

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Option A: classical theory

Option B: scientific management approach

Option C: human relations approach

Option D: both A and B

Correct Answer: both A and B

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Option A: functionalists

Option B: conflict theorists

Option C: interactionists

Option D: classical theorists

Correct Answer: conflict theorists

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Option A: Emile Durkheim

Option B: Max Weber

Option C: Karl Marx

Option D: Ferdinand Tonnies

Correct Answer: Max Weber

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Option A: All small groups are primary groups

Option B: All small groups are secondary groups

Option C: Many small groups differ from primary groups in that they do not necessarily offer the intimate personal relationships of primary groups

Option D: both b and c

Correct Answer: Many small groups differ from primary groups in that they do not necessarily offer the intimate personal relationships of primary groups

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Option A: functionalists

Option B: conflict theorists

Option C: interactionists

Option D: classical theorists

Correct Answer: conflict theorists

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Option A: primary group

Option B: secondary group

Option C: out-group

Option D: formal organization

Correct Answer: primary group

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Option A: de-differentiation

Option B: network economy

Option C: political corruption

Option D: social capital

Correct Answer: social capital

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Option A: polycentric

Option B: egocentric

Option C: geocentric

Option D: ethnocentric

Correct Answer: geocentric

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Option A: the Pan-Arab League

Option B: the Hanseatic League

Option C: the Football League

Option D: the League of Nations

Correct Answer: the Hanseatic League

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Option A: family capitalism

Option B: managerial capitalism

Option C: welfare capitalism

Option D: institutional capitalism

Correct Answer: institutional capitalism

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Option A: that the rules were written down a long time in the past

Option B: that the rules never in fact existed in the first place

Option C: that the rules have little actual substance in reality

Option D: that rules are a hindrance in large organization

Correct Answer: that the rules have little actual substance in reality

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Option A: efficiency calculability affordability consistent decor

Option B: efficiency calculability uniformity automation

Option C: efficiency dehumanization automation high calories

Option D: efficiency Big Mac large fries’ milkshake

Correct Answer: efficiency calculability uniformity automation

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Option A: surveillance

Option B: meritocracy

Option C: bureaucracy

Option D: transnational organization

Correct Answer: bureaucracy

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Option A: polycentric

Option B: ethnocentric

Option C: heliocentric

Option D: geocentric

Correct Answer: heliocentric

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Option A: an army barracks

Option B: a prison

Option C: an asylum

Option D: a school

Correct Answer: a prison

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Option A: bureaucratic organization could become prohibitively expensive to run

Option B: social organization could become too efficient

Option C: democracy could become a sham if bureaucrats held real power

Option D: bureaucratic officials may be able to abuse their power

Correct Answer: democracy could become a sham if bureaucrats held real power

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Option A: Stimulus-response psychology

Option B: Drive psychology

Option C: Trait psychology

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Trait psychology

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Option A: traditional authority

Option B: rational argument

Option C: personal qualities

Option D: collective wealth

Correct Answer: personal qualities

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Option A: communicate instantly with people far away

Option B: experience what its like to be a different gender

Option C: interact in an unreal and alienated way

Option D: communicate without non-verbal cues

Correct Answer: communicate instantly with people far away

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Option A: the familiar

Option B: the exotic

Option C: the historic

Option D: the amusing

Correct Answer: the exotic

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Option A: the movement towards religious pluralism

Option B: inspirational Protestant groups who revived religious ideas

Option C: new religious movements who rejected traditional forms of labor

Option D: Calvinists who engaged in ascetic practices to gain signs of salvation

Correct Answer: Calvinists who engaged in ascetic practices to gain signs of salvation

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Option A: Joan of Arc

Option B: Malcolm X

Option C: Adolf Hitler

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: George Herbert Mead

Option B: Charles Horton Cooley

Option C: Erving Goffman

Option D: W.I. Thomas

Correct Answer: George Herbert Mead

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Option A: five stages

Option B: Seven stages

Option C: Eight stages

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Eight stages

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Option A: id

Option B: Superego

Option C: ego

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Superego

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Option A: Antisocial self

Option B: Generalized other

Option C: looking glass self

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Antisocial self

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