
Population Growth MCQs

Option A: High birth rate and low death rate in its first phase

Option B: High death rate and low birth rate in its first phase

Option C: High birth rate and high death rate in its first phase

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: High birth rate and high death rate in its first phase

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Option A: apartheid

Option B: ethnic cleansing

Option C: multiculturalism

Option D: assimilation

Correct Answer: apartheid

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Option A: Malthusianism

Option B: demography

Option C: forecasting

Option D: official statistics

Correct Answer: demography

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Option A: risen from 56 to 67 years

Option B: fallen from 50 to 47 years

Option C: risen from 50 to 61 years

Option D: fallen from 54 to 50 years

Correct Answer: risen from 50 to 61 years

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Option A: wanting to meet face-to-face whenever possible

Option B: seeking experience of intimacy on the Internet

Option C: traveling to see foreign locations for holidays

Option D: creating feelings of security in on-line settings

Correct Answer: wanting to meet face-to-face whenever possible

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Option A: a reduction in population size caused by a higher rate of emigration than immigration

Option B: a change in the principal causes of death and disease since industrialization

Option C: increased birth and death rates resulting in a relatively young population

Option D: a decline in the birth rate greater life expectancy and an ageing population

Correct Answer: a decline in the birth rate greater life expectancy and an ageing population

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Option A: China

Option B: Bangladesh

Option C: Iran

Option D: Tunisia

Correct Answer: China

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Option A: overall birth-rate will increase significantly in the early part of the new century

Option B: life expectancy at birth will shortly increase to nearly 100 years of age

Option C: immigration rate is expected to remain high

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: the United States

Option B: Mozambique

Option C: Canada

Option D: Sweden

Correct Answer: Sweden

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Option A: use artificial means of birth control

Option B: postpone marriage

Option C: pass legislation prohibiting families from having more than one child

Option D: do all of the above

Correct Answer: postpone marriage

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Option A: deindustrialization

Option B: downsizing

Option C: post industrialization

Option D: “banana time”

Correct Answer: deindustrialization

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Option A: educate and use this resource

Option B: Send educated abroad

Option C: both a and b

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: both a and b

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Option A: 2003 census

Option B: 2004 census

Option C: 2005 census

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: 2004 census

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Option A: Its population exceeds set limit

Option B: Its resources fail to cope with its requirement

Option C: None of these

Option D: Both of these

Correct Answer: Its resources fail to cope with its requirement

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Option A: unemployment

Option B: Inflation

Option C: Poverty

Option D: All of the above

Correct Answer: All of the above

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Option A: Available acreage

Option B: Improved technology

Option C: Motivation to achieve

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Improved technology

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Option A: 35 years

Option B: 75 years

Option C: 100 years

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: 35 years

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Option A: it distinguishes between biological and social factors

Option B: it denotes something fixed and unchanging

Option C: it is a social category which has real effects on people lives

Option D: it enables comparisons between groups in different countries

Correct Answer: it is a social category which has real effects on people lives

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Option A: an increase in the birth rate

Option B: an increase in the death rate

Option C: an exponential growth in population

Option D: a change in the ratio of births to deaths

Correct Answer: a change in the ratio of births to deaths

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Option A: fertility

Option B: fecundity

Option C: femininity

Option D: facticity

Correct Answer: fecundity

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Option A: 46

Option B: 54

Option C: 71

Option D: 80

Correct Answer: 71

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Option A: acute infectious diseases such as typhus measles and cholera

Option B: respiratory diseases such as pneumonia and asthma

Option C: chronic degenerative diseases such as cancer heart disease and strokes

Option D: too diverse to put into one category

Correct Answer: chronic degenerative diseases such as cancer heart disease and strokes

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Option A: increases in the age of marriage and the age at which childbearing begins

Option B: there being fewer women of childbearing age than there were in the first half of the century

Option C: errors in the measurement of birth rates and production of statistics

Option D: the risk diseases caused by poverty poor housing and bad sanitation

Correct Answer: increases in the age of marriage and the age at which childbearing begins

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Option A: pretransition stage

Option B: transition stage

Option C: post transition stage initiation stage

Option D: initiation stage

Correct Answer: pretransition stage

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Option A: high birth-rates and death rates

Option B: high birth-rates and low death rates

Option C: low birth-rates and high death rates

Option D: low birth-rates and low death rates

Correct Answer: low birth-rates and low death rates

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Option A: Japan

Option B: United States

Option C: Gambia

Option D: unknown

Correct Answer: Japan

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Option A: 75

Option B: 14

Option C: 19

Option D: 28

Correct Answer: 75

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Option A: women

Option B: racial minorities

Option C: ethnic minorities

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: all of the above

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Option A: coping illiteracy

Option B: Eradicating poverty

Option C: Controlling Population

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Controlling Population

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Option A: 33

Option B: 40

Option C: 25

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: 33

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Option A: Low cast labor

Option B: Work force

Option C: technological advancement

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Low cast labor

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Option A: community

Option B: Society

Option C: Population

Option D: None of these

Correct Answer: Population

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