
Sociology MCQs

Option A: survey research

Option B: ethnography

Option C: focus groups

Option D: biographical research

Correct Answer: survey research

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Option A: review the evidence

Option B: define the research problem

Option C: create a research design

Option D: carry out a research design

Correct Answer: define the research problem

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Option A: historical research

Option B: survey research

Option C: participant observation

Option D: experimental design

Correct Answer: participant observation

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Option A: secondary observer

Option B: participant-as-observer

Option C: complete participant

Option D: ethnographer

Correct Answer: participant-as-observer

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Option A: tactful

Option B: creative

Option C: unobtrusive

Option D: fluent in several languages

Correct Answer: creative

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Option A: ethnography

Option B: field research

Option C: an international approach

Option D: content analysis

Correct Answer: comparative approach

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Option A: that people are more likely to be honest

Option B: they are not time consuming

Option C: the interviewer can guess the age of the respondent

Option D: the response rate is high

Correct Answer: the response rate is high

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Option A: exhaustive

Option B: mutually exclusive

Option C: comprehensive

Option D: tangible

Correct Answer: exhaustive

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Option A: the s is clearly worded

Option B: they cover the return postage

Option C: the answers are mutually exclusive

Option D: they are easy and quick to answer

Correct Answer: they are easy and quick to answer

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Option A: interviews

Option B: participant observation

Option C: experiments

Option D: content analysis

Correct Answer: surveys

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Option A: internal consistency

Option B: correlation

Option C: theory

Option D: time order

Correct Answer: internal consistency

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Option A: Coding

Option B: Conceptualization

Option C: Factoring

Option D: Classification

Correct Answer: Coding

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Option A: surveys

Option B: ethnography

Option C: field research

Option D: secondary research

Correct Answer: ethnography

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Option A: operational definition

Option B: quantitative theorem

Option C: theory

Option D: hypothesis

Correct Answer: operational definition

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Option A: formulating the problem

Option B: selecting a research method

Option C: developing a hypothesis

Option D: evaluation of the results

Correct Answer: formulating the problem

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Option A: recognized that it is impossible for scholars to prevent their personal values from influencing their work

Option B: stressed that researchers had to maintain the confidentiality of their subjects

Option C: emphasized that under no conditions could a researcher allow his or her personal feelings to influence the interpretation of data

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: emphasized that under no conditions could a researcher allow his or her personal feelings to influence the interpretation of data

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Option A: the control groups

Option B: the representative group

Option C: the experimental group

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: the experimental group

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Option A: administers a naira to every fifth woman who enters a business office

Option B: examines the attitudes of residents of a city by interviewing every twentieth name in the city’s telephone book

Option C: studies the attitudes of Democratic voters by choosing every tenth name found on a city’s list of registered Democrats

Option D: None of the above

Correct Answer: None of the above

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Option A: observation research

Option B: a survey

Option C: content analysis

Option D: an experiment

Correct Answer: a survey

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Option A: correlation

Option B: independent variable

Option C: dependent variable

Option D: sample

Correct Answer: independent variable

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Option A: collect data

Option B: define the problem

Option C: review previous research

Option D: formulate a hypothesis

Correct Answer: define the problem

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Option A: very high

Option B: it can be both A and C

Option C: very low

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: very low

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Option A: double barreled questions

Option B: leading questions

Option C: contingency questions

Option D: Matrix questions

Correct Answer: contingency questions

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Option A: a meeting

Option B: an event

Option C: a moment

Option D: an Encounter

Correct Answer: an Encounter

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Option A: an attempt to test a hypothesis under controlled conditions

Option B: a piece of research conducted in a laboratory

Option C: a piece of research trying out new methods

Option D: an attempt to deceive participants about the research’s true purpose

Correct Answer: an attempt to test a hypothesis under controlled conditions

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Option A: sample

Option B: respondents

Option C: focus group

Option D: population

Correct Answer: population

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Option A: multiple regression

Option B: causal mechanism

Option C: spurious correlation

Option D: multinomial distribution

Correct Answer: spurious correlation

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Option A: the investigator being committed to a particular ideology

