
Political And Economic Power MCQs

Option A: the end of history

Option B: the rise of neoliberalism

Option C: the fall of communism

Option D: the birth of nationalism

Correct Answer: the end of history

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Option A: the ability to influence decisions in a conflict situation

Option B: the ability to manipulate others desires

Option C: the ability to control the issues discussed

Option D: the ability to appeal to legal-rational authority

Correct Answer: the ability to manipulate others desires

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Option A: new social movement theory

Option B: collective behavior theory

Option C: social strain theory

Option D: resource mobilization theory

Correct Answer: resource mobilization theory

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Option A: electoral fraud

Option B: the expanding number of small political parties

Option C: the decline in voter turnout

Option D: security problems with-e-voting

Correct Answer: the decline in voter turnout

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Option A: United States of America

Option B: the European Union

Option C: the United Nations

Option D: the International Criminal Court

Correct Answer: United States of America

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Option A: Steven Lukes

Option B: Max Weber

Option C: Michel Foucault

Option D: Jean Baudrillard

Correct Answer: Max Weber

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Option A: capitalist nations fully agree on the merits of capitalism practiced by all developed nations

Option B: Russia Eastern Europe Latin America and Asia have fully accepted and are practicing the style of capitalism practiced in the United States

Option C: in dynamic Asian nations (e.g. Japan Singapore Hong Kong South Korea and Taiwan) government intervention in economic life has resulted in a “government-business symbiosis ” different from that in Europe and the United States

Option D: the performance of the Asian economy and financial institutions in late 1997 and early 1998 strongly supports the “government-business /state capitalism/communal capitalism economic arrangement

Correct Answer: C. in dynamic Asian nations (e.g. Japan Singapore Hong Kong South Korea and Taiwan) government intervention in economic life has resulted in a “government-business symbiosis ” different from that in Europe and the United States

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Option A: Market economies rely on free markets whereas command economies rely on consumer sovereignty

Option B: Market economies rely on cooperation whereas command economies rely on conflict

Option C: Market economies rely on privately held property whereas command economies rely on publicly-held property

Option D: Market and command economies do not differ substantially, but their political institutions do

Correct Answer: Market economies rely on privately held property whereas command economies rely on publicly-held property

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Option A: are organizations designed to gain control of the government but not necessarily by putting their own people in office

Option B: tend to be pulled to the “right”

Option C: must appeal to a broad base of the electorate in order to win

Option D: tend to be barriers between citizens and the government

Correct Answer: must appeal to a broad base of the electorate in order to win

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Option A: is the authoritative formulation of policies that are binding and pervasive throughout the society?

Option B: is a state in which the government is concerned with satisfying the needs of the total person?

Option C: is a state in which the government seeks to control all subordinate governmental units all institutions and even personal associations and individual families

Option D: can incorporate only in a socialist society

Correct Answer: is a state in which the government seeks to control all subordinate governmental units all institutions and even personal associations and individual families

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Option A: charismatic

Option B: legal-rational

Option C: state

Option D: traditional

Correct Answer: legal-rational

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Option A: Force is very efficient but also very costly

Option B: Honor is denied to those who rule by force alone

Option C: The elite’s ideals are fulfilled but tainted by use of force

Option D: Force is the most effective means for political rule

Correct Answer: Honor is denied to those who rule by force alone

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Option A: lobbying campaign financing and corruption

Option B: socialization outside the capitalist class to enforce discriminatory norms

Option C: class warfare economic cycles and intercorporate conflict

Option D: corporate corruption through interlocking directorates

Correct Answer: lobbying campaign financing and corruption

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Option A: The state has existed throughout human history

Option B: The existence of the state requires that some people are able to devote time and energy to organizing power resources

Option C: External factors such as threats and trading partners played no part in the rise of the state

Option D: The production of a social surplus hindered the rise of the state

Correct Answer: The existence of the state requires that some people are able to devote time and energy to organizing power resources

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Option A: the strengthening of civil society

Option B: retrenchment in welfare spending

Option C: the maintenance of a mixed economy

Option D: environmentally sustainable economic growth

Correct Answer: retrenchment in welfare spending

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Option A: where those elected simply represent the views of the electors

Option B: which ensures political equality and protects liberty

Option C: where decisions are taken by people elected by the community as a whole

Option D: where decisions are made communally by those affected by them

Correct Answer: where decisions are taken by people elected by the community as a whole

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Option A: resource mobilization theory

Option B: labor movement

Option C: environmental movement

Option D: anti-nuclear movement

Correct Answer: labor movement

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Option A: Adolf Hitler

Option B: Winston Churchill

Option C: Charles De Gaulle

Option D: Harry S Truman

Correct Answer: Winston Churchill

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Option A: about half

Option B: one fifth

Option C: one third

Option D: one tenth

Correct Answer: one third

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Option A: 1989

Option B: 1998

Option C: 2001

Option D: 1991

Correct Answer: 1991

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Option A: maintain strong national identities in spite of operating abroad

Option B: may need to avoid alienating non-American workers and customers

Option C: provide preferential treatment for American employees

Option D: play an increasingly important role in the structuring of the division of labor in the world economy

Correct Answer: play an increasingly important role in the structuring of the division of labor in the world economy

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Option A: behaviorist

Option B: egalitarian populist

Option C: residua list

Option D: social insurance

Correct Answer: residua list

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Option A: determining what goods and services to produce

Option B: determining how to employ limited resources

Option C: determining how much each individual should be paid

Option D: determining for whom goods and services should be produced

Correct Answer: determining how much each individual should be paid

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Option A: the powers of government derive from the consent of the governed

Option B: the procedures for changing government officials may change with each administration

Option C: the people govern directly

Option D: the government tolerates little opposition

Correct Answer: the powers of government derive from the consent of the governed

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Option A: Democracy

Option B: Power

Option C: Government

Option D: Totalitarianism

Correct Answer: Government

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Option A: characteristic

Option B: charismatic

Option C: legal-rational

Option D: traditional

Correct Answer: traditional

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Option A: instrumental conflict theorists

Option B: reactionary conflict theorists

Option C: structural conflict theorists

Option D: dysfunctional conflict theorists

Correct Answer: structural conflict theorists

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Option A: enforcement of norms planning and direction arbitration of conflicting interests and protection against other societies

Option B: oppression of minorities enforcement of norms planning and direction protection against enemies within society

Option C: enforcement of norms planning and direction protection against other societies protection against enemies within society

Option D: arbitration of conflicting interests maintaining social contracts distributing goods and services protection against internal threats

Correct Answer: enforcement of norms planning and direction arbitration of conflicting interests and protection against other societies

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Option A: charismatic authority

Option B: traditional authority

Option C: authority

Option D: force

Correct Answer: force

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