
Sociology MCQs

Option A: open mobility

Option B: lateral mobility

Option C: intragenerational mobility

Option D: intergenerational mobility

Correct Answer: intragenerational mobility

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Option A: intersectionality

Option B: ascription

Option C: mobility

Option D: meritocracy

Correct Answer: intersectionality

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Option A: Max Weber

Option B: Erik Olin-Wright

Option C: John Goldthorpe

Option D: Karl Marx

Correct Answer: Karl Marx

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Option A: slavery

Option B: Social class

Option C: caste

Option D: estates

Correct Answer: slavery

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Option A: the dedication necessary to get ahead in life

Option B: class consciousness

Option C: capitalist enthusiasm

Option D: false consciousness

Correct Answer: false consciousness

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Option A: are not equally pleasant

Option B: are equally important

Option C: offer individuals varying degrees of personal growth

Option D: are usually not defined

Correct Answer: are not equally pleasant

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Option A: horizontal mobility

Option B: transgenerational mobility

Option C: vertical mobility

Option D: geographic mobility

Correct Answer: vertical mobility

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Option A: the poor simply do not want the same things that other members of society want

Option B: the poor have had their access to achievement blocked by the social order

Option C: the theory is too cultural and fails to take into account psychological implications

Option D: not enough research has been done to come to any meaningful conclusion

Correct Answer: the poor have had their access to achievement blocked by the social order

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Option A: the magnitude and manner of consumption of goods and services.

Option B: the likelihood that individuals and groups will enjoy desired goods and services experiences and opportunities for living long and healthy lives

Option C: the respect admiration and recognition associated with a social status

Option D: the view that the poor possess self- perpetuating lifeways

Correct Answer: the likelihood that individuals and groups will enjoy desired goods and services experiences and opportunities for living long and healthy lives

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Option A: the combined approach

Option B: the reputational method

Option C: the self-placement method

Option D: the objective method

Correct Answer: the objective method

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Option A: wealth that which people own (have)

Option B: job security

Option C: both a and b

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: wealth that which people own (have)

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Option A: objectified system

Option B: social differentiation

Option C: open system

Option D: closed system

Correct Answer: closed system

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Option A: probability sampling design

Option B: non-probability sampling design

Option C: multi-stage sample design

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: probability sampling design

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Option A: new racism

Option B: cultural racism

Option C: ethnocentrism

Option D: institutional racism

Correct Answer: institutional racism

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Option A: has some sense of collective or group solidarity?

Option B: numerically small compared to the main social group

Option C: identifiably different from others in a society

Option D: holds views contrary to the social norm

Correct Answer: has some sense of collective or group solidarity?

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Option A: operational research

Option B: modus operandum

Option C: operationalization

Option D: operant conditioning

Correct Answer: operational research

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Option A: their holders do not believe in the notion of class

Option B: they share features of the positions above and below them

Option C: there is disagreement about how to interpret them

Option D: they are impossible for sociologists to measure and classify

Correct Answer: they are impossible for sociologists to measure and classify

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Option A: emotional labor

Option B: symbolic interactionism

Option C: social action

Option D: symbiosis

Correct Answer: symbolic interactionism

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Option A: Talcott Parsons

Option B: Ralf Dahrendorf

Option C: Emile Durkheim

Option D: Robert Merton

Correct Answer: Ralf Dahrendorf

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Option A: the mode of production

Option B: the motor of history

Option C: the history of class struggle

Option D: the spirit of capitalism

Correct Answer: the spirit of capitalism

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Option A: a class in itself

Option B: a-class by itself

Option C: a class for itself

Option D: a ruling class

Correct Answer: a class for itself

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Option A: the content of the media is determined by market forces

Option B: the subordinate classes are dominated by the ideology of the ruling class

Option C: the media manipulate the masses as vulnerable passive consumers

Option D: audiences make selective interpretations of media messages

Correct Answer: the media manipulate the masses as vulnerable passive consumers

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Option A: the exploitation of the working class by their capitalist employers