Option B: the research team prejudging the meaning of the data

Option C: the data being unbalanced by the design or execution of the research

Option D: interpretations being applied to the results

Correct Answer: the data being unbalanced by the design or execution of the research

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Option A: the theorist has researched the literatures thoroughly

Option B: they have been tested out by means of factual research

Option C: they are written in such a way as to be impossible to disprove

Option D: they are shared by a large enough number of theorists

Correct Answer: they have been tested out by means of factual research

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Option A: definitions and indicators can vary making valid comparisons problematic

Option B: there are no reliable indicators of such widely contested ideas

Option C: it takes all the fun out of armchair theorizing

Option D: it has little use for applied empirical research about the topic

Correct Answer: definitions and indicators can vary making valid comparisons problematic

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Option A: government white paper

Option B: confidential medical records

Option C: household account book

Option D: the shares register of a business

Correct Answer: household account book

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Option A: not being able to write comprehensive field notes or record conversations

Option B: deceiving the respondents as to the reason for your presence

Option C: observing people outside of their natural setting

Option D: subjecting the participants to physical harm

Correct Answer: deceiving the respondents as to the reason for your presence

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Option A: probability sampling

Option B: non-probability sampling

Option C: cluster sampling

Option D: using the Christmas vacation constructively

Correct Answer: probability sampling

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Option A: finding out which topics are important to the respondents

Option B: testing out your computer and printer

Option C: identifying any problems with the wording and routing

Option D: deciding which respondents to leave out of the final sample

Correct Answer: identifying any problems with the wording and routing

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Option A: sociologists like to put a value on different theories

Option B: Knowledge refers to people and their values

Option C: theorists interpret the world in terms of their own values

Option D: attempts to provide knowledge about the world are always valuable

Correct Answer: theorists interpret the world in terms of their own values

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Option A: testing out new research methods to see which one works best

Option B: isolating and measuring the effect of one variable upon another

Option C: using personal beliefs and values to decide what to study

Option D: interpreting data subjectively drawing on theoretical paradigms

Correct Answer: isolating and measuring the effect of one variable upon another

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Option A: secondary analysis

Option B: interviews

Option C: observation

Option D: content analysis

Correct Answer: content analysis

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Option A: the control groups

Option B: the representative group

Option C: the experimental group

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: the experimental group

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Option A: interviews

Option B: nares

Option C: representative samples

Option D: observation techniques

Correct Answer: interviews

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Option A: representative sampling

Option B: experiments

Option C: surveys

Option D: hypotheses

Correct Answer: representative sampling

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Option A: sample

Option B: experiment

Option C: research design

Option D: scientific method

Correct Answer: research design

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Option A: first

Option B: second

Option C: third

Option D: fourth

Correct Answer: third

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Option A: Pure science

Option B: Applied Science

Option C: both a & b

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Applied Science

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Option A: Evaluation research

Option B: analytical research

Option C: Scientific research

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Evaluation research

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Option A: Experiment situation

Option B: Scientific control

Option C: Normal circumstances

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Scientific control

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Option A: fully controlled

Option B: less controlled

Option C: uncontrolled

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: less controlled

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Option A: unconscious

Option B: conscious and behave artificially

Option C: behave naturally

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: conscious and behave artificially

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Option A: Laboratory

Option B: Field

Option C: both A & B

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: both A & B

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Option A: Society

Option B: Sociology

Option C: Anthropology

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Sociology

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Option A: Convention

Option B: British constitution

Option C: American constitution

Option D: None of them

Correct Answer: British constitution

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Option A: Tibet

Option B: Israel

Option C: Belgium

Option D: all of these

Correct Answer: Tibet

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Option A: a form of world government with global citizenship

Option B: rule by the worlds educated elites

Option C: democratic government at the level of the city

Option D: democratic government that is representative of a multicultural society

