
Religion Education And Health MCQs

Option A: denomination

Option B: ecclesia

Option C: cult

Option D: sect

Correct Answer: ecclesia

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Option A: functionalist perspective

Option B: conflict perspective

Option C: interactionist perspective

Option D: each of the above

Correct Answer: conflict perspective

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Option A: functionalist perspective

Option B: conflict perspective

Option C: interactionist perspective

Option D: each of the above

Correct Answer: functionalist perspective

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Option A: embrace conventional cultural values but offer new means of achieving them

Option B: react against the loss of any meaningful religious content in the teachings of churches

Option C: adopt an attitude of mild disapproval towards mainstream social values

Option D: reject both the goals and means of conventional society and provide utopian alternatives

Correct Answer: react against the loss of any meaningful religious content in the teachings of churches

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Option A: beliefs that can be challenged by members a charismatic leader and openness to new recruits

Option B: tolerance towards other religions and the separation of church and state

Option C: voluntary membership democratic leadership and high levels of emotional commitment

Option D: the idea of the secular world itself as being sacred

Correct Answer: voluntary membership democratic leadership and high levels of emotional commitment

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Option A: disappointment and disproportion

Option B: disbelief and disintegration

Option C: disengagement and disenchantment

Option D: distribution and distillation

Correct Answer: disengagement and disenchantment

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Option A: effervescent ceremonies that create a feeling o belonging

Option B: images of gods or totems that are widely recognized

Option C: shared ideas and moral values often symbolized by an object or figurehead

Option D: ideological tools used to obscure class divisions

Correct Answer: shared ideas and moral values often symbolized by an object or figurehead

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Option A: Classical rules that govern marketplace exchanges have been applied to the health care industry for decades

Option B: Labor costs have risen sharply

Option C: The continual upgrading in the scope and intensity of medical services is costly

Option D: The concept of “health” has been expanded to include mental and psychological difficulties and “condition” such as infertility

Correct Answer: Classical rules that govern marketplace exchanges have been applied to the health care industry for decades

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Option A: exist where children fail to learn because teachers cannot teach.

Option B: are unlikely to exist when teachers’ assessments of students are grounded by the stereotype’s teachers hold of various classes and racial groups

Option C: may result in student alienation and failure

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: may result in student alienation and failure

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Option A: completing socialization

Option B: social integration

Option C: research and development

Option D: procreation

Correct Answer: procreation

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Option A: Insight

Option B: Education

Option C: Learning

Option D: Manipulated cognition

Correct Answer: Manipulated cognition

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Option A: states that sacred considerations gain ascendancy over secular considerations

Option B: considerations trends toward modernization

Option C: is assumed to accompany the transformation of human societies from simple to complex forms

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: states that sacred considerations gain ascendancy over secular considerations

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Option A: is prevalent in industrial societies

Option B: entails the notion of mana

Option C: is centered upon the belief in powerful gods interested in human affairs

Option D: is illustrated by Buddhism

Correct Answer: entails the notion of mana

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Option A: constructed reality

Option B: latent function

Option C: manifest function

Option D: entrenched function

Correct Answer: manifest function

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Option A: cults of the capital

Option B: capital culture

Option C: cultural capital

Option D: culpable capture

Correct Answer: cultural capital

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Option A: cultural reproduction

Option B: passive consumption

Option C: conceptual abstraction

Option D: formal communication

Correct Answer: cultural reproduction

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Option A: curiosity

Option B: passivity

Option C: conformity

Option D: hierarchy

Correct Answer: curiosity

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Option A: Central Asia

Option B: North America and Western Europe

Option C: Latin America and the Caribbean

Option D: Arab States

Correct Answer: Central Asia

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Option A: comprehensive

Option B: meritocratic

Option C: selective

Option D: elitist

Correct Answer: meritocratic

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Option A: skill

Option B: talent

Option C: capacity

Option D: ability

Correct Answer: ability

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Option A: head teachers often encourage working class children to be ambitious

Option B: the structures of school life correspond to the structures of working life

Option C: education is a great divider not a leveler

Option D: schools provide the right kind of future workers for capitalist employers

Correct Answer: head teachers often encourage working class children to be ambitious