Option B: a social groups consciousness of their status and life chances

Option C: a person’s position in the capital product and labor markets based on their economic resources

Option D: the lifestyle of a social class as defined by patterns of consumption

Correct Answer: a person’s position in the capital product and labor markets based on their economic resources

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Option A: Participated in the same leisure pursuits and events of the social calendar

Option B: emulated the lifestyle and cultural values of the traditional aristocracy

Option C: owned companies and financial assets that generated wealth through corporations

Option D: had direct personal ownerships of land and businesses as physical assets

Correct Answer: owned companies and financial assets that generated wealth through corporations

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Option A: social stratification

Option B: social control

Option C: social conflict

Option D: social solidarity

Correct Answer: social stratification

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Option A: social Class

Option B: Social status

Option C: Caste system

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: social Class

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Option A: Max Weber

Option B: Talcott Parsons

Option C: Karl Marx

Option D: Margaret Mead

Correct Answer: Karl Marx

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Option A: In the same class

Option B: among the children of different classes

Option C: between lower and middle classes

Option D: both a and c

Correct Answer: both a and c

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Option A: Birth

Option B: Money

Option C: Education and occupation

Option D: All of above

Correct Answer: All of above

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Option A: Social class

Option B: clan or tribe

Option C: Community

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Social class

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Option A: class

Option B: groups

Option C: Rock layers

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Rock layers

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Option A: countermovement

Option B: social amelioration

Option C: counter modernization

Option D: countenance

Correct Answer: countermovement

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Option A: McDonaldization

Option B: post-modernization

Option C: the service industry

Option D: the culture of commerce

Correct Answer: McDonaldization

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Option A: Functional theory

Option B: interactionist theory

Option C: Conflict theory

Option D: Cyclical theory

Correct Answer: interactionist theory

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Option A: Bureaucratization

Option B: Decline

Option C: Coalescence

Option D: Incipience

Correct Answer: Incipience

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Option A: Globalization

Option B: Political Process

Option C: Postmodernism

Option D: Linear Evolutionary

Correct Answer: Political Process

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Option A: Social movements

Option B: Developments

Option C: Conventions

Option D: Hysterias

Correct Answer: Social movements

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Option A: legendary tales

Option B: urban legends

Option C: sports legends

Option D: schoolyard tales

Correct Answer: urban legends

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Option A: metaphor

Option B: contagion

Option C: convention

Option D: rumor

Correct Answer: rumor

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Option A: clear

Option B: explicit

Option C: encouraged

Option D: vague

Correct Answer: vague

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Option A: contagion

Option B: convention

Option C: group thinks

Option D: expressiveness

Correct Answer: contagion

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Option A: The United States is being restructured from an agrarian to an industrial society

Option B: Modern societies are increasingly shifting from a national to a global economy

Option C: High tech industries are becoming energy-and materials-intensive

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: Modern societies are increasingly shifting from a national to a global economy

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Option A: imitation suggestibility and circular reaction

Option B: precipitating factors structural strain and structural conduciveness

Option C: norms of the status quo emergent norms and new norms

Option D: fashions fads and crazes

Correct Answer: imitation suggestibility and circular reaction

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Option A: the resource mobilization approach

Option B: the deprivation approaches

Option C: the capitalist collapse approach

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: the deprivation approaches

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Option A: presents three preconditions for collective behavior

Option B: states that each determinant expands the range of potential final outcomes

Option C: is of little use in understanding the complexity of collective behavior.

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: none of the above

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Option A: involves contained anxiety

Option B: is usually associated with some mysterious force

Option C: never involves physical symptoms

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: is usually associated with some mysterious force

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Option A: Rumors are effective ways to disseminate reliable information

Option B: Rumors are easy to verify

Option C: Rumors are transmitted from person to person in a relatively rapid fashion

Option D: Rumors typically arise when people trust official sources of information

Correct Answer: Rumors are transmitted from person to person in a relatively rapid fashion

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Option A: Development

Option B: Evolution

Option C: Modernization

Option D: Social change

Correct Answer: Modernization

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Option A: classes

Option B: ethnic groups

Option C: nations

Option D: religions

Correct Answer: classes

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Option A: refers to new forms of social disintegration

Option B: is the adjustment gap between material and nonmaterial culture?

