
Sociology MCQs

Option A: Complex

Option B: Laws

Option C: Trait

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Trait

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Option A: Norms

Option B: Folkways

Option C: Customs

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Folkways

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Option A: Mountainous Areas

Option B: Great deserts

Option C: Lowlands of great river basins

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Lowlands of great river basins

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Option A: existence of upward progress

Option B: cyclic

Option C: cultural growth from simple to complex

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: cultural growth from simple to complex

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Option A: not related to each other

Option B: complementary

Option C: slightly related

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: complementary

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Option A: physical objects

Option B: Non-physical objects

Option C: Both a and b

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: physical objects

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Option A: society

Option B: Culture

Option C: behavior

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Culture

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Option A: Malthusianism

Option B: demography

Option C: forecasting

Option D: official statistics

Correct Answer: demography

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Option A: The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank

Option B: The World Trade Organization and the World Bank

Option C: The international Monetary Fund and the World Health Organization

Option D: The United Nations and the World Trade Organization

Correct Answer: The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank

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Option A: traditional take-off drive to maturity high mass consumption

Option B: traditional drive to maturity high mass consumption take-off

Option C: traditional state intervention high mass consumption take-off

Option D: traditional dependency modernization take-off

Correct Answer: traditional take-off drive to maturity high mass consumption

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Option A: Gross National Product

Option B: Gross Domestic Product

Option C: Purchasing Power Parity

Option D: Gross National Income

Correct Answer: Gross Domestic Product

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Option A: population growth creates the conditions for the spread of disease

Option B: all countries must pass through the demographic transition

Option C: population growth tends to outstrip food production

Option D: birth control is irrelevant for the control of population growth

Correct Answer: population growth tends to outstrip food production

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Option A: to reduce levels of global inequality

Option B: to generate economic activity in the developing countries

Option C: to maintain stability in the world financial system

Option D: to provide funds for education programmed across the world

Correct Answer: to maintain stability in the world financial system

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Option A: Walt Rostow

Option B: Immanuel Waller-stein

Option C: Amartya Sen

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: Immanuel Waller-stein

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Option A: less than 10%

Option B: around 25%

Option C: around 50%

Option D: more than 75%

Correct Answer: more than 75%

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Option A: 50%

Option B: 22%

Option C: 35%

Option D: 15%

Correct Answer: 15%

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Option A: Greenpeace

Option B: international Telegraph Union

Option C: Amnesty International

Option D: The Red Cross

Correct Answer: international Telegraph Union

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Option A: citizens lose faith in existing systems of governance

Option B: globalization needs to happen much more quickly

Option C: individual countries no longer control their own economies

Option D: regional institutions are becoming as powerful as nation-states

Correct Answer: globalization needs to happen much more quickly

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Option A: own meanings and values

Option B: family and kin relationships

Option C: artistic and literary production

Option D: religious and spiritual beliefs

Correct Answer: own meanings and values

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Option A: human beings have existed on earth for about half a million years

Option B: agriculture is only around twelve thousand years old

Option C: civilizations date back around six thousand years

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: Middle East

Option B: Asia

Option C: Oceania/Australia

Option D: Africa

Correct Answer: Africa

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Option A: four fifths

Option B: two thirds

Option C: one quarter

Option D: half

Correct Answer: two thirds

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Option A: capitalist companies are spreading across the planet

Option B: we all now live in a single society

Option C: individuals’ groups and nations are becoming more interdependent

Option D: human beings now live on every continent of the planet

Correct Answer: individuals’ groups and nations are becoming more interdependent

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Option A: agrarian societies

Option B: pastoral societies

Option C: hunter-gatherer societies

Option D: industrial societies

Correct Answer: hunter-gatherer societies

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Option A: an increase in the birth rate

Option B: an increase in the death rate

Option C: an exponential growth in population

Option D: a change in the ratio of births to deaths

Correct Answer: a change in the ratio of births to deaths

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Option A: fertility

Option B: fecundity

Option C: femininity

Option D: facticity

Correct Answer: fecundity

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Option A: Walt Rostow

Option B: Karl Marx

Option C: Immanuel Wallerstein

Option D: Bretton Woods

Correct Answer: Karl Marx

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Option A: India

Option B: China

Option C: Indonesia

Option D: Vietnam

Correct Answer: China

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Option A: systematic difference in wealth and income between global firms

Option B: systematic differences in wealth and income between countries

Option C: systematic differences in wealth and income within countries

Option D: systematic differences in wealth and income between poorer countries

Correct Answer: systematic differences in wealth and income between countries

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Option A: a young population

Option B: good healthcare system

Option C: education

Option D: careful policy planning

Correct Answer: good healthcare system

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Option A: Brazil

Option B: Japan

Option C: Ethiopia

Option D: Spain

Correct Answer: Brazil

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Option A: Wholesale and retail

