
Poverty,social,exclusion And Welfare MCQs

Option A: T.H Huxley

Option B: A.H Halsey

Option C: T.H Marshall

Option D: E.H Carr

Correct Answer: T.H Marshall

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Option A: Whites

Option B: Indians

Option C: Black Caribbean’s

Option D: Bangladeshis

Correct Answer: Bangladeshis

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Option A: the mean is distorted by a few people at the very top of the distribution

Option B: they lead more people to be defined as in poverty

Option C: the median is a more accurate measurement of earnings than the mean

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: the mean is distorted by a few people at the very top of the distribution

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Option A: Bangladesh

Option B: Mozambique

Option C: China

Option D: Pakistan

Correct Answer: China

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Option A: civil rights political citizenship social citizenship environmental citizenship

Option B: social citizenship political citizenship environmental citizenship civil rights

Option C: political citizenship social citizenship environmental citizenship civil rights

Option D: civil rights environmental citizenship social citizenship political citizenship

Correct Answer: civil rights political citizenship social citizenship environmental citizenship

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Option A: the personal experience of poverty is not the concern of sociologists

Option B: there is an arbitrary nature to how items are selected for a deprivation index

Option C: it may be choice not poverty that means some people do not qualify for some of the items on a deprivation index

Option D: the subjective nature of such indices means it is difficult to make comparisons between different studies and time periods

Correct Answer: the personal experience of poverty is not the concern of sociologists

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Option A: social democratic socialist communist

Option B: social democratic corporatist liberal

Option C: social democratic Christian-democratic nationalist

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: social democratic corporatist liberal

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Option A: tax avoidance

Option B: gated communities

Option C: homelessness

Option D: none of these

Correct Answer: none of these

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Option A: to be killed in road accident

Option B: to have a diet consisting primarily of vegetables

Option C: to live in male-headed households

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: to be killed in road accident

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Option A: it concentrates too much on kinship ties

Option B: the government should be raising benefit levels

Option C: in modern affluent societies no one is truly poor

Option D: it is wrong to make comparisons between countries

Correct Answer: in modern affluent societies no one is truly poor

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Option A: primary/secondary

Option B: weak/strong

Option C: general/specific

Option D: old/new

Correct Answer: weak/strong

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Option A: stayed the same around 1.5 billion people

Option B: rose from 1.5 billion people to 3 billion

Option C: fell form 1.5 billion people to 1 billion

Option D: rose from 1.5 billion people to 2.5 billion

Correct Answer: fell form 1.5 billion people to 1 billion

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