Option C: occurs when the dominant group forces change upon the subordinate group which lags behind

Option D: is society’s way of avoiding the social problems that ensue from social change

Correct Answer: is the adjustment gap between material and nonmaterial culture?

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Option A: Lenski argues that evolution depends largely on changes in a society’s level of technology and made of economic production

Option B: Social Darwinists like Spencer see evolution as inevitably leading to the downfall of society

Option C: Contemporary approaches take a unilinear view of evolution and assume all change equals progress

Option D: Parsons suggested that societies tend become simpler over time

Correct Answer: Lenski argues that evolution depends largely on changes in a society’s level of technology and made of economic production

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Option A: cultural lag

Option B: diffusion

Option C: social change

Option D: modernization

Correct Answer: social change

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Option A: Social values

Option B: Real traits

Option C: Picture of himself

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Social values

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Option A: efficiency calculability affordability consistent decor

Option B: efficiency calculability uniformity automation

Option C: efficiency dehumanization automation high calories

Option D: efficiency Big Mac large fries’ milkshake

Correct Answer: efficiency calculability uniformity automation

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Option A: a generally ascetic frugal lifestyle that can be taken to extremes

Option B: traditional images of women as emotional domesticated and unassertive

Option C: the social construction of mental illness through which normal patterns of behaviour are pathologized

Option D: the new ideal of independent self-assured femininity combined with cultural values of achievement and control

Correct Answer: the new ideal of independent self-assured femininity combined with cultural values of achievement and control

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Option A: William F. Ogburn

Option B: Talcott Parsons

Option C: Auguste Comte

Option D: Thorstein Veblen

Correct Answer: Thorstein Veblen

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Option A: functionalist perspective

Option B: conflict perspective

Option C: interactionist perspective

Option D: each of the above

Correct Answer: functionalist perspective

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Option A: Japan

Option B: Great Britain

Option C: the United States

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: Great Britain

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Option A: Change

Option B: no change

Option C: neutrality

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Change

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Option A: cultural Exchange

Option B: Diffusion

Option C: Imperialism

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Diffusion

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Option A: Intercultural harmony

Option B: Cultural contacts

Option C: diffusion

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: diffusion

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Option A: Invention

Option B: discovery

Option C: Social Change

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Invention

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Option A: Function

Option B: Constant

Option C: Change

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Constant

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Option A: progress

Option B: it’s won destruction

Option C: next stage

Option D: both b and c

Correct Answer: both b and c

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Option A: Four stages of social change

Option B: Two stages

Option C: Three stages

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Three stages

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Option A: Individual changes

Option B: Social Change

Option C: Cultural Change

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Social Change

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Option A: Social Change

Option B: Cultural Change

Option C: Structural Change

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Cultural Change

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Option A: necessary and functional

Option B: slow and adaptive

Option C: responsive but counterproductive

Option D: humanistic and rational

Correct Answer: slow and adaptive

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Option A: repression

Option B: anomie

Option C: success

Option D: relative depression

Correct Answer: repression

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Option A: A welfare states

Option B: Democracy

Option C: State capitalism

Option D: Neo-democracy

Correct Answer: State capitalism

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Option A: hysteria

Option B: countenance

Option C: modernity

Option D: a cultural hangover

Correct Answer: modernity

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Option A: immanence

Option B: anomie

Option C: hysteria

Option D: goal displacement

Correct Answer: goal displacement

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Option A: Reactionary

Option B: Redundant

Option C: Reformist

Option D: Radical

Correct Answer: Revolutionary

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Option A: Contagion

Option B: Conflict

Option C: Resource Development

Option D: Frame Alignment

Correct Answer: Resource Development

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Option A: fad

Option B: craze

Option C: interest

Option D: fashion

Correct Answer: craze

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Option A: family

Option B: personal affairs

Option C: crimes

Option D: military record

Correct Answer: personal affairs

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Option A: craze

Option B: group

Option C: contagion

Option D: collectivity

Correct Answer: collectivity

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Option A: Contagion

Option B: Convergence

Option C: Emergence

Option D: Structural

Correct Answer: Convergence

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Option A: Reformist movements