Correct Answer: a form of world government with global citizenship

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Option A: 1999

Option B: 2004

Option C: 2004

Option D: 2002

Correct Answer: 2002

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Option A: degenerate wars

Option B: genocides

Option C: illegal wars

Option D: risk-transfer wars

Correct Answer: risk-transfer wars

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Option A: nations without states

Option B: multiculturalism

Option C: a cultural melting Pot

Option D: separate institutions

Correct Answer: nations without states

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Option A: the lack of a strong work ethic

Option B: the legacy of economic mismanagement by local leaders

Option C: the lock of a democratic culture

Option D: the legacy of colonialism

Correct Answer: the legacy of colonialism

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1. The prime minister
2. The cabinet
3. The court of law
4. None of them

Correct Answer: 2. The cabinet

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Option A: a national identity with an associated set of symbols and beliefs

Option B: governmental authority over a clearly demarcated territory

Option C: the granting of citizenship rights to the relevant population

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: it is global in the scope of its aims

Option B: it has a nationalist ideology

Option C: it adopts a loose international type of organization

Option D: it is more ruthless in the recourse to violent means

Correct Answer: it has a nationalist ideology

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Option A: the presence of diaspora volunteer fighters

Option B: the recourse of combatants to small -scale guerrilla tactics

Option C: the involvement of international NGOs

Option D: the role of multinational United Nations peacekeeping troops

Correct Answer: the recourse of combatants to small -scale guerrilla tactics

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Option A: Carl von Clausewitz

Option B: Martin Shaw

Option C: Karl Marx

Option D: Mary Kaldor

Correct Answer: Martin Shaw

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Option A: the absolutist mechanism

Option B: the decivilizing process

Option C: the monopoly mechanism

Option D: the courtizaion process

Correct Answer: the monopoly mechanism

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Option A: recognition of the equal rights of an ethnic group within a nation state

Option B: the creation of an independent nation state

Option C: the expulsion of an ethnic group from a disputed region

Option D: acceptance of an ethnic groups that to use a separate minority language

Correct Answer: the creation of an independent nation state

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Option A: T.H Huxley

Option B: A.H Halsey

Option C: T.H Marshall

Option D: E.H Carr

Correct Answer: T.H Marshall

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Option A: Whites

Option B: Indians

Option C: Black Caribbean’s

Option D: Bangladeshis

Correct Answer: Bangladeshis

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Option A: the mean is distorted by a few people at the very top of the distribution

Option B: they lead more people to be defined as in poverty

Option C: the median is a more accurate measurement of earnings than the mean

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: the mean is distorted by a few people at the very top of the distribution

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Option A: Bangladesh

Option B: Mozambique

Option C: China

Option D: Pakistan

Correct Answer: China

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Option A: civil rights political citizenship social citizenship environmental citizenship

Option B: social citizenship political citizenship environmental citizenship civil rights

Option C: political citizenship social citizenship environmental citizenship civil rights

Option D: civil rights environmental citizenship social citizenship political citizenship

Correct Answer: civil rights political citizenship social citizenship environmental citizenship

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Option A: the personal experience of poverty is not the concern of sociologists

Option B: there is an arbitrary nature to how items are selected for a deprivation index

Option C: it may be choice not poverty that means some people do not qualify for some of the items on a deprivation index

Option D: the subjective nature of such indices means it is difficult to make comparisons between different studies and time periods

Correct Answer: the personal experience of poverty is not the concern of sociologists

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Option A: social democratic socialist communist

Option B: social democratic corporatist liberal

Option C: social democratic Christian-democratic nationalist

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: social democratic corporatist liberal

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Option A: tax avoidance

Option B: gated communities

Option C: homelessness

Option D: none of these

Correct Answer: none of these

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Option A: to be killed in road accident

Option B: to have a diet consisting primarily of vegetables

Option C: to live in male-headed households

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: to be killed in road accident

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Option A: it concentrates too much on kinship ties

Option B: the government should be raising benefit levels

Option C: in modern affluent societies no one is truly poor

Option D: it is wrong to make comparisons between countries

Correct Answer: in modern affluent societies no one is truly poor

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Option A: primary/secondary

Option B: weak/strong

Option C: general/specific

Option D: old/new

Correct Answer: weak/strong

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Option A: stayed the same around 1.5 billion people