Option B: manufacturing

Option C: agriculture

Option D: services

Correct Answer: agriculture

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Option A: 15%

Option B: 25%

Option C: 50%

Option D: 75%

Correct Answer: 75%

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Option A: Sweden Switzerland Norway Portugal

Option B: Sweden Norway Switzerland Portugal

Option C: Portugal Switzerland Norway Sweden

Option D: Switzerland Norway Portugal Sweden

Correct Answer: Sweden Switzerland Norway Portugal

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Option A: Brazil

Option B: South Korea

Option C: Taiwan

Option D: Hungary

Correct Answer: Hungary

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Option A: developing

Option B: global South

Option C: majority world

Option D: second World

Correct Answer: second World

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Option A: agrarian society

Option B: ancient society

Option C: industrial society

Option D: pastoral society

Correct Answer: industrial society

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Option A: Ulrich Beck

Option B: Kenichi Ohmae

Option C: Roland Robertson

Option D: Judith Butler

Correct Answer: Roland Robertson

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Option A: regionalization is occurring not globalization

Option B: economic globalization is occurring not political globalization

Option C: trading blocs are effective not a global economy

Option D: national governments are most significant not international institutions

Correct Answer: economic globalization is occurring not political globalization

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Option A: Marxism

Option B: interaction ism

Option C: Functionalism

Option D: Post structuralism

Correct Answer: Marxism

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Option A: developing countries

Option B: peripheral countries

Option C: globalizing countries

Option D: newly industrializing countries

Correct Answer: newly industrializing countries

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Option A: 771 million to 7.1 billion

Option B: 1.65 billion to 7.1 billion

Option C: 771 million to 8.2 billion

Option D: 1.65 million to 8.2 billion

Correct Answer: 771 million to 7.1 billion

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Option A: deceleration

Option B: diversification

Option C: globalization

Option D: feminization

Correct Answer: deceleration

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Option A: India

Option B: Pakistan

Option C: Bangladeshi

Option D: Chinese

Correct Answer: Bangladeshi

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Option A: assimilation

Option B: melting pot

Option C: cultural pluralism

Option D: multiculturalism

Correct Answer: assimilation

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Option A: 40%

Option B: 305

Option C: 20%

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: 305

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Option A: 120th

Option B: 138th

Option C: 110th

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: 138th

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Option A: political oppression

Option B: employment opportunities

Option C: food shortages

Option D: population pressures

Correct Answer: employment opportunities

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Option A: movement from Britain to commonwealth countries

Option B: movement from former colonies to European countries

Option C: movement from European countries to Africa

Option D: movement between European countries

Correct Answer: movement between European countries

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Option A: ethnic cleansing

Option B: institutional racism

Option C: genocide

Option D: scapegoating

Correct Answer: genocide

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Option A: assimilation all racial boundaries were dissolved by the ethnic melting pot

Option B: multiculturalism all ethnic identities were celebrated equally

Option C: most ethnic groups were integrated into mainstream society, but the black population remained in the city’s ghettos

Option D: racism the white host population were hostile and prejudiced towards migrants

Correct Answer: most ethnic groups were integrated into mainstream society, but the black population remained in the city’s ghettos

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Option A: Industry

Option B: Agriculture

Option C: manufacturing

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Agriculture

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Option A: 40 million today

Option B: 57 million

Option C: 60 million

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: 57 million

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Option A: Bangladesh

Option B: India

Option C: Sri Lanka

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: None of these

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Option A: 10%

Option B: 5%

Option C: 8%

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: 5%

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Option A: 10%

Option B: 16%

Option C: 20%

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: 16%

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Option A: 1.8%

Option B: 2%

Option C: 1.5%

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: 1.8%

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Option A: 63% and 34%

Option B: 34%and 63%

Option C: 50,505

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: 63% and 34%

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Option A: 40%

Option B: 50%

Option C: 60%

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: 50%

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Option A: the way in which products are made in a factory

Option B: the average measure of productivity under capitalism

Option C: the organization of a society’s technical and human resources

Option D: an integral part of the superstructure of a society

Correct Answer: the organization of a society’s technical and human resources

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Option A: its theories are logical explicit and supported by empirical evidence

Option B: sociologists collect data in a relatively objective and systematic way

Option C: ideas and research findings are scrutinized by other sociologists

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: quite opposing to each other

Option B: complementary each other

Option C: basically, the analysis of society from different angles

Option D: B and C

Correct Answer: B and C

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Option A: Religion is a driving force in society

Option B: Class conflict and class exploitation is prime force history

Option C: Equilibrium drives the society

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Class conflict and class exploitation is prime force history

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Option A: None functional

Option B: Functional

Option C: Ineffective

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Ineffective

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Option A: Talcott Parsons

Option B: Kingsley Davis

Option C: Robert Merton

Option D: All of above

Correct Answer: All of above

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Option A: People interact mainly through symbols

Option B: People perceive the world mostly subjectively

Option C: All reality is not subjective

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Spencer

Option B: G.H Meads and C.H Cooley

Option C: Marx

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: G.H Meads and C.H Cooley

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Option A: Patterns of Change and development