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Option A: religious economy

Option B: religious culture

Option C: religious ritual

Option D: religious polity

Correct Answer: religious economy

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Option A: Finland

Option B: Greece

Option C: Ireland

Option D: Spain

Correct Answer: Greece

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Option A: world-affirming

Option B: world-rejecting

Option C: world-enhancing

Option D: world-accommodating

Correct Answer: world-affirming

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Option A: church

Option B: denomination

Option C: sect

Option D: cult

Correct Answer: cult

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Option A: Buddhism

Option B: Confucianism

Option C: Hinduism

Option D: Taoism

Correct Answer: Hinduism

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Option A: the profound

Option B: the profuse

Option C: the profitable

Option D: the profane

Correct Answer: the profane

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Option A: Giles Kepel

Option B: Amartya Sen

Option C: Samuel Huntington

Option D: Michel Maffesoli

Correct Answer: Samuel Huntington

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Option A: an evangelical strand of Christianity

Option B: a non-established church

Option C: a variety of new religious movements

Option D: late and very rapid industrialization

Correct Answer: late and very rapid industrialization

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Option A: religious pluralism with many gods

Option B: believing without belonging

Option C: secularization against religion

Option D: belonging without believing

Correct Answer: believing without belonging

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Option A: Christianity,s influence in the West

Option B: the influence of the world religions on social development

Option C: how salvation beliefs have shaped the modern world economy

Option D: the impact of capitalism on the world religions

Correct Answer: the influence of the world religions on social development

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Option A: Max Weber

Option B: Emile Durkheim

Option C: Vilfredo Pareto

Option D: Karl Marx

Correct Answer: Karl Marx

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Option A: functionalist perspective

Option B: conflict perspective

Option C: interactionist perspective

Option D: anomie theory

Correct Answer: interactionist perspective

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Option A: bestowing status

Option B: transmitting knowledge

Option C: promoting social and political change

Option D: all of the above

Correct Answer: transmitting knowledge

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Option A: manifest

Option B: latent

Option C: positive

Option D: negative

Correct Answer: manifest

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Option A: macro-level analysis

Option B: macro-level analysis

Option C: resurgent fundamentalism

Option D: the interactionist approach to religion

Correct Answer: macro-level analysis

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Option A: Max Weber

Option B: Emile Durkheim

Option C: Karl Marx

Option D: Talcott Parsons

Correct Answer: Emile Durkheim

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Option A: the increasing bureaucracy of the state has made religion only a marginal part of our lives

Option B: despite the weakening of traditional authority our everyday lives and common sense remain shaped by religious beliefs and values

Option C: religious participation in collective worship may have declined but people still practise their faiths in private

Option D: people are much more likely to discuss their religious beliefs in public informal settings

Correct Answer: despite the weakening of traditional authority our everyday lives and common sense remain shaped by religious beliefs and values

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Option A: a religious organization that claims total spiritual authority over its members

Option B: a church organized around voluntary rather than compulsory membership

Option C: a sect or cult with a very small following

Option D: a hierarchy of priests or other spiritual leaders

Correct Answer: a religious organization that claims total spiritual authority over its members

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Option A: the movement towards religious pluralism

Option B: inspirational Protestant groups who revived religious ideas

Option C: new religious movements who rejected traditional forms of labor

Option D: Calvinists who engaged in ascetic practices to gain signs of salvation

Correct Answer: Calvinists who engaged in ascetic practices to gain signs of salvation

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Option A: view “sickness” as a condition to which we attach socially devised meanings

Option B: are not interested in how the medical profession defines certain conditions as diseases

Option C: refer to the rising geriatric prisoner population in need of medical treatment as the “medicalization of deviance

Option D: none of the above

Correct Answer: A. view “sickness” as a condition to which we attach socially devised meanings

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Option A: is rooted in a tradition of equality

Option B: is based on the physician ability to reduce the “competence gap” between the physician and patient

Option C: may be evolving into a new type of relationship based on consumerism

Option D: is governed by the patient who manages the direction of the discussion

Correct Answer: may be evolving into a new type of relationship based on consumerism

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Option A: the correspondence principle

Option B: credentialism

Option C: the hidden curriculum

Option D: structural dyspepsia

Correct Answer: the correspondence principle

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Option A: foster the expectation that order will prevail in the classroom