Option B: rose from 1.5 billion people to 3 billion

Option C: fell form 1.5 billion people to 1 billion

Option D: rose from 1.5 billion people to 2.5 billion

Correct Answer: fell form 1.5 billion people to 1 billion

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Option A: hypodermic model

Option B: gratification model

Option C: reception theory

Option D: interpretative model

Correct Answer: gratification model

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Option A: globalization

Option B: work

Option C: economics

Option D: culture

Correct Answer: culture

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Option A: 1980

Option B: 1985

Option C: 1990

Option D: 1995

Correct Answer: 1990

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Option A: global village

Option B: global network

Option C: global flows

Option D: global cities

Correct Answer: global village

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Option A: modern theme parks such as Disneyland

Option B: the merging of reality and media representations

Option C: the virtual world made possible by the Internet

Option D: people, s affinity with soap characters rather than real people

Correct Answer: the merging of reality and media representations

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Option A: functionalism

Option B: symbolic interactionism

Option C: postmodernism

Option D: political economy

Correct Answer: political economy

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Option A: USA India Nigeria

Option B: India USA Nigeria

Option C: India China USA

Option D: India Nigeria USA

Correct Answer: India Nigeria USA

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Option A: robotics

Option B: the capability of computers

Option C: the digitization of data

Option D: satellite communications

Correct Answer: robotics

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Option A: class consciousness

Option B: false consciousness

Option C: socialist consciousness

Option D: surplus value

Correct Answer: false consciousness

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Option A: public opinion

Option B: social movements

Option C: rumors

Option D: crowds

Correct Answer: social movements

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Option A: landfills

Option B: prisons

Option C: nuclear power facilities

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: William F. Oghurn

Option B: Talcott Parsons

Option C: Auguste Comte

Option D: Thorstein Veblen

Correct Answer: Thorstein Veblen

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Option A: functionalist perspective

Option B: conflict perspective

Option C: interactionist perspective

Option D: each of the above

Correct Answer: functionalist perspective

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Option A: differentiation

Option B: value generalization

Option C: inclusion

Option D: adaptive upgrading

Correct Answer: adaptive upgrading

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Option A: cyclical theory

Option B: unilinear theory

Option C: multilinear theory

Option D: conflict theory

Correct Answer: unilinear theory

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Option A: domesticating its content including more home-produced programmes

Option B: controlling the distribution of imported products by banning satellite dishes

Option C: creating reverse flows of their own programmes back to imperial societies

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: transnational corporations

Option B: multi-media empires

Option C: ownership concentrated within one medium

Option D: government-owned companies

Correct Answer: transnational corporations

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Option A: mass production mass circulation and the decline of serious content

Option B: the public ownership of newspapers as a shared resource

Option C: more people going to the cinema as a new leisure activity

Option D: a reduction of virtual communities on the internet

Correct Answer: mass production mass circulation and the decline of serious content

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Option A: the globalization of cultural through new technologies

Option B: the way in which culture products were bought and sold for profit

Option C: the development of subcultures and counter-cultures society

Option D: the way in which industrialization had created new means of communication

Correct Answer: the way in which culture products were bought and sold for profit

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Option A: media saturation

Option B: media globalization

Option C: media penetration

Option D: media imperialism

Correct Answer: media imperialism

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Option A: neutral

Option B: misleading

Option C: illusory

Option D: distorting

Correct Answer: neutral

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Option A: bureaucracy

Option B: networks

Option C: hierarchy

Option D: conglomerates

Correct Answer: networks

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Option A: rational though

Option B: social capital

Option C: cultural capital

Option D: political awareness

Correct Answer: social capital

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Option A: mediatization

Option B: convergence

Option C: globalization

Option D: cloud computing

Correct Answer: convergence

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Option A: Manuel Castells

Option B: Marshall McLuhan

Option C: Howard Rheingold

Option D: Karl Marx

Correct Answer: Marshall McLuhan

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