Option B: Social changes

Option C: Collective behaviors

Option D: Modernization movements

Correct Answer: Social movements

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Option A: involve the gradual evolution of existing state and class structures into new social arrangements

Option B: are most likely to occur when political

Option C: appear to follow no “natural history”

Option D: often begin with intellectuals withdrawing their support of the existing regime

Correct Answer: often begin with intellectuals withdrawing their support of the existing regime

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Option A: social movements appear only in times of controlled slow social change

Option B: social movements occur inside the institutional framework of everyday life

Option C: people intervene in the process of social change

Option D: people do not readily undertake joint activity

Correct Answer: people intervene in the process of social change

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Option A: growth of a generalized belief

Option B: precipitating factors

Option C: structural conduciveness

Option D: structural strain

Correct Answer: structural conduciveness

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Option A: deindividualization

Option B: invulnerability

Option C: suggestibility

Option D: transformation

Correct Answer: transformation

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Option A: Fashions are norms fads are not

Option B: Fashions are long-lived fads are short-lived

Option C: Fashions enjoy widespread acceptance within society fads enjoy acceptance only among a segment of the population

Option D: Fashions include crazes fads do not Mass hysteria

Correct Answer: Fashions enjoy widespread acceptance within society fads enjoy acceptance only among a segment of the population

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Option A: literacy education and communication

Option B: a centrally dominated social order

Option C: extreme social inequalities

Option D: homogenous social groups and organizations

Correct Answer: literacy education and communication

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Option A: a restriction in the amount of information available to the general public

Option B: a plateauing of the amount of automation the workplace

Option C: a centralized accumulation of power in the hands of those who have access to computers

Option D: an increased involvement in society by people with disabilities

Correct Answer: a centralized accumulation of power in the hands of those who have access to computers

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Option A: try to predict the course of a civilization or society

Option B: focus on analyzing a single society at a time

Option C: believe that cultures pass through stages of growth quite different from the ones individuals pass through

Option D: postulate that each culture possesses a life span of approximately 200 years

Correct Answer: try to predict the course of a civilization or society

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Option A: clashes over resources and values

Option B: diffusion

Option C: the mass media

Option D: innovation

Correct Answer: innovation

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Option A: Planning

Option B: Diffusion

Option C: Social struggle

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Diffusion

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Option A: efficiency calculability affordability consistent decor

Option B: efficiency calculability uniformity automation

Option C: efficiency dehumanization automation high calories

Option D: efficiency Big Mac large fries’ milkshake

Correct Answer: efficiency calculability uniformity automation

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Option A: alienation

Option B: amorality

Option C: anomie

Option D: ascription

Correct Answer: anomie

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Option A: social solidarity and cohesion

Option B: the interpretive understanding of action

Option C: women’s experiences and gendered knowledge

Option D: power domination and conflict

Correct Answer: power domination and conflict

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Option A: Karl Marx

Option B: Talcott Parsons

Option C: Emile Durkheim

Option D: each of above

Correct Answer: Karl Marx

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Option A: Albert Einstein

Option B: Charles Darwin

Option C: Harriet Martineau

Option D: Benjamin Franklin

Correct Answer: Charles Darwin

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Option A: Automobile

Option B: Radio

Option C: both a and b

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: both a and b

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Option A: Priceless

Option B: Costly

Option C: Ineffective

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Costly

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Option A: one

Option B: two

Option C: three

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: two

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Option A: material invention

Option B: Social Invention

Option C: both of these

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Social Invention

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Option A: Guided by supernatural wisdom

Option B: Stage of disbelief

Option C: Stage of scientific progress

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Guided by supernatural wisdom

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Option A: Oswald Spengler

Option B: Arnold Toynbee

Option C: Pitirim Sorokin

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Pitirim Sorokin

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