Option B: leave discipline up to the individual teacher

Option C: emphasize the “whole student” over academic concerns

Option D: foster an atmosphere in which students are carefully monitored to ensure that they meet their obligations

Correct Answer: foster the expectation that order will prevail in the classroom

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Option A: a vehicle by which we reveal to one another that we share a common mental state

Option B: a vehicle through which we create a shared consciousness that contributes to social bonding

Option C: creating a pool of individuals with the attitudes and values necessary to function as entrepreneurs

Option D: producing another-worldly focus that diverts the oppressed from seeking social change in this world

Correct Answer: creating a pool of individuals with the attitudes and values necessary to function as entrepreneurs

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Option A: a cult

Option B: a sect

Option C: a church

Option D: a denomination

Correct Answer: a cult

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Option A: animism

Option B: religion

Option C: socialization

Option D: totemism

Correct Answer: religion

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Option A: schools prepare children for work by teaching them to be obedient

Option B: teachers and parents tend to have similar attitudes to learning

Option C: children who write lots of letters develop a better grasp of language

Option D: boys and girls educational achievements have recently become similar

Correct Answer: schools prepare children for work by teaching them to be obedient

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Option A: this pattern of speech made them the target of bullying

Option B: they referred to explicit context independent meanings

Option C: they prevented children from communicating outside of their peer groups

Option D: they involved short simple sentences with a small vocabulary

Correct Answer: they involved short simple sentences with a small vocabulary

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Option A: reading

Option B: numeracy

Option C: emotion

Option D: speech

Correct Answer: speech

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Option A: teenagers

Option B: travelles

Option C: workers

Option D: pensioners

Correct Answer: pensioners

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Option A: anomie

Option B: privatization

Option C: institutional racism

Option D: ethnocentrism

Correct Answer: privatization

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Option A: lifelong learning

Option B: extended education

Option C: e-learning

Option D: de-schooling

Correct Answer: lifelong learning

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Option A: an objectified state

Option B: an institutionalized form

Option C: a symbolic form

Option D: an embodied state

Correct Answer: a symbolic form

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Option A: the process of delivering relevant skills and knowledge

Option B: a knowledge and understanding of society’s high culture

Option C: a social institution promoting the acquisition of skills and knowledge

Option D: the skills and knowledge required for employment in a relevant field

Correct Answer: a social institution promoting the acquisition of skills and knowledge

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Option A: traditional practices and modes of life have been revived but combined with concerns that relate specifically to modern times

Option B: a growing belief in literal interpretations of sacred texts

Option C: a uniquely political phenomenon associated with introducing Islamic principles into laws and government

Option D: traditional practices and modes of life have been revived without any reference to recent historical events involving external non-Islam countries

Correct Answer: traditional practices and modes of life have been revived but combined with concerns that relate specifically to modern times

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Option A: secularization

Option B: evangelicalism

Option C: fundamentalism

Option D: alienation

Correct Answer: secularization

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Option A: traditional authority

Option B: rational argument

Option C: personal qualities

Option D: collective wealth

Correct Answer: personal qualities

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Option A: Judaism

Option B: Islam

Option C: Hinduism

Option D: Christianity

Correct Answer: Islam

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Option A: social inequality

Option B: social change

Option C: social solidarity

Option D: social conflict

Correct Answer: social change

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Option A: alienation

Option B: anomie

Option C: authority

Option D: animism

Correct Answer: alienation

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Option A: strict or literal adherence to basic religious principles and beliefs

Option B: acceptance and use of violent means to transform secular societies

Option C: commitment to the fundamental beliefs of charismatic leaders

Option D: religious beliefs associated with new age sects

Correct Answer: strict or literal adherence to basic religious principles and beliefs

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Option A: Judaism

Option B: Buddhism

Option C: Islam

Option D: Hinduism

Correct Answer: Islam

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Option A: Islam

Option B: Confucianism

Option C: Buddhism

Option D: Hinduism

Correct Answer: Hinduism

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Option A: collective consciousness

Option B: collective interaction

Option C: collective effervescence

Option D: class consciousness

Correct Answer: collective effervescence

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Option A: religion is a form of culture

Option B: religion involves belief in God

Option C: religion provides a sense of purpose

Option D: religion involves beliefs and ritual practices

Correct Answer: religion involves belief in God

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