Option B: Causes of social change

Option C: None of these

Option D: both of these

Correct Answer: Patterns of Change and development

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Option A: Conflict Perspective

Option B: The Functionalist Perspective

Option C: The Evolutionary Perspective

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: The Evolutionary Perspective

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Option A: sociology should follow scientific method

Option B: Sociology should be on personal theories

Option C: Sociology is not a science

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: sociology should follow scientific method

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Option A: Social Evolution

Option B: Social Cohesion

Option C: Social Solidarity

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Social Evolution

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Option A: Sociology should be based on speculation

Option B: On systematic observation and classification

Option C: On authority

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: On systematic observation and classification

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Option A: Karl Marx

Option B: Max Weber

Option C: August Comte

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: August Comte

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Option A: Accuracy

Option B: Precision and objectivity

Option C: Systematic and recorded

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: ways of acting thinking and feeling that are collective and social in origin

Option B: the way scientists construct knowledge in a social context

Option C: data collected about social phenomena that are proven to be correct

Option D: ideas and theories that have no basis in the external physical world

Correct Answer: ways of acting thinking and feeling that are collective and social in origin

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Option A: a theory that emphasizes the positive aspects of society

Option B: the precise scientific study of observable phenomena

Option C: a theory that posits difficult s and sets out to answer them

Option D: an unscientific set of laws about social progress

Correct Answer: the precise scientific study of observable phenomena

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Option A: it focuses on the researchers own experiences

Option B: it makes little distinction between the way the world is and the way it ought to be

Option C: its knowledge is accumulated from many different research contexts

Option D: it is subjective and biased

Correct Answer: its knowledge is accumulated from many different research contexts

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Option A: Meads

Option B: C.Wright Mills

Option C: Lewis Coser

Option D: B & C

Correct Answer: B & C

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Option A: C.H Cooley

Option B: G.H Meads

Option C: Karl Marx

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Karl Marx

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Option A: A society is an organized network

Option B: All groups operate in a fairly orderly manner

Option C: There are set of rules and values shared by all

Option D: All of above

Correct Answer: All of above

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Option A: Evolutionary Perspective

Option B: Conflict Perspective

Option C: Functionalist Perspective

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Functionalist Perspective

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Option A: Erving Goffman

Option B: Herbert Blumer

Option C: Both a & b

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Both a & b

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Option A: Society

Option B: State

Option C: People and their interactions

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: People and their interactions

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Option A: Comte and Spencer

Option B: Marx and Weber

Option C: All of above

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Comte and Spencer

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Option A: A working set of assumptions

Option B: an approach

Option C: both a & b

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: both a & b

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Option A: 1878

Option B: 1797

Option C: 1897

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: 1897

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Option A: August Comte

Option B: Herbert Spencer

Option C: Max Weber

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Herbert Spencer

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Option A: 1938

Option B: 1838

Option C: 1883

Option D: All of above

Correct Answer: 1838

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Option A: observation solution theory

Option B: Problem observation hypothesis data experiment conclusion

Option C: Problem hypothesis observation conclusion

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Problem observation hypothesis data experiment conclusion

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Option A: Mere observation

Option B: Individual experiences

Option C: Verifiable evidence

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Verifiable evidence

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Option A: Greenpeace

Option B: International Telegraph Union

Option C: Amnesty International

Option D: The Red Cross

Correct Answer: International Telegraph Union

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Option A: citizens lose faith in existing systems of governance

Option B: globalization needs to happen much more quickly

Option C: individual countries no longer control their own economies

Option D: regional institutions are becoming as powerful as nation-states

Correct Answer: globalization needs to happen much more quickly

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Option A: own meanings and values

Option B: family and kin relationships

Option C: artistic and literary production

Option D: religious and spiritual beliefs

Correct Answer: own meanings and values

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Option A: 28

Option B: 45

Option C: 63

Option D: 81

Correct Answer: 81

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Option A: totalitarian regimes are incompatible with the requirements of advanced industrial technology

Option B: democratic governments serve the interests of a ruling elite

Option C: advanced industrial technology strengthens the power of totalitarian regimes

Option D: communist societies disperse power between various political parties

Correct Answer: totalitarian regimes are incompatible with the requirements of advanced industrial technology

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Option A: vastness

Option B: anonymity

Option C: responsibility

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: None of these

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Option A: theory must be augmented by straightforward plausible methods

Option B: we can find true objective knowledge of the world through our senses

Option C: knowledge is produced in everyday practical situations

Option D: the best social theory was developed in Prague

Correct Answer: knowledge is produced in everyday practical situations

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Option A: Means of production are owned by the community

Option B: by the capitalist

Option C: by the representatives of proletariat

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Means of production are owned by the community

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Option A: charisma

Option B: magnetism

Option C: equilibrium

Option D: status quo

Correct Answer: equilibrium

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Option A: Religion

Option B: Sense of Community

Option C: both a & b

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: both a & b

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